WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS, KINDLY SAY YOU SAW THEIR ADVERTISEMENT IN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. "It is an open secret that hundreds of hogs which have died in COTTOLENE a pure, clean, wholesome vegetable product, scientifically made from on the outs with your stomach. Its use means good di- The genuine is sold everywhere in one to ten pound tins, with our Chicago, St. Louis, Montreal. SLEEP AND HEALTH. It is not sleep alone that rests the brain cell, though sleep is absolutely essential to recuperation of the brain as a whole. But not all parts of the brain are involved in any one kind of mental effort. The blood supply of the brain is so arranged that by expansion or contraction of different arteries parts of the brain may be flushed with blood and other parts dammed off, so to speak, somewhat as the various currents of an irrigated field are regulated by the gardener. And as rapid flow of blood is essential to great mental activity, this means that one part of the brain may be very actively at work while another part is resting and recuperating. Thus it is that a person suffering from brain fatigue may leave his desk and go out into the fields with a golf stick, or on the highways with a bicycle, and, by diverting his mind, give the overworked cells a chance to rest and recuperate. But it must not be overlooked that such exercise involves other brain cells, which, in turn, become exhausted, and that, in the end, for the recuperation of the brain as a whole, sleep is absolutely essential. No recreation, no medicine, no stimulant will take its place. The man who does not give himself sufficient hours of sleep, or who is unable to sleep when he makes the effort, is literally burning away his brain substance and can no more keep on indefinitely in this way than a locomotive can run on indefinitely without getting fresh supplies of fuel.-New York Sun. SOWING AND REAPING. The masses believe they can govern because their faith lacks the set-back of experience. A poor man is satisfied of his generosity because he never had an opportunity of being stingy. The majority of people are certain of their honesty because they never had a chance to steal. There must be a premium on something. The love of money is better than indifference to money. The miser is better than the spendthrift, who does nothing but advertise his past generosity and a better man's present meanness. Philanthropy is judicious giving Prodigality is purchasing from parasites that worst of titles, "a good fellow." Poverty is a curse, pure, simple, and undefiled. Squalor should be routed out as a pestilence. You cannot kill poverty with sentiment. You may as well try disinfecting a sewer with prayer or drowning smallpox bacilli with tears. Wealth buys prestige, and justly. The capitalists whose money employs a thousand laborers deserve more public honor than their laborers who abuse capital. Seventy-five per cent. of paupers are reaping the nothing they so sedulously sowed.-San Francisco News Letter. "MARY, you don't sympathize with me when I have to push the lawn mower." "No; if it was a snow shovel you would be making the same fuss." WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS, KINDLY SAY YOU SAW THEIR ADVERTISEMENT IN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. The Greatest Historioal Work of the Century. History for Ready Reference and Topical Reading. In Five Imperial Volumes. This work is in itself a complete Historical Library. The fruit of the ripest scholarship has been gathered upon thousands of topics, from thousands of volumes. It is not an attempt to reproduce, with loss of strength and literary excellence, what has already been written in the best and most attractive form, but the best of Historians, Biographers and Specialists speak for themselves, describing and discussing events in their own words, thus placing upon every selection the clear stamp of authoritativeness. A complete system is given to History, presenting its topics in their sequence and inter-relations, most convenient for reading, for study, or for reference. The time ordinarily spent in seeking accurate historical information is, by this work, saved by the many years of laborious research and discriminating thought expended in its preparation. It makes one acquainted not only with History but with Historians. Nothing like it has ever been attempted, and, in the opinions of the most distinguished literary men of all professions, it is the greatest Historical Work of the Century. These opinions, with full information, sent on application. Sold only by subscription, and sent, carriage free, to responsible subscribers on easy payments. .. Experienced Solicitors Wanted. Address the Publishers, The C. A. NICHOLS CO., OLIVES. The bulk of the edible olives come from Spain, the olives raised in other Mediterranean regions being used chiefly in making oil. There are imported into the United States about 5,000 casks of Spanish olives annually. They are imported in brine. They vary in size from about 210 to the kilo, which is 2 1-5 pounds, up to olives as large as 60 or 70 to the kilo. A steamship bringing olives to this port is likely to include in her cargo almonds and corkwood, a valua ble freight. In one shipment lately received here there were several hundred casks of olives. When the casks have been hoisted out they are rolled along on the wharf, a cooper starts the bung, and a number of olives are taken from each cask for inspection. The olives are taken out with a pair of tongs a foot or more long, made of two slender strips of wood which operate like sugar tongs. The man who takes the samples from the casks carries in one hand a small white china platter, using the tongs with the other hand. He thrusts the tongs through the bunghole into the cask and nips one or more olives at every dip until he has a platter full. These sample olives are inspected on the spot by the representative of the importer, who sees that they correspond with the invoice and that the brine is of sufficient strength to keep them. They are then removed to the warerooms, to be sold in the original packages or repacked in kegs and bottles.-New York Sun. WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS, KINDLY SAY YOU SAW THEIR ADVERTISEMENT IN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Fine Laces and all other fabrics that require careful washing should be cleansed with FAIRY The Soap of the Century. Sold everywhere in three sizes-for the toilet, bath and laundry. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. St. Louis. New York. FAIRY PROF. STODDARD Smith College ENDORSES Pyro-Febrin Tablets He writes: "I think most highly of Pyro Febrin Tablets, not only from knowledge of their composition, but from use in my own family as a remedy for Headaches and Head Colds. They contain no opium or other ingredient to which objection could be made, and are well calculated to accomplish the results intended." JOHN T. STODDARD, Will usually cure a head cold in one day, and relieve any kind of headache in from five to fifteen minutes without injury. For sick and nervous headaches, neuralgia or any head pain or congestion. Invaluable to ladies subject to periodical headaches. Druggists, a5c. To any address by mail, 5 boxes for $1.00. THE PYRO-FEBRIN CO., Northampton, Mass. CATARRH CAN BE CURED. People are beginning to learn that CATARRH is a local disease, caused by repeated colds in the head, causing enlargement of the soft bones of the nose, thickening and ulceration of the lining membrane, with its constant discharge of unhealthy mucus and pus; that every breath is tainted before the air reaches the lungs; that it is the cause of the constant hawking, expectorating, nose-bleeding, headaches, partial loss of hearing, noises in the head, deafness, impaired vision, lassitude, debility, loss of rest and impaired appetite, and bad breath; that it is the principal cause of bronchitis, pneumonia and consumption of the lungs; THAT IT CAN ONLY BE CURED BY LOCAL TREATMENT; that the AMERICAN CATARRH CURE is the only remedy known that can cure the disease; that it is not a patent medicine, but the private prescription of a physician, who devoted 26 years to the study and treatment of the disease, and who thought the time had come when the public should have the benefit of his experience. AMERICAN CATARRH CURE. Sold by all druggists, or mailed anywhere, for $1.00. Prepared by WM. B. JONES, M. D., 8th and Reed Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. |