N 4 It was formerly thought to be impregnable; but in 1704 it was taken by the confederate fleet, commanded by sir George Rooke; and has remained in the hands of the English ever since. It has been several times attacked by contempt the Spaniards, who have always been unsuccessful: their last effort to recover it was made contemptu- Sept. 13, 1782, with floating batteries, in icule; to which were mounted 212 brass cannons and mortars. General Elliot, who was governor of Gibraltar, had prepared a great number of red-hot balls against the attack: and these so effectually destroyed the floating batteries, that the Spaniards were greatly annoyed, and relinquished the enterprize. Lat. 36. 6 N. Lon. 5. 17 W. Sacer; hint of so; act or exSectator). be of Benjamin, about 20 or 30 furhill, as its name im SELLINS, a famous facto another called the Lactions ravaged and laid Og series of years; so that antry, for the space of two more than a detail of their and slaughters. The Gibee emperor against the pope: their origin and the reason of we have but a very obscure ac he most probable opinion is that of who says, that the two factions of Gibelins arose from a quarrel bewo ancient and illustrious houses on shes of Germany, that of the Henries ag, and that of the Guelphs of BEON, a city seated on an eminence 40 furlongs from Jerusalem northward, not far from the city of Gibeah. This was capital city of the Gibeonites, who took e advantage of Joshua's oath, and of that which the elders of Israel likewise swore to nem, upon an artificial representation which they made of their belonging to a very remote Country, and their desire of making an alliance with the Hebrews. (Joshua ix. 3, 4, & seq.) GIBER. s. (from gibe.) A sneerer; a scoffer; a taunter (Ben Jonson). GIBINGLY. ad. (from gibe.) Scornfully; contemptuously (Shakspeare). GIBSTAFF. s. 1. A long staff to gage water, or to shove forth a vessel into the deep. 2. A weapon used formerly to fight beasts. GIBLETS. s. The parts of a goose which are cut off before it is roasted (Dryden). GIBRALTAR, a town of Spain, in AndaJusia, near a mountain of the same name, forerly called Calpe, which, and Mount Abyla on the opposite shore of Africa, were called the pillars of Hercules. Tarick, a general of the Moors, built a fortress here, which he called Gibel-Tarick, that is to say, Mount Tarick. Since that time a town has been built at the foot of this rock, which is strongly fortified. It can be approached only by a narrow passage between the mountain and the sea, across which the Spaniards have drawn a line, and fortified it, to prevent the garrison from havcation with the country. ing any co GIBRALTAR, a town of South America, in the country of Terra Firma, and province of Venezuela, situated on the east coast of the lake of Maracaibo. In the environs of which is gathered the best cocoa of the province, and an excellent kind of tobacco grows, of high esteem in Old Spain. The air is exceedingly unwholesome in the rainy season, on which account the merchants and planters generally retire at that time to Maracaibo. It is defended by some fortifications, but was taken by the French and burned in the year 1679: fifty miles SSE. Maracaibo. Long. 49. 50 W. Lat. 10. 4 N. GIBSON (Edmund), bishop of London, was born at Knipe, in Westmoreland, in 1669. In 1686 he became a servitor at Queen's college, Oxford. In 1691 he published a new edition of Willian Drummond's Polemo Middiana, and James the V. of Scotland's Cantilena Rustica; the next year a translation into Latin of the Chronicon Saxonicum, with the Saxon original, and his own notes. He pub lished also an edition of Camden's Britannia, in English, and the posthumous works of sir Henry Spelman, on the laws and antiquities of England. His writings recommended him to Dr. Tenison, archbishop of Canterbury, who made him his domestic chaplain, and greatly patronized him. In 1715, Tenison dying, Wake, bishop of Lincoln, succeeded to the primacy, and Gibson was raised to the see of Lincoln. In 1720 he was translated to London. He obtained an ample endowment from the crown, for the regular performance of divine service in the royal chapel at Whitehall, by a succession of clergymen, selected from both universities, and exerted himself at all times with great zeal in behalf of the church of England and vital christianity. He died in 1748, at the age of 79. Besides the above works he published several of his own, chiefly in divinity. His Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani is a work of much labour, and is highly celebrated. GID, or GIDDINGS, in veterinary medi cine, a vertigo affecting the head in sheep, apes, and some other animals. Among sheep it commonly proceeds from their being too richly fed, and consequently it usually yields to a free employment of the lancet. The farmers call this disease sturdiness, or the sturdy evil. GIDDILY. ad. (from giddy.) 