Imágenes de páginas

The following shows the present organization of the State universities and the manner in which the controlling power is chosen:

[blocks in formation]

Board of Trustees.. State superintendent of education.

Ex oficio.

(9 trustees appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

The University of California comprises

1. College of Letters..

a Classical course.
Literary course.

c Course in letters and political science.

2. College of Agriculture.

3. College of Mechanics. 4. College of Mining.

5. College of Civil Engineering. 6. College of Chemistry.

It is controlled by

Board of Regents..


Lieutenant governor.
Speaker of assembly.

7. Lick Observatory.
8. College of Law.

9. College of Medicine.
10. College of Dentistry.
11. College of Pharmacy.

Superintendent of public instruction.
President of State Agricultural Society.

President of Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco.
President of university,

Ex officio.

16 regents appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

[blocks in formation]

Bachelor of arts.

Bachelor of science.
Master of arts.
Master of science.

2. State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.. Bachelor of agriculture.

3. School of Technology.

Bachelor of engineering.

[blocks in formation]

President of board of technological school.

[blocks in formation]

Board of Trustees.. One from each Congressional district of the State, four from the State at large, and two from the city of Athens, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

[blocks in formation]

Other courses

It is controlled by

Governor of State.

Course in English and science.
Course in Latin and science.
Course in ancient languages.

Course in philosophy and pedagogy.
Course in military science.
Course in art and design.
Course in rhetoric and oratory.

Board of Trustees.. President of State Agricultural Society. Ex officio.

State superintendent of public instruction.

9 trustees appointed by governor and confirmed by senate.

[blocks in formation]

Superintendent of public instruction.

Ex officio.

Board of Regents. One member from each Congressional district who are elected by the gen

eral assembly.

The University of Kansas comprises

General scientific course.
Latin scientific course.
Classical course.

Modern literature course.

I. Department of Literatures, Sciences, and the Arts. Latin English course.

General language course.
Civil engineering course.
Electrical engineering course.

II. School of Law.

III. School of Music.

IV. School of Pharmacy.

It is controlled by

Board of Regents.. 6 appointed by governor and confirmed by the senate.

Chancellor-elected by the regents.

The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College comprises-
I. Subfreshman Department.

II. Collegiate Department..

III. Commercial course.
It is controlled by-

Literary course-A. B.
Agricultural course-B. S.
Mechanical course-B. S.

Governor of State.

Board of Supervisors.. Sup't of public education.Ex officio.

President of university.

12 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

The University of Michigan comprises

Bachelor of arts.
Bachelor of philosophy,
Bachelor of science.
Bachelor of letters.
Civil engineer.
Mechanical engineer.
Mining engineer.

I. Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts, comprising Electrical engineer. courses leading to

[blocks in formation]

II. Department of Medicine and Surgery.

III. Department of Law.

IV. School of Pharmacy.

V. Homeopathic Medical College.

VI. College of Dental Surgery.

It is controlled by

Board of Regents..President of university.

18 regents elected by popular vote for terms of 8 years.

The University of Minnesota comprises


I. College of Science, Literature, and Arts.. Scientific-School of Mining and Metallurgy.

[blocks in formation]

College of Medicine and Surgery.

V. Department of Medicine..College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery.

College of Dentistry.

VI. Department of Veterinary Medicine.

VII. Graduate Department.

It is controlled by


Board of Regents. Superintendent of public instruction.Ex officio.
President of university.

(7 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senato.

The University of Mississippi comprises

Bachelor of arts.
Bachelor of science.

I. Department of Science, Literature, and Arts.. Bachelor of philosophy.

II. School of Law.
It is controlled by-

Board of Trustees.. j Governor, ex officio.

Master of arts.
Doctor of philosophy.

15 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

The University of the State of Missouri comprises the following schools:

[blocks in formation]

XVIII. Mining and metallurgy.

It is governed by

Board of Curators

XIX. Engineering.

XX. Military science and tactics.
XXI. Art.

XXII. Commercial.

Consists of 9 members, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the


The University of Nebraska comprises at present-
I. College of Literature, Science, and Arts..

II. Industrial College.....

III. Latin or Preparatory School.

It is governed by—

Board of Regents....

The University of Nevada comprises

I. School of Liberal Arts.

II. School of Agriculture.

III. School of Mines.

IV. Normal Department.

VI. Business Department.


Practical science.
Civil engineering.
Mechanic arts.

