For the deputy Superintendent of the Insurance Department, for Deputy. salary, four thousand five hundred dollars. and office expenses. For clerk hire in the office of the Superintendent of the Insurance Clerk hire Department, and for furniture, books, binding, blanks, printing, and expense other necessary expenses of the department, fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. For additional examinations made by direction of the Superintend- Additional ent, and to be used in his discretion, five thousand dollars. examina tions. Geueral The aforesaid salaries, clerk hire and other expenses of the Insurance Expenses Department, and such additional sum as may be certified to the Comp- of Att'ytroller by the Attorney-General as a reasonable compensation for services and expenses of deputies and clerks in his office in proceedings or litigation for or on account of insurance companies or in which Amount, insurance companies were parties, shall be refunded to the treasury of funded to the State by the several insurance companies, associations, persons treasury. and agents to whom chapter three hundred and sixty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine applies. STATE ASSESSORS. how re For the State Assessors, for compensation and traveling expenses, state asnine thousand dollars. COMMISSIONERS OF QUARANTINE. sessors. For the Commissioners of Quarantine, for salaries, seven thousand Commis five hundred dollars. LAND OFFICE. sioners of quaran. tine lands, For assessment and other expenses of the public lands, and for mile- Public age and expenses of the Speaker of the Assembly for attendance, as mileage, Commissioner of the Land Office, two thousand dollars. STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. etc. Entomologist, salary For the State Entomologist, for salary, two thousand dollars. For the official expenses of the State Entomologist, to be paid on and ex the approval of the Trustees of the State Museum, five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. penses. For the Superintendent of Weights and Measures, for salary, three Supt. of hundred dollars. PUBLIC OFFICES. weights and measures. and offices. For postage on official letters, documents and other matter sent by Postage mail by the Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, stationery, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Regents of the University, At- for public torney-General, State Engineer and Surveyor, Adjutant-General, Inspector-General, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, State Board of Charities, and State Board of Health, five thousand eight hundred dollars; and for stationery for the aforesaid offices and departments, six thousand five hundred dollars. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. For the care, cleaning, labor, lights, salary of the Superintendent of SuperinPublic Buildings, services of orderlies and watchmen, and all necessary for sal tendent, aries, cleaning, labor, lighting. etc Orderlies men, expenses of the public buildings in charge of the Trustees of Public Buildings, pursuant to the provisions of chapter three hundred and forty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; provided that the orderlies and watchmen and persons employed in positions which on March first, and watch- eighteen hundred and eighty-six, were designated on the books of the qualifica- Superintendent of Public Buildings as those of orderlies or watch men, who shall receive any portion of said sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for their services, shall be persons who are citizens of the State of New York, and who served in the Union army or navy during the late war, and have been honorably discharged therefrom; and such honorably discharged persons shall not be subject to civil service rules of examination. tious for appoint ment. State library, clerk in, etc. Books Office expenses. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. For the secretary of the Regents of the University, for salary, three thousand five hundred dollars. For the assistant secretary of the Regents of the University, for salary, three thousand dollars. For the Botanist for arranging the herbarium in the Museum of Natural History, one thousand five hundred dollars. For expenses of collecting specimens, two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For expenses of printing, stationery, visitation, examination, attendance of Regents at meetings of the board, for compensation of messengers and for office expenses, including clerical aid, four thousand dollars. For the academical departments of union schools to be apportioned by the Regents of the University as provided by chapter seven hundred and nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, sixty thousand dollars. STATE LIBRARY. For the Trustees of the State Library, for the salary of the clerk in charge of the documents and records transferred to said library by chapter one hundred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the purchase of books and for binding, lettering and