1. With the head seeming to turn round. 2. Inconstantly; unsteadily (Donne). 3. Carelessly; heedlessly; negligently (Shakspeare). GI'DĎÍNESS. s. (from giddy.) 1. The state of being giddy or vertiginous. 2. Inconstancy; unsteadiness; mutability; changeableness (Bacon). 3. Quick rotation; inability to keep its place. 4. Frolick; wantonness of life (Donne). GIDDY, a. (zidig, Saxon.) 1. Vertiginous; having in the head a whirl, or sensation of circular motion (Tate). 2. Rotatory; whirling (Pope). 3. Inconstant; mutable; unsteady; changeful (Shakspeare). 4. That causes giddiness (Prior). 5. Heedless; thoughtless; wild (Rowe). 6. Tottering; unfixed (Shakspeare). 7. Intoxicated; elated to thoughtlessness; overcome by any overpowering incitement (Shakspeare). GIDDYBRAINED. a. (giddy and brain.) Careless; thoughtless (Otway). GIDDYHEADED. a. Without steadiness or constancy (Burton). GIDDYPACED. a. Moving without regularity (Shakspeare). GIDEON, in Scripture history, the son of Joash, of the tribe of Manasseh. He was chosen judge of Israel in the year of the world 2759, and died in 2768. GIFFORD (Dr. Andrew), an English baptist minister, was born in 1700. He was assistant librarian many years at the British Museum, and died in 1784, bequeathing his library to the baptist academy at Bristol. Dr. Gifford was a learned antiquary and a pious divine. GIFT. s. (from give.) 1. A thing given or bestowed (Matthew). 2. The act of giving (Milton). 3. The right or power of bestowing (South). 4. Oblation; offering (Tobit). 5. A bribe (Deuteronomy). 6. Power; faculty (Shakspeare). GIFT, Donum, in law, is a conveyance which passeth either lands or goods, and is of a larger extent than a grant, being applied to things moveable and immoveable; yet as to things immoveable, when taken strictly, it is applicable only to lands and tenements given in tail; but gift and grant are too often confounded. stowed (Milton). 2. Endowed with extraordinary powers (Dryden). GIG. s. (Etymology uncertain.) 1. Any thing that is whirled round in play. 2. (gigia, Islandick.) A fiddle; out of use. 3. A light open carriage, drawn by a single horse. GIGA, or JIG, in music, an airy brisk movement generally written in the time of GIGA, a small island on the W. coast of Scotland, between the isle of Skye and the peninsula of Cantyre, in Argyleshire, in which county it is included. The inhabitants annually export a considerable quantity of grain. GIGANTES, the rebel giants. GIGANTIC. a. (gigantes, Latin.) Suitable to a giant; big; bulky; enormous (Pope). To GIGGLE. v.n. (gichgelen, Dutch.) To laugh idly to titter (Garrick). GIGGLER. s. (from giggle.) A laugher; a titterer (Herbert). GI'GLET. s. (geaɣl, Saxon.) A wanton; a lascivious girl: out of use (Shakspeare). GI'GOT. s. (French.) The hip-joint. GIGS, a term in the stable, but now almost obsolete, for what are now called flaps, a kind of flaccid fleshy enlargement on each side a horse's jaw, which, in his mastication, frequently falling between the grinders, is productive of pain, and prevents the horse from eating. If long and thin, they may be completely taken off by a pair of scissors, and the wounds washed with a strong solution of alum in water; if they are too fleshy for this mode of extirpation, they may be slightly scarified with a bistory, or abscess lancet GIHON, in ancient geography, one of the rivers of Paradise; according to Wells, the eastern branch of the Euphrates, into which it divides after its conjunction with the Tigris. GILBERT (William), a learned physician, who discovered several of the properties of the loadstone, was born at Colchester, in 1540, and educated at Cambridge, but took his degree of M. D. abroad. On his return to England he was elected a fellow of the college of physicians in London in 1573, and practised in the metropolis with great success and repute, so that queen Elizabeth appointed him her physician in ordinary. In 1600 he published a work, intitled De Magnete, magneticisque Corporibus, and de magno Magnete tellure, Physiologia nova. He