primrose by the r's brim...s 131 new-blown lilies of the r....b 133 along the r's summer walk..o 134 deepest r's make least din...y 383 Lethe, the river of oblivion.h 390 River-child-its r-c. to sleep... j 256 Rivet-closing rivets up*......k 460 Rivilin-r. wildest! do I not...o 364 Rivulet-the merry rivulet ....d 273 in little r's of light. ......h 275 the waves of the rivulet.... 212 bring r's to their springs. ..7417 myriads of r's hurrying.....p 286 Road-takes no private road.....i 20 o'er the meadow road is.....w 41 road, winding slow.........a 141 the unfrequented road.. ..q 156 the road would open........t 222 violets hiding from the r's..b 126 no r. or ready way to virtue.ƒ 453 roads are wet where'er......e 404 I block the roads............ƒ 269 answer where any roads....k 494 through life's dark road.....d 463 a broad and ample r. whose.r 193 see your r., another to cut..y 491 Roadside-golden rod of the r. ƒ 141 a waft from the r. bank .....e 156 Roam-ever let the fancy roam.f116 I roam, whatever realms... u 260 Roar-in my time heard lions г.*r 41 music in its roar............a 334 r. of red-breathed cannon...w 458 loosened aggravated roar....a 405 oak trees roar with joy......1409 Roaring-r's around the coral...t 56 Roast-her that ruled the rost .h 302 0 279 yet smelt roast meat..... ..d 302 Robe-r. me of that which*......r 50 would not rob one of a......g 260 robs the vast sea*...........a 419 rather than rob me of the*..k 215 thief which sourly r's from*. g 460 he robs himself that*......aa 418 robs poverty of its sharpest..e 342 Robbed-the r. that smiles*..aa 418 Robbing-by r. Peter he paid..y 162 Robe-new robes, and may not..n 13 cast our robes away..........p 82 winter robe of purest white.j 378 in a robe of clouds......................... azure robe of night... g 167 in a robe of darkest grain...d 203 my robe and my integrity*.h 455 nor the judges robe*........ 263 robes loosely flowing........e 384 robes ye weave another.....u 119 unfold thy robes of purest..u 145 r. she neither sew'd nor.....c146 summer gathers up her r's..r 376 r. and furr'd gowns hide*...y 384 Robin-sang the robin, the......k 22 poor robin sits and sings.....q 30 the wood-robin sings at......r 30 robin, hunger-silent now....d 31 poor robin, driven in by.....e 31 the robin red-breast till......g 31 robin and all the rest........h 31 there sits a robin on the .....k 31 robin is yet flowerless.......m 31 little cheerful robin..........n 31 Joan and goodman Robin....i 63 a secret at home is like r's.. a 879 ......... idly busy rolls their world.m 205 as they r. grow deep and... 365 swells and rolls away....... ƒ 407 rolls its awful burden.......a 405 r. back the sound of.........e 432 Rolled-snake, roll'd in a*......ce 87 mighty, mystic stream has rj 365 Rollest-thou rollest now...... 423 Rolling-flood of time is r. on. 427 Roman-Romans, countrymen y14 than such a Roman*. g 65 are yet two R's living such .aa 185 a Roman's part..... J244 after the high R. fashion*...d 41 let rather Roman come...... 266 'twas glory once to be a R... 179 this Roman grandeur........ 314 above all Roman fame....... 115 noblest Roman of them all a 291 Romance-of their own r..... 376 parent of golden dreams, r... 1 366 border-land of old romance. .j 366 r. is the poetry of literature.k 366 heaven of poetry and r......r 493 Rome- when R. falls—the world.a 59 R. her own sad sepulchre.....z 59 I am in Rome! oft as the....g 59 thou art in Rome............g 59 from Rome's far-reaching....6 72 of Cato, and of Rome........ 117 Pompey pass the streets of R*.c107 I loved Rome more*......... 251 R., R.! thou art no more.....c 365 keep his state in Rome*..... 368 no other quarrel else to R...n 459 that our renowned Rome*...b 184 Romeo-R., press one heavy..... 91 tongue that speaks but R's*. 102 give me my Romeo*....... .e 246 R.! wherefore art thou,R*.....i 498 Romney-cousin R. gathered... 