is vain who writes for p.... o 343 praise no man e'er deserved.o 343 sweetest of all sounds is p...p 343 heard others praise*........p 294 that gathers praise..........k 300 his pleasure praise..........q 395 devours the deed in the p.*..y346 reserve is woman's genuine p.ƒ474 p. to mine own self bring*..m 485 mine own when I p. thee*..m 485 praise him each savage......c485 p. of God to pray and sing...ƒ 485 Praised-prais'd, unenvy'd, by.o 319 hymning praised God.......z 342 now, God be prais'd*. .h 343 Praising-rose that all are p....c 151 high-day wit in p. him*. ...7343 praising what is lost*.. Prancing-p. to his love*.. Prate-p. and preach about. ..o 204 Prating-shalt think on p.*....o 258 Prattle-violets p. and titter...w 159
wish thou darest not pray...x 343 p. to God to cast that wish..x 343 pure as He to whom they p.y 343 seraph may p. for a sinner..c 344 who p's without confidence.ƒ 344 came to scoff remain'd to p.k 344 to pray, let him go to sea....7344 goes to bed and does not p..m 344 with what words to pray...q 344 when I would p. and think*.0 345 to pray together, in ........ 345
O, pray let's see 't*.........d 305 p., though hope be weak...w 343 P,, thou who also weepest...o 441 I can't p., I will not make ..e 385 thine to work as well as p...q 483 I pray my heart is in my....e 385 Prayed-p. and felt for all......h 413
in the confidence of prayer..q 343 atone for crimes by prayer..u 343 folly's pray'rs that hinder..d344 cannot hope that his p's....344 a good prayer though.......g 344 ejaculations are short p's...h 344 in extemporary prayer.......i 344 shoot out his prayer to..... ...j 344 in prayer the lips ne'er act .n 344 like one in prayer I stood...o 344 prayer is innocence, friend .o 344 if by pray'r incessant I....r 344 spirit of pray'r inspir'd.....s 344 prayer is the soul's sincere..t 344 whole earth rings with p....v 344 very looks are prayers......w 344 first let thy prayers ascend .x 344 | get him to say his prayers* .c 345 he is given to prayer*.......e 345 my prayers are not words*..h 345 prayers and wishes are all*..h 345 all comfort here, but p's**....i345 true prayers, that shall be*. 1 345 profit by losing of our p's*.m 345 enough to say my prayers*.n 345 prayers are heard in heaven.p 345 heaven with storms of p....8 345 are wrought by prayer......t 345 with us is prayer. prayer moves the Hand....w 345 making their lives a prayer.a 346 prayers ardent open heaven.b 346 where prayers cross* ...... h 418 to p.-lo! God is great....m 179 the people's prayer ..g 196 that same p. doth teach*....k 263 p's do afterwards redress..-.k 762 book of prayer in his hand*. v 317 prayer all his business.....c 358 will learn of thee a prayer ..e 330 feed on prayers..... น 330 yet this will prayer ........ .p 344 prayers one sweet sacrifice*.d 345 they lift not hands of p......t345 prayer should dawn with...g 392 prayer-book in your hand*.h 485 Prayeth-best, who loveth..... 343 prayeth well, loveth well...aa 343 Praying-souls are purged.....y 343 p's the end of preaching.... ....e 485 Preach-preach as I please I.....$ 77 because they preach in vain a 468 both please and preach.. ...b 294 preach without words of...m 145 flowers preach to us.........c 130 forth and p. impostures.....e 444 Preached-practic'd what he p..h 63 he preached to all men......n 317 Preacher-is no mean preacher.m 33 the sacred preacher 231
Pre-existent-knows his p-e.... 118 Prefer-let none prefer vice....a 456 Preferment-goes by letter*...........d 56 Pregnant-'tis very pregnant*. 212 pregnant with all eternity..m 428 pregnant quarry team'd.....i 232 Prejudice-to progress is p.....d 346 prejudice renders a man's...e 346 the prejudice is strong.. ..ƒ 346 Prelate-the lawn-robed p. and.e 184 Prelude-play the p. of our fate z 242 Prelusive-prelusive drops....... .... 352 Prepare-if you have tears, p*. .j 416 Prepared-to be p. for war......g 461 Prerogative-owes its high p's.z 443 Presage-p., as it were of future o 207 Presbyterian-true blue......... 95 Prescribe-apply and call...... 309