died in 1603. (Wal GILBERT (Sir Humphrey), an able navigator, who took possession of Newfoundland in the name of queen Elizabeth; but was unsuccessful in an attempt he made to plant a colony on the continent of America. He contended for the existence of a N. W. passage to the Indies, in a book written for that purpose. He died in 1583. New-Year's Gifts, presents made on new-kins.) year's day, as a token of the giver's good will, as well as by way of presage of a happy year. This practice is very ancient, the origin of it among the Romans being referred to Tatius king of the Sabines, who reigned at Rome conjointly with Romulus, and who having considered as a good omen a present of some sprigs of vervain gathered in a wood consecrated to Strenia the goddess of strength, which he recrived on the first day of the new year, authoised this custom afterwards, and gave to these presents the name of Strenæ. GIFTED. a. (from gift.) 1. Given; be GILBERTIA. In botany, a genus of the class decandria, order monogynia. Calyx four or five-toothed; corol four or five-petalled; nectary cylindrical, truncate; anthers inserted into the margin of the nectary; capsule four celled; the cells about one-seeded. Four species; natives of the isle of Bourbon. GILBERTINES, an order of religious, thus called from St. Gilbert of Sempringham in the county of Lincoln, who founded the same about the year 1148; the monks of which observed the rule of St. Augustin, and were accounted canons: and the nuns that of St. Benedict. The founder of this order erected a double monastery, or rather two different ones, contiguous to each other, the one for men, the other for women, but parted by a very high wall. St. Gilbert himself founded 13 monasteries of this order, viz. four for men alone, and nine for men and women together, which had in them 700 brethren and 1500 sisters. At the dissolution there were about 25 houses of this order in England and Wales. GILBOA, mountains of Samaria, stretching out from west to east, on the confines of the half tribe of Manassch, and of the tribe of Issachar ; and to the south part of the valley of Jezreel, beginning westward at the city of Jezreel, situated at the foot of these mountains, reaching almost quite to the Jordan, ly ing at the distance of six miles from Scythopolis: famous for the death of Saul and his son Jonathan, and the defeat of the Israelites by the Philistines. GILD. See GUILD. To GILD. v. a. pret. gilded or gilt. (zıldan, Saxon.) 1. To overlay with thin gold (Spenser). 2. To cover with any yellow matter (Shak.). 3. To adorn with lustre (Pope). 4. To brighten; to illuminate (South). 5. To recommend by adventitious ornaments (Shakspeare). GILDER. s. (from gild.) 1. One who lays gold on the surface of any other body (Bacon). 2. A coin, from one shilling and sixpence, to two shillings (Shakspeare). GI'LDING. s. (from gild.) Gold laid on any surface by way of ornament (Bacon). GILDING (Art of). See GOLD. GILEAD, in Scripture history, the son of Machir, and grandson of Manasseh, had his inheritance allotted him in the mountains of Gilead, whence he took his name. Sce Genesis xxxi, xxxvii, &c. GILEAD (Balm of). See DRACOCEPHA LUM. GILEAD (Balm of, Tree). See AMYRIS. GILL (John, D. D.), a protestant dissenting minister of the baptist denomination, and the son of Edward and Elizabeth Gill, was born at Kettering in Northamptonshire, November 23, 1697. His sentiments, as a divine, were throughout Calvinistic: "And perhaps no man (says the Rev. Mr. Toplady, a minister in the church of England), since the days of Austin, has written so largely in defence of the system of grace; and certainly no man has treated that momentous subject, in all its branches, more closely, judiciously, and successfully." He died at Camberwell, October 14, 1771, aged 73 years 10 months and 10 days. In 1718 the doctor married Mrs. Eli zabeth Negus, by whom he had many child, ren, two of whom only survived him. Mrs, Gill died in 1764. His works are, A Coinmentary on the Old and New Testament, in 9 vols. folio. A Body of Divinity, in 3 vols, quarto. The Cause of God and Truth, 4 vols. octavo. A Treatise concerning the Prophecies of the Old Testament respecting the Messiah. A Dissertation on the Antiquity of the He brew Language, Letters, Vowel-Points, and Accents. Sermons on the Canticles, folio; besides a great number of sermons and contro versial pieces on different subjects. The doc. tor was a man of considerable labour and