Imágenes de páginas

75, The Normans in Europe.

76. The Anomaly of Classic Culture.

77. The Remnant in History.

78. Extermination of Congressional Debate by the Committee


79. America, the Apostle of Peace.

80. The Mission of Research.





In the marking, it has not been thought best to distinguish the downward inflection started high (§ 75) from the same started low, but to leave each to individual discretion. As a rule, however, all italicized words should receive the former.

211. Assertive, Positive Style; mainly Downward Inflections. Predominating Terminal stress (§ 101); but on vehement passages, Initial (§ 100), and sometimes, on very emphatic syllables, not followed by others in the same word, Compound (see § 45: b, c; § 103: a). Quality, orotund, occasionally aspirate and guttural.

1. REPLY TO MR. FLOOD, 1783.- Henry Grattan.

It is not the slander of an evil tongue that can defàme me. No man, who has not a bád | character, | can ever say that I deceived. No country can call me a cheat. But I will suppòse such a public character. I will suppose such a màn | to have | existence. I will begin with his character in his political | crádle, and I will follow him to the last stage of political | dissolution. I will suppóse him,

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in the first stage of his life, to have been intèmperate; in the second,

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to have been corrupt; and in the last, seditious;—that, after an

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envenomed attack on the persons and measures of a succession of

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víceroys, and after much | declamation against their illegalities and w tr R C to waist and w to 1fRO their profúsion, he took office, and became a supporter | of Gov

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ernment, when the profusion of ministers had greatly increased, and

1 S RO

their crimes multiplied beyond example.

With regard to the liberties of América, which were insépar

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able | from ours, I will suppose this gentleman to have been an

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