Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a proclamation of the British governor of Bermuda, providing for the supply of the British West Indies, by a trade under licenses; accompanied with a circular instruction, confining, if practicable, the trade to the eastern ports of the United States. To the senate and house of representatives of the United States. I lay before congress copies of a proclamation of the British lieutenant governor of the island of Bermuda, which has appeared under circumstances leaving no doubt of its authenticity. İt-recites a British order in council of the 26th of October last, providing for the supply of the British West Indies and other colonial possessions, by a trade under special licenses; and is accompanied by a circular instruction to the colonial governors, which confines licensed importations from ports of the United States, to the ports of the eastern states exclusively. The government of Great Britain had already introduced into her commerce during war, a system, which, at once violating the rights of other nations, and resting on a mass of forgery and perjury unknown to other times, was making an unfortunate progress in undermining those principles of morality and religion, which are the best foundation of national happiness. The policy now proclaimed to the world, introduces into her modes of warfare, a system equally distinguished by the deformity of its features, and the depravity of its character; having for its object to dissolve the ties of allegiance and the sentiments of loyalty in the adversary nation, and to seduce and separate its component parts, the one from the other. The general tendency of these demoralizing and disorganizing contrivances, will be reprobated by the civilized and christian world; and the insulting attempt on the virtue, the honour, the patriotism, and the fidelity of our brethren of the eastern states, will not fail to call forth all their indignation and resentment; and to attach more and more all the states to that happy union and constitution, against which such insidious and malignant artifices are directed. The better to guard, nevertheless, against the effect of individual cupidity and treachery, and to turn the corrupt projects of the enemy against himself, I recommend to the consideration of congress the expediency of an effectual prohibition of any trade whatever, by citizens or inhabitants of the United States, under special licenses, whether relating to persons or ports; and in aid thereof a prohibition of all exportations from the United States in foreign bottoms, few of which are actually employed; whilst multiplying counterfeits of their flags and papers are covering and encouraging the navigation of the enemy. February 24th, 1813. JAMES MADISON. [From the Bermuda Gazette of January 16.] BERMUDA ALIAS SOMERS' ISLANDS. By his excellency brigadier general George Horsford, lieutenant governor and commander in chief, in and over these islands, &c. &c. &c. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas I have received a copy of his royal highness the prince regent's order in council, bearing date at the court at Carlton house, the 26th of October, 1812, which order is in the words following, viz. "Whereas during the late and present war, emergencies have at various times arisen, essentially affecting the necessary supply of the British West India islands, and of lands and territories belonging to his majesty on the continent of South America, and it has been found expedient and necessary, for the trade and commerce of said islands, lands, &c. and for the support of the inhabitants thereof, further to extend, for a limited time, the importation into, and exportation from, the said islands, lands, and territories; his royal highness the prince regent, in the name and on the behalf of his majesty, is pleased, by and with the advice of his majesty's privy council, to authorize and empower the governor or lieutenant governor of any of the islands or territories in the West Indies (in which description the Bahama islands and the Bermuda or Somers' islands are included), and of any of the lands or territories on the continent of South America, to his majesty belonging; and they are hereby respectively authorized and empowered to permit, until the 30th day of June, 1813, the importation into the said islands, lands, and territories, respectively, of staves and lumber, horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, sheep, hogs, and every other species of live stock and live provisions, and also of every other kind of provisions whatsoever, (beef, pork, butter, salted, dried, and pickled fish excepted,) in any unarmed ship or vessel not belonging to France, or to the subjects or inhabitants thereof, or of any port or place annexed to the territories of France, under the license of the said respective governor or lieutenant governor, which they are hereby empowered to grant in his majesty's name, subject to such instructions as his royal highness the prince regent, in the name and on the behalf of his majesty, shall, from time to time, think fit to issue, to be signified by one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state; and also to permit, under licenses to be granted as aforesaid, the exportation from the said VOL. I. PART I. [R] islands, lands, and territories, into which such importation as aforesaid shall be made, and in the ships aforesaid in which such importations shall have been made, of rum and molasses, and of any other goods and commodities whatsoever, except sugar, indigo, cotton wool, coffee, and cocoa: Provided, that such ships or vessels shall duly enter into, report, and deliver their respective cargoes, and reload at such ports only where regular custom houses shall have been established. But it is his royal highness' pleasure, nevertheless, and his royal highness, in the name and on behalf of his majesty, and by and with the advice aforesaid, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that nothing herein before contained