Imágenes de páginas

betwixt a smile and a tear... 252
without the smile
..a 253
lives but in her smile.......d 259
one smile more departing...e 273
one mellow s. through the...e 273
one s. on the brown hills....e 273
s. on her slumbering child..b 279
all things glisten, all thingss.n 371
smiles and shakes abroad...h 376
a man who lived upon a s... 205
our joy is dead and only s's.q 216
this same flower that smiles.n 152
fickle the smiles we follow...i 153
tender violet bent in smiles.r160
s's that seem akin to tears...k 284
make the learned smile......g 407
smiles on the fields until.... f 411
catch his last s. ere he slept..k 411
social smile, the sympathetic.j 413
smiles on those that smile...c414
than others in their smiles.. u 415
...c 417
Venus smiles not in a*
the robb'd that smiles.....aa 418
a smile among dark frowns..q 174
tears are lovlier than her s's. l 415
smiles by his cheerful fire...w 197
men smile no more.
smiles of other maidens are.m 240
..g 264
wreathed smiles...


white s. in minutes melts... 1 127 mingles with the lily's snow.n 129 like rosebuds fill'd withs.... 303

whiteness of the snow . 328 flowers of snow.

smiling, though the tender..i 243 yokes a smiling with a sigh*.e 393 plenty o'er a smiling land....r 492 smiling at grief*. age and want sit smiling....q 341 he hides a smiling face....... 348 Smite-smite the hills with day. i 278 Smith-s's, who before could..aa 300 s. stand with his hammer*..e 301 s. with force of fervent heat. f 301 Smoke-no social s. curled......1378 gossip is a sort of smoke.....t 182 held out in smoke.. a126 6 247 smoke rais'd*... glimpses through the smoke.j 176 fill him full of smoke. ..c 321 he who doth not smoke...... i 321 s. that so gracefully curled..s 330 sweet smoke of rhetoric* 498 Smoker-the bad taste of the s.. t 182 a smoker and a brother.. ..n 320 Smooth-till it is hush'd and s..s 389 smooth at a distance........α 242 true love never did run s.*..p 245 s. as monumental alabastertu 498 smooth runs the water..... 498 Smoothly-s. and lightly the...c 295 Smote-s. the surrounding.....8276 Smutty-lilies, pulled by s...../144 that smile, if oft observed.. 392 Snaffle-s. you may pace easy*, z 464 her smile was like a rainbow.8392 Snail-her pretty feet like s's... 163 e 493 like s. unwillingly to school*c 406 a smile in her eye........ her s's and tears were like... 498 like s., should keep within..k 464 ...a 352 Snake-sweets are, there lyes a s.o 87 s's and waits and sighs the smile of God is here.....n 352 snake, roll'd in a flowering*.cc 87 smile to those who hate.....1360 glistered the dire snake..... 166 like a wounded snake drags..t 339 .n 322 your crisped smiles. many-twinkling s. of ocean../323 Snap-which our artists call s.k 123 smile at no man's jests"....m 445 Snapper-s. up of unconsidered*s 442 you smile to see me turn...m 327 Snare-a mockery, and a snare..r 17 life hath snares. .g 233 backward with a smile.. ..q 327 s. away my mortal to Divine. 360 Snatch-s, me from disgrace*...f 95 |

we smile, perforce... why, we shall smile*.

.1 293
v 326

for not being such a smile*..e 393 smile, mocking the sigh*..... 393 sigh in wrinkle of a simile*..t397 cannot smile is never good...t 392 smile that glow'd celestial..u 392 smiles from reason flow.....a 393 I feel in every smile a chain. 6 393 eternal smiles his emptiness.c 393 her smile was prodigal of....d 393 smile and be a villian*.. 333 seldom he smiles*...........g 393 smiles in such a sort*... ..g 393 mov'd to smile at anything*.g 393 smile, our sorrows only balm.i 393 welcome ever smiles*... ..w 463 smiles the clouds away......d 464 the year smiles as it draws..y 465 the infant's waking smile....j 493 Smiled-darkness till it smiled, 100 s. like yon knot of cowslips.m 136 hope enchanted smiled...... 200 she smiled, and he was blest. u 472 Smilest-I will think thou s.*...0 83 Smilet-smilets, that played on*.t 110 Smiling-from smiling man.....n 77 by your smiling, you seem. m 89 honour sits smiling........ 200

we must snatch, not take...g 224
snatch me to heaven........7 286
snatches from the sun*.....a 419
Sneak-coward s's to death..... 408
Sneer-laughing devil in his s.k 490
s. equivocal, the harsh reply.e 380
escaped his public sneers...1293
who can refute a sneer......h 495
wither'd to a sneer.
. 392

