MR. EDWARD HUGHES, Head Master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital, begs respectfully to direct Public attention to his Series of READING LESSON-BOOKS, well Illustrated, and suited to the educational requirements of the present day. THE FIRST BOOK, Revised Edition, in 12mo (pp. 448), Price 3s. 6d. In 12mo (pp. 430), Price 3s. 6d. THE THIRD BOOK, In 12mo (pp. 430), Price 3s. 6d. Influenced by the idea that no individual could do justice to the numerous and varied regions of knowledge necessary to be surveyed in a complete series of School-books, Mr. Hughes has sought and obtained, the co-operation of men eminent in science and literature, and of well-known and valued practical educators. In this way theory and practice will go hand-inhand, and correct each other. The Books are carefully graduated, so as to lead the pupil, step by step, from the observation of the simplest to the comprehension of the more complex phenomena of Nature. The articles will be written by the following gentlemen; and those to whose names an asterisk (*) is prefixed are contributors to the first three volumes, which have been practically tested in the schools under the Editor's care. *ALLEN, JOSEPH, Esq., R.N. *ALLMAN, Dr., Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh. *ARNOUX, M. G. Esq., Designer, Messrs. Minton's, Stoke-upon-Trent. BAILLIE, HENRY, Esq. BAZLEY, THOMAS, Esq., President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. *BELL, JOHN, Esq., Sculptor. BUSK, Dr., F.R.S. CALVERT, GRACE, Esq., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution Manchester. CAMPBELL, JOHN, Esq., A.M. *CHORLEY, HENRY, Esq. *CONNON, CHARLES, W., Esq., A.M. COWPER, CHARLES, Esq., C.E. *CRAIK, GEORGE L., Esq., Professor of English Literature, Queen's College Belfast. CREASY, EDWARD, Esq., A.M., Professor of History, London University. DE MORGAN, AUGUSTUS, Esq., A.M., Professor of Mathematics, London University. DODD, GEORGE, ESq. ELLIS, WILLIAM, Esq. *FRANKLAND, Dr., Professor of Chemistry in Owen's College, Manchester. GLAISHER, JAMES, Esq., F.R.S., Superintendent of the Meteorological Department, Royal Observatory, Greenwich. *HALL, L., Esq., F.S.B.A. HILL, Rev. JAMES, AM., F.R.A.S., Head Master of the Royal Naval Upper School, Greenwich Hospital. *HUGHES, EDWARD, Esq., F.R.A.S. HUNT, ROBERT, Esq., F.R.S., Keeper of Mining Records, Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street. JAMESON, Mrs. JONES, OWEN, Esq., F.S.B.Α. *JUKES, J. BEETE, Esq., F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey, Ordnance Department, Ireland. *LANKESTER, Dr., F.R.S. Professor of Natural History, New College, St. John's Wood. *LATHAM, Dr. ROBERT GORDON, F.R.S. *LEGREW, JAMES, Esq. MACADAM, J., Esq., Secretary of the Royal Flax Society, Belfast. *MAIN, Rev. ROBERT, M.A., F.R.A.S., First Assistant in the Royal Observa tory, Greenwich. *MANN, Dr. JAMES, F.R.A.S. *MITCHELL, Rev. M., A.M., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. *PATTERSON, ROBERT, Esq., President of the Natural History Society, Belfast. *PLAYFAIR, Dr. LYON, C.B., Secretary to the "Department of Science and Art," Board of Trade. *PURCELL, EDWARD, Esq., Α.Β. *REID, HUGO, Esq., RIDDLE, JOHN, Esq., F.R.A.S., Head Master of the Nautical School, Greenwich Hospital. *ROBINSON, J. C., Esq., Curator of the Museum, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, *SHAW, GEORGE, Esq., F.G.S., Professor of Chemistry, Queen's College, Birmingham. SMYTH, WARINGTON, Esq., F.R.S., Professor of Mineralogy, Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street. *STOCQUELER, J. H., Esq., Professor of Military Engineering. SUTHERLAND, Dr., Board of Health. *TYNDALL, Dr JOHN, F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Insti tution, Albemarle Street. WALKER, Captain, R.N. *WALKER, CHARLES V., Electric Engineer, South Eastern Railway. *WALSH, R. H., Esq., LL.D.. Professor of Political Economy, Trinity College, Dublin. *WHITE, JAMES SEWELL, Esq. *WORNUM, R. N., Esq., Keeper and Secretary, National Gallery. *WYATT, M. DIGBY, Esq., R.A. The names of the Contributors are a sufficient guarantee that the matter of the books will be of the highest class; and the Editor's experience enables him to promise that the form in which the various articles are presented shall be suitable for general instruction. London: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, and LONGMANS. SELECT SPECIMENS OF English Purtry, WITH MECA PROSE INTRODUCTIONS, NOTES, AND QUESTIONS: TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ETYMOLOGICAL APPENDIX OF GREEK, LATIN, For the Use of Schools and Private Reading: BY EDWARD HUGHES, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., ASSOCIATE OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS HEAD MASTER OF THE ROYAL NAVAL LOWER SCHOOL, GREENWICH HOSPITAL. BO "The very essence of Poetry is, that it exalts and ennobles us, and pute us into a higher state of mind than that which we are commonly living in." DR. ARNOLD. FIFTH EDITION, GREATLY ENLARGED. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS. 1856. 280. S. 88. ADVERTISEMENT THE Poems that are inserted in this volume are, for the most part, selections and not extracts. Of the educational value of extracts from the larger works of our great poets, the Editor has no mean opinion; but for bringing out the feeling of admiration and the love of the beautiful-which he conceives to be the main purpose of Poetry-he has always found that entire pieces were more efficient than detached extracts. The leading peculiarity of this volume is the plan of introducing every poem with a prose piece. It is hardly to be expected that in selecting introductions for two or three hundred pieces the Editor has in all cases chosen the most appropriate; but still he indulges the hope that in a majority of instances he shall be found to have done so. To a considerable number of the poems there are questions subjoined, principally with the view of directing the attention of the student to the more diffi |