11 Roof-no r. to shrowd his head..r 67 roof of gold, or r. of thatch...q 81 wild-rose r's the the ruined.e 155 that consecrated roof*......m 258 r. was dry with oaths of....k 248 beneath the roof of love.....b 250 an under-r. of doleful gray..d 226 green roof of trees..........a 406 spread the roof above them.e 432 on the roofs of the living....p 393 thro' the arched r. in words. v 321 beneath this r. at midnight. p 3.6 roofs of tile, beneath........≈ 316 roofs that our frail hands...a 485 wall and r. and pavement...d 489 Rook-the building r. 'ill caw...6 32 rook who high amid the..... 32 Room-hushed and darkened r..181 fill another room in hell*....d 84 heart with r. for every joy .. j 65 into my little room above.... 96 like other fools to fill a r..z 162 round my room my silent... 229 give her larger room...... -9 156 infinite riches in a little r...s 265 r. can there be for friendship.k175 paradise hath r. for you.....e 194 I have a r., whereinto.......t 261 every room hath blaz'd*........e 201 room so warm and bright....198 fills the r. up of my absent*.g 187 there is no room for wit..... 471 sunken pleasures to make г.c 389 Root-deeper their vile root....y 7 with more pernicious root* . .ƒ 17 beneath the tangled roots ..d 124 is principle, and has its r...b 241 nips his r., and then he*.....t 235 the root of all evil ..........h 462 root away the noisome*...* 195 shaken to their roots........g 421 thy r. is even in the grave.m 152 the tree of deepest root.....k 239 humility, that low sweet r..e 203 is the root of misfortune....k 206 flowers took thickest root...q 474 Rope-dancer, climbs the rope.ƒ 303 Rose-r's for the flush of youth..86 rose, where all are roses....j 18 the rose, the queen of roses...j 18 a garland for the rose........k 18 with the half-blown rose*....a 19 r's newly washed with dew*.c 19 her passion is to seek r's.....g 28 r. looks out in the valley.....t 28 rose with much of hope.. ....g 34 r's kindled into thought .....8 35 must fade and r's wither.... 87 I no more desire a rose*....... 57 the rose and the thorn.......g 68 as soon seek roses............p 75 the rose distill'd* ...........d 94 wild roses on the spray......c 97 and the roses bloom alway..t143 the musk of the r's blown..w 161 roses red and violets blew...b 131 r. in a mist when his race ..q411 roses, roses, all the way.....c 126 I the lily be, and thou the r..l 126 the berries of the brier rose.n 126 or the royal-hearted rose....p 126 plant a white r. at my feet..h 127 the rose is fragrant..........7127 r. her grateful fragrance....o 127 rose-red heaps or snowy....g 128 r. leaves herself upon the...r 128 roses knotted oaks adorn....t 129 rose is fairest when 'tis.....g 130 sweet is the rose............d 131 shower of Persian roses...... 131 the red rose cries...........m 131 the white rose weeps.......m 131 with r's musky-breathed....n 131 she wore a wreath of roses..b 151 rose that all are praising....c 151 a rose as fair as ever saw....e 151 Oh r. who dares to name....i151 smell a r. through a fence..m 151 r. that lives its little hour..o 151 O beautiful, royal rose......c 152 O rose, my red, red rose ....c 152 it never rains roses....... e 152 it is written on the rose....k 152 rose, with beauty fraught... 152 O Wells! thy r's came to me .t 152 I will make thee a bed ofr's. w 152 the fairest is the rose ...c 153 r's on one slender spray ....h 153 rose of the garden.... ..n 153 Graces love to wreath the r..q 153 r's do not shed their ray ....t 153 'tis the last rose of summer. v 153 O, give the breathing rose..a 154 the roses were all in bloom..l 159 for happy hours the rose....i 149 pluck that rose for me......k 239 roses are not of winter.....w 240 the rose of thine own being..ƒ 279 that which we call a rose* .. 284 will there not be more r's...i 375 rose's trembling leaves.....m 376 roses of pleasure seldom..... 