we sneer in health.......... 309
Sneering-teach the rest to....a 370
Snip-here's snip, and nip*.... 320
Snore-heavy ploughman s's*..8 225
s's out the watch of night*..d 391
Snuff-a charge of s. the wily..k 321
s. or the fan supply each....a 360
Snuff-box-s-b. justly vain.....1321
Snug-it's a snug little island..a 215
Snow-winter's drizzle snow ....n 7
speck is seen on snow.. . и 17
chaste as unsunn'd snow*...654
whiter than new snow on a. f 54
whiter skin of hers than s.*..z 18
than wish a snow in May's*..0 57
moist snow half depend......069
snow of the blossoms dressed. 31
a shadow on the snow........g 32
as pure as snow*.......g 387
frost from purest snow*.....c 276

..6 317 ... 147

the whiteness of the snow...r 150 ... a 134 purer than snow. out of that frozen mist the s.j393 comes the soft and silents..k393 slow descends the snow.....q 393 silent falling of the snow is.r 393 to wash it white as snow*...f359 come sleet or come s., we....t 122 place me on that breast of s. a 152 flower, hemmed in with s's... 156 dropping on the grass like s. f 135 the white snow lay on many.t 137 snows are sifted o'er the.....e 273 harbinger of early snows....f 273 days of s. and cold are past. .f 371 last s. and the earliest green.f 372 covered with the lightest s.. i 372 with snow and ice lifelessly. 0 372 waiting for the winter's s...a 377 gently there the s. is falling.j 377 his wide wings of snow......1377 shook his beard of snow....m377 blossom, though it be mid s's o 377 snow is on the mountain...a 378 with s. each mountain's....b 378 snow melts along the mazy.. 378 sun through dazzling s-mist.1378 nod beneath the snow.......d 274 o'er the ground white snow.u 277 a diadem of snow .... 279 silver-grey is the early snow.r 279 the peaks of perpetual snow.o 212 the s-shining mountains.... 287 spotless ermine of the snow. 1365 ere sunset is all snowk 370 crimson tinged its braided s.a 412 go kindle fire with snow*...z 245 and silent under other snows. i 185 drift the fields with snow...f 269 have glazed the snow .......g 200 Snow-drift-ice and s-drift.....m 436 ere the last s-drift melts..... 133 under the s-d. the blossoms. 378 Snowdrop-forget, chaste s.....p 156 s., ere she comes, has ...c 372 pale snowdrop is springing.q 372 frozen s's feel as yet the.....b 373 throws out the snowdrop...p 373 snowdrops drooping early... 129 Snowflake-droppeth the s.....q 158 snowflakes fall in showers..n 269 s's fall each one a gem .... 393 snowflakes fall upon the sod.q 329 Snowy-beneath its s. crest....q 133 anemone in snowy hood....q 126 through the s. valley flies...1 269 golden and snowy and red..n 270 So-because I think him so*....w 14 phrase "I told you so"....... 347 Soar-s. above the morning lark*.g 25 no higher than a bird can s.*.c 266 stoop than when we soar....q 470 Sob-a sob, a storm, a strife....o 273 for April sobs while these...n 270 Sobbing-autumn winds are s... 1 31 sobbing wind is fierce and.. 436 s. sometines is best society.n 325 is delighted in solitude, is...r 395 a social crowd in solitude.. 335 from the dismaying s...... 395 think it s. to be alone......a 3.6 sacred s.! divine retreat.....6336 shade and s., what is it......c 396 sweet retired solitude. .046) whisper-solitude is sweet..r14 Solomon-S., he lived at thou wert not S.! in all.....p 115 Some-there be that shadows*.938)

Sober-s, certainty of waking...k35 a s. gladness the old year....g 376 your fill; walk sober off. ..c 234 gray eyes are sober.. y 110 sober, steadfast, and demure.d 203 drinking largely s's us again.w 227 he will to bed go sober......q 417 Sociable-comfort to one not s.*.d 394 Social-yes, s. friend, I love....n 321 woman and man all social...s473 a social crowd in solitude...w 395 Society-society the poet seeks..c42 society refines, new books....j 38 youth holds no s. with grief.q 486 best society and conversation.t 412 society is now one polished. u 393 society is like a large piece..a 394 solitude sometimes is bests.b 394 society is no comfort to*....d 394 society the sweeter welcome*.e 394 society having ordained. ....f 394 obey the law of society......f 394 s. is as ancient as the world.g 394 society's chief joys........... 320 being lifted into high s......q 443 society where none intrudes.t 322 s. in the deepest solitude....b395 owe ourselves in part to s...0395 if sorrow can admit society*.8397 enthusiasm in good society.h 103 it is the only real society....e 169 Socrates-of Newton and of S..q 332 Socrates whom, well inspir'd.k469 Sod-birth the s. scarce heaved.s 130 benediction o'er their sod...g 441 better rot beneath the sod...i 431 Soda-water-and s-w the.......a 468 Sofa-wheel the sofa round.....t105 the accomplish'd sofa.....m 301 Soft-it soft as silk remains......t71 s. is the strain when zephyr. u 488 hoary in the soft light....... 376 soft to the weak....... soft is the breath.... .g 242 soft and dull-eyed fool*...... 361 soft voices had they......... 152 soft blows the wind......... f 466


