! SERMONS PREACHED AT 1 HENDON, IN MIDDLESEX. ८८ ar BY THE REV. W. M. TRINDER, LL. B. & M. D. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY T. N. LONGMAN, PATERNOSTER- ROW; J. COOKE, OXFORD; AND MESSRS. M DCC XCILL TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Lady Louisa, Viscountess Stormont. I : MADAM, FEEL so much fatisfaction in hav ing received a hint of the most beneficial tendency from the exemplary virtues of your Ladyship, that I cannot forbear, thus openly, to make it known. If your Ladyship's maternal piety and care, in the fuckling and in the nurturing of your children, had not given abundant proof to the world, that you greatly prefer your duty before the usages of perfons of your high rank; before the distinctions of beauty and refined manners (which distinctions, however, are, in yourself, pre-eminent) I had not thought of offering to the confideration of the public a fermon on the duty of parents towards their children. The valuable and constituent principles of piety and moral duty, which you have learned from the excellent Lady your mother, do not appear in the pride of felf-congratulation, nor in the stiffness of precept; but in that allattractive grace of practical virtue, which justly renders your Ladyship an ornament to the British Court, and a real honour to your country. If the Sermons in this volume should be confidered by your Ladyship as not unworthy of your protection, I shall have the happiness to reflect, that a melancholy retirement hath not been spent in vain, and that I may be permitted to cherish the gratitude and respect with which I am, MADAM, Your Ladyship's very obliged, and Mill-Hill, Hendon, most humble servant, Wm. Martin Trinder.