Imágenes de páginas

dollars. Where the work is not done in whole or in part by the labor Contracts, of patients or the ordinary working force of the asylum, the same shall how approved. be done upon contract or contracts approved by the Comptroller, with Compleproper sureties for the completion of the work, and the purchase of work, materials, within the limits of the appropriation.

tion of

within ap


sane Asy

ing build

For the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane, to be expended under tion. direction of the local board of managers, in addition to the sum of Buffalo Inone hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars appropriated by chap- lum for ter four hundred and sixty of the laws of eighteen hundred and complet eighty-seven, for the erection upon the grounds of the Buffalo State ing at., Asylum for the Insane of "an additional building adjoining the administrative building on the westerly side thereof, and corresponding with the building next adjoining on the easterly side thereof, for the accommodation of one hundred and fifty patients," which sum is hereby reappropriated for the same purpose, the further sum of twenty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-four dollars and seventy-six cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the same purpose; but no part of said sums of money shall be expended, except for procuring plans and specifications, until Conditions the Comptroller shall be satisfied that the work can be completed, in- of paycluding painting, glazing, plumbing and heating and ventilating apparatus, at a cost which shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-four dollars and seventy-six cents.



For the State Reformatory at Elmira, to be expended under the Reformadirection of the managers, to enlarge and furnish the chapel of the Elmira, reformatory, and to supply it with a musical instrument, the sum of for chapel, eight thousand dollars.


nance, ex

For deficiency in appropriations for the State Reformatory at Elmira, Maintefor maintenance and ordinary repairs, and for the purchase of mate- pense of rial, and for the expenses of manufacturing, to the close of the cur- facturing, rent fiscal year, the sum of fifty thousand dollars.




ings, fur

For the House of Refuge for Women, at Hudson, to be expended House of under the direction of the local board of managers, for the erection of Hudson, an additional building for refractory prisoners, for school-rooms, for buildlaundry and sewing-room, in accordance with plans and specifications niture, and estimate prepared by the Commissioner of the New Capitol, the sum etc. of twenty-six thousand dollars; for construction of area walls around administration building and cottages, upon like plans, specifications and estimates, the sum of four thousand dollars; and for purchase of school furniture, books and apparatus, the sum of one thousand dollars.



The balance remaining in the treasury unexpended of the sum of Re-approsixty thousand dollars appropriated in chapter four hundred and sixty for main of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, for the House of tenance, Refuge for Women, at Hudson, "for compensation of officers and employees, for maintenance of the institution, and for transportation of convicts," to the close of the last fiscal year, being the sum of thirty thousand dollars, is hereby reappropriated for like purposes to the close of the current fiscal year.

for insane

For the State Asylum for Insane Criminals, for the purchase of Asylum, farm stock, and implements, for fruit trees, repairs to farm-house, termas fencing, grading, drainage and other farm improvements on the land for farm purchased for the use of the State Asylum for Insane Criminals at ments.


How expended.

Matteawan, the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of State Prisons.



[blocks in formation]

For the maintenance of the State Agency for Discharged Convicts, discharged pursuant to chapter four hundred and twenty-four of the laws of convicts. eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, five thousand dollars; and for the State Agent, for salary, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Farmers' institutes, maintenance of.

For the maintenance of farmers' institutes held by or under the direction of the New York State Agricultural Society, to be paid upon. the order and certificate of the secretary of said society in sums as How pay needed, for which, detailed statements of expenditures by the secretary duly verified by the affidavit of a member of the finance committee of said society, shall be rendered, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.



Bath, im

inents, fur

let by con

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For the trustees of the Soldiers and Sailors' Home, at Bath, for enlargement of dining hall, hospital, new laundry, bath-rooms, lightprove- ing barracks, furniture and fixtures, enlargement of storage for water niture, etc. supply, improvements of the grounds and repairs and betterments, Work to be fifty-five thousand dollars; but no part of this appropriation shall be tract, with expended until a contract shall have been executed, with sufficient appropria- sureties, by the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, after suitable advertisement, for the completion of the work and the purchase of the materials, as contemplated, within the limits of this appropriation. Clinton For iron pipe, hydrants, hose, two stone reservoirs and necessary grading for water supply at Clinton Prison, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and to be certified by the Superintendent of State Prisons.


Prison, for

water supply.




[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

For supplying the Deaf-Mutes' Journal to the indigent deaf and dumb persons in this State, the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars. For securing additional instruction in the several State prisons, one prisons, in- thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of State Prisons.