s. as the memory of buried..1473 Softening-so s. into shade.....f 501 Softly-softly from that hushed.t 81

s. came the fair young queen.g372 softly and still it grows...... 277 softly the evening came.....h 411 Softness-s. in the upper story.b 494 a softness like atmosphere..e 447 Soil-of their wretched soil. y7 dare to soil her virgin purity.a 54 my native soil. ....f70 grows on mortal soil........ 115 suck the soil's fertility*...... 195 leave thee, native soil.......d 326 soil must bring its tribute..m 381 think there thy native 203 cultured soil and genial air..g 155 to paint the laughing soil...1371 culture not the soil.........m 295 s. win of the watery main*.k 427 remain in a rich gen'rous s..q 469 Soiled-is as impossible to be s.e 445 Solace-still with sweeter s.....1159 Sold-love were never to be s...r 495

I'd not have sold her for it*.n 246 spoils were fairly sold........ 449 Solder-and solder of society...e 172 point-blank would solder....f 309 Soldier-himself have been a s.*.y 73 brave soldier, who fights.....f 20 driveth o'er a s's neck*......m 97 miserly s's are like monsters.k 311 soldier, kindly bade to stay..n 311 thou more than soldier. ...p 311 soldier, rest thy warfare o'er.r 311 a brave s. never couched*.... t 311 soldier and afear'd*. . 311 God's soldier be he*. s. fit to stand by Cæsar*, I am a soldier*..

..b 312 ..c 312

s. go up and some go down.w15 311 s. believe they've none at alle 473 y311 Somebody-who shall make us.e 169 a 312 somebody to hew and hack..0457 Something-s. every day they.0253 s. is rotten in the state*....34) something in that voice....g 455 that s. still which prompts..& 191 'tis something to be willing.j 171 a s. is behind them A180

I said an elder soldier* may that soldier a mere*, then a s.; full of strange*...d312 'tis the soldier's life*..... f312 the s., than in the scholar*..h312 s's! still in honored rest... 1312 of ten thousand soldiers*...p 380 look'd upon her with a s's*..r 246 most like a soldier* 0 454 the great souldier's honour..114 roused up the soldier........ 457 soldier, rough and hard*....p 460 O that a soldier so glorious..d 431 Lord gets his best soldiers..k442 Soldiership-first tried our s.*..o 174 Sole-soles protect thy feet.....a 319 one sole ruler.-his law..... 494 the sole of his foot*...... .q 264 pegging on soles as he sang. b 319 a mender of bad soles*...... 319 Solemn-s. things in nature.... 393 Solicit-solicit for it straight*...e 75 Solicitor-best-moving fair s*..w307 Solid-s. might resist that edge.0 458 too solid flesh would meit* n 91 Solitary-I not need her, s. else.n337 one simile that s. shines ... 340 solitary side of our nature...e 356 wander'd in the s. shade ...d476 herself, the solitary scion...n 394 solitary, who is not alone...e 395 in s. uplands, far away ... 395 Solitude-they are solitudes.....0 36 enforcing his own solitude..121 perceive what solitude is.... 394 God to man doth speak in s. i 394 no such thing as solitude...j394 s. of passing his own door... 1394 makes as, and calls it peace.m 394 s., when we are least alone..0 394 sea winds pierced our s.....p 150 solitude made more intense..1378 | rustic solitude 'tis sweet...k129 | a s., a refuge, a delight......q 174 to think in solitude.........p 405 with men were still a s......8473 and solitude behind. ...... 396 sorrow preys upon its s......t 396 solitude should teach us....r 394 alone! this is solitude ..... 394 passing sweet, is solitude... v 394 s.! where are the charms....y 394 solitude is the nurse of.....a 395 society in the deepest s.......395 oh s.! if I must with........ 1395

s. with passion clasp.......192 s. there was in her life



s. of the old man in. 'tis something, nothing*...r387 dream of s. we are not .p452 Sometime-s's I chose the lily../135 Somewhere-s. or other there..r413 Son-sons of reason.

