rattles of the man or boy....i 445 r. his bones over thestones..n 341 Rattling-rattling the blinds...d 466 Rave-let them rave... 362 she r's, and faints, and dies.p 238 rave, recite, and madden....s 495 Raven-the r. once in snowy....j30 the raven was screeching....k 30 the raven, never flitting......130 did ever raven sing so like*..m 30 raven o'er the infectious*...n 30 the croaking raven doth*..... 30 raven himself is hoarse*.....p 30 the raven cried. น 53 than snow on a raven's back*f54 stealthy, evil raven .r 287 may bare the raven's eye*..v 191 He that doth ther's feed*...v 348 Ravish-it ravishes all sense... i 456 Ravished-hearings are quite r*p 102 r. with the whistling.......p 115 Ray-swift their prisoned rays.a 145 slant rays are beaming......a 143 borrows all her rays........c 252 spear like rays in the west..d 411 roseate rays of wind........k 273 each ray seemed bound.....a 274 r's of happiness, like those..b 191 emits a brighter ray ...10 200 with many a lovely ray...... 252 the last red ray is gone.....m 446 purest ray serene. ..s 304 drinks thy purest rays.....m 305 ray what glimmering sail.. u 381 with new rays ...3 276 hailed the morning ray..... 153 roses do not shed their ray..t 153 their disk with golden rays.m 157 his rays are all gold.........9 411 bathed in the rays.......f 290 sun with all diffusive rays..1454 thee the r's of virtue shine..v 454 hide your diminished rays..f403 thou living r. of intellectual.s 213 Raze-raze out the written*..d 310 Razor-are r's to my wounded*b 482 the r's edge invisible*...... d 370 Reach-I cannot r. thee, dear....c2 above the reach of wild......t455 in that voice that reaches...g 456 reach not to seize it before.. I 199 Reaction-attack is the reaction.a 3 Read-thesun would let mer...r33 may r. that binds the sheaf...t 55 book in hand, to r. it well....r33 may read strange matters*..x 111 to write and r. comes by*...d 102 read what books I please....n 167 read thyself and learn......1224 with attention have I read..r 241 O, learn to read what silent*.a 248 that never read so far*....... 283 read not to contradict and...t352 some few to be read wholly..t 352 rests with those who read...a 353 not read an author till we...b 353 will not r. a book, because..f353 would also read the man....f353 ask him what books he read.h 353 first time I read an.. ...n 353 with works to lie and read... 0 353 what is twice read is......... 353 in science, r. by preference.v 353 we burn daylight; -here, r.*.f 354 still persist to read, and.....g 354 learn to read slow............i 354 respect for a well-read man..j 353 wherein to read, wherein....1198 I read of that glad year......r 316 deepest truths are best read.j 443 lustre, he that runs may r..a 444 read to doubt, or r. to scorn. i 449 who is't can read a woman*.i 477 you shall yourself read*.....1308 you need not read one letter.x 309 a little I can read*.... ...α 348 r. the future destiny of man.m 425 Reader-r's may be classed.....q 298 good r. that make the good..k 353 every person becomes ar...m 353 many readers judge of......u 353 catch the reader's eye.......q 305 oh, reader, then behold.....k 232 Readiness-of doing doth....... 465 the readiness is all*. ....d 349 Reading-not walking, I am r...u 38 help by so much reading.....836 there is an art of reading....e 15 reading is to the mind.......8 352 worth reading were but read.d 353 new course of r., imparts...g 353 r. all my books in originals..i 353 invincible love of reading...1353 to his reading brings not....c 354 reading, never to be read....d 354 various readings stored.....8 406 reading maketh a full man..k 227 Ready-as you grow r. for it...c 170 ready for the way of life*....q 407 all things ready.... 270 honor comes to you be ready.l 199 Real-the real Simon Pure.....p 490 Realm-to farm our royal r.*..m 368 wide r. of wild reality.......g 389 growth our realms supply ... 