marking books for the State Library, fifteen thousand dollars, to be paid to the Trustees, in semi-annual payments, on vouchers to be approved by the Comptroller on the first day of October and April. For repairs, cleaning, transportation of books and other necessary expenses of the State Library, two thousand dollars. Librarians, For the librarian, assistants and janitor of the State Library, for salaries, nine thousand five hundred dollars. etc Directors, and assist STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. For the State Museum of Natural History, for the salaries of the auts. Director and three assistants, and for the increase and preservation of the collection, fifteen thousand dollars. State agricul AGRICULTURE. For the promotion of agriculture in the State, thirty-two thousand dollars; the sum of twelve thousand dollars to be distributed in pre and miums by the State Agricultural Society, and the remaining sum of tural twenty thousand dollars to be so distributed by the State Agricultural society. Society to the agricultural societies in counties and to the American In- County stitute in the city of New York, in the ratio described by chapter one societies hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-one, American and entitled An act to promote agriculture, and by chapter two hun- institute. dred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled "An act to provide for the distribution of the moneys appropriated to promote agriculture and for other purposes." tion, For the necessary expenditures of the Agricultural Experiment Sta- Experition at Geneva, for salaries, labor, repairs, laboratory, farm implements, ment stadairy, expenses of board of control, meteorological instruments and all Geneva other necessary expenses at the station and connected therewith, twenty thousand dollars. commis travelling For the Forest Commission, for the maintenance of its work as author- Forest ized by chapter two hundred and eighty-three of the laws of eighteen sion, hundred and eighty-five, for salaries of warden, assistant warden, secre- salaries, tary, clerk, two inspectors, one of whom shall be a competent surveyor, and office and fifteen forest guards, eighteen thousand five hundred dollars; for expenses, traveling and other necessary expenses of the Commissioners, secretary, warden, assistant warden and inspectors, for printing and office expenses, for fees of attorneys and witnesses and for the prevention of fires Attorneys, eleven thousand five hundred dollars. etc. witnesses, etc The Forest Commissioners shall fix the salaries of the employees salaries, aforesaid, pursuant to said act, but the aggregate of such salaries shall bow fixed. not exceed the sum of eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. DAIRY COMMISSIONER. for salaries and ex For the New York State Dairy Commissioner for salary, and for Dairy comsalaries of the assistant commissioner and clerks, the employment of missioner, experts, chemists, agents and counsel, and for all necessary expenses clerk bire, in prosecuting the business of this department, the sum of eighty-five penses. thousand dollars, of which amount the sum of ten thousand dollars shall be expended, as provided in chapter two hundred and ninetyeight of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, in the employ- Employment of ten expert butter and cheese makers, and for the necessary ex- experts. penses thereof; and of which amount of eighty-five thousand dollars the said Commissioner shall receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars. ment of COMMISSIONER OF THE NEW CAPITOL. For the Commissioner of the New Capitol, for salary, seven thousand Comr. of five hundred dollars. new capi tol. LEGISLATURE. For the compensation and mileage of members and officers of the CompensaLegislature, three hundred and forty thousand dollars. tion and mileage. For advances by the Comptroller to the Clerks of the Senate and Advances Assembly, for contingent expenses, fifteen thousand dollars. to clerks. indexing, For postage, expenses of committees, compensation of witnesses, Manuals, Legislative Manual, Croswell's Manual, Clerk's Manual, indexing the postage bills, journals and documents of the Senate and Assembly, and other etc. contingent expenses of the Legislature, eighteen thousand dollars. Legislative printing official no binding, tices, etc. STATE PRINTING. For the legislative printing for the State, including binding, mapping, lithographing and engraving, publication of the official canvass and official notices provided by law, which are subjects of contract, one hundred thousand dollars. Support tenance. STATE PRISONS. For the support and maintenance of the several State prisons, for and main material and expenses of manufacturing pursuant to chapter two hundred and forty of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-four, chapter forty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and chapter four hundred and fifty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and chapter five hundred and