CLEVELAND, OHIO, September 16, 1890. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago: GENTLEMEN: I will contribute $1,000,000 to the University of Chicago, as follows: Eight hundred thousand dollars, the income only of which shall be used for nonprofessional graduate instruction and fellowships, and not for land, buildings, or repairs. One hundred thousand dollars, the income only of which shall be used for theological instruction in the divinity school of said University, and not for land, buildings, or repairs. One hundred thousand dollars for the construction of buildings for said divinity school. I will pay the same to the said University in seven years, beginning October 1, 1890, and pay one twenty-eighth each three months thereafter in cash or approved securities at a fair market value, until the whole is paid, it being understood that a certain pledge made July 15, 1890, for $56,500 to the Baptist Union Theological Seminary of Chicago shall be included in the above $1,000,000; and also that the said seminary is to become an organic part of the said University; and also that the transfer of said seminary to the grounds of the University of Chicago shall be made within two years from this date; and also that a thoroughly well-equipped academy shall be established in the buildings hitherto occupied by the said seminary on or before October 1, 1892. Yours truly, JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. The institution was chartered September 10, 1890, as the University of Chi cago, and the management of the corporation is vested in a board of twenty-one trustees. The qualifications of the trustees and of the president of the University are thus set forth in the application for the charter: At all times two-thirds of the trustees and also the president of the University and of its said college shall be members of regular Baptist churches-that is to say, members of churches of that denomination of Protestant Christians now usually known and recognized under the name of the regular Baptist denomination; and as contributions of money and property have been and are being solicited, and have been and are being made, upon the conditions last named, this charter shall not be amended or changed at any time hereafter so as to abrogate or modify the qualifications of two-thirds of the trustees and the president above mentioned, but in this particular this charter shall be forever unalterable. "No other religious test or particular religious profession shall ever be held as a requisite for election to said board, or for admission to said University, or to any department belonging thereto, or which shall be under the supervision or control of this corporation, or for election to any professorship, or any place of honor or emolument in said corporation, or any of its departments or institutions of learning." The site of the University consists of three blocks of ground lying between the two South Parks of Chicago, and fronting on the Midway Plaisance, which is a park connecting the other two. One-half of this site was given by Marshall Field, of Chicago, and the other half was purchased at a cost of $132,500. William R. Harper, Ph. D., professor of the Semitic languages and Woolsey professor of Biblical literature in Yale University, was elected to the presidency at the first meeting of the board. He has decided to accept the position to which he was elected by the unanimous vote of the board. The work of the University will probably be begun in October, 1892, and is thus set forth in Official Bulletin No. 1, published by the trustees: The work of the University shall be arranged under three general divisions, viz., The University Proper, The University-Extension Work, The University Publication Work. 1. THE UNIVERSITY PROPER will include (1) Academics: The first academy of the University will be established, in accordance with the terms of the gift of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, at Morgan Park, Ill. Others will be organized or affiliated as rapidly as favorable opportunities are presented. (2) Colleges: Of these there will be organized (a) The College of Liberal Arts, in which the curriculum will be arranged with a view to the degree of B. A. (b) The College of Science, in which the curriculum will be arranged with a view to the degree of B. S. (c) The College of Literature, in which the curriculum will be arranged with special view to the study of Modern Languages and Literature, History, etc., with a view, likewise, to the degree of B. S. (d) The College of Practical Arts, in which the curriculum will be arranged with greater reference, than in the other Colleges, to the practical departments of business and of professional life, with a view to the degree of B. S. (3) Affiliated colleges: The character of affiliation will be determined by existing circumstances in particular cases. (4) Schools: Of these, there will be organized (a) The Graduate School, which will include all graduate work of a nonprofessional character. (b) The Divinity School, which will include the curriculum of study ordinarily presented by Divinity Schools. As soon as the funds of the University permit, there will also be established(c) The Law School. (d) The Medical School. (e) The School of Engineering, which will include civil, mechanical, and elestrical engineering. (f) The School of Pedagogy. (g) The School of Fine Art. (h) The School of Music. 2. THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION WORK, which will include (1) Regular courses of lectures, delivered in and about the city of Chicago, in accordance with the best developed plans of University Extension. (2) Evening courses in college and university subjects, in and about the city of Chicago, for men and women whose daily occupation will not permit them to take advantage of the regular college and university courses. (3) Correspondence courses in college and university subjects for students residing in all parts of the country whose circumstances do not permit them to reside at an institution of learning during all of the year. (4) Special courses in a scientific study of the Bible in its original languages and in its translations, to be conducted by University instructors at the University at times which shall not conflict with University work. (5) Library Extension, in connection with the preceding forms of University Extension work. 3. THE UNIVERSITY PUBLICATION WORK, which will include— (1) The printing and publishing of University bulletins, catalogues, and other official documents. (2) The printing and publishing of special papers, journals, or reviews of a scientific character, prepared or edited by instructors in the various departments of the University. (3) The printing and publishing of books prepared or edited by University instructors. (4) The collecting, by way of exchange, of papers, journals, reviews, and books similar to those published by the University. (5) The purchase and sale of books for students, professors, and the University library. The general regulations published by this institution will undoubtedly attract considerable attention on account of the many new features that will be introduced. Instead of the customary three months' suspension of work during the summer, the year is divided, for the purpose of instruction, into four quarters, beginning on the 1st day of October, January, April, and July, and continuing twelve weeks each, thus leaving a week between the end of one quarter and the beginning of the next. Each quarter is divided into two terms of six weeks each. Students will be allowed to take as vacation any one of the four quarters, or two terms of six weeks in different parts of the year. By attending four quarters per year, students will be able to complete the cours in three years. The courses of instruction will be classified as majors and minors. The major will call for 10 to 12 hours of class-room work each week, the minor for 4 to 6 hours. All courses are to continue six weeks, but the same subject may be continued through two or more successive terms either as a major or a minor. The regulations regarding the teaching body will be fully appreciated by the members thereof. Each resident professor or teacher shall lecture thirty-six weeks of the year, 10 to 12 hours a week, and no instructor shall be required to lecture more than this amount. For any time that he may teach in addition to the three-quarters required, he shall receive either an extra two-thirds pro rata salary or an extra full pro rata vacation. A teacher who has taught three years of 48 weeks each, or six years of 42 weeks each, will thus be entitled to a year's vacation on full salary. XI.-NEW BUILDINGS DURING 1889-90. Selma University, Selma, Ala.-A four-story brick building for dormitory and school purposes. University of California, Berkeley, Cal.-A large and commodious building, costing $60,000, to be used as a chemical laboratory. Napa College, Napa, Cal.-An astronomical observatory, equipped with an eight-inch equatorial telescope. Hesperian College, Woodland, Cal., has sold its building and erected a new one one-half mile from the old site. The new building consists of three stories; the first is set apart for a boarding department; the second consists of the chapel and recitation rooms, while the third is used for societies, art department, laboratory, and library. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.-Woodbury Hall is a new dormitory for male academic students, with accommodations for 48 young men. Yale University, New Haven, Conn.-Osborn Hall, used as recitation rooms for the academical department, was erected in 1889 at a cost of nearly $200,000. Chittenden Library was erected in 1890. Mercer University, Macon, Ga., has in process of erection a large building of brick and stone, three stories high, 102 by 155 feet, to cost about $25,000. It will contain a library room, a chapel, and several recitation rooms. University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill., reports the erection of a new military building, 100 by 150 feet, in one grand hall for drill purposes and large audiences upon special occasions. The cost of the building is $15,000. German-English College, Galena, Ill., will be removed in the fall of 1891 to Charles City, Iowa, where new buildings are in course of construction. The city gives to the college $30,000 cash, a campus, and the use of city water for ten years. Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ill., will erect during 1891 a new gymnasium to cost $10,000, which will be equipped with apparatus, etc., costing $2,000. Northwestern College, Naperville, Ill., has erected a new building, 71 by 41 feet, which provides, among other accommodations, a limited number of rooms for lady students. Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind., reports the completion of library hall, 140 by 75 feet. The central part of the building is occupied by the book stacks. The ends of the building are two stories high and contain rooms used for various library purposes, seminary rooms, etc. Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.