252 I roam, whatever realms....u 260 in nature's realms... ...n 278 dark is the realm of grief....e 188 have returned from that r...o 193 the youth of the realm*.....f318 in her realm, as in the soul.q 285 whom three realms obey....1320 runs through the r. of tears.s 427 Reap-reaps from the hopes......q8 sow, y'are like to reap....... 43 is ripe 'tis time to reape......s 43 reap the things they sow.....r46 He reaps the bearded grain..u 81 seed ye sow another reaps...u 119 Reaped-thorns which I haver.c441 Reaper-there is a R. whose.....u 81 the ruddy reapers hail thee.p 275 gaze upon the reaper's toil..1276 tempt the joyful r's hand....j295 weary reapers quit the sultry.1 295 Reaping-who left for ourr..... 256 Reason-theirs not to r. why......r3 reason not impossibility...... 14 right reason for their law.....r14 reason upon compulsion*....v 14 but a woman's reason...... 14 play with reason and*......... 14 strong reasons make*.......aa 14 taught the world with reason.v76 mantle their clearer reason*..j 78 monarch reason sleeps........ 96 a higher faculty than reason.o 112 reason, or with instinct.....d103 you cannot reason almost*..w 121 when valour preys on r.*....e 451 reason wills our hearts*.....c460 it is not r. makes faith hard.r 232 in reason, is judicious.......b241 neither rhyme nor reason*..v 245 above the bounds of r.*.....m 246 love's reason's without r.*...q 246 reason the card, but.........d 234 reason thus with life* m 235 I have heard of r's manifold.q 240 reason is the life of the law..g307 let us consider the reasons..u 307 r's to himself best known...i465 asked one another the r.*....247 passion conquers r. still.....c 327 to ask the reason why*....... 292 where r. rules the mind.....h 330 for the same r. he pleases....q298 reason is our soul's left. z 398 it is the fever of reason.....m487 lamp our angel reason....... 354 knowledge and reason.... 1354 reason, however able, cool..m 354 reason raise o'er instinct as.n 354 reason's whole pleasure.......354 the feast of reason...........p 354 let's r. with the worst*......q 354 a reason on compulsion*....a 355 good reasons must, of force*.b 355 capability and god-like r.*...c 355 that brutes have reason...d 355 reason drew the plan........e 355 reason is upright stature...f355 reason's progressive.........g 355 slow reason feebly climbs...g 355 in erring reason's spite.....n 348 direct his ways by plain r..m 472 sense would r's law receive.. i 421 r. foil'd would not in vain...i 421 paths which reason shuns..u 334 reason would despair......... 243 being demanded a reason....c 319 reason thus with r. fetter*..d 248 smiles from reason flow..... a 393 loathe to prove reason with*.g 482 that well by reason men.....g 138 aught other reason why.....d 251 how noble in reason*........e 255 could he with r. murmur.... 1165 worst appear the better г....3 204 takes the reason prisoner*... 211 then have I r. to be fond*...g 187 Reasonably-thinks he writes r.s 297 Reasoned-high of Providence..t 64 Reasonest-Plato thour. well...i 207 Reasoning-the r's of men.....m 478 Rebel-use 'em kindly, they r...t 48 disobedience and rebel*.. ...n 95 deliberately, rebel against... 355 subjects are rebels from.....v 447 deem noner's except subjects c 448 Rebellion-r. to tyrants is......i 355 senate the cockle of r.*.......j 355 unthread the rude eye of r.* k 355 rebellion must be managed..e 431 r. in this land shall lose*....p 431 Rebellious-liquors in my blood* m 7 Rebound-hit hard unless it r's..a3 Rebuked-my genius is r.; as, it*t 177 Rebuking-be thou, in r. evil..0 228 Recalled-spoke can never be r. a 481 Receding-one's native land r...h 70 Receive-r's what heaven has...a 66 ..aa 331 ask till ye receive... much r., but nothing gives..o 210 we r. but what we give..... 362 Recess-the innermost recesses.g 456 deep recesses, of the ages....4383 Recite-rave, r., and madden...s495 Reck-little r's to find the way*.0 202 recks not his own read*.....r317 Reckless-incens'd that I am r.*n 355 Recklessness-fling them into r.s 90 Reckoning-so comes ar. when.v217 oh, weary reckoning*.......y 248 a kind of dead reckoning...p 276 no reckoning made*. .... 218 r. when the banquet's o'er..p 362 Recoil-back on itself recoils... 1363 Recollect-famer. articulately..i 114 who does not r. the hours...u 126 Recollection-r. is the only.....p261 recollection is a dream...... 