Imágenes de páginas
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Power of the Orator. But. (N)., 268.

Press On. Bron., E., 246.

Progress of Government. Bron., E., 290.
Prospects of the Cherokees. McG., VI., 100.
Public Schools the Life of the Nation. Sw., 124.
Quack, The. McG., 403.

Recitations Instead of Theatres. Bron., E., 254.
Remembrance of the Good. McG., 263.

Resurrection. Bron. E., 294.

Scotland. McG., 414.

Sea Serpent, The. But. (N.), 26.

[blocks in formation]

Spirit of Freedom. Cath., Y., 37.

Spirit of Peace. McG., 482.

Story and Speech of Logan, The. Nor., 217.

Stowaway, The. Cum., S., 39.

Stream of Life, The. Bron., E., 296.

Temperance Drink, The. Gr., 95.

Thrilling Incident. Gr., 305,

Touching Relic of Pompeii. Kidd, 178.

Trenton's Cheer to the Calliope, The. Dav., 251.

True Honor of a Nation. McG., 53.

Unexpected Son, The. Cum., S., 266.

Valedictory. Cath., Y., 13, 26.

Voyage of Life. But. (N.), 211.

War. Good., 382, 417.

War and the Christian.

McG., 246.

Webster's First Plea. Kidd, 152.

What has America Done? McG., 259.

Woman. Bron., E., 295.

Arlington. Prisoner's Defence, The. Nor., 184.

Arrington, A. W. Water. Bro., 151.

Athenæum (The London). Peace and War. Hill., 1.

Atlas (The London). Tact and Talent. Bro., 203.

Atterbury, Francis. Appeal to House of Lords. Hud., 179.

Avery, W. W.

State Pride. Har., 106.

Bachman, N. L. F. Prentiss's First Plea.

Br., A., 126.

Bagby, G. W. How to make a True Virginian. Jam., 119.
Baker, E. D. Freedom. Sw., 40.

How to Crush the Rebellion. Sw., 67.
Liberty and Slavery. Sw., 57.

Our Country. Sw., 22.

Progress of Freedom. Sw., 96.

We Must Fight. Sw., 75.

Bancroft, E. A. Loneliness of Genius, The. Prather.

Bancroft, Geo. Abraham Lincoln.

Boston Massacre. Good., 358.

Bunker Hill. Hill., 173.

Cherokees, The. Good., 518.

God in History. Sw., 111.

Sw., 31.

Growth of American Republic. Sw., 78.

Jackson. But. (N.), 317.

Nullification. But. (N.), 229.

Palmerston and Lincoln. Sw., 107.

Revolutionary Alarm. Br., A., 283. But., 156. Dav., 181.

Gr., 120. Hun., 89.

Washington. Hud., 46.

Mahometism and its Enemies. Prather.

Barber, J. A.

Barbour, B. J. Clay and Calhoun.

Barnes, S. G. Plagiarism. Prather.

Jam., 368.

Barbour, James. Slaves of Madison at his Grave.

Jam., 53.

Barré, Col. America's Obligations to England. Hun., 29. McG.,


Barrow, Isaac. Charity. Hud., 255.

Bascom, H. B. The Cross.

But. (N.), 88. McG., 150.

Gr., 292.

Bateman, Newman. Address to Graduates.

Education and Patriotism. Gr., 166.

Moral Rectitude. Sw., 173.

Submission to Law. Gr., 155.

Battle, K. P. Burning of Capitol at Raleigh. Jam., 270.

Bayard, J. A.

Judiciary Act. Anon. (A.), 132.

Bayne, Peter. Napoleon in Italy. Br., A., 279.

Napoleon's Russian Campaign. Br., A., 259.

Beaconsfield: see Disraeli.

Beecher, H. W. American Flag. Cath., 79.

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Beecher, H. W. (continued).

Cynic, The. De., 77.

Death of Lincoln. Law., 145.

Demagogue, The. Kidd., 181.
England Against War. Gr., 97.

Fatal Effects of Slavery. Br., A., 35.
Gambling. But. (N.), 228.

Honored Dead, The. Sw., 77.

Invisible Heroes. Dav., 243.

Loss of the Arctic. Bro., 270. Hun., 92.
Memory of our Fathers. McG. VI., 265.
Pen and Tongue. Bro., 179.

Purity of Character. Cath., Y., 49.
Stratford on Avon. Bron., M., 235.
Unprincipled Politician. Nor., 205.
Warwick Castle. Bron., M., 233.

Beecher, Lyman. (For some speeches, probably, see under Beecher,
H. W.)

Intemperance. But. (N.), 188. Br., A., 240. McG., 141.
National Morality. But. (N.), 307. McG., 146. Zach., 79.
Warning to the Young. But. (N.), 182.

Beecher, T K. Brother Anderson's Sermon. Cum., S., 24.
Compulsory Education. Ox., S., 34.