7324 the scent to the rose........q 262 for women are as rose's*. ..w 246 the rose and the lily.. .....c 242 a r., vast as the heavens....k 410 all as rich as a rose can be...k 410 r. leaves fall into billows of.k 410 tincture of the roses* ..f315 a fabric huge rose like ......n 494 sweet r's haunt the hedges..g 371 winds on breathing r's blow.8 372 summer is crowned with r's.y374 too rough, for r's to stay after.l 151 a wreath of dewy roses......b 152 the fairest is the rose........c 153 bring r's, beautiful fresh r's.h 154 within the bosom of the r...a 155 r. has but a summer-reign..a 139 where roses and lilies and... 211 that opening roses yield.....t 271 So sweet, so sweet the roses.g 272 a rose upon the wall... .k 239 as a dream the fabric rose...p 382 fair ladies, mask' are roses* s 476 he wears the r's of youth*...p 487 bees around a rose....... ..a 401 r's blossom'd by each rustic.k 441 rose was awake all night for. i 434 bloom and budding rose......1435 roses, fair and brief.........b 438 the first r's of the year shall. 184 r's fade, and shadows shift..z 491 Roseate-no longer r. now, nor. i 151 Rose-bud-a white r-b. for a....g 151 r-b's in the morning dew...q 151 I wish I might a r-b. grow..a 152 gather ye r-b's while you....n 152 sweet is the rose-bud........e 153 r-b's scarcely show'd their..g 153 rose-bud set with little......i478 no rose-bud is nigh..........k 153 I watched a r-b. very long...j 154 O happy rose-bud blooming.k 154 like r-b's fill'd with snow....i 303 Rose-grove-blushing in pride.c 155 Rosemary-dreary rosmarye....ƒ 156 | r., that's for remembrance*.h 156 Rose-scented-daisies are r-s...p 138 Rose-thought-for God's r-t.....v 152 Rose-tree-pretty rose-tree......i 153 Rosy-and left the daisies rosy.f 139 Rot-we rot and rot*. ...t 23 cold obstruction, and to r.*..d 176 better rot beneath the sod...i 431 Rotation-vain r's of the day...p 392 Rote-words learn'd by rote....f 414 he understood by rote.......0 350 Rotten-apple r. at the heart*..aa 87 r. in the state of Denmark*.w 340 Rottenness-turned to r........u 200 Rotting-ships sailorless lay r...ƒ 78 mean and mighty, rotting*..q 104 Rough-r. winds do shake*.....p 271 distance, rough at hand.....a 242 though he was r., he was....e 220 Roughen-hard toil can r...... m 483 Rough-hew-them how we will* c 349 Rouleau-how beauteous are r's ƒ462 Round -r. these, with tendrils...y 40 largeness, but th' exactly r..m 58 r. of life from hour to hour..w 58 a little round, fat, oily......b 318 once circling in its placid r..t 444 r. every windward stake....n 393 round and round the sand..k 422 Rounded-little life is r.*.......q 97 who rounded in his palm....y 403 Roundelay-a woodland r.......a 23 Rouse-r. the lion from his lair. w 12 stirs to rouse a lion*..........q72 Rout-that keep a mighty rout.g 135 where meet a public rout...q 256 Routed-r. the whole troop.....r 456 Rove-banks, while free to r....e 366 Roved-I have r. from wild.............r 262 Rover-shoots at r's, shooting..g 321 Rowan-waves his scarlet plume 1432 R's were like brothers .......0 449 Royal-look where r. roses burn.i152 royal clouds are they........d 411 r. river, born of sun and....l 365 royal makings of a queen*.. a 368 O beautiful, royal rose......c 152 enforc'd to farm our royal*..m 368 our purposes, and, being r.*.b 409 Royalty-do I assume these r's..i 367 frame them to r. unlearn'd*.s 367 Rub-there's the rub*..........q391 Rubbish-the r. of a throng.....a 48 Rubric-is thy name in the r...g 450 Ruby-ruby of your cheeks*...y 121 those be r's, fairy favours*. .ƒ 137 the vineyard's r. treasures...i 376 like a r. from the horizon's..f411 is all with rubies as it were..e411 Rudder-soul, like bark with r.ƒ 327 · Ruddy-bird of ruddy breast....c 31 dear, as the ruddy drops....k 169 dear to me as are the ruddy*.e465 Rude-thy breath be rude*. ..i 476 Rue-shall be filled with rue...b 155 Ruff-that touched the ruff....b 116 Ruffian-r's dance and leap*...m 460 ancient r., sir, whose life*...c 322 Ruffle-like sending them r's..k 492 Ruffling-r., the blue deep's....e 466 Rugged-about the r. places....d 158 the r. trees are mingling.....j 143 Ruin-would ruin a person or a.d 42 whom God to r. has design'd.p 117 the ruin that it feeds upon..k 143 creepeth o'er ruins old...... 143 how lovely yet thy ruins....j 165 fires of ruin glow...........d 167 ruins of their ancient oak...i 447 lures men to their ruin......j 313 man marks the earth with r.s 322 what numbers ruin shun...q 472 in green ruins, in the......w 382 ruin hath taught me*.......k 427 the r's of the noblest man*.m 280 sitting amid their ruins..... 