shall be construed to permit the importation of staves, lumber, horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, live stock, live provisions, or any kind of provisions whatever, as aforesaid, into any of the said islands, lands, or territories in which there shall not be, at the time when such articles shall be brought for importation, the following duties on such articles of the growth or produce of the United States of America, namely: On wheat flour, per barrel, not weighing more than one hundred and ninety-six pounds, neat weight, £0 5 8 On bread or biscuit of wheat flour, or any other grain, per barrel, not exceeding more than one hundred pounds weight, On bread, for every hundred pounds, made from wheat, or any other grain whatever, imported in bags or other packages than barrels, weighing as aforesaid, On flour or meal made from rye, peas, beans, Indian corn, or other grain than wheat, er barrel, not weighing more than one hundred and ninety-six pounds, On peas, beans, rye, Indian corn, callivances, or other grain, per bushel, On rice, for every one hundred pounds, neat weight, and so in proportion for a less or larger quantity,. On shingles called Boston chips, not more than twelve inches in length, per thousand, On shingles being more than twelve inches in length, per thousand, 034 034 034 0 0 10 034 034 068 For every twelve hundred, commonly called one thousand, red oak staves, 100 For every twelve hundred, commonly called one thousand, white oak staves, and for every one thousand pieces of heading, Ο 15 Ο : For every one thousand feet of white or yellow pine lumber, of all descriptions, For every thousand feet of pitch pine lumber, merated, For every thousand wood hoops, And in proportion for a less or larger quantity of all and every of the articles enumerated. Horses, neat cattle, and other live stock, for every hundred pounds of the value thereof at the port or at the place of importation, 10 00 And whereas, I have deemed it expedient and necessary to make known and publish the same within this his majesty's government: I do therefore issue this my proclamation, to the end that all persons whom it doth or may concern, being duly apprised thereof, may govern themselves accordingly. Given under my hand, and the great seal of the islands, this 14th day of January, 1813, and in the 53d year of his majesty's reign. By his excellency's command, (Circular.) Sir, GEORGE HORSFORD. God save the king. Downing Street, November 9, 1812. I have the honour of inclosing an order of council, which it has been judged expedient to issue, in consequence of the existing hostilities between his majesty and the United States of America. By this order you are authorized to grant licenses for importation of certain articles enumerated in the order, and for the exportation of certain articles in the same order, in the ships in which the importation shall be made. This intercourse is to be subject to the condition stated in the order, and such instructions as you may from time to time receive from one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state. I am commanded by his royal highness the prince regent to signify to you, that in granting the licenses for importation of the above enumerated articles, you take care that the articles, so to be imported, be severally enumerated in the body of the license; that the port or place from whence the importation is to be made, and the port to which the vessel is bound, is also to be inserted in the body of the license. That if the person applying for the license shall not be able to state the name of the vessel on board of which the proposed importation is to be made, the condition of the license should be, that the name of the vessel, the name of the master, the tonnage and her national character, be endorsed on the license on quitting her port of clearance, and that the condition of her license should also be, that she proceed direct to the port of her destination. Although the order in council authorizes you to permit the importations of the enumerated articles in any vessels not French, you will not grant these licenses to any except to vessels in amity with his majesty, unless you are convinced that the island will be exposed to serious embarrassments by so confining the importation in question. Whatever importations are proposed to be made under the order, from the United States of America, should be by your licenses confined to the ports in the EASTERN STATES EXCLUSIVELY, unless you have reason to suppose that the object of the order would not be fulfilled if licenses are not also granted for the importations from the other ports in the United States. With respect to the licenses for exportation on board the vessels in which an importation shall have been previously made, you will observe that the order does not require that the port of destination in such case shall be the same as that from whence the importation had been made, but you will take care that in the body of the license be inserted the name of the vessel, her tonnage, the name of the master, and her national character, the port of clearance, and the port of destination; and that the cargo be described in the body of the license, according to the words of the order, viz. rum, molasses, or any other goods and commodities whatsoever, except sugar, indigo, cotton wool, coffee, and cocoa. You will take care that the term of the import license does not exceed the term of the order on which it is granted, and that you do not issue any license for exportation under this order, after that period. The fee payable for each license is not in any case to exceed the sum of one pound one shilling. I have the honour to be, sir, (Signed) Your most obedient humble servant. To Lt. Col. Governor Harcourt, &c. &c. Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a correspondence relative to the repeal of the Berlin and Milan decrees; and touching the relations between the United States and France, in pursuance of a resolution of the first of March, 1813. |