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A Swedish Legend.

One is surprised that the legendary lore of Sweden should be so little known to the rest of Europe; for, although it is a country less explored by travellers than any other so far advanced in civilization, there is a penetrating spirit in popular poetry, that usually enables it to make its way, under every disadvantage.

The incidents in the following tale are taken from an old Swedish ballad, founded on a superstition common in ancient times to that country and our own; the mythology of both nations having peopled the interior of their mountains with a powerful, vindictive, and mysterious race-objects always of terror, and sometimes of unwary love, but usually fatal to those by whom they were not sedulously shunned.

"Open, open, green hill, and let a fair maid in," with the subsequent admittance of the damsel, according to her invocation, in one of our nursery-tales, is evidently akin to the fate of Isabel.



She heard the bell toll, and went forth at the dawn-
It is not to matins the maiden is gone:

The mother believes that her child went to pray-
No prayer did fair Isabel utter that day.

Where, through the gay twilight, did Isabel go?
Alas! to the mountains with helmets of snow,
Whose dark brows seem to frown o'er the laurel and rose
That so lovingly under their shadows repose.

On the highest of hills did fair Isabel rest,-
Her delicate fingers have tapped at its breast;

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Rise, king of the mountains! unbar thy green door,

I have seen thee in dreams! I must see thee once more."

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Cease, Isabel, cease! I refuse for thy sake;
That maid is my bride who beholds me awake:
And some cruel infliction the Fates ever bring
To her who espouses the pale Mountain King."

"Let my fate be the darkest thy caverns have seen,
I will brave all its horrors to move as thy queen:
Then rise! Mountain Monarch! unbar thy green door,
I must gaze on thy terrible beauty once more."-
The lightning flash'd blue, and the thunder spake loud,
The sun wus obscured in an ominous cloud;
The doors of the mountain, in darkness and storm,
Flew open-and closed over Isabel's form.

In a palace of splendour, received as a queen,
A rich robe is clasp'd round her by handmaids unseen
And the gems of her crown are selected to vie
With her sun-shine of smile, and her soul-speaking eye
Sweet voices, responsive, breathe softly around,
And pour on her name all the treasures of sound-
Now harmoniously blending, now pearly and bright,
Falls each delicate note, like a drop of pure light.
Now they linger and fade, like a lover's last sigh,
And now the full chorus floats proudly on high,
Where, like Iris in hue, shedding odours divine,
Lamps nourish'd with perfumes eternally shine.

But the wild rush of hope that check'd Isabel's breath
Closed her ear to soft tunes, like the dull ear of death
And she mark'd not the splendour that glitter'd around,
Her eye sought but one object-her ear but one sound.


Twas a moment, no more-yet seem'd ages to fleet,
'Ere the pale mountain Monarch appeared at her feet;
He knelt at her feet, and he whisper'd soft vows-
Words, man dare not utter, have made her his spouse.
His subjects are thronging with looks of surprise,
And fix on her face their inquisitive eyes;

They drew near with respect, yet she met them with awe,
For a likeness in each to their mouarch she saw

And wherever she turned, the same lines were impressed
Of the visage imprinted so deep in her breast;
So sweetly majestic-so mildly severe-

That her tremulous love often thrill'd into fear.

But he calms her in whispers, and gems her dark hair
With treasures and wonders the beauteous-the rare-
Sought in darkest recesses of desolate caves,
Paved with jasper, and cover'd with deep-flowing waves..
Her life one smooth ocean of boundless repose,
Without chance, change, or time, like eternity shews,
Save that eight smiling infants successively shine,
Flashing star after star, in their beauty divine.

When she drank the deep love of their fathomless eyes,"
Feeling heaven's own breath in their infantine sighs,
These ineffable stirrings of nature awaken
The deepest remorse for a mother forsaken.

In the full tide of passion did Isabel filing
Her fair form at the feet of the pale Mountain King;
"A boon from my lord and my husband I crave,
Let me kiss my fond mother, or weep o'er her grave."
"Then go to thy mother-in sadness bereft,
But say not a word of the babes thou hast left."-
Soon was Isabel lock'd in a parent's embrace,

And the tears of forgiveness fell fast on her face.

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Oh remain my lost bird, in the haunts of thy youth,
Nor again flee the precincts of honour and truth;
Though the gardens of Error are perfum'd with flowers,
The adder and snake lie conceal'd in her bowers."

"With the blushes of shame had her cheek ever burn'd,
To her home had fair Isabel never return'd;
By the King of the Mountains selected as queen,
The truest and fondest of wives have I been.