industry; his works, though somewhat tedious and dull, exhibit marks of sound piety and a good understanding; but we do not now recol, lect a single trait of genius. GILLS, in ichthyology, the respiratory or gan of fishes, anatomically denominated branchiæ, and in many respects very closely assimilating to the lungs of quadrupeds. The gills or branchia lie in two large openings, one on each side of the head. Their form is semicircular, and terminate with a fringe of beautiful fibrillæ, resembling, in their form, the vane of a feather. They are perpetually subject to an alternating action from the pressure of the water, nor is any red blood to be discovered where such alternate pressure does not exist. Over these gills is a large flap, or valve, allowing a communication externally, by which the water fishes are compelled to take into their mouths with their food finds an exit without passing into the stomach. The blood is collected from the infinite ramification of the small branchial arteries, by a vast number of small veins, gradually communicating and enlarging, which at length, instead of uniting to form a pulmonary vein, as in quadrupeds, and return the blood to the heart, unite and form an aorta descendens, which, without the intervention of the contraction or dilation of the heart, circulates the blood through every part of the system, to be returned to the heart by the corporeal veins alone. The heart of fishes, which is single instead of double, is, hence, a mere pulmonary and not a corporeal heart. GILLS, in botany. See LAMEL. GILL, a measure of capacity, containing a quarter of an English pint. GILL, contracted from Gillian, is an appellation for a woman in ludicrous language. GILL-COVER, in ichthyology, the bony or cartilaginous substance placed on the membrane that covers the gills. GILLIFOWER. GILLIFLOWER (Clove), in botany. See DIANTHUS. GILLIFLOWER (Queen's), in botany. See HESPERIS. GILLIFLOWER (Stock), in botany. See CHEIRANTHUS. GILOLO, a large island of the East Indies. It lies directly under the equinoctial line, in lon. 130. 0 E. The inhabitants are fierce and cruel. GILPIN (Bernard), an English divine of extraordinary merit, was born at Kentmire in Westmoreland in 1513,and educated at Queen's college, Oxford, where he took his degrees in arts, and was chosen a fellow. On the com pletion of the foundation of Christ church college by Henry VIII. he was chosen one of its first masters. In the reign of Edward VI. his zeal for popery led him to hold a dispute with Peter Martyr, the result of which was his own conversion to the protestant religion. Soon after this he was presented to the living of Norton in the diocese of Durham, and by the advice of Tonstal, bishop of that diocese, who was his uncle, he went abroad, that he might consult foreign divines, taking with him a MS. of that prelate on the eucharist to get printed. After the accession of queen Mary, Tonstal being restored to his see, he offered a valuable living to Gilpin, who declined it from scruples of conscience. Soon after he went to Paris, where the first thing he did was to print his uncle's book. In 1556 Gilpin returned to England, a little before the death of queen Mary. His uncle conferred on him the archdeaconry of Durham, with the rectory of Easington annexed. Although the persecution still raged against the protestants, he preached openly against vice of every kind, but more particularly in the clergy, and amongst other things, against pluralites and non-residence, by which he brought such a persecution on himself that he was twice formally accused before his bishop, who, however, found means to protect him. But he was so embarrassed with the malice of his enemies, that he resigned the archdeaconry and retired to Houghtonle-spring, the living of which becoming vacant was given to him by his uncle. Although he now forbore to attack the clergy, they could not forgive him, and he was accused before Bonner, bishop of London, who ordered him to be apprehended. He began without delay to prepare himself for martyrdom, and, having desired his house steward to provide him with a long garment, in which he proposed to go to the stake, he set out for London. But the death of queen Mary, the news of which he received on the road, saved him in this extremity. He returned to Houghton, where his parishioners received him with every token of respect and satisfaction. When the popish bishops were deprived, a congé d'elire was sent