Imágenes de páginas

Dickens, Chas. (See also the "Dickens Reader.") On Administra-
tive Reform. Ox., S., 307.

On Mechanics' Institutes. Ox., S., 250.

Speech of Buzfuz. But. (N.), 10. Law., 73. McG., 122.
Dimitry, Alex. Art and its Influence. Jam., 85.

Dimitry, John. Joan of Arc. Jam., 289.

Disraeli, Benj. Jerusalem by Moonlight. Dav., 279.
Storm, The. McG., VI., 65.

Doane, G. W.

Dobbin, J. C.

E Pluribus Unum. But. (N.), 241.

North Carolina and the Union. Har., 84.

Douglas, Stephen. No Alliances with Kings. Ox., S., 91.
Douglass, A. C. Our English Language. Prather.
Dow, J. Improvement. Nor., 224.

Duponceau. The Pilgrims. Bron., E., 312.

Durant, H. F. Freedom and Equality. Nor., 176.
Religion the Basis of Government. Nor., 164.

Eberhardt, J. G. Dante. Prather.

Eddy, D. C. True Manliness. Nor., 220.
Edwards, Rich. All Value centres in Mind.
Universal Education. Gr., 171.

Eels, Sam'l.

Egbert, T. E.

Eliot, C. W.

Gr., 175.

The Teacher the Hope of America. Kidd, 310.
The Heart the Source of Power. Prather.
Schools and Colleges of our Country. Dav., 106.

Emerson, R. W. (See also his essays.)

Character. Bro., 143.

Pretension. Br., A., 281.

Emmett, Rob't. Vindication.

Bron., E., 306. Cath., Y., 29.

Law., 125. Ful., 293. Good., 194. McG., 335. Zach., 90.

England, Bishop. Duelling. But. (N.), 217.

Enos, E. A. American Saxon, The. Br., A., 16.
Boy in Blue and the Continental. Br., A., 188.
Erskine, Lord. See collected speeches.

Conquered Nations must

be governed by Force. But. (N.), 272.
Paine's Age of Reason. Br., A., 157.
Restriction of the Press. But. (N.), 270.
Dav., 93.

Evarts, W. M. Centennial of '76.
Everett, Edw. See collected speeches.

Bron., E., 273. Zach., 63.

Adams and Jefferson.

African Colonization. But. (N.), 211. Hun., 75.

America's Experiment in Self-Government. Dav., 145. McG.,

American Mechanics. But. (N.), 290.

Benefits of Good Government. But. (N.), 273.

Everett, Edw. (continued).

California Gold and Indian Corn. But. (N.), 322.

Commerce. Nor., 208.

Copernicus. Good., 232.

Discovery of America. But. (N.), 79.

Duties of Americans. But. (N.), 91.

Effects of Peace on America. But. (N.), 80.
Exemplars of Patriotism. Br., A., 42.

Extension of the Republic. But. (N.), 354.

Farmer, The. But. (N.), 191.

Feeling and Action. Nor., 146.

Female Education. Hill, 235.

Fiftieth Anniversary of Independence. Anon. (A.), 451.
Galileo. But. (N.), 345. Cam., 127.

Imperishability of Great Examples. But. (N.), 264.

La Fayette. Cum., 259. Ful., 283.
Language. But. (N.), 342.

Mayflower, The. But. (N.), 103.
Men who never die. But. (N.), 345.
Morning. Cum., S., 103.
National Banner.

Nor., 186. Zach., 65.

Mc., 268.

Dav., 295.

Good., 57.

But. (N.), 323.

Kidd, 230. Law., 305.

National Recollections. Leff., 304.

Obligations of America to England. Hill., 39.

Phi Beta Kappa Oration. Anon. (A.), 409.

Pilgrims, The. Dav., Reader, 83. McG., 310. Ox., S.,

Power of a Free People. McG., 52.

Progress of America. But. (N.), 110.