methinks you prescribe to* .1310 Prescription-have a p. to die*.e 235 Presence-feasting p. full of........y 18 presence beautifies the......c 150 his presence we no longer...j 333 presence of those we love...a 243 for your presence again.....a 279 the presence of the love.....r 240 better by their presence....a 210 whose presence had infused.e 364 majestic presence becomes. m 365 from whose unseen presence.q 467 thy presence and no land*.. Il 497 felt presence of the Deity...c 396 Present-act in the living p......d3 the present is enough... ...992 in time there is no present..q 105 light of the present... ..... 107 p. is the living sum total....h 362 the p. hour alone is man's.. e 232 the present we fling from us.b 236 what's our present......... #468 things present worst*.......n498 present you with a man*....g 304 the present is our own......j 425 the glistering of this p.*.....g 429 the present is all and it .....c 486 Preservation-our preservation. 379 her times of preservation*..k 286 Preserving-ways of p. peace..g 461 Press-enough to press a royal*.d $11 press not a falling man*.....j 308 press too close in church....g 117 press a suit with passion....b 479 here shall the press..........a 307 Pressed-between these pages.. 154 pillow lightly pressed......b $92 Pressure-feel the p. of a hand..r 315 pressure of the heavy. •• . . . . . 444 Presuming-thou art too p.....k 154 Presumption-pay for their p.*. u 460 most it is p. in us, when*.... 194 Pretence-loathing pretence....m 52 Pretend-can direct, when all p... 492 Pretended-a p. friend is worse.g 204 Pretender-who that pretender.b 35 Prettiest-p. thing in the world. A 31 Pretty-pretty her blushing.....b 36 she is pretty to walk with...g 478 Prevailment-of strong p.*. .b 480 Prevaricate-dost prevaricate...g 87 Prevent-the ways to wail*....... 3 72 Prey-alive and wriggling.................b 30
he deem'd his prey........... sick of prey, yet howling....l 427 wrens make p. where eagles*aa 384 Price-for what earth gives us....j 60 high the p's for knowledge...d 86 all are of different prices....k 489 she is a pearl whose price*..n 477 friend above all price........i 168 the price of one fair word*..h 263 Prick-J have no spur to prick*..i 9 cause, to p. us to redress*....n 379 honour, the spur that pricks.m 199 honour pricks me on*.......y 199 sew, prick our fingers, dull..p 482 Pride-wretched was his pride...v 52 eternal soul of pride... .j 109 they are rich in their pride..p 141 it is the gardener's pride.. ....g 149 modest unaffected pride.....c 150 the cagle, at his pride of....v 138 the rose with all her pride..z 153 is in poesy a decent pride...q 340 pauses of reluctant pride....n 422 pride of these our days......t 487 rose is wont with p. to swell.h 152 he that is low no pride......k 165 forest world,stripped of its p..j 375 May was then in its pride...c 221 my high-blown pride*... .......e 179 price, fame, ambition, to fill. y 239 outworks of suspicious p....h 465 or simple pride for flatt'ry...p319 sin is p. that apes humility.m 346 pride in their port........... .r 346 in reas'ning p., our error....8 346 pride still is aiming at......8346 pride, the never-failing vice.u 946 pride is at the bottom of....v 316 pride is his own glass*. ......y 346 pride at length broke*. ..a 317 pride hath no other glass*...c 347 who cries out on p., that*...g 347 humility is love's true p....u 249 pride that licks the dust....o 405 glory, as we sink in pride...w 501 more disguises, than pride.. 346 shows great p. or little sense.r 442 pride often guides.... .......b 299 pride made the devil.... ..f348 and spite of pride... ..........n 348 Priest-by this meddling p.*....c 88 the priest attends to speak*.c 259 priests, tapers, temples.....r 241 priests pray for enemies*...ii 498 priest, beware your beard*..v 363 Rabbi and p. may be chained.≈ 443 Prime-of the joyous prime...m 112 year's fresh p; her harvests. a 371 violets were past their p....d 160 reach'd her prime...........7 293 Primeval-this is the forest p..k 432 Primrose-makes a splendid....m 31 pale p's look'd their best....l 129
primrose pale and violet.....ƒ130 himself the primrose path*..r 317 primrose to the grave is gone.a 437 primrose down the brae.....g 126 p. our woodlands adorn.....h 126 primrose-eyes each morning.i 131 primrose by the river's*, .....$ 131 p. stars in the shadowy.....u 371 p. sweet is flinging perfume.q 372 and the pale primrose... ..n 271 the reach of primrose sky...e 288 the p's are awaken'd.... ..j 128 primroses deck the banks...c 129 'tis the first primrose! see..a 150 the primrose banks, how fair.b 150 welcome, pale primrose.....c 150 p's burst where I stand.....d 150 song greets the p's birth.....e 150 the primrose opes its eye... 150 bunches of penny, p's.......g 150 the p. and the daisy bloom..h 150 p. peeps beneath the thorn..i 150
