Facts and Fragments A SEQUEL ΤΟ "THE SPIRIT IN THE WORD." BY W. WELDON CHAMPNEYS, M.A. SEELEY, JACKSON, & HALLIDAY, FLEET ST. PREFACE. BROKEN pieces of time, like odd, triangular bits of a shattered looking-glass, are seldom of much value. We see such pieces sometimes fastened up with three nails to the wall of a cottage. Such a mirror is better than nothing, but to those who are used to a larger one, in which they can see the whole face, that which will only show an eye, or a part of the face, is of little service. It is very hard, though not actually impossible, to turn to account our little broken bits of time. The following pages are the result of an attempt to save a few hours from being uselessly broken up into unprofitable fragments. If, through God's blessing, they should help any one to use well his spare bits of time and convey into one mind a single profitable thought, I shall have reason to bless Him, who is the only Doer of all good. |