262 behind it r. and desolation..g 404 amid the ruins of the past..h 365 prostrate the beauteous ruin.t 368 I do love these ancient r's...u 368 ruin fiercely drives her.....v 368 temple in ruin stands.......s 368 without inhabitant, to ruin j 356 atoms or systems into ruin..r 348 adorner of the ruin.........c423 Ruinate-r. proud buildings*. ..c 427 Ruined-that are ruined are r...q 47 me with thee hath ruined..a 167 new life on a ruined life..... 233 be r. at our own request.. ..u 344 Ruinous-lest growing ruinous* j 262 Rule-Brittania r's the waves...q 69 and slaves to rusty rules. 9 75 when I read rules of..... ..m 75 what is pomp, rule, reign*...1 85 derive his rule of action.....u 98 the earth, and r. the night...s 402 friendship's laws are by this r.a174 the rule of many is not well.o 366 rule of not too much........u 417 gospel of the golden rule....n 317 to follow rule and climb....m 199 and loving, may his rule be* .j 174 beneath the rule of men.....s 299 apron, and thy rule*... ...t 301. rule by patience.... .g 328 old rule sufficeth them...... 342 head with strongest bias r's.u 346 woman rules us still...... .P 475 seek for rule, supremacy*...y 476 fashion, the arbiter and r........t 116 ill can he r. the great that...j 183 by the scanty rule.. j 353 declared absolute rule... ..h 367 imagination r's the world...y 206 winter rules the year........b 378 winter comes, to rule the....i 378 worthy to r., and only he....g 379 if she r's him, never shows..l 257 he over thee shall rule.....aa 203 Ruled-in all things ruled.......x 77 when men are r. by women*.h 183 hath r. in the greenwood ...k 438 Ruler-winter! ruler of the....e 377 one sole ruler,--his law......j 494 gaze of the r. of heaven.....o 446 Ruling-search then the r......s 244 shall feel your r. passion....a 327 the r. passion, be it what....c 327 Rumble-r's reluctant o'er our.c 422 Ruminate-me thus tor.*......k 427 Rumor-that pitiful r. may*....o 63 forth the noise and rumour*.h 356 r. is a pipe blown by*. ..... 368 r. of oppression and deceit.. 394 Run-so r's the round of life....w 58 it runs as runs the tide... .......q 45 he that fights and r's away...p 73 so runs the world away*..... 119 not poetry, but prose r. mad.v 336 conquer love, that run away./ 240 three that run away, and fly.u 456 r. through woods and meads.n 364 they stumble, that run fast*. 191 luster, he that runs may....a 444 run to meet what he would.dd 494 run, run, Orlando*..........l 477 runs through the realm of...s 427 should still run gold dust...i 424 runs for ages without.......h 430 Rung-no ponderous axes rung.n 74 Rupert-the Rupert of debate .w 493 Rural-r. sounds exhilirate......s 69, mute is the voice of rural....c 369 Rush-on ye brave, who rush..h 457 there rushes between.......q 326 r's strewed, cobwebs swept*.q 302 Rushed-r. together at last....w 242 Rushing-where the r. waters..o 141 r. now adown the spout.....t 461 Russet-the r. leaves obstruct.. 273 Russian-the rugged R. bear*..w 72 Rust-sacred rust of twice ten..h 13 which never taketh rust....p 224 the dark rust assaileth..... o 225 better to wear out than to r.b 483 Rustic-r. arbor, which the....k 131 Rustle-in the autumn wind г..l 375 a mournful rustle... Rustling-r. in unpaid-for silk*.d 347 Rusty-fighting was grown г...a 457 8. ...e 261 Sabbath-the S. of my days......p 6 let a cat on the S. say "mew," i 369 Christians, Jews,one S. keep..j 369 the Sabbaths of eternity....k 369 the Sabbath loves the poor..k 341 Sable-I'll have a suit of s's*.....93 drew her sable curtain down.a 288 Sabean-s. odours from the....y 314 Sacerdotal-thou s. gain......b 412 Sack-this intolerable deal of s.*p 214 Sacramental-God pours like s...