261 recollections of things past..1327 Recompense-to r. my rash......k1 toil without recompense......g 5 look for recompense*.........140 heaven did a recompense. i413 thy true love's recompense*.d 262 recompense injury with....0355 recompense kindness with... 355 swiftest wing of r.*. ....... 355 perfect recompense to all....8 355 study's god-like recompense*o 224 Reconcilement-can true r.....e 192 Record-the record of time.....น 107 r., written by fingers ghostly.c 210 all trivial fond records*.....k 262 r's that defy the tooth of....s 501 record of the years of man..n 440 weep to record, and blush... 384 Recording-r. angel as he wrote.e 292 Recover-though you recover..2309 Recreant-a mere r. prove*.....c 312 Recreation-r. than angling.....c 12 of recreation there is none...r 11 Red-dyed her tender bosom r...c 31 O rose, my red, red rose.....d 152 quickly will the pale r. leaves.j 275 down sank the great red sun.g 411 a subtle red of life...........f 441 the last red ray is gone.....m 446 rosy red, love's proper hue..u 392 Red-bird-come his plumes to..p 150 reason that in man is wise.. i 259 Redbreast-the readbreast oft...a31 redbreast loves to build......631 readbreast, sacred to the......i 31 the robin-red-breast and...... 31 Redeem-late, r. thy name.....m 324 if thou can'st not recall, r... q 425 redeem man's mortal crime. a 356 Redeemer-R's throbbing head..c 31 Redemption-r. from above......j 57 everlasting r. for this*.......6497 without r. all mankind...... 355 kin to foul redemption*.....d163 r. thence, and portance*..... 450 Redress-to prick us to r.*.....n 379 how to redress their harms*.1238 Reed-tall flowering r's........9 150 dancing leaves his reed.....c434 crutches made of slender r's.a 385 the green reed trembles.....a 226 among the trembling reeds u 365 tunes the shepherd's reed... 1245 what the balmy reed........g 436 Reef-round the coral reef... 156 Reeking-r. neck to draw the.. a 295 Realeth-like feeble age he r.*..v 400 Refine-how the style refines..d340 Refined-as r. as ever Athens... k 63 his taste is refined...6 354 so strong, yet so refined.....r 454 Reflect-r's in joy its scanty..... 130 reflect on what before they..g 356 Reflected-summer dawn's r...n 374 wave r. lustres play.......... 411 Reflecting-sun r. upon the.... f 410 Reflection-r. how allied.......n 261 with the morning coolr's...h 356 a soul without reflection....j 356 Reform-reforms his plan......t278 Reformation-my r., glittering* 1 356 plotting some new r.........k 356 Refrain-we hear the wild r....k 284 Refresh-was it not to refresh*.2 283 Refreshed-r. where one pure..d 259 Refresher-adorner and r. of...p 461 Refreshing-r. that they always.c 133 Refuge-the shrine of refuge...p 234 a solitude, a r., a delight...... 174 last refuge of a scoundrel....1329 Refusal-one r's no rebuff......0 237 Refuse-nothing that pleases..m 360 Refute-who can refute a sneer, h 495 Regal-what r. vestments can...t145 r. bloom disclose a mantling j 152 him who wears the r.........g 367 Regalia-looked the field's r....k 378 Regard-preserving a due r....aa 218 regards that stand aloof*....1247 should be without regards*.d 421 Regent-moon, sweet r. of the.j 275 Region-out of the powerful r's.n 195 regions where our fancies.. n 105 in regions clear and far... 334 rage within those regions...u 325 Regret-harvest of barren r's....q8 here saw nothing to regret...b83 regrets to kiss it dry..........490 if in recollection lives regret h 148 regret becomes an April.....t160 love is made a vague regret.z 249 Regretful-who without r......i 374 Regularity-r. abridges all.....p 500 Rehearse-rehearse your parts*g 294 Reign-better to r. in hell than..r8 to wrestle, not to reign.....r482 awful eternity shall reign...n 105 keep a stiff reign............y 267 while Anna reigns, and sets.r 368 sweet is thy reign, but short q 370 r. in this horrible place.....у 394 reigns more or less.......... 343 Reigned-jovial star r. at his*..1403 Reignest-in thy golden hall...q 275 Rein-too much the rein*......g 251 r. the charger on the battle... 