A 52

...33 fs

hear My Son in heaven... that never had a son* wherein the Son of heaven...j 57 our wiser sons, no doubt.....661 every one is the son of his..... 47 long may thy hardy sons of. T if you werea prince's son*..133 hath many a worthier son.... and friendless sons of men..p 413 my s. and my servant spend*k 195 the sons of men how few....y 215 had I a dozen sons* 329 things are the s's of heaven.. i 4*1 God's sons are things..... 7431 to virtue's humblest s. let. 456 s's with purple death expire. 455 from the sire the son.. a 450 O war! thon son of hell*.....d 45) sons of morning sung........ 282 I her frail son*. よん

sit down, every mother's s*.g 204 had I as many sons*. z 311 s. of parents passed into the.k 491 sire and his three sons......ut in the person of his Son...... 335 son of the sable night......(5) Song-similes are like s's in love.314 gypsy-children of song......17 no sorrow in thy song.......k 23 the milkmaid's song........../26 did you learn that song......e 34 it may turn out a song........45 little as a new-year's song....a 48 echoing angelic songs. . 56 are songs in many keys....... 21 notes of joy, to songs of love..A 27 lend me your song..... 728 sings his song of woe......... 28 song told when this ancient..k28 trees were full of songs and...e 30 her song is the sweetest...... 30

this the burden of his song*..0 65
blithesome song was hushed.f 31
birds have ceased their songs.f 22
song of leaves, and summer..i 22
hast no song in thy song.....k 23
song comes with years.......1 54
s's and darkness encompass..g81
song charms the sense........t 64
funeral song be sung......... 82
periods sweeter than her s..r 102
eyes are s's without words..u 108
let satire be my song........f 162
slopes are drowned in song..k147
song greets the primrose's..e 150
contented with the poets' s..j 151
the burden of the song...... 138
the birds are in their song..q372
O flower of song, bloom on..g 140
suck melancholy out of a s.*.h 260
the beautiful in song. ....0 167
salute thee with our earlys..n 271
truth in worthy song....... 335
songes make, and wel endite.d 335
formed the magic of his s...w 335
his songs were not divine...i336
flows his s. through many.. 336
what they teach in song.....1337
mighty orb of s., the divine.f 338
s's of the birds have vanished.p377
there lies the land of song...u 213
woods are glad with song....a 157
Alexandrine ends the song...t339
grace at table is a song....... 340
singing the s's of another...w 281
one grand, sweet song......n 290
look green in song..........p 451
sung the loud song......d457
melt into songs.
...a 282
s's which Anna loved to hear.s 173
rapt in her s., and careless...c 177
dusk of centuries and of s....j 366
our sweetest s's are those...p 369
a s., a music of God's making.a 193
feeling that s.; but better far.a 193
far into the land of song.....d 197
with song and shout......... 6 244
a song almost divine........ 261
our sweetest songs...
m 262
more musical than any song.1383
pathetic song to breathe*.. p 447
like a low swift song........p 466
by such s's you would earn.g 396
what they teach in song....m 408
songs of love and songs of...t 385
s. the singer has been lost...u 385
songs compos'd to her*.. ... 385
like a low swift song........p 466
never does a sweeter song...e 467
as pleasant songs........ 1317
seemed in their s. to scorne.. 433
lark becomes a sightless s...1433
a song to the oak...
.k 438
sing the s. of the orange tree.l 439
this "Song of the Shirt".... 1341
privilege permits my song...c 450
whose sounds are song......d 396
my song it shall be witty....e 396
on wing of song its good.... f 396
listen to that s., and learn it.g 396
such s's have power to quiet.h 396
song on its mighty pinions..1 396

s. forbids victorious deeds toj 396
lively shadow-world of song.k 396
that old and antique song*..1396
s's consecrate to truthand..m 396
gift of s. was chiefly lent ...n 396
to song, God never said...... 396
short swallow-flights of song.p 396
a careless song, with a......r 396
Sonnet-what is a sonnet....... 339
the sonnet swelling loudly..k 339
your s's sure shall please*...t318
would have written sonnets. e 464
Sonneteer-starv'd hackney s..d 340
Soon-its firm base, as s. as I.... h 72
you haste away so soon.....n 137
nothing comes to us too s....s 396
Sooner-s, or later the most.... 267
its over the sooner to sleep..d 483
Soonest-little said is soonest..k 501
on earth that s. pass away..0 151
Soothe-s. the dear Redeemer's..c 31
may s. or wound a heart....q 481
soothes disease and pain....p 389
Soothed-his soul to pleasures..t332
sustained and soothed by...k 360
Soothing-sometimes 'tis s.....p 466
Sophistry-sort of lively s.......8 68
Soprano-s., basso, even the....e 281
Sordid-sordid way he wends..d 463
Sore-it will make thy heart s.h 214
you rub the sore*.
.r 310
Sorest-when our need was thes.k 83
when earth's grief is sorest..f 133
Sorrel-the s's simple bloom...k 129
Sorrow-after hours with s....... 3
pierced by our sorrows.......f 31
outlived sorrow.