Schools, Our Common.

Speech of an Indian.


Spirit of '75. Hun., 41.

Stars and Stripes.

Ox., S., 408.

[ocr errors]

But. (N.), 258. Cath., Y., 42. Nor.,

Cath., Y., 36.

Vindication of America. Gr., 94.

Washington's Greatness. Br., J., 68. Cum., 256. McG., 436.

[blocks in formation]

Webster's Last Hours. Hill., 345.

Farrar, F. R. Rip Van Winkle. Jam., 311.

The Old Field School. Jam., 342.

Fawcett: see collected speeches.

Felton. Intellectual Influence of Greece. Hill., 263.
Fenelon. Ancient Orators Compared. Ox., S., 347.
Fergus. The Way to be Happy. Bron., E., 278.
Finger, S. M. Ambition, True and False. Har., 172.

Finley, J. H. John Brown. Prather.

Fiske, Jno. Insular Strength of England. Br., A., 150.
Flagg, Edm. Scotland. Dav., 245.

Fordyce, James. Elocution of the Pulpit. Gr., 115.

Foster, G. T. British Rule in India.

[blocks in formation]


Fox, C. J. See collected speeches. In Defence of the French Rev-

olution. Ox., S., 116.

Partition of Poland. Bro., 358. McG., 112.

Political Pause, A. McG., VI., 103.

Results of the American War. Ox., S., 272.

Washington. McG., 205.

Francis. Nature and God. Cur., 232.

Franklin, Benj. Federal Constitution, The. Ox., S., 198.

Fire Worshipper, The. Bro., 150.

Frothingham, O. B. Potency of Spiritual Force. Br., A., 66.
Froude, J. A. Captivations of the Irish. Hud., 425.

Coronation of Anne Boleyn. Dav., 10. Hud., 200.
Practical Knowledge for Boys. Br., J., 148.

Gallagher, W. D. Manifest Destiny. But. (N.), 176.
The West. But. (N.), 174.

Galt. Speech of Ringan Gilhaise. Hill., 382.
Garfield, J. A. See collected speeches.
dence. Br., J., 145.

Declaration of Indepen-

Inspiration of Sacrifice. Dav., 14.
Irrepressible Conflict, The. Br., A., 89.

Lincoln and his Cabinet. Br., A., 206.

Memorial Day. Dav., 301.

Gaston. Loan Bill. Anon. (A.), 277.

Party Spirit and Disunion. But. (N.), 227. Zach., 67.

Gaston, Wm. Integrity. Har., 4.

George, Henry. Selfishness not the Master Motive. Br., A., 56.
Slavery. Br., A., 235.

George, M. W. Bible in Art, The. Br., A., 97.

Bible in Music, The. Br., A., 159.

Gerard. Our Public Schools. Cath., Y., 14.

Gibbon, Edw. Mahomet. But., 290.

Gilpin. Treaty of Shackamaxon. Hun., 84.

Girardeau, J. L. Carolina Dead from Gettysburg.

Jam., 358.

Gladstone, W. E. See collected speeches. England's Treatment

of Ireland. Br., A., 271.

Eulogy on Bright. Dav., 81.

Home Rule. Br., A., 142.

Gladstone, W. E. (continued).

Roman Principles not Safe for Modern Nations. Br., A., 243.
Scholar, The. Dav., 310.

Webster defending his Alma Mater. Law.,

Goodrich, C. A.

Gordon, J. B.

[blocks in formation]

Gough, J. B. Drunkards not all Brutes. Gr., 107.

Pilot, The. Cum., S., 32. Gr., 182.

Rapids, The. But. (N.), 191. Cum., S., 139.

Water. But. (N.), 327.

What is a Minority?

Grady, Henry. The Home.

Grant, U. S. To the Army.

Br., J., 54.

Dav., 84.

Sw., 41.