456 Rejoice-r., and freely laugh....3 407 r. at friends but newly found*b 171 r. in the joy of our friends..t171 Rejoicing-singing and r....... 335 rejoicing in the east.......0410 Rejourn-r. the controversy*...t 308 Relation-friends and dear r's.m 198 Release-nature signs the last r...c6 long before I find release....р 360 Relent-r., or not compassion*.f333 to shake the head, relent*...4361 washed with them but r's*..c 416 Relic-sad r. of departed worth. f60 pure relics of a blameless life.g 213 Relief-for this relief, much*.....53 longed to give her Lord r...... 32 Relieve-to relieve it is God-like.g 53 Religion-for his r. it was fit.....195 indirect way to plant r......a 357 all true religion consists....c357 religion is the basis of.......d 357 religion, the pious worship..337 will wrangle for religion....g 357 pity religion has so seldom..A37 religion does not censure....137 r., if in heavenly truths......j 357 first element of religion......357 but two possible religions...o 357 life and religion are one..... 357 religion, blushing, veils.....g 358 religion to make us hate..... 358 r's all descending from......8358 religion is no way of life....u 357 in r., what damned error*...j 358 pledged to r., liberty......... 307 religions are the bands of...10 174 r. breathing household laws.f463 as the Christian religion....10356 Religious-thou art religious*.. 62 a dim religious light.......... 58 holy and devout religious*.... 64 r., as it ought to be.........e 370 a r. life is a struggle....1358 Relish-r. of the saltness of time.j7 relish with content.... ....8 65 you may relish him........ 312 a relish that inviteth........b321 I have no relish of them*....4 368 Relished-r. by the wisest men.. 203 Relive-can I but r. in sadness..q 369 Rely-Ir. on him as on myself.: 172 Remain-this is all r's of thee...f45 thou ever wilt remain........ 286 till naught remain..... 407 r. longer than nature craves. f 392 Remedy-no remedy for time..r 205 r. is worse than the disease.. 1362 r's oft in ourselves do lie*...k498 extreme remedies are....... 309 found out the remedy*......b. 356 remedy for every wrong.....4.348 things without all remedy*.d 421 Remember-Ir. now I am*. .....450 sweet pangs of it r. me* r., if you mean to please.....68 I do not remember my birth..f34 r., whatsoe'er thou art...... 185 no greater grief than to r.... 186 64 r's me of all his gracious*...g 187 I remember the roses. d 128 when I remember all... 261 I remember, I remember.. .n261 briefly thyself remember*..w 261 I cannot but remember* .c 262 I r. a mass of things*........f 262 remember thee*. k 262 Remembered-times when Ir..u160 freshly remember'd*. . 284 remember'd joys are never..s 216 better remembered than...... 353 to hear themselves r.*....... 381 remember'd or forgot.......p 394 Remembering-is r. happier...p 398 Remembrance-r., ever fondly.k148 remembrance wakes.........t 260 in my remembrance blossom.v260 rosemary, that's for r.*......h156 r. of my former love*. ...0208 send tokens of remembrance.z 172 the dearest r. will still.......s 220 r. and reflection.. .m 261 sharp the point of this r.*... 262 remembrance of the just..... 262 r. of his dying Lord..... ..c 356 is no remembrance possible.u 292 makes the r. dear*. ......343 Remembrancer-r's of our lost..113 Remorse-O, that the vain r.....175 farewell remorse; all good....691 would have stirr'd up r.*..... 280 rivers of r. and innocency*..6 417 hath bred a kind of r.*.218 cruel remorse! where youth.t358 deeply feel thy pangs, r...... 359 abandon all remorse*.6 359 Nero will be tainted withr.*..2479 Remorseful-and r. day*.. ....น 289 like a remorseful pardon*...p 247 Remote-what is r. and difficult.s 34 is virtue a thing remote....m 453 r., unfriended, melancholy..b365 r. from man, with God.....9395 Remover-or bends with ther.*.p208 Rend-he strove to rend... 260 Renew-most naked plants r....s 46 renews the life of joy....... 461 Renounce-r's earth to forfeit..u 408 Renown-r. even in the jaws*..s459 endless renown.. .c 236 renown, and grace is dead*..a 235 the poor r. of being smart...h193 here's health and renown to.k438 some, for renown, on scraps.u 351 Renowned-no less r. than war.n452 Repair-repair and health*..... 