bountiful primroses... .........k 150 p. for a veil had spread.. ....m 150 evening primroses o'er......0 150 Prince-sweet aspect of princes*.n 9 a prince's delicates*..... ....c 67 the prince of darkness is*....h 93 the death of princes*...... ..j 85 prince who nobly cried.......j 79 many princes at a shoot*....u 84 but princes kill*.......... ......ii 498 women, like p's, find few....e 475 prince whose approach.....n 389 made proud by princes*....n 142 p. what beggar pities not*.. i 333 if you were a prince's son*.. i 333 thou for a true prince*.....m 213 prince without letters is a...c 367 p's that would their people.d 367 princes learn no art truly.. ...e 367 a prince the moment he is.. p 368 and sat as princes.. ..7 296
the prince my brother hath*.r 188 prince who neglects or......c 448 Princess-any princess*........r 104 a princess wrought it me*...i 220 p. of rivers, how I love.....m 364 and sat as princess... ..v 193 Principal-seems p. alone......i 254 | I don't believe in principal.m 176 why is the p. conceal'd... ..h 322 Principle-with times........ ..d 46 subjects are rebels from p...q 366 'tis a principle of war....... 458 p. is not an honest man.....u 198 Print-said, “John, print it."...t 36 see one's name in print......a 37 I'll print it, and shame......e 318 and, faith, he'll prent it....w 305 he that commeth in print...r 299 Printer-by which the printer..e 38
belong to the art of the p....c 318 the jour. printer with gray..g 318 Printing-the art of printing..u 101 caused printing to be used*.ƒ 318 employ our artisans in p....r 305 p. is the transcript of words. i 480 Priority-priority and place*...k: 325 Prison-walls do not a prison...o 66 a palace and a prison on.....x 58
to me it is a prison..........c 421 a prison is a house of care...i 347 compare this prison, where* j 347 universal plodding prisons* p 483 Prisoned-in a parlour.........e 491 Prisoner-the p's release .......t391 p. in his twisted gyves*.....t 248 Prithee-prithee, why so pale..o 249 pry thee, say on*. ...t 306 Privacy-p. of glorious light is..s 26 Private-takes no private road...i 20 God enters by a p. door.....p 213 what p. griefs they have*....c 188 the p. wound is deepest*...m 431 Privilege-should nothing p.*..k 219 privilege of speaking first...n479 Prize-contend till all the prize..c8 I prize above my dukedom*..k 40 we prize books, and.. ....d 38 prize not to the worth*......c 108 let me gain the prize.. we prize the stronger.. prize the flowers of May.....y 195 excels in what we prize.....k 304 the wicked prize itself*.
......h 308 p. the the thing ungain'd*..ƒ 480 p. is hardly worth the cost..e 479 Probability-large range of p's.b 206 keep probability in view....k 444 Proboscis-wreathed his lithe p.n 12 Proceed-more they proceed the.p 67 'tis impossible you should p.o 98 I did proceed upon just*....m 219 proceed to judgment*....... 218 will proceed no further*.....e 321 I thus suddenly proceed*....ƒ477 Prodigal-strange the p. should.b 17 the generous prodigal.......k311 yet prodigal of ease.......... 491 was p. of summery shine...d 392 like a prodigal doth nature. o 139 Prodigy-what p's surprise.....t 232 Produce-too slowly ever to....m 441 Product-of His hands forgot...e370 Production-mere p's of the.....s 97 Profanation-foul profanation*.a 472 Profane-so old, and so p.*....g 216
hence ye profane, I hate.....h 291 Profess-I do p. to be no less*...b 51 Profession-in limited p's*. ..z 418 every man debtor to his p.a.293 Profit-and calculating profits...s 36 gained the most profit.. profit by his errors*. .d 108 king to the profit of all...... -7447 p., by losing of our prayers*.m 345 profits small, and you have.q 338 to profit, learn to praise......l 176 hour employ'd great p. yield.n 176 no profit grows, where is no*.p 176 title and profit, I resign......ƒ 199 hop for his profit I thus.....r 468 Profitable-good, as to be P......g 40
profitable to reckon up...... t 47 revenge is profitable........ 363 not so estimable, profitable*.y 496 Profound-p. of love to man...d 181 the most profound joy has..r216
profound this solitary tree..m 441 Progeny-contain a p. of life...a 40 a progeny of learning.......c 228