" In his realms neither sorrow nor sickness appear-
I had nearly forgot-almost long'd for a tear;
And our bridal is blest by the bounty of heaven-
I have one peerless daughter-my sons they are seven."
Then strode o'er the threshold the pale Mountain King
"Why standest thou here, thus presuming to fling
Such aspersions on me as I ne'er can forgive?
The revealer of secrets deserves not to live."

" No aspersions on thee have these lips ever thrown,
I have dwelt on thy love and thy kindness alone."
"Thou hast mention'd the babes with thy venomous breath,
Thou fool! that vain boast has condemn'd them to death.

"Forwaru'd, thou hast broken the merciful spell
That permits in our palace those children to dwell,
Whose existence has never been whisper'd on earth-
Oh! accursed the hour I rejoiced in their birth!"

Then he struck her fair face as she knelt at his feet:
"Oh! the death-blow," she cried, " from thy hands will be sweet!
Since the deep chords of love thus mysteriously thrill,
While I suffer in patience resign'd to thy will."

"In this ill-fated mansion no more shalt thou stay,
Where thy crime was committed: away! then-away!"
"Farewell, my dear father; farewell, my fond mother!
Farewell, weeping sister! farewell, infant brother!

" Farewell, ye high heavens! farewell thou green earth!
And farewell, thou sweet home, the dear place of my birth!
For the King of the Mountains I have left ye before,
And for him, in his anger, I leave ye once more."

Horrid laughter appears in the monarch's dark face,
While nine circles around the tall mountain they trace-
And the tears on fair Isabel's bosom fell fast,

As smaller each circle became than the last.

The glad sun in the blue depths of heaven shone bright
As she gaspingly ga sought the last ray of its light;
Her young daughter beheld her with terror o'ercast-
"Oh, mother, dear mother! repose thee at last.

"Beneath this gold canopy lay thy pale head,

Where cushions of crimson profusely I've spread."


My child! give me wine-bring the cup of my death

Then close my sad eyelids-receive my last breath.

"A more tender farewell thy poor mother would take,
But fears, my sweet daughter! thy young heart 'twould break."
She drank-and to ice a more warm heart was chill'd,
Than by love's richest treasures had ever been fill'd.

Thus from home and from happiness Isabel stray'd
And thus the pale monarch her passion repaid;
Like a lily she sank when a pitiless shower
Has unsparingly beat on the delicate flower.


From the German.

THE Nine Mountains at Rambin are inhabited by dwarfs, who dance, and sing, and sport in the moonlight, and more particularly when the earth is visited by spring or summer. These dwarfs are rather mischievous than malicious; they are fond of alluring children into their power, who then are compelled to serve them in their subterraneous abodes; but this service is not hard, and at the end of fifty years, by a law of the dwarf-kingdom, they are again set at liberty; nor do these fifty years add an hour to the age of the captives; time and the sun have no

influence upon these realms of middle earth; and it is farther said, that such people have ever been fortunate in the world, either from the wisdom they learnt below, or from the assistance of their masters, who have wished to recompense their servitude.

The unearthly beings who dwell in the Nine Mountains belong to the class of Brown Dwarfs, and they are not malicious; but in two other mountains are White Dwarfs, and they are the friends of all in the upper world. There are also Black Dwarfs, who work the metals with an ingenuity far surpassing that of man; but their hearts are evil, ❘ and showed his knowledge or his newlyand they are never to be trusted.

I will now tell a story of these Brown Dwarfs in the Nine Mountains, which happened long ago; I had it, in my childhood, from Henry Fierk, who was a peasant at Giesendorf, and who was well acquainted with all such matters. You must, therefore, suppose that it is Henry who tells this story.

There once lived at Rambin, a peasant, named Jacob Dietrich, with his wife and family. Of all his children, he most loved the youngest, who was then in his eighth year, and tended cows in the meadow by the Nine Mountains: here the little Hans got acquainted with a cowherd, called Klas Starkwolt, a grey-headed man, whose brain was like a volume of ancient fairy tales. But if the old peasant was fond of repeating his legends, the boy was no less fond of listening to them, till at last his young fancy was so inflamed, that he could neither speak nor think of aught but dwarfs and gnomes, and golden cups, and crowns of diamonds. Above all, he wished to get a dwarfcap, for Klas had told him, that whoever was fortunate to find or gain one, might safely descend into the mountain, and have all the dwarfs at his command. At last he resolved to try, and one night stole away from home, and laid himself on the top of the highest mountain, though his heart beat all the time like a hammer, and his breathing was as the wind of autumn. And now the clock struck twelve! On a sudden he heard

a murmuring, and a whistling, and a rustling, and the song of voices, and the tramp of little feet in the dance, though as yet nothing was visible to his sight but the flowers and the leaves, that were stilly sleeping in the moon-shine. At last a cap fell close before his feet; in an instant he seized it, and in the pride of his heart set it upon his head, when-Oh wonder! the little dancers were at once visible. The dwarf would fain have got back his cap by flattery, but Hans was inexorable,


acquired power, by ordering the little brownie to provide a supper. dwarf was forced to obey, for his power had gone from him with his cap of invisibility.