310 such-frequent periods of r..p 392 Repast-never finding full r....r427 Repeat-to world r's the passage.i 56 say my prayers, I would r.*.n 345 ..0 266 Reproof-the reproof valiant*...w 67 ever written out of r........y 359 at every word a r. dies......a 360 I have offended reputation*.6 360 my reputation at stake*.....c 360 reputation is an idle* f360 I have lost my reputation*..g 360 spotless r.; that away*...... 360 thou liest in r. sick*.........i 360 reputation is but a......... 359 Request-ruin'd at our own r... 344 Requiem-come, and my r. sing.n 31 sing sage requiem*..........g 85 the master's requiem........1382 Requital-in requital ope......p 309 Requite-with deeds r. thy*.....e 89 Resemblance-express r. of the. i 214 r., such as true blood wears..e 190 r. of things which differ...... 472 Resemble-when I r. her to thee.d155 resembles sorrow only.......1369 Resembling-r. strong youth*..v409 Resent-swift to resentj 49 Resentment-with oner. glows.u 173 Reserve-r. thy judgment*.....1218 r. is woman's genuine praise. f 474 Residence-angels held their r.v 193 Resign-vile earth to earth r.*...191 how soon must he resign..... 278 resign the stage we tread on.j 425 resigne, the whole unto him. v 345 Resignation-r. gently slopes..n360 Resist-to resist with success....k 5 who shall r. the summons...u 82 resist both wind and tide*..p 119 nor solid might r. that edge.0 458 Resisted-that so stoutly r.*....0181 know not what's resisted...y 222 Resolute-r. in most extremes*q 108 serene, and r., and still......q 465 Resolution-native hue of r.*... 63 dauntless spirit of r.*....... 360 resolution thus fobbed*.....z 307 Resolve-r. itself into a dew*....n 91 a suppressed resolve will....a 109 firm resolve to conquer love.j 245 resolves more tardily and...q 360 resolve, and thou art free... 360 Resolved-is once to be r.*......k 96 Resort-home is the r. of love.m 198 in the various bustle of r... 0 469 Resounded-back r. death......m 82 Resource-r's of the scholar...k 405 men have all these r's.......y 239 Respect-with a r. more tender*.f71 respect neither poverty..... с 109 respect and rites of burial*, w 454 a fellow of good respect*....h 200 respect for a well-read man..j 353 Respectful-whilst the r., like..e 245 reproach is infinite......... 481 Respirator-throughar........p 320 Resplendent-r. rosel to thee..1153 Respond-r's unto his own...... 90 Responsibility-r. prevent...... 74 Responsible-single in r. act...a 473 Rest-ambition has no rest......p 8 the rest is yours..... 10 angels sing thee to thy rest*.r 10 the beautiful rests on thee....t17 to their lasting rest*.........p 23 veriest wicked rest in peace..n 39 so may he rest*..............p 53 ..v 493 bear r., who merit praise....r359 Republic-gave the r. her......p 329 Repulse-take no r., whatever*.s 479 so Satan, whom repulse...... 331 take no repulse, whatever*..f 125 Repulsed-love repulsed......... 108 Reputation-r. being essentially c 115 winks a reputation down....s387 reputations, like beavers.... 359 rocked to r. on their mother's 4 59 dost thou safely rest. .k 65 life hath but this port of r....v 65 mercy humbly for the r...... 98 and rest in heaven.. f86 a warrior taking his rest.....h 86 sinless, stirlessrest..... ..m 79 pale feet cross'd in rest.......s 82 I'll turn to rest and dream...g 97 set your heart at rest*....... 112 the rest on outside merit....2162 my soul has rest, sweet sigh.f382 so full of rest it seemed.....a 383 the rest is silence*383 day and of approaching r...h 386 with care, sinks down tor..r338 sweet father of soft rest.....n 389 rest, rest, a perfect rest......0390 work first, and then rest.....1483 it dreams a rest.. ... 486 choose their place of rest....1484 take all the rest; but give...n 435 so sweet to rest*..... ...h 391 thy best of rest is sleep*....0391 a perfect form in perfect rest.b 392 deep rest and sweet......... 