sorrow ever near.

sorrow cannot be.......n 78
whatever crazy sorrow.......a 86
sorrow snares relenting* 87
nothing but sorrow.
s. and gladness are linked....g 68
pine with feare and sorrow...e 94
sorrow, but more closely tied. 195
more in s. than in anger*...n 111
sorrows woven with delights.f 118
knows most of sorrow.......g 107
oppress'd with love's s......h 161
strength to meet sorrow..... 122
resembles s. only as the.....1369
s. so royally in you appears*.0 360
to engross his sorrows.......f 168
sorrow with sorrow sighing. 170
sorrows of a poor old man..z 332
sorrow and the scarlet leaf... 1376
now begins to sorrow.......q 377
now melt into sorrow
a 223
from the s's that greet us...p 225
receipt to makes. sink...... 226
and so beguile thy sorrow*..c 230
s's eye glazed with blinding*.d 187
and swallows other sorrows*.s 187
to do obsequious sorrow*...y 187
tears and deep sorrows......a 282
adoption of another's s......p 415
should water this sorrow*...r 416
seeing those beads of s.*....αα 416
equally grieved at their s's...t 171
knowledge is but s's spy....q 175
her rent is s. and her income.c 193

[blocks in formation]

.0 470

sorrow makes us wise..
shuts up sorrow's eyes*......1391
smile, our s's only balm.....i 393
sorrow need not come in vain. i 397
sorrow at my grief in love*..h 398
right sorrie for our distresse.q 473
free from s. as he was from. u 473
life with sorrow strewing...g 479
stolen from sorrow's grasp..c428
often to that voice of s......p 429
comes to us too soon, but s..s 396
s. preys upon its solitude...t 396
men die, but sorrow never..v 396
path of sorrow, and that....w 396
lands where s. is unknown.w396
s. that has marred a life.... z 396
s. never comes too late......y 396
sorrow's faded form, and....z 396
loved in this world of s......a 397
hang s.; care'll kill a cat... b 397
sorrow had not made s......c 397
first pressure of sorrow... d 397
as thy sorrows flow.........f 397
eyes with love, but sorrow..g 397
s's remembered sweeten....h 397
that must play fool to s.*....k 397
down, thou climbing s.*.....1397
new sorrows strike heaven* m 397
eighty odd years of sorrow*.n 397
Valentine, if hearty s. be..... 397
give sorrow words..........p 397
here I and sorrow sit*......q 397
if sorrow can admit society*s 397
sorrow that is couched in*..t397
instruct my s. to be proud*. u 397
remember me the more of s. v 397
one s. never comes but*...... 397
sorrow breaks seasons and*..z 397
sorrow concealed, like an...a 398
sorrow ends not when it*...6 398
this sorrow's heavenly......d 398
wear a golden sorrow*....... 398
sorrow flouted at is double*.f 398
when sorrows come, they*..g 398
your cause of sorrow must*. i 398
that keen archer, sorrow....) 398
hush'd be my sorrow....... 398
to live beneath sorrow, one..l 398
O sorrow, wilt thou rule....m 398
stole from her sister, sorrow n 398
exceeding s. unto death.....0398
crown of s. is remembering..p398
sorrow hates despair .....8 492
patience and sorrow strove*.. 498
the sphere of our sorrow..... f 500
of all the sorrows in which..p 298
a fore-spent night of sorrow. l 491
parting is such sweets.*.....t 326
patience is sorrow's salve...b 328
under the load of sorrow*.aa 328
yet above selfish sorrow.....8 329
Sorrowful-how long the s....h 424
Sorrowing-borrowing goeth as.e 41
Sorry-I must never trust
h 431
goodness, s. ere 'tis shown*..h 44
Sort-from all sorts of people*..e 324
Sot-but their prize a sot.......e 234
Sought-unknowing what he s..x 65
muse who sought me when.n 337
one thing we sought........ 160
in vain solong have sought.m332
oft we sought the violet..... y 160
those men that sought him* b 406
truth when not sought after.z 444
love sought is good*......... 248
deserved whos, no more..... 343
they never s. in vain that....8343
'tis never sought in vain.....470
Soul-abhor, yea from my soul...e 1
thou art a soul in bliss*..
the soul sits dumb.