eighty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and for the ordinary repairs of the prisons and supplying water therefor, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Repairs, water supply, etc. Superin tendent, salary of. Travelling For the Superintendent of State Prisons, for salary, six thousand dollars. For the necessary traveling expenses of the Superintendent and his expenses. clerk, five hundred dollars. Clerk hire, etc. Postage, For necessary clerk hire and copying and a messenger, four thousand two hundred dollars. For cost of postage, stationery and other incidental expenses, seven stationery, hundred and fifty dollars. etc. Transpor Mainte nance of certain convicts. For the compensation of sheriffs for the transportation of convicts. to prisons, Asylum for Insane Criminals, penitentaries and houses of refuge, fifteen thousand dollars. For the maintenance of convicts sentenced to penitentiaries, in pursuance of chapter one hundred and fifty-eight of the laws of eighteen. hundred and fifty-six, chapter five hundred and eighty-four of the laws in peniten- of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, chapter six hundred and sixty tiaries seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, chapter five hundred and seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, chapter two hundred and forty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and chapter five hundred and seventy-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five and chapter four hundred and ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Insane criminals, ASYLUM FOR INSANE CRIMINALS. For the support and maintenance of the Asylum for Insane Crimsupport of. inals and for the ordinary repairs of the asylum, thirty thousand dollars. Officers, For the resident officers of the Asylum for Insane Criminals, for salaries of salaries, eight thousand one hundred dollars. Indian annuities. Onondagas. Cayugas. Senecas. INDIAN AFFAIRS For the payment of the annuities to the several Indian tribes, ast follows: To the Onondagas, two thousand four hundred and thirty dollars. To the Senecas, five hundred dollars. To the Saint Regis, two thousand one hundred and thirty-one dol- St. Regis lars and sixty-seven cents. dagas. For the relief of the Onondaga Indians, three hundred dollars. OnonFor compensation of the agent of the Onondaga Indians, two hun- Onondaga dred dollars. agent. For compensation of the agent of the Onondaga Indians, pursuant Ibid. to chapter one hundred and seventy-eight, laws of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and chapter six hundred and thirty-five, laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, the sum of sixty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. and Catta For compensation to the agent of the Onondaga Indians residing Allegany on the Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations, one hundred and fifty raugus. dollars. For compensation of the attorney of the St. Regis Indians, one st. Regis hundred and fifty dollars. attorney. For compensation of the attorney of the Seneca Indians, one hun- Seneca atdred and fifty dollars. torney. For compensation of the attorney of the Tonawanda band of Sen- Tonaeca Indians, one hundred and fifty dollars. ONONDAGA SALT SPRINGS. wandaSenecas attorney. peuses. For the salary of the superintendent, compensation of clerks and Salaries, other persons employed, and other necessary expenses of the Onon- and exdaga Salt Springs, chapter three hundred and forty-six, laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, sixty-four thousand dollars. NATIONAL GUARD. guard, ex For expenses of the National Guard, of the State of New York, National four hundred thousand dollars, and it shall be the duty of the Adju- penses of. tant-General to file with the Comptroller an itemized statement of the expenditures of the same. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. and travel For the Civil Service Commissioners, for salaries, six thousand dol- Salaries lars, and for the actual necessary traveling expenses of said Commis- ling exsioners in the discharge of their duties, one thousand eight hundred penses. dollars. Examinations. For local examinations, two thousand one hundred dollars. For the chief examiner, for salary, three thousand six hundred dol- Chief exlars, and for his necessary traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of his duty, eight hundred dollars. aminer. For a secretary, stenographer, and a copyist and messenger, for Secretary, salaries, to be fixed by the Commission, two thousand nine hundred messenger, dollars, and for traveling expenses for the secretary, five hundred dollars. etc. For printing, books and stationery and other necessary expenses of office exthe office of the Civil Service Commissioners, one thousand five hun- penses. dred dollars. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. For Commissioner of Statistics of Labor, for salary, three thousand Commisdollars. sioner. salary of. For clerk of the Commissioner of Statistics of Labor, for salary, Clerk. two thousand dollars. |