392 intervals of rest, moved not.m 392 joy, uninterrupted rest....... 394 bitter toil; achieve its rest.. u 395 rest her soul, she's dead*.... 477 hours must I take my rest*.m 426 silken r., tie all thy cares up.n 361 rest is not quitting the.....p 361 rest is the fitting of self......p 361 r. not here, there's r. behind.q 361 every mountain height is r..r 361 all are seeking rest..........8 361 hour of rest hath come......t 361 rest is sweet after strife..... 361 rest, that strengthens unto..c 362 fold thine arms, turn to thy r.d 362 O day of rest, how beautiful.f369 here rests his head.... no rest-no dark...... ..n 275 peace and r. can never dwell.j 201 were no ease, no rest........d 225 labor there shall come forth r.j 225 labor is rest... .p 225 r. from all petty vexations...p 225 r. from sin-promptings.....p 225 rest on your oars... ....h 331 where e'en the great find r..q 184 leads us to rest so gently.... 285 rest to the laborer...........1288 might sit and rest, awhile...e 405 science that gives us any r..k 407 gay as he sinks to his rest... q 411 in its motion there was rest. a 412 ill a brewing towards my r.*.k 412 tongue one moment's rest...y 414 land and ocean without r..k 180 heaven is above, and there r.d 194 where sinners may have r., I.c 194 I will kiss thee into rest.....r 220 and all the rest havexxxi....c 269 all the rest have thirty-one.d 269 soldiers! still in honored r.. i 312 atmosphere breathes rest....k 463 to r., the cushion and soft..q 317 the Turckman's rest........ 320 sweet the old man's rest.... 493 260 trust! O endless sense of r..b 443 r. and twilight prevailed....r 446 just before the time of rest..b 447 brave who sink to rest......f 329 Restless-on their r. fronts.....p 501 r. thoughts this rest I find..q361 in vain I sighed, and r. turn.a 375 restless sunflower, cease....q 157 Restorative-man's richr......p 392 Restore-r. to God his due in...b 180 Restorer-nature's sweet r.....q 392 Restrain-restreine, and kepen. i 453 Restrained-r., a heart is broken.1480 Restraint-unconfined r... 389 Reverence-from a due r. to God. 59 thyself all reverence and fear.d 364 with blind feelings r........ 4 181 none so poor to do Him r.*.. 118 Reverend-r., should be wise*....yo Reverential-with r. tread....... 314 Reverie-from reveries so airy.. y 93 Reversion-bright r. in the sky.j244 Revive-for whom all else r's...4353 God of nature alone, can r...g 349 Revolt-nature falls into r.*.....181 all good seeming by thy r.*...j 253 still revoit when truth......m167 Revolution-r's of the times*...i119 Revolve-r's the sad vicissitudes p385 Revolving-with the r. year....f183 Reward-sure reward succeeds..r34 rewards his deeds with*......d89 ambition has butone reward. b 10 reward of one duty is........p 98 only r. of virtue is virtue...w453 virtue is its own reward....bb 453 virtue is her own reward....1453 virtue is to herself the best r.g 454 virtue is its own reward.... 454 virtue, a reward to itself....10 455 r. with glory or with gold...d 401 own praise reward enough. 405 genius and its rewards.....177 its own exceeding great r....i 370 Rhetoric-for r. he could not.... 414 odorous r. of carnations.....0315 sweet smoke of rhetoric....se 498 Rhetorician-ar's rules.........168 the rhetorician can prove... 324 Rheum-a quarter in r.*.......e 262 Rheumatic-diseases do*......d 276 Rhine-wide and winding B...k 364 river R. it is wellknown.....1364 henceforth wash the river R.1364 beneath me flows the Rhine.4 365 a blessing on the Rhine.....k365 the prostrate Nile or Rhine.q 365 Rhine, ancient river........g 366 dwelleth by the castled R... 129 Rhinoceros-the arm'd r.*......72 Rhodora-fresh r. in the woods.p.150 Rhone-rushing of the arrowy R. 1364 luxurious by restraint....... 483 Result-r's insufficient remain.r 362 Retentive-ber.to the strength. *i 235 Retire-night, submissively r..h 410 Retired-apart sat on hill r....t 64 retired amidst a crowd......k 259 gentle, though retired.......t 473 Retirement-O blest r.! friend....25 r. urges sweet return........ 394 Retort-the r. courteous*....... 