..е 5

e 52

with them, draw my soul......16
a soul above buttons..
one of the sinews of the soul.d 11
s. of this man is his clothes*..0 13
swan, like the soul of the poet.e 33
medicine for the soul........p 38
a great soul will be strong....e 48
what thy soul holds dear*....f 51
souls, whose sudden..
the soul of the truly.
my soul hath her content*...u 66
like my soul, immortal. .c 64
sweet and virtuous soul... a 64
a man with soul so dead......c 71
dreams call to the soul. ...10 97
by which the soul stands....q 71
merit wins the soul.
..c 50
immediate jewel of their s's*.r 50
a soul of power...
what is thy s. of adoration*... i 44
ties that bind our souls.
mazy running s. of melody...r28
no soul shall pity me*........190
feed my soul with knowledge.c 90
when a s. is found sincerely. 53
drooping s's, whose destinies.i 60
to the soul what health.... . и 61
would harrow up thy soul*.. 43
every subject's soul*.
soul, secured in her....

10 48

v 63

.s 62


an evil soul, producing*....aa 87
no soul is desolate as long....i 90
soul, to its place on high...... 81
fill thy soul with doubt....... 81
tell me, my soul, can.
.e 83
pure soul, unto his captain*.q 83
mount, mount my soul*.....d 84
my soul, what can it do*.....184
as to peace-parted souls*....g 85
soul is wanting there........ 80
to see the human soul........g 80
s, and body, hand and heart, a 113
that soul of animals infuse*.d113
lofty souls, who look........ 117
the soul that maketh all.....1104
the will, the human soul....d 108
the soul reflected.....k 108
look'd into the very soul... w 108

through them one sees the s.d 109
the sweet soul shining......r 109
soul sitting in thine eyes....t 109
a soul within....
v 109
mightier to reach the soul..b 145
those happy s's who dwell..k 133
such in the s. of man is faith,j 136
flattering unction to yours.b 125
there's a soul in every leaf...1125
mine eyes into my very s.*..j 379
part of the human soul...... 379
terror to the s. of Richard*..p 380
souls made of fire............ 364
noble sallies of the soul.....a 396
soul, and lifted it gently to..i 396
cumber our quick souls like.g 400
commend my watchful s.*.. k 345
since brevity is the s. of wit*.g 472
woman! heaven is in thy s..s 472
heart on her lips and soul...g 473
joy's soul lies in the doing*..f 480
s's of women are so small....c 438
rest her soul, she's dead*....j 477
time is the life of the soul...s 424
times that try men's souls...h 425
the soul of man is like......a 236
as if that soul were fled..... u 282
make the soul dance...d 283
nature is, and God the soul.b 286
strength and beauty of the s.e 453
the soul's calm sunshine....q 454
indeed the organ of the soul. f 456
soul expatiate in the skies... 401
souls around us, watch......q 401
true loving human soul on..w 209
bind any man's soul and.... 210
got to save your own s. first. f 210
in souls a sympathy with...b 413
thy soul and interchange...w 413
intercourse from soul to s...s 413
the soul that loves it much..s282
great souls by instinct......b 172
friendship, one soul in two..c 174
solemn ghost, O crowned s..o 175
our souls as free...
... 312
thirst that from the soul....0 461
weak soul within itself......b 462
the soul seems gathering....j 466
wail from some despairing s.n 466
wheat thou strew'st souls...t419
could souls to bodies write.. 1315
of soul sincere, in action.... 319
s. of the age! the applause*. a 381
a paralysis of the soul....... 381
what were the s. did love....h 245
it is my soul, that calls*.....t 246
as of souls in pain........... 223
the soul that rises
.q 236
as in a soul rememb'ring*...d 262
my soul flies through these*.g 263
yield their souls..
...b 265
be measur'd by my soul.... 266
great world both eye ands..r409
I heard them call my soul...e 270
a soul as white as heaven....s398
a soul in right health........ 398
everywhere the human soul u 398
s. of man to believe or to....v398
soul itself which sees and... 398
but windows to the soul.... 398
s. of man is larger than the. 2398