-Yandes Hall, the new library building, is expected to be completed in June, 1891. It is fireproof and built in the form of a cross, extending 110 feet east and west, 90 feet north and south, and is two stories high. Hanover College, Hanover, Ind., reports the completion of an astronomical observatory. It consists of a central building two stories high with wings on the east and west sides. The telescope, which is on the second story of the central building, is a 7 inch. A good transit instrument is placed in the eastern wing, while the western wing is occupied by a Howard astronomical clock. Butler University, Irvington, Ind.-A building for the preparatory department was erected in 1890 at a cost of $20,000. An astronomical observatory has also been completed and equipped. Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., has completed the erection of a wooden structure, 60 by 40 feet, to be used as a gymnasium. It is well furnished with modern apparatus, and is under the charge of a director. Luther College, Decorah, Iowa.-The main building (170 by 52 feet. four stories besides basement) was destroyed by fire May 19, 1889. A new building reared on the foundation of the old, and of the same dimensions, was dedicated and occupied on October 14, 1890. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, reports that the Alumni Science Hall, a new brick building 60 by 80 feet, is being erected. It is three stories in height besides the basement, and will be occupied by laboratories, museum, gymnasium, etc. Lenox College, Hopkinton, Iowa, has erected Clarke Memorial Hall at a cost of $8,000. It is to be used as a boarding hall for young ladies. An astronomical observatory has also been erected. Two buildings were erected by Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, during 1889 and 1890. Science Hall contains the laboratory, museum, study and recitation rooms, and music and art rooms, while Ladies' Hall affords facilities for accommodating young ladies with rooms and board. The State University of Iowa, Iowa City, will soon have two new buildings upon its campus. The twenty-third general assembly appropriated $50,000 for a building to be used as a chemical laboratory. It was begun in August, 1890, and will be ready for occupancy in September, 1891. The sum of $35,000 has been subscribed for a new building for the Christian associations. It will contain a large assembly hall, gymnasium, reading rooms, and bath rooms, and will be completed by September, 1891. lowa Wesleyan University, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, has in course of erection a new Chapel and Science Hall. The building will be 102 by 95 feet and will be used as chapel, laboratories, recitation rooms, professors' rooms, etc. The main building of Western College, Toledo, Iowa, was destroyed by fire December 26, 1889. A new building much superior to that destroyed is now finished and occupied. Washburn College, Topeka, Kans., reports the erection, at a cost of $37,000, of a new chapel building, of stone, 112 by 90 feet. Besides the audience room the building affords nine recitation rooms and a Y. M. C. A. room. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., reports the construction of a hall for the uses of the Y. M. C. A. The building is the gift of Mr. Eugene Levering, of Baltimore, and contains a large reading room, a room for devotional services, a committee room, an office for the dean, and a large assembly room where 429 persons may be seated. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., has erected a substantial brick athletic building for the use of members of the principal teams and of other students. It has a floor area of 7,848 square feet and was the gift of Henry A. Carey, who gave $36,000 for its erection. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.-The State legislature and the city of Ann Arbor together appropriated the sum of $75,000 for the erection of a hospital building, which will greatly increase the facilities for clinical instruction. Olivet College, Olivet, Mich., reports the erection of Burrage Hall and Adelphic Hall. The former, which is used as a library, is 110 by 52 feet and has a capacity of 100,000 volumes. Adelphic Hall, which is the home of the Adelphic Society, contains an auditorium, reception rooms, cloak rooms, library, committee rooms, and janitor's room. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.-Pillsbury Hall and Museum, the gift of Hon. J. S. Pillsbury, is used for instruction in science and for a museum. It is 245 feet in length and is built of stone. The Chemical and Physical Laboratory is built of Roman brick with red sandstone basement, 192 feet front, and furnishes accommodations to the departments of physics and chemistry. The Law building, 80 feet front, built of pressed brick with red sandstone trimmings, was finished in 1889. It contains a large room for library, a large lecture room, four smaller lecture and recitation rooms, and offices for the dean and professors. The University of Mississippi reports the erection of a library building containing four large rooms and constructed on the modern style of architecture. Bellevue College, Bellevue, Nebr., now furnishes boarding facilities for young ladies. Elwina Hall, a four-story building containing a dining room, kitchen, laundry, housekeeper's rooms, library, reception room, halls, and twenty-two rooms for young ladies was erected during 1889-90. The College of New Jersey, Princeton, N. J., reports the erection of Albert B. Dod Hall to be used as a dormitory, of the magnetic observatory and of a dynamo building. A number of other buildings have been contracted for or are in course of erection. Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.. reports the erection in 1839 of a new library building. No particulars are given. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., reports the completion of Morse Hall. This building, which is for the exclusive use of the chemical department, is built of brick and is nearly fire-proof. It is 130 by 70 feet, with high basement and two stories, and contains forty rooms besides a large sub-basement. Additions have also been made to Sibley College. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., has erected two fine buildings during 1889. The Library Building, erected at a cost of $40,000, is of limestone and Trenton brick with terra-cotta trimmings. It has abundant room for library appliances and shelving in the stack room for 135,000 volumes. The John Crouse Memorial College Editice, built and furnished by the late Mr. John Crouse, and his son Mr. D. Edgar Crouse, is of Long Meadow red sandstone, with granite foundations. It is four stories high, 162 by 190 feet. The amount expended upon the structure was $450,000. Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, reports the erection of the Morgan Gymnasium at a cost of $10,000. It is 50 by 80 feet and built of brick. The basement contains bath rooms, lockers, bowling alley, and base ball cage. The main floor is devoted to gymnastic performances of all kinds, while in the second story there is a roomy, running gallery. Calvin College, Cleveland, Ohio, has acquired and equipped Pestalozzi Hall, a large new building for the preparatory department. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. The Electrical Laboratory, a two-story brick building, 75 by 45 feet, was erected in 1889. The first floor contains the engine and dynamo room, office, and washroom. On the second floor are a lecture room, a photometric room, a library room, and three measurement rooms. The building and its outfit are valued at $16,000. The Chemical Building was completed in 1890, and is occupied by the departments of general chemistry, agricultural chemistry, mining and metallurgy, and pharmacy. It is a twostory and basement brick building, 179 by 132 feet. The building and contents cost about $62,000. The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, erected a new building to be used as a gymnasium. It is built of brick and cost $4,500. Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa.-The Recitation Hall, completed in 1889, contains on the first floor, library room and office, president's office, reception and recitation rooms. The second floor has recitation rooms. The third floor contains a museum room, mineralogical laboratory, infirmary, and two society halls, while the basement is designed for a physical laboratory. Brua Memorial Chapel was erected in 1889-90, and is used for morning chapel service, commencement exercises, lectures, and other occasions requiring a large audience room. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa., reports the erection of two new buildings. Bucknell Laboratory is 43 by 86 feet and has two stories above the basement. On the first story are a lecture room and a working room for individual work in chemical analysis; the second floor contains a lecture room and one room each for quantitative and qualitative analysis; the basement has a dark room for photometry, a room for applied chemistry, another for electricity, and a fireproof room. The Tustin Gymnasium is built of brick and stone, and contains, in the basement rooms for lockers, wardrobes, dressing rooms, shower baths, furnaces, and coal. The second story rises 22 feet from the main floor to the square and is open to the roof. At the height of 12 feet a running track gallery, 6 feet wide, surrounds the room. The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., reports the erection of a large library building. The storage capacity is for 350,000 volumes, but the book stack admits of indefinite extension. The building is fireproof, and the plans for the erection of it were subjected to severe criticism and were widely altered in many respects before final adoption. The Young Men's Christian Association of the University of Tennessee has erected a handsome separate building for the association. The building is a substantial structure of pressed brick and stone, covered with slate, and was planned with special reference to its uses. The building affords ample facilities for physical culture and is equipped with a complete set of standard gymnastic apparatus. Carson and Newman College, Mossy Creek, Tenn., reports the erection, in 1890, of a college building costing $20,000. Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., reports the erection of a gymnasium and workshop. The gymnasium is furnished with apparatus both for the young men and for the young women. University of Texas, Austin, Tex.-Brackenridge Hall, to be used as a club house, was erected in 1890 at a cost of $16,000. It is a hall for students, containing lodging rooms and a restaurant. The building is of brick, trimmed with stone, and is four stories high. Besides the large dining room, kitchen, etc., the building contains twenty-four rooms, each 22 by 15 feet. The erection of the central building in 1889 at a cost of $75,000 is also reported. The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., reports the completion of the Billings Library at a cost of $153,000. The building has a shelving capacity of 100,000 volumes and contains the general library of the university and the special collections. Three new houses for professors were erected in 1889-90 at a cost of $12,000 each. Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va., has erected a new Science Hall costing $10,000, to be used for lecture rooms and laboratories for practical work in physics and biology. |