67 retorts to those who dare....s 100 Retreat-'tis sweet, in some r...q 23 nobler than a brave retreat..v 456 from out the garden's cool rod 152 sacred solitude! diviner....b 396 noblest station is retreat....d 475 Retribution-had been just r... u 358 Retrieved-name is ne'err....v 359 Return-the year seasons r......c 91 being passed return no more.p 88 shall no more return........p 326 and semblance of return....n 422 seasons have no fixed r's....k370 return to his former fall....20267 my love had no return......v 249 thought that she bade me r..x 326 retirement urges sweetr.....n 395 Returned-oner. not lost......αα 342 Revels-our r's now are ended*..k46 what revels are in hand*....w 264 looks for other revels *t 442 love keeps his r's where*....n 247 Revelation-makes growing r..q419 revelations of a dream......k 420 r's satisfies all doubts 363 nature is a revelation of God. i 363 Reveller-you moonshine r's*..e 112 Revellry-sound of r. by night.cc 121 Revenge-settles into fell r......g 11 pleasure and revenge*........888 raven doth bellow for r.*...... 30 sweet as my revenge*. ..... 221 he's poor, and that's r.*..... 341 r., at first though sweet......1363 revenge is profitable........k 363 sweet is revenge............. 363 if not victory, is yet revenge.m 363 Christian example? why, г.*.p 363 else it will feed my revenge*.r 363 with whom revenge is virtue.b 364 forgiveness is better than r..d 165 revenge with Até by*.......g 459 Revenue-r. whereof shall*....m 368 the soul's Rialto hath its.... 489 duke's r's on her back*...... 347 Rib-under the ribs of death...1282 Reverberation-r. of cloud.....f 404 dainty bits make rich ther's* 4 497 tread was a reverberation...a 383 Riband-me but what this r...m 250 Revere-majesty of God revere.c 364 | Rich-get riches first, get wealth. 8 or like the Rhone... 256 Rhyme-with ornaments of r.aa 117 streets their merry rhymes..c274 r., can blazon evil deeds.....k 338 r., being a kind of music....#338 rhymes are difficult things..333 turn o'er some idle rhyme..q 205 as your rhymes speak*...... 245 it hath taught me to r.*..... 245 yet in prose or rhyme......bb494 speak but one rhyme*......*498 barren flattery of a rhyme../341 truth in studious r's to pay.e 450 I will rhyme and print......4300 Rhyming-under a r. planet*....479 Rhythm-with a faultless r.....s 427 Rhythmic-r. beat with tinkling.y 351 Rialto-fathom under the R....e 281 no sin but to be rich*........y 19 r's purchased wisdom yet...k 470 Richard-to the soul of R.*.....p 380 Richer-is richer than a crown..h 66 richer and richer; so higher.k 410 richer than Peruvian mines..z 470 Richest-love of books is the r.r 353 richest without meaning..... 296 Richness-on the clustered trees f376 violet shed a richness round.0 159 Rid-to mend it, or be rid on't*.0 91 Ride-ride out to church from. a 369 'tis time to ride.............g 372 you may ride us*...........k 222 and rides upon the storm...p 179 rides in the whirlwind...... 348 rides on posting winds*.....q 387 Rider-steed and r. are lying...1457 as a steed that knows his r.. 322 Ridicule-ever-ready notes of r..i 27 sacred to r. his whole life.... 336 Ridiculous-sublime and the r.d 407 ridiculous, and dead, forgot.e 234 they be never so ridiculous*.w116 Riding-near her highest noon.k 275 Rifle-rifle in hand, I roam'd....u 53 Rift-sunshine r's of splendor. a 135 little rift within the lute....g 284 Right-right alone teaches.......w 2 if I am right thy grace....... 20 I see the right and I.......... 49 of right and wrong he......... 63 foul, fair; wrong, right*....... 88 wrong whose life is in the r..g 20 with firmness in the right...d 53 wrong all things come right..s45 our country, r. or wrong....m 70 now and then ber. by chanceh 162 not from that right to part. .f 257 my treasures, and my rights* 260 right and not to do it........0331 r. divine of things to govern.d 183 then all shall be set right...m 452 some day r. ascend his thronen 175 grandest things in having r's.b 219 being your r's, you may give.b 219 and do him right*......1 219 that it may still go right*...6 305 cannon to right of them.....f461 seizes the right, and holds... y 470 God defend thy right* ...n 497 rights by rights fouler*.... q 498 right is more beautiful.....