New York

line, for survey and

For the commissioners appointed under chapter sixty-nine, laws of Jersey and eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, for expenses of surveying and boundary monumenting the boundary line between the States of New York and New Jersey, two thousand dollars; and in addition to the sum already appropriated the further sum of three thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for one-half the cost of erecting a permanent monument or monuments on the State line between New York and New Jersey; and for expenses of the commission one thousand dollars.

[blocks in formation]

For deficiency in appropriations for legislative printing for the State, deficiency for the year ending September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eightynine, the sum of fifty thousand dollars.


Factory inspector,

For the Factory Inspector, for deficiency in appropriation, for for office expressage, postage, printing, office furniture and contingent expenses expenses, authorized by chapter four hundred and nine, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-six, as amended by chapter four hundred and sixty


two, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act to regulate the employment of women and children, and to provide for the appointment of inspectors to enforce the same," for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, the sum of twelve hundred dollars.


For the Attorney-General, for deficiency in appropriations for costs Costs in incurred by the people in the case of the People of the State of New action York against John O'Brien as receiver and others, and for disburse- Johu ments incurred and necessarily to be incurred in other actions in which receiver. the State is a party, the sum of five thousand dollars.



For the Adjutant-General to procure the still missing records of AdjutantNew York volunteers, and to prepare such for publication, and for for mili binding same into books, the sum of ten thousand dollars.

For the Adjutant-General for painting, repairs and betterments the State arsenal at Buffalo, three thousand dollars.


tary records, etc. State arsenal, Buffalo.


For painting and repairs of the State armory at Oswego, and grad- State ing grounds adjacent thereto, six thousand dollars. For painting and repairs of the State armory at Syracuse, five thou- State arsand dollars; and for repair and renewal of walks in the park of said mor armory, fifteen hundred dollars.



For the Adjutant-General, for services and necessary traveling ex- War claims penses in prosecuting the war claims of the State against the United United States under his direction, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as States may be necessary, to be paid upon the approval of the Governor, as prosecutCommander-in-Chief.

expense of



For the Adjutant-General, for repairs and betterments of the armory Armory, at Hoosick Falls, five thousand six hundred and thirty dollars, or so Falls. much thereof as may be necessary.


For the Adjutant-General for deficiency in the appropriation for state repairs to and alterations of the sewerage of the State armory at Sche- Armory, nectady, provided by chapter sixty-nine, laws of eighteen hundred tady. and eighty-eight, and for furnishing the said armory with heating apparatus and for other improvements and repairs of said armory, fifteen hundred dollars.


For the Adjutant-General, for the payment of bills to be approved Armory. by him, for work and materials for fitting up the rooms of the Sixty- 65th Regt., fifth regiment armory at Buffalo, seven hundred and two dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.



court of

For the repairs of arsenals and armories belonging to the State ten Arsenals thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the purchase of a library for the second division of the Court of Library for Appeals, the sum of ten thousand dollars or so much thereof as may appeals, be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the chief judge 2d divis of said division, and the bills for books purchased to be paid by the Comptroller upon the certificate of said judge.



For the Trustees of Public Buildings, located in Albany, for deficiency Publle in appropriation for the care and maintenance of the public buildings buildings, committed to their charge, the sum of eleven thousand dollars.


Albany, maintenance of.

For the Commissioners of the State reservation at Niagara for repairs State of roads, bridges and betterments on the reservation, fifteen thousand reservadollars; and the State Engineer and Surveyor is hereby authorized to Niagara,


for roads, make such surveys and maps, and to set such monuments as may be requested of him by the said commissioners.



Board of arbitratlon, maintenance, etc.

Chief game and fish protector.


board of claims,


butter and

For the Board of Mediation and Arbitration, for deficiency in appropriations for maintenance and expenses for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, the sum of two thousand dollars.

For the Chief game and fish protector, for furniture, books, binding, blanks, printing, postage, stationery and other necessary expenses of his office, five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the Clerk of the Board of Claims, for deficiency in appropriation for salary, from March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine to deficiency October first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, the sum of five hunin salary. dred and forty-two dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the New York State Dairy Commission* for the purpose of employing expert butter and cheese makers whose duty it shall be under his direction, to examine and inspect butter and cheese factories and institutes, the methods employed therein, and attend such agricultural fairs, meetings and conventions, within the State, as shall be designated by the Commissioner, to impart, thereat, information as to the best and most improved methods of making butter and cheese and Compensa- improving the quality thereof, three thousand dollars. The compenfixed. sation of the said experts shall be fixed by the Commissioner as provided by chapter two hundred and ninety-eight, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight.

cheese makers, employ

ment of.

tion, how


Memorial service,

etc., of

For the purchase of three type-writers for Court of Appeals, second division, three hundred dollars.