16 members, elected by popular vote for torms of 6 years.

It is governed by a board of regents, consisting of three members, electol by popular vote. The University of North Carolina comprises

Classical course.
Philosophical course.

I. Undergraduate courses... Scientific course.

[blocks in formation]

III. Normal Department.

IV. School of Mines.

(Classical course.

Scientific course.
Literary course.

It is governed by a board of five truste33 appointed by the governor and confirmed by the


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[blocks in formation]

Board of Trustees-7 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.
The University of Oregon comprises-

[blocks in formation]

Board of Regents-9 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

The University of South Dakota embraces

1. Preparatory Department.

II. Collegiate Department..

III. Music Department.

IV. Commercial Department.

Classical course.

Philosophical course.

Scientific course.
Literary course.

The government of the university is vested in a board of nine regents, who appoint five trustees for the current management of the institution.

[blocks in formation]

II. Department of Medicine.

III. Department of Dentistry.

It is controlled by a board of trustees, which is, in a measure, self-perpetuating. The board nominates members to fill vacancies, but the election is vested in the general assembly.

[blocks in formation]

General course.


I. Academic Department. Bachelor of science.. Chemistry.

[Special course in letters leading to a certificate.

Board of Regents-8 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.

II. Law Department.

It is governed by

The University of Virginia comprises

I. Literary Department.

II. Scientific Department.

III. Law Department.

IV. Medical Department.

V. Pharmaceutical Department.
VI. Engineering Department.
VII. Agricultural Department.

It is governed by a rector and board of visitors appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate. They are nine in number.

[blocks in formation]

III. Normal Department.

IV. Music and Art Department.

It is governed by a board of regents consisting of 7 members, who are appointed by the gov ernor and confirmed by the senate.

[blocks in formation]

V. School of Civil and Mining Engineering.

It is governed by a board of regents consisting of one member from each senatorial district and is self-perpetuating.

The University of Wisconsin embraces

I. College of Letters and Science.

(1. Graduate and fellowship courses.

2. Ancient classical course.

3. Modern classical course.

4. General science course.
5. English course.

6. Civic-historical course.

7. Special science course.

8. Special course for normal school graduates. 1. Civil engineering course.

2. Mechanical engineering course.

II. College of Mechanics and Engineering.. 3. Mining and metallurgical engineering

III. College of Agriculture....

IV. College of Law.

V. School of Pharmacy

It is governed by

Board of Regents.

The University of Wyoming embraces

I. Academic Department....

II. College of Liberal Arts..

III. Normal School.

IV. Agricultural College.


4. Railroad engineering course.

5. Electrical engineering course.

1. Experiment station.

2. Graduate courses.

3. Long agricultural course.
4. Middle agricultural course.

5. Short agricultural course.

6. Dairy course.

7. Farmers' institutes.

J Graduate course.

V. School of Mechanics and Manual Training.
VI. School of Irrigation Engineering.
VII. College of Mechanic Arts.

It is governed by—

Board of Trustees....

Pharmacy course.

[Superintendent of public instruction) Ex officio.

President of university..

2 members from the State at large.

1 member from each Congressional district, appointed by the governor.

2 years' academic course.
Sub-preparatory course.
Business department.
Classical course.
Scientific course.
Philosophical course.
Literary course.

Ex officio.

President of university.
Superintendent of public instructions
9 members appointed by the governor.


The majority of institutions for higher education in this country are at present carried on under the auspices of the several religious denominations. As stated before, the total number of institutions reporting to the Bureau in 1889-90 is 415, and of this number but 99 claim to be nonsectarian, leaving 316 that are under the control of some religious sect. It must not, however, be inferred that the instruction in denominational institutions has a sectarian bias. On the contrary a large number of them state particularly that their teaching is entirely unsectarian and that students will not be disturbed in their respective religious beliefs.

These denominational institutions have been the pioneers of higher education in several States, and have, at least in the Western States, prepared the way for the establishment of good State institutions. This they have succeeded in doing, not by advocating the establishment of such institutions, but by creating and fostering a desire for knowledge and making the people of the several communities realize the value of a liberal education. This much accomplished, the establishment of a State university naturally followed, the funds having been provided by the land policy of the General Government in setting aside certain tracts of land for the purpose of founding institutions of learning.

The proceeds arising from the sale of these lands are generally used in the establishment of new institutions in preference to giving the money to some one

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