Grattan. See collected speeches. Character of Chatham. Hill., 103.
Declaration of Right. But. (N.), 268. Nor., 281.

Ireland, Plea for. McG., 406. Zach., 43.

[blocks in formation]

Graydon, T. W. The Two Races in Ireland.


Greeley, Horace. True Reformers. Br., A., 74. Cath. Y., 25.

Greenwood. Eternity of God. Hill., 139.

Gregory, J. M. Home Influences in War Times. Gr., 153.

Grier, W. M. Difficulties Essential to a Complete Education.

Jam., 279.

Nor., 148.

McG., VI., 145.

McG., 366.

Griffin. The Calumniator. But. (N.), 264.
Grimke. American Literature. McG., 376.
Beauties of Sacred Literature.
La Fayette and Robert Raikes.
Our Country. Cath., Y., 28.
War. McG., 243. Zach., 54.

Grimm, H. Two Cities. Dav., 7.

Grissom, E.

Grote, Geo.

The Mysterious Border Land. Har., 192.

Death of Socrates.

Hud., 332.

Guthrie, Thomas. Cities. Ca., 62.

Haddock: see collected speeches.

Hadley, Jas. Absolutism and Republicanism. Ox., S., 70.

Ancient and Modern Oratory. Ox., S., 75.
Hall, Rob't. Dignity of Labor. Cath., Y., 48. Ox., S., 30.
Farewell to Departing Volunteers. Kidd., 320.

Hall, Rob't. (continued).

Miseries of War. Hill., 113.

Reading. Bron., E., 291.

Thoughts from a Great Library. Ox., S., 396.

Vanity. Hud., 192.

Halsey. The Bible and Woman. But. (N.), 192.

Hamilton, A. J. State of the Union in '61. Jam., 89.

Hamilton, Alex.

Hamilton, Gail.

The United States and the States. Ox., S., 124.
Character. Br., J., 82.

Hamilton, Jas. Power of the Gospel. Br., A., 71.
Hammond, J. H. Calhoun. Jam., 185.

Trial of Dunbar. Ca., 73.

Hampton, Wade.
Hanchett, F. G.
Hancock, Jno.

Harney, W. W.

Memorial Address. Jam., 220.
Old and New Civilizations, The. Prather.
The Boston Massacre. But. (N.), 185.

Sinking of the Milwaukee. Jam., 191.

Harper's Magazine. American Civilization. But. (N.), 277.
North and South. But. (N.), 274.

Priesthood of Woman. (But. (N.), 284.

Harrell, W. B. North Carolina. Har., 21.

Harris, J. M.
Harris, L. C.
Harrison, Benj.

Idea of Confederacy Delusive. Jam., 99.
Poe. Prather.

See collected speeches. Our Country. Dav., 55.

Harrison, Wm. Henry. Kosciusko. Bron., E., 298.

Washington. Bron., E., 289, 376. Bro., 217.

Hawes. Formation of Character. Nor., 159.

Hawthorne, Nath. Cromwell and Charles I. Br., J., 103.
Winter in New England. Hud., 295.

Hayne, R. Y. See collected speeches. Ennobling Recollections of
the Revolution. Br., A., 254.

South Carolina. Cum., 236.

VI., 178. Zach., 83.

Jam., 264, 155. McG., 72. McG.,

South in the Revolution, The. But., 201. But. (N.), 227. Hun.,
68. Kidd, 278. Law., 166. Ox., S., 192.

South in War of 1812. Ox., S., 325.

Haynes, L. C. East Tennessee. Jam., 30.

Head, F. H. The Legacy of Rome. Br., A., 112.

Head, Lee. Repeal of the Tennessee Dog Law. Jam., 18.

Headley, J. T. Bell of Liberty, The.

Good., 68.

Death of Cromwell. Good., 410.

Deluge, The. Good., 247.

Br., J., 79. Bro., 235.

Last Charge of Ney. But., 334. Ca., 41.

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