to Carlisle to elect him bishop of that see; but he declined the honour, and the following year refused the provostship of Queen's college. He endeared himself to all by his munificence, charity, and virtuous life. His death was hastened by an accident. He was thrown down in the market-place at Durham by an ox, and extremely hurt; and though he got abroad again after a long confinement, he never perfectly recovered. He died in 1583, in the 66th year of his age. (Watkins.) GILT. s. (from gild.) Golden show; gold laid on the surface of any matter (Shakspeare). GILT. The participle of gild. GILTHEAD, in ichthyology. See SPA RUS. GIM. a. (An old word.) Neat; spruce. GIMBOLS, are the brass rings by which a sea-compass is suspended in its box that usually stands in the binacle. GIMCRACK. s. (ludicrously formed from gin.) A slight or trivial mechanism (Prior). GIMLET. s. (gibelet, guimbelet, French.) A borer with a screw at its point (Moxon). GIMMAL. s. (gimellus, Latin.) Some little quaint devices of machinery (Hanmer). GIMMER. s. Movement; machinery (More). GIMP. s. A kind of silk twist or lace. GIN. s. (from engine.) 1. A trap; a snare (Ben Jonson). 2. Any thing moved with screws, as an engine of torture (Spenser). 3. A pump worked by rotatory sails (Woodward). 4. (contracted from GENEVA.) The spirit drawn by distillation from juniper-berries, GIN, in mechanics, an engine for driving piles. See PILE-ENGINE. GINGEE, a town of Asia, in the peninsula of Hindustan, and on the coast of Coromandel. It is a large town, well peopled, and strong both by art and nature, being seated on a mountain, whose top is divided into three points, on each of which is a castle. The Great Mogul in 1690 began a siege, which continued three years, to no purpose. It is 33 miles W. of Pondicherry. Lat. 11, 42 N. Lon. 10. 13 E. GINGER, in botany. See AMOMUM. GINGERBREAD. s. (ginger and bread.) A kind of farinaceous sweetmeat male of dough, like that of bread or biscuit, sweetened with treacle, and flavoured with ginger and some aromatic seeds (Swift). GINGERLY. ad. Cautiously; nicely (Shakspeare). GINGERNESS. s. Niceness; tenderness. GINGIDIUM, in botany. See CHEREFOLIUM. GINGIRO, or ZINDERO, a small territory of Africa, to the south of Abyssinia; being separated from it by the river Zebee, by which it is also almost entirely surrounded. This river is extremely large, having more water than the Nile, and being much more rapid; so that during the rainy season it would be altogether impassable, were it not for the large rocks which are in its channel. The extreme difficulty which occurs in passing this river, however, is the means of preserving the kingdom of Gingiro, which could otherwise be conquered in a single season by the Galla. In this kingdom every thing is conducted. or pretended to be conducted, by magic; and all those slaves, which in other African countries are sold to Europeans, are here sacrificed to the devil, human blood being a necessary part in all their accursed solemnities. "How far (says Mr. Bruce) this reaches to the southward, I do not know; but I look upon this to be the geographical bounds of the reign of the devil on the north side of the equator in the peninsula of Africa." GINGIVE. (gingivæ, from gigno, to beget, because the teeth are, as it were, born in them.) The gums. See GUMS. GINGIVAL. a. (gingiva, Latin.) Belonging to the gums (Holder). To GINGLE. v. n. 1. To utter a sharp clattering noise (Pope). 2. To make an affected sound in periods or cadence. To GINGLE. v. a. To shake so that a sharp shrill clattering noise should be made (Pope). To GINGLE. S. (from the verb.) 1. A shrill resounding noise. 2. Affectation in the sound of periods. GINGLYMOID. a. (ytyyλupos, a hinge, and do.) Resembling a ginglymus; approaching to a ginglymus. GINGLYMUS. (ginglymus, from yyyhus, a hinge.) The hinge-like joint. A species of diarthrosis or moveable connexion of bones, which admits of flexion and extension, as the knee-joint, &c. GINSKO, in botany. See MAURITIA. GINNET. s. (yevvog.) A nag; a mule; a degenerated breed. GINONIA. In botany, a genus of the class dodecandria, order monogynia. Calyx six-cleft; petals six: capsule one-celled, fourvalved, many-seeded. One species; a myrtleform shrub of Cuba, with leaves opposite, lanceolate, entire, glabrous; peduncles axillary and terminal, onc-flowered. GINSENG. (ginseng, Indian.) The plant from which this root is obtained is the panax quinquefolium; foliis ternis quinatis, of