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Formerly Head of English Department, State Normal School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Book One, 40 Cents-Book Two, 60 Cents

Kimball's Elementary English in two volumes is designed for use in grades four to eight inclusive. It is superior in the following important respects:

1. It is in complete accord with the present strong tendency in education toward what is practical and useful rather than what is merely disciplinary.

2. It recognizes the child-his natural interests, his needs, and his development-as the controlling factor in the teaching of grammar and composition.

3. It makes a continual demand upon the child's powers. It requires him to take the initiative, thus helping him to become self-reliant and free.

4. It is inductive throughout. The pupil is led to a discovery of forms and principles, and then re

quired to make conscious application of them in his own writing and speech.

5. It presents communication of thought as an art, to be acquired only through the study of models and much intelligent practice.

6. It emphasizes in due proportion three great essentials of good expression:

(a) The command of a wide vocabulary.
(b) The construction of good sentences.
(c) The making of outlines.

7. It presents the dictionary as a universal and valuable tool, and gives complete and progressive instruction in its use.


Book One is intended for the fourth, fifth and sixth grades.

It lays greater stress upon oral work than upon written. but provides abundantly for both.

Its great variety of exercises stimulate the child to think logically, and enable him to communicate his thoughts in a clear and interesting way.

It deals with common errors of speech in such a manner, through the substitution of correct forms, that correctness becomes habitual.

It eliminates entirely the teaching of grammar, as grammar, presenting only a few fundamental facts, which the pupil must know because of their bearing


upon the clearness and correctness of his everyday speech.


Book Two is designed for use in the seventh and eighth grades, and consists of two parts, grammar and composition. Though the grammar precedes the composition. lessons in the two subjects are intended to be carried on simultaneously, or to be studied in alternate lessons. The grammar has the rare merit of being brief, practical and inductive.

The work in composition deals with narration, description, exposition, persuasion, simple poetry, letter writing, punctuation, capitalization, study of the dictionary, and word-analysis.


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Don't forget to send for Dixon's School Catalogues and Color Booklet, also Dixon's Pencil Guide, they will help you to select the right pencil for any kind of educational work.


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A Three Volume Edition of

Selections for Memorizing


Inspector of Schools, Education Department of New York State

JOT to know-and know well-every poem in these three attractive volumes is to miss much of beauty and much of inspiration. Ignorance of these poems is a handicap to all intelligent reading. The 1910 Syllabus of the New York State Education Department authorizes a list of poems for memorization. They are all included in these books.

In addition, there are poems which illuminate the study of history and, in Book Three, there are also some of the most wonderful poems in our language that are too long for the pupil to memorize but are richly remunerative in their study.

"BOOK ONE” gives all the Selections for Memorizing required
during the first four years of school. There are also Bio-
graphical Notes and Memory Gems. Price, 25 cents.
"BOOK TWO" gives all the fifth and sixth year Memorizing
Work and also the Collateral Reading in poetry required for
the History Work, as well as short Biographical Sketches.
Price, 30 cents.

"BOOK THREE" gives all the Selections for Memorizing, all the Poems for Appreciative Reading, the shorter of the History Poems for Collateral Reading, short Biographical Sketches and suggestions for composition topics. This covers the work for the seventh and eighth years. Price, 35 cents. COMPLETE BOOK. Price, 70 cents.




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