Progress-p. gains the goal.......e9 fever'd the progress..... ..v261 begins his golden progress*.7 447 Progressive-reason's p........g 355 Prohibition-root of all our.... 166 there is a p. so divine*......a 409 Project-their project cross'd..w 117 Prologuo-the p. is the grace...o 293 what's past is prologue*....n 327 Promethean-the right P. flre*. .f110 Promise-p's of youthful heat....s5 beyond the p. of his age*.....172 keep or break our p's to pay..c 79 his promises were, as he*, ....b 88 where most it promises*....a 107 we promise-hopo-believe.m 116 leaned on her wavering p....e 201 zeal outruns his promise....o 156 a land of promise........ ..7362 thy p's are like Adonis**....r 347 buds the p. of celestial......t 347 a voice of p. they come.....w 127 precise in promise-keeping*.0 347 promise constantly redeems. / 250 swells the more it promises*b 366 spring! whose simplest p...p 370 the futurs keeps it p's.......i 191 promise, and red lips.......q 270 mild arch of promise........o 352 in hues of ancient promise..q 352 all her promises are sure....p 358 knowing your p. to me......i 434 who broke no promise.. .....o 319 the promise of the dawn....i 446 p's were, as he then was*.. P 347 keep the word of promise*..q 347 Promised-whisper'd p........8 200 Promising-is the very pair* ..b 107 Promontory-I sat upon a p.*..a 264
around the promontory. .....0 440 Prompt-one alone, however p.q 360 Prompter-falling to the p's bell,t 204 Pronounce-it faithfully*......q479 Proof-no sadder proof can be..d 253 and proof of arms*.......... 268 it is no proof of a man's...... 213 all proofs sleeping else*...... 215 as proofs of holy writ*......q 215 nor needing p. nor proving.v 241 which is incapable of proof..o 307 p. is called impossibility*...t 465 proof to pass her down......v 443 he put in proof.... 303 Prop-that doth sustain*.......r 91 Propagate-propagate and rot..a 234
thou wilt propagate, to have*.i 187 Propensity-the least p. to jeer.h 309 Property-what property he has.e 49
thought is the property.....0 333 a property of easiness*......k 322 whose violent p. fordoes*... ...q 248 Prophet-sounds like a p's....w 347 perverts the prophets.... .p 350 p. descending from Sinai...g 411 music is the prophet's art...i 282 prophets of fragrance.......n 127 God's p's of the beautiful...y 034 He made His prophets poets,j 338 p's whisper fearful change*.m 460 jesters do often prove p's*...i 216 champions are the prophets*p 197
falling mantle of the p......t 446 p. of evil! never hadst......u 347 Prophetic-hear the voice p... 242 O my p. soul! mine uncle*..h 498 Proportion-needs a like p*....s 170 in just p. envy grows.......d 116 and no proportion kept*....t 283 Propose-man proposes, but God.e92 Proposeth-God disposeth-. i 348 Proposition-of a lover*........s 246 Proprietor-p. of just applause.z 300 Propriety-standard of p.. .r48 Prose-p. her younger sisters..q 340 verse will seem prose.......g 354 unattempted yet in p. 494 p. in the seventeenth,poetry.d 238 prose is a walk of business..e 238 not poetry, but p. run mad. v 336 verse what others say in p..d 337 florid prose, nor honied lies.k 338 poetry is older than prose...o 338 in fewer words than prose...1340 Prospect-the noblest prospect..i 69 though but in distant p.....j 193 all the lawny p's wide.......1278 when in act they cease, in p.u 334 distant prospects please....w 225 | thy prospect heaven........m 157 his prospects brightening...n 360 Prosper-treason doth never p..ƒ431 pronounc'd the name of p.*..e 422 Prospered-is past, and p......h 493 Prosperity-prosperity conceals..ƒ5
swells in puff'd prosperity,..t 165 a jest's prosperity lies in*...ƒ 216 hath been in prosperite......l 267 prosperity with a little more.l 496 p's the very bond of love....p 498 Prosperous-hope a p. end.....x 344 Prostitution-the loathsome p..g 243
hate the p. of the name.....w 172 Prostrate-fire with p. face.....f157 Protect and I'll protect it.....o 432 Protecting-thy p. power..... .....c 434 Protection-p. and patriotism.m 490 in thy protection I confide..v 343 Proteus-P. rising from the sea.g 56 Prototype-bright p. on high...d 403 Protracted-howe'er p. death....7 82 Proud-their race in Holy Writ...i 32 death, be not proud..... ......... 80 all the proud shall be........y 82 made proud by princes*....n 142 too proud to importune. ....p 165 p. be the rose, with rain....h 155 proud, as proud as Lucifer..k 346 unlamented pass the proud..t 346 he is so plaguy p., that*.....x 346 I do hate a proud man, as*..≈ 346 apt the poor are to be proud*.b 347 proud Jack, like Falstaff*...z 497 instruct my sorrow to be p.*.u 387 is proud eats up himself*...y 346 oft make women proud*.....s 477 proud as a Peeress...... .7 384 Prouder-I'm the prouder for it.1 346 p. than rustling in unpaid*.d 347 proud as a punk............q 384 Proudly-p. rising o'er the.....t 486 Prove-they nothing prove......s 14 to prove her strength.......275