Bellows, H. W. Stability of American Democracy. Br., A.,


Belsham Death of Chatham. Hill., 101.

Beltzhoover, F. E. Spirit of Inquiry. Br., A., 28.

Bender, V. E. Schiller and Germany. Prather.

Benton, Thos. H. The Expunging Resolutions. Jam., 331.
Berkeley, Geo. Against Inordinate Speculation.

Thoughts in Westminster School. Hud., 7.

Ox., S., 160.

Beveridge, A. J. Conflict of Labor and Capital. Prather.

Bible. (See list of appropriate readings in Fulton and Trueblood's

Choice Readings.)

Bingham. The Constitution. Cath., Y., 55.

Blaine, J. G. Garfield. Bro., 307. Dav., 187.

[blocks in formation]

Balance of Happiness. Bron., E., 239.
Blaisdell, J. A. Riot and Revolution. Prather.
Bledsoe, A. T.
Blount, W. H.

The Sun's Rays. Jam., 195.

A Glorious Day. Har., 144.

Blunt, N. B. Washington's Birthday. But. (N.), 169.

Booth, Newton. Love of Country. Sw., 189.

Bossuet. Eulogium on St. Paul. Ful., 236.

Boutwell, Geo. See collected speeches. The Workingman. Cath.,

Y., 23.

Branch, O. E. Decoration Day. Br., A., 92, 178.

Earnestness. Br., J., 35.

Good Character. Br., A., 164.

Grant. Br., A., 201, 219.

Breckenridge, J. C. Removal of United States Senate to its New
Hall. Jam., 114.

Breckenridge, R. J. Kentucky. Jam., 170.

Breckenridge, W. C. P. Good Faith of the South. Jam., 20.
Old Dominion, The. Jam., 203.

Bright, John. See collected speeches. Appeal to the People.
Dav., 19.

England's Foreign Policy. Br., A., 50.
Moral Law for Nations. Br., A., 223.

Strength of the American Government. Law., 275.
Sympathy with the Northern States.

Ca., 43.

Brooks, Edw. New Year's Address. Bro., 295.

Brooks, N. C. Bible and the Classics.

Jam., 346.

Brooks, Phillips. Charm of Incompleteness. Br., A., 196.

Heroic Bravery. Br., A., 172.

Brougham. English Slavery. Ox., S., 297.

Master and Conqueror. Cath., Y., 6.

Reform Bill. Ox., S., 352.

Schoolmaster Abroad. But. (N.), 222. Bro., 214. Ox., 416.

Brown, F. B. The Psalms. Br., J., 83.
Brown, H. A. Last Struggle for Liberty.
Brown, T. C. Second War with England.
Browning, Rob't. Hervé Riel. Kidd, 407.

Br., A., 191.

Ox., S., 226.

Cam., 61.

Ride from Ghent to Aix. McG., 355.
Brownson. Free Speech and Liberty.
Brum, J. D. Address to White League.
Bryan, G. M. Babe of the Alamo, The.
Unity of Texas. Jam., 287.

Bryan, G. S. Burns. Jam., 153.

Jam., 138.

Jam., 41.

Bryan, J. H. Enduring Possessions. Har., 150.

Bryan, J. P. K. Marion. Jam., 75.

Progress in Physical Science. Jam., 240.

Bryant: see collected speeches and poems.

Buckminster. Faith to the Afflicted. But. (N.), 19.

Bullock, W. F. Common Schools. But. (N.), 69.

Bulwer: see Lytton.

Burke, Edm. See collected speeches. Against Arbitrary Rule.

Kidd, R., 248..

American Revolution. Sar., 197.

Arraignment of Ministers. Ful., 318.

British Rule in India. Hud., 307.

Death of his Son. Hud., 177.

Faithful Public Course, A. Ca., 53.

Fox. Hud., 388.

Freedom the Cure of Anarchy. Br., A., 115.

[blocks in formation]

Magnanimity in Politics. Ox., S., 135.

Ministerial Perversity. Hud., 384.

Parliament and the People. Hud., 386.

Probert in Wales. Br., A., 117.

Queen of France. Cath., Y., 4. Dav., 249. Bro., 253.

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Bron., E., 373. Lef., 247. McG., 425.

Wisdom Dearly Purchased.

Hud., 310.

[blocks in formation]

Burlingam, A. The Backwoodsman. But. (N.), 12.

Burnet, D. G. Eulogy of Wharton.

Jam., 318.

Burritt, E. Death of Lincoln. Cath., Y., 27.

Busbee, C. M. Benefits of the
Bushnell. International Law.

Loyalty. Sw., 89.

Public School Education.
Death of Clay.

Civil War. Har., 190.

Good, 513.

Sw., 123.

Butler, C. M.

But. (N.), 60.

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