[blocks in formation]

For the Clerk of the Senate. * * * * * For expenses incurred for the memorial services, and for draping and decorating the desk Hon. H. R. and chair in the Senate of the late Hon. Henry R. Low, the sum of one hundred and twenty-three dollars.


Memorial service, General

[blocks in formation]

For expenses incurred by the joint committee of the Senate and Assembly appointed in pursuance of the concurrent resolution of Sheridan. the Legislature passed January fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eightynine, in their memorial services in commemoration of General Philip H. Sheridan, the sum of six hundred and one dollars and fifty cents.

State engineer, for


ments. State

[blocks in formation]

For the State Engineer and Surveyor, for deficiency in appropriation to defray the expense of resetting and placing monuments on the boundary lines of the State, and for necessary traveling and incidental onary expenses incurred in making examinations and maps required by the department, six thousand five hundred dollars; for clerical assistance in the preparation of plans and specifications and surveying in laying out the Capitol Park, as provided by chapter two hundred and twentypark, plans one of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, the sum of two hundred dollars.


maps, etc.


for laying out.


of, reap

[blocks in formation]

The balance remaining in the treasury of the sum of twenty thouinfectious sand dollars appropriated by chapter two hundred and sixty-eight of diseases the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of chapter one hundred and thirty-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight and of chapter four hundred and eighteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and eightyfour, entitled respectively, "An act in relation to infectious and con

propriation to

carry out act con


*So in the original.

tagious diseases of animals," being the sum of sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars and eighty-five cents, is hereby reappropriated for the same purpose.


For the payment of the widow and heirs-at-law of the late John G. John G Wasson, of interest at six per centum per annum to April first, eigh- heiss of: teen hundred and eighty-nine, upon a certificate filed under chapter eight hundred and thirty, laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, the sum of six hundred dollars.

[blocks in formation]


For compensation of justices of the supreme court, whose terms of certain office are abridged under the provisions of section thirteen, article six Justices of of the Constitution, and who shall have served as such justices for ten court. years, twelve thousand dollars.

For the Superintendent of State Prisons, for deficiency in appro- Superinpriation for necessary clerk hire, messenger, and copying during the State year ending September thirty, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, the prisons. sum of seven hundred dollars.

clerk hire,


tation of

For deficiency in appropriation for expenses of transportation of the Boxes, and session laws, journals and documents of the Legislature, reports, books to and packages by express for the public officers and for the expenses of public boxes therefor, two thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be ments.



tine com

For the board of commissioners of quarantine, for completing a Quarannew tug for the use of the establishment, authorized by chapter two missioners hundred and seventy, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, the for new sum of five thousand dollars.



ments at.

For the board of commissioners created by chapter two hundred Quarantine and seventy, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, for making, ment, imsupervising and directing needed purchases for, and repairs of and proveimprovements at the quarantine establishment of the port of New York, for completing the work therein authorized on Swinburne and Health Hoffman's islands and furnishing the house of the health officer, one house. hundred and forty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.




For the State Experiment Station at Geneva, for reimbursing the State exmaintenance fund for moneys expended in repairing buildings and station, making other necessary improvements sixty-five hundred dollars; for repairs, and for bulletins, services of a herdsman and assistant, poultryman impleand clerical assistant, library, farm and scientific implements, farm ments, etc. improvements, microscopical and clerical division, manure platform, poultry-house division and piggery, the sum of ten thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars.


city, for


For the board of electrical control in and for the city of New York, Board of for services and expenses of the commissioners thereof, from the first control, day of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to hte close of the New York current fiscal year, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars; and for like services services and expenses for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth, and exeighteen hundred and ninety, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and for deficiency in appropria- For detions for like services and expenses to April first, eighteen hundred ficiencies. and eighty-nine, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty-nine cents; which amounts, together with such reasonable Clerks in compensation for services and expenses of clerks in the office of the troller's Comptroller as may be certified by him, not exceeding the sum of two office, for thousand dollars, for the expense of the levy and collection thereof, shall be refunded to the treasury of the State by the several companies how reoperating electrical conductors in said city which are or shall be re- State




funded to

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