he shall prove a friend.......c 168 prove which is the stronger.d 458 Proverb-books like proverbs...” 40 is a p. old and of excellent...d 201 Provide-p's a home from .....z 163 the goods the gods p. thee... 491 Providence-whate'er kind P....$ 63 of P. foreknowledge, will. ....164 to P. resign the rest.........z453 behind a frowning P.........e 343 assert eternal Providence....1348 P. all good and wise..... ..q 348 eye me, bless'd Providence.. 407 Providence their guide... .7 484 Provoke-good p. to harm*..... 283 Provokest-that thou oft p.*..... 391 Provoketh-p. thieves sooner... 18 Prow-speed on her prow.
youth on the prow, and.. ..t 486 Prudence-and prudence folly..m 73 imagines p. all his own.... A $79 Prudent-be p., and if you......u 43 a prudent man must*........e 44 'tis prudent to enjoy it all....s 65 pushes his prudent purpose.t 278 choice of the prudent.......b 396 Prunella-is all but leather or p.k 50 Pruning-all for want of p.*... 195 Pry-aloof atween the pillars. da 159 pry on every side*.... ........1 294 Psalm-purloins the P's.......p 350 Public-all actions are public...r 2 to speak in p. on the stage....g 76 having to advise the public.y 228 unknown to public view....₫ 395 Publican-fawning p., he looks*g 192 Publish-did I p. all I admire..j313 to p. what you please.. Publishing-of his own..... Pudding-solemniz'd the
sweets of hasty pudding. two puddings smok'd....... ....p99 p. against empty 495 Puff-p's, powders, patches... 495
solemn interposing puff....a 321 puff and speak and pause...a 321 Pulleth-down, he setteth..... .ƒ349 Pulpit-to the p., where it.... 102
called to stand in the pulpit. i 317 dew of pulpit eloquence....p 317 Pulse-pulse of the patriot......a 71 day by day the pulse's fail...g 141 have pulses red..... .....A 242 a pulse of air that must.... e 282 in pulses come and go...... 212 very pulse of the machine..r478 general p. of life stood still... 392 restless pulse of care........ 396 Pumpkin-our chair a broad p.a 296 Pun-puns of tulips........... 315 Punish-by crime to p. crime..d 448
welcome which comes to p*p 463 Punishment-first constant p...b 62 languor is a punishment 205 sin let loose speaks p........384 object of punishment is....m 349 back to thy punishment....n 349 Punk-prouder as a punk.... 9384 Puppet-have their p. plays....e 201 church, but are but puppets. 1204 Purchase-p. us a good opinion*.c 7
but in p. of its worth ..w 487 Purchased-with pain p. doth* .189 Pure-time hath made them p..n 39 as pure as snow*
.h 42 to the pure all things.. ....9 54 eloquence along, serenely p. 102 too pure and too honest.....r 109 is not this lily pure 145 a pure, cool lily bending.. .9 145 pure and perfect, sweet. i 133 heart whole, pure in faith..p 168 in p. and vestal modesty*...b 222 can be p. in its purpose....g 210 pure-from pity's mine..... k 415 p. mind sees her forever....p 470 pure in thought as angels...b 245 peaceful, loyal; loving, p ..p 493 naughty that was not. pand.y 442 who kept thy truth so p..b 445 p. as He to whom they pray.y 348 as pure as snow*. .9387
Pursy-fatness of these p.*.....b 455 Push-p's up the sward already.m 137 push on-keep 331 to push with resistless 308 we push time from us.......o 428 Put-never p. off till to-morrow. 423 Putty-compound of p. and....a 198 Puzzled-rather p. him to do...j 203 p's the will, and makes us*..ƒ 176 Pyramid-shook within their p's.e 69 p. set off his memories.............. ...b 114 the pyramids themselves....p 164 the tap'ring pyramid..... ..ƒ 274 regal elevation of pyramids.m 274 virtue alone outbuilds the p's b 456 Pythagoras-great P. of yore...b 301
Quack-despairing q's with... r 349 Quail-and pipings of the quail. i 30 q. clamors for his running ..t 467 incessant piped the q's.....d 376 quail and shake the orb*.... 367 makes the strong man quail b 442 Quaint-daisies q., with savour t 138 pansies quaint and low.....s 127 Quake-Mars might quake to..d 457 who quake to say they love. g 249 Qualify-q. the fire's extreme*m 246 Quality-but personal qualities. I 52 best in quality..