ƒ 31 Sacred-all sacred deem the bird.c 31 sacred held a martin's nest.. ...g 31 a s. and home.felt delight....k 35 daisies upon the s. sward....q 138 our chosen sacred hours.....i 170 sacred joys of home depend..c 198 sacred because our hands...a 297 more sacred than the blood. w 299 sacred in my eyes..........m 327 all true work is sacred......x 482 Sacredness-upon its s.........k 443 Sacrifice-the law of s. takes....q 98 a solemn sacrifice, performed.o 99 made up of petty sacrifices. w 255 forbade the patriarch's s....q 280 sacrifice is the first.........n 357 prayers one sweet sacrifice*.d 346 as from fires of sacrifices....l 135 conscious virtue and s......k 445 Sad-what makes old age so sad..r 6 your sad tires in a*.. ........m 54 I'll be sad for nae-body.. .......q 65 he was nor sad nor merry*..p 108 experience to make me sad*.d 163 maketh the light heart sad..p 372 sad, with all his rising train. i 378 at the close of each sad.....aa 206 sad when he sets........... 157 rich men look sad*. ... .....m 460 sad unhelpful tears*........7 416 sad when I have a cause*...m 445 twilight is sad and cloudy....u 446 s. by fits,by starts 'twas wild. 490 sad stories of the death of3..w 367 be sad good brothers*........ 369 impious in a gcod man to be s.r 369 which now is sad............1 262 sad words of tongue or pen. 356 the world was sad...........p 473 Saddened-s. with a shower....e 332 Sadder-a s. and a wiser man... 107 sadder than owl-songs....... 347 Saddest-s. of the year..........ƒ 375 those that tell of s. thought.p 369 the saddest are these... .356 Sadly-in a s. pleasing strain... 283 looks sadly upon him*...... 194 Sadness-cheer,a little, April's s..e 372 lasting s. of an aching heart.A 202 feeling of s. and longing........... 389 can I but relive in sadness...q 26) I with sadness wept.........k 234 beauty and sadness always go.ƒ494 mirth fate turns to sudden s.* £897 songs of s. and of mirth.....r 385 Safe-lie safe in our hearts......c55 safe bind, safe find. ........844 safe and sound your trust...0 474 be silent and safe............i 383 who shrink from shame are 8,n 450 Safely-through these wonders.i 292 Safest-the lowest, builds the s. 201 s. and seemliest by her......z 203 Safety-a pot of ale, and s.*...... 73 always safety in valor....... 450 valour to act in safety*......e 470 them,and in ourselves,ours cc 497 we pluck this flower, s.*.....1498 Saffron-the s. flower clear as...i 156 Sage-wits and musing sages...p 37 holy sages once did sing..... j 57 was a sage 'tis true..........b 204 with the old sages........ .i 229 said by ancient sages.......k 236 let sage and cynic prattle.... A) just less than sage ...p 311 sage, and can command.....z 469 the dozing sages drop.... ......@ 321 sages have seen in thy face. y 394 we thought as a sage........i 489 s. is no better than the fool.. 1 379 you homely, make you sage, i 425 sages said, all poets sung...p 474 Said-much may be said....................À 14 what you have said*.........g 63 never to himself hath said...c 71 'twas no matter what he s... 490 little s. is soonest mended...k 501 easily be thought than said. 188 cares not a pin what they s.m 209 already s. what shall betide. 407 Sail-whirring sail goes round..k 29 than bear so low a sail*...... 65 sail on O ship of state......... TO set every threadbare sail.....0 70 sea-mark of my utmost sail*.h 84 sail forth into the sea.......d 257 as we sail through life......170 let them s. for Porto Rique..e 212 rigged out with sails of fire.d 411 I turn my sail.. ..s 261 sails with him as he sails...a 311 ray what glimmering sail...u 381 fills the white and rustling s.k 463 spread the sail......................... j 313 behold the threaden sails*...k 313 with her swelling sails......1313 not a ship that s's the ocean.m 381 bigotry may swell the sail... 488 Bailed-that s. for sunny isles..i 381 Sailest-s. wide to other lands...a 22 Sailing-cloudlets are lazily s...m 59 8. with supreme dominion...ƒ 24 Sailor-a sailor when the prize.n 216 sailor at the wheel..........n 313 sailors freeze with fears.....i 404 the sailor to his wife... ..n 313 winds that sailors rail at*...e 393 Sailorless-ships s. lay rotting..