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The guide, and perhaps his horfe too, were both fo attentive to this difcourfe, that, either through want of care, or by the malice of the witch, they were now both sprawling in the dirt.

Partridge entirely imputed this fall, as he had done his own, to the fame caufe. He told Mr. Jones, 'it 'would certainly be his turn next;' and earneftly entreated him, to return back, and find out the old woman, and pacify her. We shall very foon,' ad'ded he, reach the inn; for though we have feemed to go forward, I am very certain we are in the iden'tical place in which we were an hour ago; and I dare fwear if it was day-light, we might now fee the inn we fet out from.'

Instead of returning any answer to this fage advice, Jones was entirely attentive to what had happened to the boy, who received no other hurt than what had before befallen Partridge, and which his cloaths very eafily bore, as they had been for many years inured to the like. He foon regained his fide-faddle, and by the hearty curfes and blows which he bestowed on his horfe, quickly fatisfied Mr. Jones that no harm was done.


Relates that Mr. Jones continued his journey contrary to the advice of Partridge, with what happened on that occafion.

THE HEY now difcovered a light at some distance, to the great pleafure of Jones, and to the no fmall terror of Partridge, who firmly believed himself to be bewitched, and that this light was a Jack with a Lantern, or fomewhat more mischievous.

But how were these fears incrcafed, when, as they approached nearer to this light, (or lights as they now appeared) they heard a confufed found of human voices; of finging, laughing, and hallowing, together with a ftrange noife that feemed to proceed from fome inftruments; but could hardly be allowed the rame of mufic! indeed, to favour a little the opinion


of Partridge, it might very well be called mufic bewitched.

It is impoffible to conceive a much greater degree of horror than what now feized on Partridge; the contagion of which had reached the poft-boy, who had been very attentive to many things that the other had uttered. He now therefore joined in petitioning Jones to return; faying, he firmly believed what Partridge had just before faid, that though the horses feemed to go on, they had not moved a step forwards during at least the last half hour.

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Jones could not help filing in the midst of his vexation, at the fears of thefe poor fellows. Either we advance,' fays he, towards the lights, or the lights have advanced towards us; for we are now at little distance from them; but how can either of you be afraid of a fet of people who appear only to be merry-making?'

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Merry-making, Sir!' cries Partridge; who could be merry-making at this time of night, and in fuch a place, and fuch weather? They can be nothing but ghofts or witches, or some evil spirits or other, that's certain.'

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Let them be what they will,' cries Jones, refolved to go up to them, and enquire the way to Coventry. All witches, Partridge, are not fuch illnatured hags as that we had the misfortune to meet ' with laft.'


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O Lord, Sir!' cries Partridge, there is no knowing what humour they will be in; to be fure it is always best to be civil to them; but what if we fhould meet with fomething worfe than witches, with evil fpirits themfelves?- Pray, Sir, be ad

vised; pray, Sir, do. If you had read fo many terrible accounts as I have of thefe matters, you ⚫ would not be fo fool-hardy.-The Lord knows whither we have got already, or whither we are going; for fure fuch darkness was never feen upon earth, and I queftion whether it can be darker in the other • world.'

Jones put forwards as faft as he could, notwithstanding all thefe hints and cautions, and poor Partridge

was obliged to follow: for though he hardly dared to advance, he dared fill less to stay behind by himself.

At length they arrived at the place whence the lights and different noifes had iffued. This Jones perceived to be no other than a barn, where a great number of men and women were affembled, and diverting themselves with much apparent jollity.

Jones no fooner appeared before the great doors of the barn, which were open, than a masculine and very rough voice from within, demanded who was there? -To which Jones gently anfwered, a friend; and immediately afked the road to Coventry.

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If you are a friend,' cries another of the men in the barn, you had better alight till the ftorm is over;' (for indeed it was now more violent than ever)' you are very welcome to put up your horfe; for there is fufficient room for him at one end of the barn.'

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You are very obliging,' returned Jones; and I will accept your offer for a few minutes, whilft the rain continues; and here are two more who will be glad of the fame favour.' This was accorded with more good-will than it was accepted: for Partridge would rather have fubmitted to the utmost inclemency of the weather, than have trufted to the clemency of those whom he took for hobgoblins; and the poor poft-boy was now infected with the fame apprehenfions; but they were both obliged to follow the example of Jones; the one because he durft not leave his horfe, and the other because he feared nothing fo much as being left by himself.