The cock now crowed for the third time, and the young light streaked the east, when "Away! away!" sounded from the bushes, and the stalks, and the flowers-and the mountain opened, and all sank below in a silver


Hans was astonished in his descent at the magic glitter of the walls: they were as if inlaid with pearls and diamonds, such was their exceeding brilliance; while beneath, and in the distance, he heard the sweetest music, that stole upon his senses like Mayodours, and at length wrapped him in a gentle slumber. What time had passed he knew not, but when he awoke, his little brownie was by his side, ready to do him service; and he found himself in a chamber that was brilliant beyond the splendour of the earth. The tables were of spotless marble, the walls of emerald; and the frames of the mirrors were covered with diamonds. No sun shone in this subterranean kingdom, but the precious stones shed around a perpetual light, that was fairer and clearer than the fairest and clearest night of earth. They were the stars and the moons of this country, but their splendour was borrowed from no sun, and eclipsed by no clouds.

It was mid-day when a bell rang, and the brownie said, " Master, will you dine alone, or in the great assembly?"-" In the great assembly," replied Hans, whither he was on the instant conducted by his servant. Here he saw an infinite crowd of little men and women already collected, while others poured into the hall from every side; in many places the ground opened, and tables arose, covered with the most costly vessels, and the most delicious meats, and wine that sparkled


in the goblets like water beneath the sun-beams. The chiefs of the little people invited Hans to their table, and placed him between their fairest maidens. The feast began, and soon the mirth waxed loud, for the dwarfs are a lively race, whose spirits are light and brilliant as the wine that bubbles in their glasses. Birds of the richest plumage were ever on the wing above them, pouring forth their songs in harmony with a strange music that floated through the air, so soft, so sweet, so wild, that it drew from its throne the anxious and delighted soul, to leave it quivering on the lips.

Crowds of servants waited around the tables. Some bore about the golden cups and the chrystal fruit-baskets; some strewed the ground with flowers, that must have grown in gardens near the sun, such was their exceeding beauty, a beauty that was even undimmed by the lustre of the diamond: others scattered about odours so sweet, that the senses ached with pleasure. These servants were the children of men who had fallen into the power of the dwarfs. At first Hans was inclined to pity their estate, but when he observed their rich clothes, and their rosy cheeks, and the springiness of their steps, he thought to himself, "after all, they are not so badly off as as I was in running after cows and oxen; and moreover, a time will come when they may be free again." And he thought no more of them, but sported with his little companions, happier than any earthly king upon his throne.

They had sat thus for two hours, when the principal rang a little bell; in a trice sank the seats and the tables, and the company was again upon the foot. He rang a second time; and where the tables had been, there arose orange-trees, and palms, and myrtles, rich with fruit and blossom, and upon the branches sang the sweetest birds; but though their numbers were many as the sands in the desert, yet all their voices united in a perfect harmony.

Hans, however, soon found out the cause; in a niche within the roof sat an aged man, who gave the note to which they were compelled to sing. He was silent as hoary Time, and spoke no mortal word, while the rest were often wont to talk too much.

The old man above now sounded to the dance, and the birds all echoed back the old man's tune. In an instant the whirl began, and the little maidens, that had sat by Hans, caught him by the arms, and sprang about with him in the dance for two hours long, and yet neither his breath was short nor his feet weary. The more they danced, the wilder rose their spirits, till every soul was bathed in ecstacy. Often in the time of his old age was Hans accustomed to say, when he described this scene," There may be, and no doubt are, greater joys in heaven, but earthly imagination is too weak to picture them."

Thus passed the first week; in the second, Hans began to walk, attended by his servant, through those meads and fields which seemed to have no end. From this may be easily imagined the vast depth below, for the outsidesummit of the mountain was nothing more than a little peak, clothed with shrubs and bushes. The trees, that bloomed thickly in these verdant meadows, were loaded with fruit, while milk and wine were ever flowing from the rocks. It blew, and the cheek felt no wind; it was light, and the cheek felt no sun: the waves rolled and there was no danger: one perpetual spring was upon the grass and the tree, and the leaves had never been touched by the heats of summer, the yellowness of autumn, or the frost of winter.

Hans had lived thus many months, when at last he resolved to visit the schools, and become a student with the servants, for the dwarfs make a rule of instructing all the children of earth who fall into their power, as far as they may be capable of receiving their lesBut the little people have appre


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