a happy s., that all the way..y 398
reason is our soul's left. ... 998
s., that like an ample shield.a 399
of value, is the active soul..b399
gravity is the ballast of the s.c 399
the s's of those that die are.. d 399
the soul never grows sold......399
soul of man is audible, not. f399
my soul, the seas are rough..A 399
soul, the body's guest
I'll endanger my s. gratis*.. 399
thy soul's flight, if it finds*..1399
there is a soul, counts......3599
s. of man alone, that particle.0 399
of the soul the body form....p 398
soul is form, and doth......p 399
has endowed our souls with..q 399
s. is a fire that darts its rays.r 399
then do you call your soul...s399
the soul's dark cottage.......399
not the tumult, of the soul... 399
license to outrage his soul..0481
what your souls will fetch...4498
whose flowers have a soul...a 438
borne inward unto souls....d38
that slid into my soul
my s. has rest, sweet sigh...f382
limed s., that struggling* 384
souls doth most abound in..y 383
the waking of the soul......4 389
soul of man is clear......... 292
join voices, all ye living s's.a 343
praying souls are purged....y 343
lift my soul to heaven*......d 345
hushed, assures the soul...g 441
noble s's, through dust and.c 442
as, that trusts in heaven... 442
commend my watchful s.*..1443
secret s. to show, for truth..r443
from soul to soul, o'erall....#444
s's toil'd and striven........ 445
piety, whose soul sincere ...k358
s., like bark with rudder....f 317
in some part of my soul* ...0328
a wretched soul bruis'd*.... 328
sleep, holy spirit blessed s...c 392
soul of a man to pursue.....A 483
for dowry must pay his s..aa 483
the youth of the soulis....../487
s. refresh'd with foretaste.... 193
be s's must not be saved*...A 194
souls were full as brave...... 196
hides a dark soul
most offending soul alive*...s 199
balm and life blood of the s... I 200
in us a reusoning soul....... 233
firmness of my upright s.*..k 219
their souls are enlarged......1241
I feel my soul drawn unto...n 242
knowest that souls airs......d 306
and souls are ripened........ 252
that soul that can be honest.p 252
bright souls, to dwell. ....a 256
mellow horn her pensive s..b 260
fellowship of all great souls. 165
that tears my soul from thee 168
that utter'd all the soul...i170
whose souls do bear*5170
wakes the soul, and lifts.....5 280
soft kind is welcome to my s..k 333
I built my soul a lordly..... 334


sleepless soul that perished..e 338
thy soul was like a star...... 338
a soul beyond utterance....m 127
peace and transport to my s.h 201
...i 203
win straying souls*..
small-knowing souls*.......p 206
..i 207
why shrinks the soul.
soul well-knit and all battles.k 207
though death his soul.......c 208
the souls we loved, that they.d 208
soul can comfort, elevate....f 208
soul on lover's lips..........7 222
my whole soul thro'.........8 222
s. to her manifold features..u 224
jealous souls will not be*....n 215
tell thy s. their roots are left. k 155
soul is linked right tenderly 159
back into my empty soul...u 160
worse poison to men's souls*.n 181
there is somes. of goodness*.n 182
the secret to another soul...n 185
poetry is the music of thes.m 310
raise the s. above all earthly.d 282
the meeting s. may pierce..m 282
the hidden s. of harmony...p 282
.r 319
all the soul thou hast.
perdition catch my soul*....c 248
'tis thy soul is 493
vulgar flight of common s's.d 495
two souls in sweet accord...v244
wake the soul by 495
O my prophetics.! mine*...h 498
reason and the flow of soul..p 354
upright stature in the soul. .f355
s's that were, were forfeit*..6 356
dresse and undresse thy soul.f 356
a soul without reflection... 356

longings of an immortal soul.0 358
who would force the soul....9358
dark soul and foul thoughts.v 358
where the soul sours........ 359
dismiss my soul... f 326
could force his soul so*....m 294
to believing s's gives light*..h 343
satisfaction for every soul...h 348
saw the iron enter into hiss.h 188
never stands still, nor souls. 1188
Soulless-gave us a s. flower....e 143
Sound-seas of sound..........

like a sound amid sounds..... 33
dreams without a sound.....r97
beauty born of murmuring s.n 19
sound is echoed on forever...f 57
s. it shrunk in haste away*..e 23
measures of delightful s.....k 26
sound of a voice that is still.b 90
no longer I follow a sound...q 90
I drank the sound with joy..n 33
no sound along the air.......j 377
winter loves a dirge-likes...n378
loud trumpet's wondrous s.aa 362
..... 331
not a sound may fall
s. of thunder heard remote. n 458
persuasive sound...........η 281
against them with a sound. p 287
only sound of life...........e 213
sounds, and sweet airs*.....d 215
in souls a sympathy with s's.b 413
a s. which makes us linger..1116
of a sweet s. and radiance..k 161
motion nor sound was there.l 377