ƒ 78 Baint-the faith of saints........k 49 crape is twice a saint in lawn i 50 no silver saints, by...........e 58 by all the saints in heaven*..i 78 crew of errant saints.........t 95 s's doth bait thy hook*..... 102 all in white, like a saint.....c 145 saint abroad, an a devil.....k 204 relics of the ancient saints..h 229 this no s. preaches, and this. 179 images of canoniz'd saints* .p 197 wandering s's, poor huts....j 333 8. when most I play the*...aa 452 the saint sustained it.......r 454 worst of madmen is a s. run.e 358 B's will aid if men will call..a 344 weakest s, upon his knees...b344 great men may jest with s's*.a 472 saints in your injuries*.....b 478 Sake-not for sake of some.....v 240 to love truth for truth's s...q 444 for whose sweet sake that...c 356 would be for your sake......p 482 Sale-to things of sale*. f311 smiling at the sale of truth..j 200 Sally-noble sallics of the soul. a 396 Salmon-seeks a 231 docs the s. vault.. m 123 Salt-call it attic salt....... ....0 75 universal salt of states...... .p 79 ere yet the salt of most*.....q 257 wit is the s. of conversation.m 471 why dost thou shun the salt g 330 an island salt and bare......c 215 the salt of human tears......l 427 Saltpetre-that villainous s*....y 73 Salutation-twice done s. to*...d 23 loud shout's and s's*. ......n 431 Salute-s's the smiling guest....e 12 golden sun s's the morn*....n 410 thee to salute, kindly star...o 443 Balvation-fee-simple of his 8*.k 163 tools of working out s.......m 412 should see salvation.*.......k 203 Balve-patience is sorrow's s. .b 328 Bame-leave us and find us the s. u 45 never the s. for two....... 1383 still I think of them the s...r 171 Sancho Panza-am I............h 45 Sanctified-high purpose s. by p 315 Sanction-to sanction vice,....v 451 sanction of the God.........1367 Sanctity-kissing is as full of s. *o 221 God attributes to place no s. o 197 Sanctuarize-should murders.* c 498 Sanctuary-in hell, as in a s.*..e 258 desire to raise the s.*. ..k 268 his love the life-long s.......e 241 taking s. in the crowd... ..k 298 neglect God's ancient s's....a 485 Sand-on the flat s's hoard your.n 21 as stairs of sand*. .v73 seas, if all theirs. were pearl*.q 258 the sands are numbered*....q 535 silent s's hast wandered.. ..f366 passed over the white sands.o 382 o'er and o'er the sand.......k 422 with petals, dipped in sand..7146 latest s's are its s's of gold..b 182 stems a stream with sand...j 245 Andrew dock'd in sand*.....g 262 when my latest s. twinkled..c 466 in the s's, thee I'll rake up*. u 497 small sands the mountain...v 442 round and round the sand...k 422 a handful of red sand.......n 424 Sandal-with winged s's shod...t 10 Sandal-shoon-upon my "s-s".r 262 Sandy-here and there, on s...n 132 Sang-danced and s. from morn*.o 65 8. in tones of deep emotion..t 385 as her melody she sang...... .9 371 that sang of trees...........v 467 Sanguinaria-s. from whose....e 134 Sank-down s. the great red sun.g 411 Sap-stalks with honeyed sap... 148 I wonder if the s. is stirring.b373 without their sap, how......d 214 infect thy sap, and live on*.w 195 Sapless-the s. habit daily........h 5 Sapphire-like s., pearl*.......k 130 Sappho-burning 8. loved and..c 374 Sat-the tyrant never sat........s 86 troublesome it s. upon my*.u 367 Satan-s., hous'd within this*.......i 78 satan stood unterrified.......n 92 satan exalted sat.............b 93 satan, so call him now.......c 93 s. finds some mischief still..s 205 so satan, whom repulse......z 331 satan o'ercomes none but by.b 418 met the sword of satan......o 458 satan trembies when he sees.b 344 Satire-let satire be my song...ƒ 162 obvious satire, or implied...e 380 satire is more than those....s 369 satire's my weapon...... ...b 370 my satire seems too bold....c 370 implicit satire on mankind... 266 s's the sauce, high-season'd.o 293 to-morrow is a s. on to-day..r 429 Satirist-s. of nature's school....i 27 a would-be satirist.......... 305 Satisfaction-s. for every soul..h 343 Satisfied-paid that is well s.*...8 63 jealousy is never satised...g 215 this world never satisies...u 471 Satisfy-before did satisfy you*.n 316 none but God can satisfy..... 