we quarrel in print*.. a very pretty quarrel.. motto of all quarrels.. in quarrels interpose....
pure, as the prayer which.... 473 the real Simon Pure.........p 490 Purer-purer than snow.......a 134 Purgatory-thou wilt go to p... 114 Purge-p. it to a sound*. .......h 310 Puritan-the day, like a P......n 273 Purity-soil her virgin purity..a 54 holiness and her purity.....ƒ 275 preach, without words of p. m 145 emblem of stainless purity..d 153 Purling-in purling streams...u 239 dearth or seasons quality*.. .. 251 Purloin-purloins the Psalms. p 356 do draw the inward q*.....m 218 Purloined-a tithe p. cankers..g 359 hitting a grosser quality*a..s 218 Purple-the purple land................0 390 give us a taste of your q*....b 350 the thyme her purple.......d 132 Quantity-infinite in quantity. t 101 born in the p., born to joy...ƒ 140 | Quarrel-nothing but q. and....a 32 the purple oak-leaf falls.....o 272 everywhere the p. asters nod.b 376 with p. sanguine bright.....e 411 evening's growing purple... 411 chambers p. with the alpiue. 365 see the purple trilliums.....e 158 come to ope the purple*....p 459 purple the sails, and so*. ....q 381 Purpled-sky p. and paled,....m 411 Purpose-the flighty p. never*..g 89 purposes mistook fall'n*....e 105 thus for purposes benign...m 150 to be happy is not the p.....u 190 there is purpose in pain.. ...n 325 trumpet to his purposes*...m 467 p. in the glowing breast. 1304 fitting for your purpose*....t 317 ages one increasing purpose.t 421 life can be pure in its p.....g 210 p. and his conscience*. ......d 368 vows to every purpose*.. ......8291 Purse-steals my p. steals trash*.r 50 shut not thy purse-strings....c 53 put but money in thy p.*...v 268 as thy purse can buy*.. memory, like a purse........8 260 Pursue-yet the wrong pursue.. 49 seem to fly it, it will pursue.k 380 what shadows we pursue....g 380 each pursues his own.......n 451 the worst pursue ...........d 462 Pursuing-p. that that flies*...g 247
achieving, still pursuing....h 328 Pursuit-of knowledge under.. w 222
a quarrel, ho, already*.......t 67 to find quarrel in a straw*...u 67 in a false quarrel there is*...v 67 quarrel with a man*......... 67 no other q. else to Rome*...n 459 a q., but nothing wherefore* ƒ 262 nations shall not quarrel...d 458 sudden and quick in q*.....d 312 fill the court with quarrels*.a 431 q. about a hoop of gold*....a 305 Quarry-teem'd with human...i 232
breaks the quarry-ledge.. ..l 318 Quarter-I show you but a q....i 276 Quarto-a beautiful quarto page q 40 Queen-the rose, the queen of.. 18 every lady would be queen...ƒ 50 furnish crowns for all the q's.t 108 an undisputed queen.......a 141 a q. for all their world of...u 151 blush, the queen of every... 151 what queen so fair..........t 145 O virgin queen of spring ...u 145 a high-born forest queen...m 146 cactuses, a queen might don.b 135 daffodil is our doorside q...m 137 came the fair young queen..g 372 I'm to be queen o' the May..8 271 the silver-footed queen......r 274 queen and huntress.........c 275 follow their q. leader from..i 275
....m 246
....h 123 ...m 187
fair queen of night..........q 275 heaven's chastest queen....h 276 sacred queen of night....... 276 that queen of secrecy.......k 128 queen of the garden art thou c 152 queen rose, so fair and sweet c 152 the tulip is a courtly queen. t 158 queen unveiled her peerless j 411 royal makings of a queen*..a 368 a queen might stop at.......k 239 lie in a great queen's bosom k 239 the queen of marriage.......h 465 q. of all, the glorious orangel 439 glory of the British Queen..a 360 she looks a queen........ she moves no queen.........e 478 queen of childish joys.......i366 mulberry tree is of trees the q.i 438 flaunting extravagant q......t 428 Quench-quench your blushes* u 35 quench not the dim..... ..q 280 as seek to quench the fire*..