.. 230
in length a span....
fills our seeing's inwards.f365
life's but a span, or a tale...n 234
Sponge-no more than a sponge.g 08
for choice matters, worth a s.c 354
Spangle-dews with s's deck'd.f447
Spangled-anemonies, that s...p 374
s. heavens, a shining frame..t 401
nor of spangled gold........m 352
Spanish-the S. maid, aroused.d 457

the s's that tell what hour*..a 255
as are those dulcet sounds*.0 257
yet could sound thy bottom*.h 260
parent of sweetest of s's....a 124
deep sounds, and deeper....b 404
fill with spreading sounds...b 283
hath been most sound*......k 217
s. judgment is the ground...s217
stopp'd the flying sound....237
leafy sounds of woodlands...1239
a pause, without a sound...e 317 | Spare-to s. thee now is past...k 139

cc 383

sound on golden hinges.....t 193
from the tombs a doleful s. 185
give, if any, yet but little s. x 186
first s. in the song of love... 242
will hear the lowest sound*.245
sad s's are nature's funeral.m 466
this sleep is sound*........m 391
silence where hath been no s.x382
silence where no s. may be..z 382
no sound is uttered...
sweetest of all s's is praise..p 343
whose sounds are song......d 396
soothed with the sound...... 346
safe and sound your trust is.o 474
swift, and of a silken sound.p 423
sounds along the waters die.t488 |
no sound of hammer........p 382
no sound in the hall.........e 390
Sounding-mark the s's well.... 313
Soundboard-the s. breathes...k 282
Sour-turns a sour offence*....p 247
and every sweet its sour.....i 495
where the soul sours........ 359
Source-from simple sources* .362
truth is the s. of every good.g 445
the source of all good......d 357
Sourest-sweetest things turn s*q 130
South-from the balmy south..c371
the sweet s. that breathes*..m 160
wind of the sunny south....y 465
blows like the south........d 467
face to the dew dropping s.*.0 467
Sovereign-s. is called a tyrant.d 449
true sovereign of the world.y 483
s. one's immortal head......p 366
thy head, thy sovereign*....e 204
if the sovereign of the state.b 183
heaven's S. saves all beings. g 193
Sovereignty-kings to sit in s..f349
Sow-sow, y'are like to reap....j 43
must reap the things they s..r 46
have a wrong sow by the ear f 412
Sowed-she had s. them with..g 474
Sower-scatters broad his seed. t 419
Sown-man has s. his wild oats.z 162
man! be s. in barren ground.a 363
Space-measure dwells in space..e 9
space out of time.............b 92
s. encircled by infinitude....c 253
s. of heaven and the place..k. 410
.e 239
the confines of space..
rather on space than the sky.k 272
through space rolled on...... 282
Spade-fling by the spade....... 456
the spade, the ploughshare.aa 300
Spake-was the Word that s. it..k 56
spake the grisly terror.......n 82
I spake as having seen....... 97
spake with us on earth no...1408
Span-life of man less than a s..s 483

s. the poet for his subject's..g335
what we least can s. is hope.m 200
a man may spare, and still..t 464
spare your country's flag...b 330
Spared-better s. a better man*.1353
Spark-with unnumber'd s's*..n 403
sparks from populous cities.y 403
s. may burst a mighty flame.k 332
I'll turn to sparks of fire*...g 416
show some s's that are like*.6 472
a sacred spark created.
enforced, shows a hasty s.*..n 258
...h 286
the sparks of nature*..
as. of that immortal fire....i 240
vital s. of heav'nly flame....g 399
Sparkle-does sparkle into song. 41
sparkle in its brightness.... 339
a single star sparkles new...d 402
life's enchanted cup but s's.h 423
Sparkled-shes., was exhal'd...a 47
Sparkling-trembling and s.....q 93

ride sparkling in her eyes*..g 110
a fire s. in a lover's eyes*...6 247
one star sparkling through...t 410
Sparrow-s. falls dost allow.....h 32
is by the sparrow's dying bed.h 32
sparrows chirped as if......... 32
the hedge sparrow fed*....... 32
doves and team of sparrows.d 243
hero perish, or a s. fall...... 348
consider the sparrow........1348
caters for the sparrows*..... 348
Spartan-be the S's epitaph on. 202
Spawn-the seas with spawn...0 451
Speak-when you s., sweet, I'd*...3
speaks what's in his heart*...i11
to s. in public on the stage...g 76
s. of nothing but despair*.....91
speak not at all, in any......e 400
think all you speak......... f 400
speak not all you think..... f 400
any further, hear me speak*.q 400
hear me, for I will speak*...r400
she speaks poignards, and*.w 400
Bezonian? speak or die*..... 400
.....h 315
it speaks itself.
almost move and speak.....a 317
speak low if you speak love*.248
slaves who fear to speak...... 494
trees to speak*.

...aa 498
I only speak right on*......d 325
s. the speech, I pray you*...q 294
speak of one that loved*...... 385
I'll speak to thee in silence* n 383
will not speak a word*......p 383
... 383
I would not speak*......
I speak without a tongue...a 101
none s., false, when there.. m113
who speaks not truly, lies*..z113
s. each other in passing.....6 118

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