35 no great object s's the mind.r 421 and while it satisfies.. o 266 Saturday-betwix a S. and.....b 369 Saturn-Saturn gave the nod*..p 366 Satyr-to this, Hyperion to a S.*.c 368 Sauce-cloyless s. his appetite*.. v 13 rich sauces are worse........m 99 what is sauce for the goose..k 104 sauce to meat is ceremony*.. 100 satire's the s., high-season'd.o 293 Saucy-many s. airs we meet...c492 Savage-no s. fierce, bandite.....a 54 we feel our savage kin......m 147 to sooth a savage breast.....n 281 somewhat of the s. beast.....t 393 Savageness-sing the s. out of*.b 386Save-desire to shield and save..h41 and delight to save.......... 41 s. me from the candid friend. n 42 God s. our gracious king....u 250 just th' unjust to save......a 356 only, is the power to save...k 357 but once to s. our country..a 329 if a world could save me....r 444 Saved-part I have s. my life*...s 94 s. all when he nothing said..m 74 be souls must not be saved*.h 194 what's saved affords.........j 238 all Europe sav'd, yet Britain.n 319 saved others' names........g 203 Savings-bank-should be a s-b.u 487 Saviour-S. was born this................ 157 season comes wherein our S's*i 26crimsoned with thy S's.....ƒ31 thus the S. said, that we.... 145 not he who scorns the S's....y 204 O s. of the silver-coasted....b 501 head upon the S's breast....b 443 kiss her Saviour stung.....w 472. Savor-were sette of swete s.... 151 as they came a genial savour,c 302 Savory-s. latter-mint and.....v 128 Say-if I could say how much*.r 383 can I s. better than silence..c 383 Saw-saw and pined his loss....u 90 he saw; but blasted with ....z 93 they s., and thitherward....i 138. I came, s., and overcame*... ..u 452 his saws are toothless ...... 301 Maker saw, took pity... ........d 476 or of saw was there......... .p 382 Sawing-squaring,s., mortising a 302 Say-not afraid to say his say...v 71 live to say, the dog is dead*.w 363 I should s. my tears gainsay*d 417 does or s's, I must be good..a 199 what will Mrs. Grundy say..c 324 put what they have to say..d 293 I had a thing to say*.. ......8 400 say, that she frown*........m477 let mankind s. what they...p 478 say one thing and mean.....e 385. I say just what I think......e 385 you could s. Jack Robinson.dd 492 who have nothing to say..dd 493 · say they should have been..t 304 kind of good deed to s. well*d 482 what may words say........1482 Saying-s. something sweet...m 270 not mine this saying. .......e 287 Saxon-S., Norman, or the Dane.v 26 Scabbard-glued to my s.......e 458 Scaffold-forever on the s.....v 444 Scale-scale thy wall by night...e 2 it were good to scale...... j 242 s's bedropped with gold.....b 124 man should s. the heavens..q 179 to s. their flinty bulwarks*..u 180 held the scale of Empire.....t 295 while scale in hand.........s 307 Scalp-behind his s. is naked...o 427 Scaly-no beauty in the s. folds.v 145 Scan-scan your brother man..j 228 presume not God to scan...h 254 if unprejudiced you scan...k 254 Scandal-give virtue scandal..u 339 greatest s. waits on greatest*.d 186 praise undeserved is s.......c 343 s. of men is everlasting.....d 387 Scar-a scar nobly got*.. .r 199 semblance of a s. appall'd...d 457 and dishonest scars...... .u 458 closed without a scar. ......0 485 s's, that never felt a wound*.q 485 Scare-crow-a s-c. of the law*..r 308 Scared-out of his seven senses.c 121 Scarf-8. the knight the daisy..r 138 skarf up the tender eye*....k 289 Scarlet-pious bird with s. breast.131 scarlet creeper loves the elm.1131 sorrow and the scarlet leaf... 1376 far and wide, in a scarlet tide.r 149 poppies show their s. coats. u 149 Scattering-s's of the hills....h 149 s. wide the blaze of day.....g 410 Scene-good man's shining scene.ƒ5 bear me to sequester'd s's....b 70 to own dear native scenes ..d 70 pageant fill the splendid s...g 376 gay gilded 8's and shining..v 334 scenes at distance hail.. ...$ 200 and shuts the scene................ i 236 view the whole scene..... ..t 263 each scene, a different dish... 293 in every scene some moral..b 294 our s. precariously subsists..c 294 live over each scene...... .d 294 love gilds the scene.........d478 concerns of an eternal scene.i 428 scene wherein we play in*..r 481 Sceneshifter-s., boxkeeper....a 294 Scent-the scent of bean fields..c 134 the scent of the roses........j 153 scent in every leaf is mine..r 155 to scent the desert..........g 156 a scent most disagreeable....t157 to scent the evening sky. ....r 160 for sweetest scents and airs.q 277 sometimes a s. of violets....o 128 whose scent the fair annoys.r 320 thorn that s's the evening...b 441 balms their scents deliver..u 325 I scent no flowery gust......q 483 Scented-the air with s. plumes.n 375 Sceptre-a sceptre to control*....b 7 sceptre and crown..... ..885 in Arno like a sheaf of s's...q 150 her leaden sceptre o'er.......j 290 on his throne his sceptre....a 367 now by my sceptre's awe*..k 219 his sceptre shows the force* j 263 Sceptred-tyrant bloody s.*.... 448 .... .z 165 u337 we scorn her most*.. not he who s's the Saviour's.y 204 teach not thy lip such s.*... y 221 scorn of scorn...... scorn her own image*.. .n 286 seemed in their song to s....j 433 vengeance there is noble s..≈ 491 at every trifle scorn to take.r 412 Scorned-fury like a woman s..a 192 scorn'd his spirit that*......g 333 he scorned his own, who felt.s332 hooted for his nudities, and 8.484 Scorner-thou s. of the ground..26 Scornful-dart not s. glancos...p 51 Scot-Scots whom Bruce has...q 456 and brither Scots...........w305 Scotchman-which a S. ever sees i 69 may be made of a S..........a 433 Scotland-but one hour of S..... 69 the flowers o' Scotland...... 157 lovely flowers of Scotland....b 128 shivered was fair S's spear..a 459 in Scotland, as the term of .p 121 Scottish-took her for some S.. j437 Scoundrel-last refuge of a s....1329 Scourge-iron s. and tort'ring....e 4 lifts high his s. of fire.......g 410 with them scourge the bad* n 289 Scrap-happier scrap capricious a 48 s's are good deeds [ast*.....v 426 Scrape-footsteps s. the marble.i 164 Scratched-that is but s.*......s 349 Scrawl-the worse the scrawl... 309 Scream-such screams to hear.p 211 Screen-just for a screen.......e 857 a charming Indian screen..a 360 Screw-screw your courage up*.# 72 Scribbled-being s. o'er,should*☛ 267 Scribbler-a monthly s. of some.z305 ev'ry busy little s. now......k 298 who shames a scribbler......i 300 s's to-day of every sort......c 450 no little scribbler is of wit..p 305 Scribe-undoes the scribe......q 307 Scrip-ope his leathern scrip...p309 Scripture-with a piece of S.*..r 106 Scriptures of the skies......c 402 devil can cite Scripture*....q 351 S's, though not everywhere..1357 He formed it, and that was S.m 293 Scruple-some s. rose, but......k 62 Scrutiny-s. is but a discovery.n 223 the score and the tally*.....ƒ318 Scud-alights, and scuds.. . 427 Scorn-meanest wretch they s...135 Sculler-physician, like a s.............k 309 the hand of scorn*. .............................c 65 | Sculptor-not a great s. or.....q 296 a deal of scorn look*..........i 65 Sculpture-s., speak as with...r 263 sound of public scorn........w C4 with bossy sculpture graven.k 296 s's to bend to mean devices..q 71 Sculptured-watch thy s. form. m 146 rally here, and scorn to fly..m 71 heart into these s. stones...j 296 fools may our scorn.........n 103 Scutcheon-with s's blazon'd...j 322 read, to doubt, or read to s..i 449 Scylla-when I shun Scylla*..dd 499 and scorns to mend.........k 298 Scythe-the mower's scythe..... 26 look of scorn I cannot brave.a 397 turns aside his s. to vulgar..ƒ486 scorn insult our solemn woe k 398 heart she s's our poverty*...e 347 8. at first, makes after-love* .h 477 disdain and scorn*..........g 110 I am held in scorn..........0 149 and scorn to give aught.....d 251 scorn to gain a friend......m 170 with playful scorn...........t 276 mower's scythe thy greens..q 370 Sea-into time's infinite sea......16 bark o'er a tempestuous sea... ....6 first gem of the sea........ .z8 thou dweller by the sea......d 22 white foam of the sea........r 24 everlasting sea proclaims .... 56 a transparent amber sea......k 59 |