Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Volúmenes2-4Geo. W. Martin, 1874 |
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Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Volúmenes1-7 Kansas Academy of Science Vista completa - 1896 |
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Volumen4 Kansas Academy of Science Vista completa - 1875 |
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Volúmenes1-3 Kansas Academy of Science Vista completa - 1895 |
Términos y frases comunes
1½ inches Abundant acid antennæ atmosphere August B. F. Mudge Baker University band black margins black spots blackish bluff Butterfly Carpenter Cassiterite caterpillar cent chalk cloudiness color comet common crossed dark brown darker deposit Ellis expands 1 inch expands 1.40 inches expands 1½ F. H. Snow feeds feet footprints fossils front wings Gaumer genus geological Grass gray Grote Guenee hind wings Hubner Irving January July Kedzie larva larvæ Lawrence Leavenworth by Dr Lepidoptera light lines Linn locusts markings mean temperature metal miles Miss E. C. W. month moss agate Moth mound builders nucleus observations Osawatomie outer margin oxidation Ozone Papineau plants Pliocene Popenoe preceding Prof quantity Rare reddish Riley salt Saunders shale smoky solubilities sp.-An undetermined species specimen taken tail taken at Leavenworth Tonganoxie Topeka University of Kansas velocity Wallace county Watson Western Kansas Wherrell whitish wild willow wind yellow yellowish
Pasajes populares
Página 4 - Kansas, and the following resolution was adopted : ,'Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to...
Página 18 - ... phic rock. For the most part, the sandstone is in a very friable state, crumbling on exposure to the atmosphere ; and where it is more compact, its mechanical composition is so irregular as to render it almost entirely unfit for a building material. When firmly consolidated, it fo.rms the tops of the table-like hills of northwestern Kansas. At Bread-Bowl Mound, in Phillips county, it is nearly two hundred feet above the water of Deer creek, and at Sugar Mound, in the western part of Rooks county,...
Página 27 - ... collecting-ground for an entomologist. While walking over the eastern elevation of the island, after sundown, on July 13, the writer obtained two or three specimens of an insect belonging to the Scarabaean family of Coleoptera, described by Harris as Melolontha variolosa, but now referred to the genus Polyphylla. Harris speaks of this beetle as "occurring abundantly in the month of July at Martha's Vineyard, and in some other places near the coast;" but as "rare in other parts of Massachusetts."...
Página 5 - The fact asserted in the definition of a number is a physical fact. Each ol the numbers two, three, four, &c., denotes physical phenomena, and connotes a physical property of those phenomena. Two, for instance, denotes all pairs of things, and twelve all dozens of things...
Página 14 - ... Thirty-eight laborers, at $45 per month, average 20, 520 Two burners, at $75 per month 1, 800 Contingencies and wear and tear, 20 per cent. on above, except the interest 9,534 Total cost of manufacturing 6,000 tons ........................ 60, 004 Cost of manufacturing one ton ................ $10 This estimate is believed to be a liberal one. It shows that Portland cement can be manufactured in this country at a cost less by from 32 to 14 per cent. than the wholesale market price of Roseudale,...
Página 27 - Aughey, of the University of Nebraska, in the Lincoln (Nebr.) Journal. I have observed hundreds of winged locusts fall to the ground during flight, either already dead or soon dying. These upon examination have generally proved to contain no parasites, and...
Página 6 - It (the pottery) covers an area from one-fourth to half an acre, rising irregularly at the highest point about two feet above the level of the adjoining prairie, and is composed to a great extent of the materials and debris from the old workshops. In it we found a considerable quantity of the clay dug from the banks of an adjoining ravine, which had never been moulded ; some partly moulded, and sometimes mixed with straw, probably to be used in the coarsest articles. Also, fragments from what appeared...
Página 16 - ... forty to fifty acres, yet remains within the embankment ; and near it is a small thatched circular building, denominated Dagenham Breach-house ; it is supported by a number of gentlemen, who, at the proper season, form parties, and come here to fish. A large quantity of oak, yew, willow, &c. was found at a depth of about four feet below the surface of the marshes, in constructing the embankment. This stratum, denominated moor-log, was of considerable extent, about ten feet thick, and had very...
Página 14 - The amount of impurity viiries, of course, in different samples of the chalk, but in no specimens that I have seen does this amount exceed 15 or 16 per cent. Two samples yielded, upon analysis, the figures given below. No. 1 was a fine specimen of snowy whiteness; No.
Página 27 - Juno 7, with a southwest wind moving, according to the university anemometer, at the rate of three miles an hour, the locusts were flying in vast numbers in a direction a little to the north of west nearly in the face of the wind. On June...