≈ 245 do not seek to quench*... rivers cannot quench*.. scarce serves to quench*. Quest-what lawful q. have j 217 Questant, the bravest q.*.. ƒ 200 Question-ask me no q's and....q 77 he will answer the questions v 81 hurried question of despair..p 90 that is the question*.........u 72 questions we ask of him.....e 169 question our necessities*....l 287 q's answerless, and yet......t 468 arguments and q. deep*.....e 430 Quotation-q's from profane...m 350 collections of Latin q's......n 350 where there is no quotation..t350 quotation, like much better.u 350 q. requires more delicacy....v350 may be preserved by q...... 350 q. gives completeness.......a 351 q. is good only when........g 351 q. confesses inferiority. J351 classical q. is the parole...... 351 every q. contributes .......m 351 not to suffer a quotation..... 351 Quote-who is the first to q.... ...j 350 to q. copiously and well.....k 350 Pineda q's more authors....l 350 as occasion serv'd would q..o 350 those who never quote.......t 350 grow immortal as they q....u 351 he can q. Horace, Juvenal...b 354 a great man q's bravely......c 351 all minds quote.............d 351 quote not only books and....e 351 we q. temples and houses....e 351 able to quote another's wit..a 471 Quoted-in return are seldom q. 350 Quoter-q's who deserve the.. w 350 is the first quoter of it.......h351 Quick-quiet to q. bosoms is 61 more quick than words*.....e 480 how q. and fresh art thou*..b 248 quick as lightning. ..........c 199 Quickly-well it were done q.*...h3 Quickness-q. ever to be taught.b 496 Quicksand-a q. of deceit* 87 Quicksilver-of such q. clay...m 208 Quid-he turns his quid of.. .9 318
Quiet-keep a bower q. for us...a 18 q. to quick bosoms is a hell..w 61 life with quiet hours*........r 66 rural q.. friendship, books....i67 sweet delight a q. life affords.e 350 noonday q. holds the hill....i 350 hallowed quiet of the past...a 494 in such a bright, late quiet..c 466 still-first Dr. Quiet..... ..a 310 constant quiet fills my.....2 394 such songs have power to q.h 396 | thou come to start my q.*. ...p 214 quiet which crawls round...i 437 Quietness-a q. of spirit*.......r 328 God giveth q. at last.........e 362 like indeed to death's own q.h 392 Quietude-delight and q. of....a 390 Quill-wren with little quill*....133 my gray-goose quill....... k 331 Quip-quips and cranks........g 264 Quire-full voiced q. below....q 282 Quirk-light quirks of music...d 283 quirks of joy, and grief* 403 quirks of blazoning pens*...p 476 Quit-quit your books.........e 406 for we must quit ourselves..j 311 Quiver-back into his golden q.i 411 flesh will q.when the pincers. z 362 in all his quiver's choice....d 456 quivers every leaf...........b 404 stakes his quiver, bow......d 243
Rabbi-R. and priest may be...z 443 Rabbit-timid r's lighter tread. / 133 Rabelais-R. or the fathers.....k 318 Race-two twins of winged race.d 83 auspicious day began the race.j 34 their race in Holy Writ.. i 32 as girt to run a race.. ....9 59 the race is won........ .8 82 we follow, and race.. ..2323 of a time-honour'd race.....n 394 attorneys now an useless r..r 349 backward, and so lose the r..c 116 winding-sheet of Edward's r. 117 differ in the r. of their lives.k 162 of her beauteous r. the last..q 140 the latest of her race.......m 273 bird r. quicken and wheel..m 374 race's, better than we.......e 201 as the race from which he...g 203 all the race of men obey.. ....n 241 human r. from China to Peru.t334 within the limits of its race. e 239 the race by vigour..........c 408 Rack-leave not a rack behind*.k 46 nor leave a rack behind.....n 105 on the r. of a too easy chair.o 205 Racking-r. o'er her face, the...t 275 Radiance-of glowing r. rare...q 149 was laughing with r. bright.p 371 radiance and odour are not. . 156 radiance of eternity.........z 235 take r., and are rainbow'd...b 193 r. from her dewey locks.....h 446 with radiance insincere......t304 Radiant-r bow of pillared fires.e 16 radiant with thy presence... ...f 140 by her own radiant light....d 454 r. as the air around a star...p 401