αα 491 r. there is none to dispute..w 394 sometimes a place of right...i347 r. we hold by his donation..b 388 right onward, O speed it....p 388 the beautiful seems right....q 489 Rigol-this golden r. hath*....m 391 Rigor-'tis r., and not law*.....1215 long protracted r. of the.....d 377 Rill-by shelter'd rills..........1128 sunshine, broken in the r...s 409 O fateful flower beside the r. q 137 torrents gush the summerr's.r373 household rill murmurs.....6288 Rind-within the infant rind*.g134 from us like the rind........1236 Ring-ring in the valiant man..h 21 ring out wild bells to.......... 21 ring out, ye crystal...........i 57 green and silky rings.......n 147 clasps her r's on every hand.6149 them all about with tiny r's.c 149 the first young hare-bell r..m 377 the ring of moderation.......c268 now rings the woodland.....1433 ring out old shapes of foul..b 428 whole earth r's with prayers.v 344 ring, blue-bells, ring........c 140 rings put upon his fingers*. d 252 a paltry ring*... ..a 305 give me the ring of mine*.. с 305 your ring first*.. 1305 Ringing-in the silence r. for...y 20 Riot-fierce blaze of r. cannot*.k 103 without any danger of a riot.q 443 could not withhold thy r's*..a 460 Ripe-when corn is r. 'tis time..s 43 because the time was ripe....r 36 r. for exploits and mighty*..q487 hour to hour, we ripe and*..t 234 scholar, and a ripe*..........b 406 world is ripe for spring......c270 blossom first, will first be r.* n 295 her years were ripe. .f 486 Ripened-honeysuckles, r. by*.n 142 field grew and ripened........ 295 ripened thro' delay...........136 Ripest-ripest fruit first falls*...e 87 Ripple-now they r. with the...1 313 each leaf a ripple with..... 435 grain, that slowly ripples...d 393 r. of wave and hiss of spray..1422 Rise-r's upward always higher. v 59 scarce seen they r., but gather p 67 early to bed and early to rise.r 19 r. with the lark, and with.... 25 who in this world would r..a144 with him r's weeping*......d 147 that they may r. more fresh. 161 some rise by sin*...........g 166 humble buds unheeded r...a 139 but now, they rise again*...g 280 red wine first must rise*...10414 and ever seeks to rise ....... 152 that rise and fall......8 236 stars-they rise and set...... 368 crushed to earth shall rise. p 443 they rise, they break........y 495 through dust and heat, rise.c442 Rising-her rising sweet.......p 277 sad, with all his r. train.....1378 foretells a bright r. again....q.411 rising all at once was as....n 458 Rite-rites of marriage*........c 259 Rival-books are without r's....a 39 jealous look out as a rival... 120 thy r's thou might'st scorn.g 148 can admit of no rival....... 173 know nor's but themselves.f493 Rive-rive your concealing*...6263 River-the r's murmuring base..125 flow to join the brimming r..b 42 foam on the river.. ..183 great r. to the opening gulf.m 118 the river is dead ...c 106 progress of r's to the ocean. 105 r. that bears on its waters...u 107 never seen a r. imagined...n 108 she saw the r. onward glide. 146 blossoms on the r's banks...138 the river's trembling edge... 140 the river from the lake...... 256 like the r., swift and clear... 336 r. glideth at his own sweet.h 366 rivers of remorse and*......b 417 river of his thoughts........ 420 friendship is like rivers......174 make r's, r's run to seas....g 189 rivers cannot quench*...... 123 a rushing river.. .....a 124 vast river of unfailing......p 312 the r's did the trees excel... 436 sate I by a goodly river's.... 436 earth's full r's cannot fill....q 323 river in the meadowlands..8446 rivers cannot quench*......g 327 river at my garden's end....e 463 smooth the gliding river..... 330 gloomily to yon pale river...i 441 stream is the river Time...s 427 sees a r. rushing swiftly...m 430 the brook and river meet...e 487 princess of r's, how Ilove...m 364 see the r's, how they-run...n 364 beautiful r.! golden shining.0 364 O lovely river of Yoette.....1365 r., born of sun and shower..1365 two ways the rivers leap...m 365 shallow r's, to whose falls...n 365 |