Had this history been writ in the days of fuperstition, I fhould have had too much compaffion for the reader to have left him fo long in fufpence, whether Beelzebub or Satan was about actually to appear in perfon, with all his hellish retinue; but as thefe doctrines are at present very unfortunate, and have but few, if any believers, I have not been much aware of conveying any fuch terrors. To fay truth, the whole furniture of the infernal regions hath long been ap propriated by the managers of playhouses, who seem lately to have lain them by as rubbish, capable only of affecting the upper gallery; a place in which few of our readers ever fit.


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However, though we do not fufpect raifing any great, terror on this occafion, we have reafon to fear fome other apprehenfions may here arife in our reader, into which we would not willingly betray him; I mean, that we are going to take a voyage into fairyland, and to introduce a fet of beings into our history, which fcarce any one was ever childish enough to believe, though many have been foolith enough to fpend their time in writing and reading their adventures.

To prevent therefore any fuch fufpicions, fo prejudicial to the credit of an hiftorian, who professes to draw his materials from nature only, we fhall now proceed to acquaint the reader who thefe people were, whofe fudden appearance had ftruck fuch terrors into Partridge, had more than half frightened the poft-boy, and had a little furprized even Mr. Jones himself.

The people then affembled in this barn were no other than a company of Egyptians, or as they are vulgarly called Gypfies, and they were now celebrating the wedding of one of their fociety.

It is impoffible to conceive a happier fet of people than appeared here to be met together. The utmost mirth indeed fhewed itself in every countenance; nor was their ball totally void of all order and decorum. Perhaps it had more than a country affembly is fometimes conducted with: for thefe people are fubject to a formal government and laws of their own, and all pay obedience to one great magistrate, whom they call their king.

Greater plenty likewife was no where to be seen, than what flourished in this barn. Here was indeed no nicety nor elegance, nor did the keen appetite of the guests require any. Here was good ftore of bacon, fowls, and mutton, to which every one prefent provided better fauce himself, than the beft and deareft French cook can prepare.

Eneas is not defcribed under more confternation in the temple of Juno,

Dum ftupet obtutuque bæret defixus in uno,

than was our hero at what he faw in this barn. While


he was looking every where round him with aftonishment, a venerable perfon approached him with many friendly falutations, rather of too hearty a kind to be called courtly. This was no other than the king of the Gypfies himself. He was very little diftinguished in drefs from his fubjects, nor had he any regalia of majefty to fupport his dignity; and yet there feemed (as Mr. Jones faid) to be fomewhat in his air which denoted authority, and inspired the beholders with an idea of awe and respect; though all this was perhaps imaginary in Jones; and the truth may be, that fuch ideas are incident to power, and almoft infeparable from it.

There was fomewhat in the open countenance and courteous behaviour of Jones, which being accompanied with much comelinefs of perfon, greatly recommended him at firft fight to every beholder. Thefe were perhaps a little heightened in the prefent inftance, by that profound refpect which he paid to the king of the Gypfies, the moment he was acquainted with his dignity, and which was the fweeter to his Gypfeian majesty, as he was not used to receive fuch homage from any but his own fubjects.

The king ordered a table to be fpread with the choiceft of their provifions for his accommodation; and having placed himself at his right hand, his majefty began to difcourfe our hero in the following

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'Me doubt not, Sir, but you have often feen fome ' of my people, who are what you call de parties detache: for dey go about every where; but me fancy you imagine not we be fo confidrable body as we be; ' and may be you will be furprise more, when you hear de Gypfey be as orderly and well govern people as any upon face of de earth.

Me have honour, as me fay, to be deir king, ' and no monarch can do boaft of more dutiful fub'ject, ne no more affectionate. How far me deserve

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deir good will, mne no fay; but dis me can fay, dat

me never defign any ting but to do dem good. Me · 'fall no do boast of dat neider: for what can me do ' oderwife dan confider of de good of dose poor peoBb 2 ple.

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