Linhéus. A genus of the class polygamia, order dioecia. It is imported into this country scarcely of the thickness of the little finger, about three or four inches long, frequently forked, transversely wrinkled, of a horny tex ture, and both internally and externally of a yellowish white colour. To the laste it discovers a mucilaginous sweetness, approaching to that of liquorice, accompanied with some degree of bitterness, and a slight aromatic warmth. The Chinese ascribe extraordinary virtues to the root of gingseng, and have no confidence in any medicine unless in combination with it. In Europe, however, it is very seldom employed. See PANAX. GIOIA (Flavio), of Amalfi in the kingdom of Naples, the celebrated mathematician; who, from his knowledge of the magnetic powers, invented the mariner's compass, by which the navigation of the Europeans was extended to the most distant regions of the globe: before this invention, navigation was confined to coasting. The king of Naples be. ing a younger branch of the royal family of France, he marked the north point with a fleur de lis, in compliment to that country. It is said the Chinese knew the compass long before: be this as it may, the Europeans are indebted to Gioia for this invaluable discovery. He Hourished A. D. 1300. GIORGIONE, 30 called from his comely aspect, was an illustrious Venetian painter, born in 1478. He received his first instructions from Giovanni Bellino; but studying afterwards the works of Leonardo da Vinci, he soon surpassed them both, being the first among the Lombards who found out the admitable effects of strong lights and shadows. Titian became his mod in this art, and was so careful in copying the life, that he excelled Giorgione in discovering the delicacies of na ture, by tempering the boldness of his colour. ing. The most valuable piece of Giorgione in oil is that of Christ carrying his cross, now in the church of San Rovo in Venice; where it is held in great veneration. He died young of the plague in 1511. GIOTTO, an eminent painter, sculptor, and architect, was born uear Florence in 1276, and was a disciple of Cimabue, whom he greatly excelled. He was chiefly admired for his works in mosaic, the best of which is a ship over the grand entrance of St. Peter's church at Rome. At Florence is the famous mosaic of the death of the Virgin, which was wonderfully admired by Michael Angelo. He died in 1336. GIOVENAZZO, a town of Naples, in Terra di Bari, with a castle. It is seated on a mountain near the sea. Lat. 41. 26 N. Lon. 16. 50 E. To GIP. v. a. To take out the guts of herrings. GIPSY. s. (corrupted from Egyptian.) 1, A vagabond who pretends to foretell futurity, commonly by palmestry or physiognomy. (See GYPSY.) 2. A reproachtul name for a dark complexion (Shakspeare) 3. Name of slight reproach to a woman. GIRALDI (Lilio Gregorio), an eminent writer, was born at Ferrara in 1479. He resided some time at Rome in favour with some eminent men at that court, but after losing his patrons he fell into poverty, and returned to his native place, where he died in 1552 The most esteemed of his works is, Historia de Diis Gentium, and it is among the last he wrote. GIRALDI (John Baptist Cintio), an Italian poet, was born at Ferrara in 1504. After going through a course of classical and philoso phical study, he applied to physic, in which he took his doctor's degree. He was for some time secretary to the duke of Ferrara, but afterwards accepted the professorship of rhetoric at Pavia. Being greatly afflicted with the gout he quitted the chair, and retired to his native place, where he died in 1573. His works are chiefly tragedies, an edition of which was published at Venice, in 1583, in 8vo. GIRARD (Gabriel), author of the cele brated work, intitled, Synonymes François, &c. was almoner to the duchess de Berry, and the king's interpreter for the Russian and Sclavonian languages. He also wrote a work, intitles Principes de la Langue Françoise; but this is inferior to the former, which indeed exhibits great subtlety of understanding and refinement of taste. The abbé Girard died in 1748, at the age of 70. GIRARDON (François), a French sculptor and architect, was born at Troyes in 1628. After studying under Maziere and Anguier, he was sent to Rome by Louis XIV. to perfect himself in his art, and succeeded le Brun as inspector-general of sculpture. The chief works of this artist are the Mausoleum of cardinal de Richelieu, in the church of the Sor |