[INCLUDING A COMPLETE REVISION OF THE AUTHOR'S BY SEYMOUR D. THOMPSON, LL. D. IN SIX VOLUMES VOLUME III INDIANAPOLIS THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY NOTE TO VOLUME THREE In the preface of this work a plan was outlined which the author hoped to be able to carry out, but at the same time it was said that circumstances might vary it slightly. According to that plan, the third volume was to embrace the titles Carriers of Passengers, Negligence of Municipal Corporations, and Negligence of Public Officers. It is found that the title Carriers of Passengers alone, exclusive of the analysis and index, embraces 1,050 pages. This renders it impracticable to include in this volume the other two titles named, and they will be passed over to a subsequent volume. This volume embodies a complete revision of the author's previous work on Carriers of Passengers. That volume, it will be recalled, consisted of a number of leading or selected cases printed in full, and followed by extensive notes. Those notes were largely the work of Edwin G. Merrian, Esq., of the St. Louis bar, who was then the author's literary assistant, and who has been for many years an attaché of the Law Department of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company. In making this revision the author has been impressed with the general care, accuracy, discrimination, and fidelity to truth, with which the portions of the original work assigned to Mr. Merrian were done; and he desires to renew his acknowledgments to that capable lawyer. For the reason that many copies of the author's original work on Carriers of Passengers are on the shelves of the profession, the author has added to his citations in the present work of cases which were printed in full in that work, the citation of the cases as they appear in that work, thus: "s. c. Thomp. Carr. Pass." |