r. rulers, when they set.....u 401 front and r. eyes of day.....0447 Rafter-sheds with smoky r's...d 73 Rag-it in r's, a pigmy's straw*.y 384 sat, in unwomanly rags..... ....h 225 though in rags he lies....... i 252 away, thou rag*. ..........0 258 one flaunts in rags..........8 165 in rags, will keep me warm.u 453 paper-even a rag like this. m 480 Rage-in rage deaf as the sea*...711 strong without rage...... .b48
with rage doth sympathise*..r 72 here brib'd the rage of........e58 what ill-starr'd rage divides. b 174 qualify the fire's extremer.*.m 246 nothing but a rage to live...o325 your own native rage........c 294 what rage for fame attends..a 116 preceptial medicine to rage*. o 187 factions bear away their r... 8 458 swell, and rage, and foam*. . o 404 lightning and impetuous r.. h 404 heaven has no r. like love.. a 192 emotions both of r. and fear.k 490 Rail-I'll rail and brawl*.......r 258 I will rail, and say*......... b 463 equal strength to rail.......h 481 say, that she rail, why*... .....m 477 Railed-and r. on lady fortune*.x 165 Raiment wear them like his r.*.a 451 outshine the r. of a king....p 126 in raiment white and gold.. a 151 Rain-the r. to mist and cloud... 45 gather'd rains descend. as frank as rain on.. down comes rain drop.
I dissolve it to rain.......... 59 no rain left in heaven........t 90 dewdrop and rain drop. ......0 93 we knew it would rain .....v 351 little r. will fill the lilly's...w 351 the power, O rain............ 351 all day the rain bathed......b 352 how beautiful is the rain...d 352 ceaseless rain is falling fast.e 352 it rains and the wind is... ƒ 352 tell their beads in drops of r. g 352 befriend thee more with r.*. i 352 some droppings of rain......q 411 black night and driving r...g 313 is there not rain enough in*ƒ 359 rain, rain, and sun...... p 352 the more the rain falls......q 439 on the rocks a scarlet rain...e 123 it never rains roses..........e 152 thunder, lightning, or in r.*. a 260 oft a little morning rain.....$ 230 rain scented eglantine.. ......t 155 shrunk before the bitter r...v 160 the weary r. falls ceaseless. q 272 came in a sunlit fall of rain. m 373 refuses ae wee drap o'rain. a 374 the rain, to see them dying. 1374 with r. and tempest above. m 375 as the mist resembles rain... l 369 gentle rain from heaven*. ..j 263 rain the thistle bendeth. e 401 come when the rains.. g 269 shining ranks of rain....... J 270 his grave r's many a tear*...d 185
r. whose drops quench kisses.s 391 mist and a weeping rain.....e 118 bright eyes rain influence...s 109 seen sunshine and r. at once*t 110 ground with warm rain wet.v130 all silent save the dripping r..382 Rainbow-hue unto the r.*......a 16 a rainbow's warning...... b 271 beautiful as the r., and as...p 272 rainbow, based on ocean....3 287 rainbow shines to cheer us..e 404 her smile was like a r...... 392 expanded high, the rainbow./ 352 rainbow;-all woven of light. 352 a rainbow in the sky..... -p 352 r. to the storms of life.......d 464 with tints of rainbow, hue..I 148 rainbow galaxies of earth's.. 130 rainbow comes and goes.... 208 Rainbowed-and are rainbow'd.b 193 Rain-drop-listen to the r-d's..a 373
rain-drops, are pierced by...b 415 Raineth-rain it r. every day*.. 332 Raised-which the soul stand r.. 71 Rake-in the sands, thee I'll г.* 497 Rally-rally here, and scorn to..m 71 Ram-thou thy fruitful tidings* 306 Rambling-to write at a loose r.1 298 Rampart-to the r. we hurried.. 312 Ran-he on ten winters more...t 423 Rancor-which no r. disturbs... 99
gradual rancor grows........q $59 Random-some r. bud will meet.! 138 many a shaft, at r. sent.....q 481 a word, at random spoken...q 481 Range-with humble livers in*.. d 67 Rank-between different r's....f 102 swiftly forming in the r's...b 457 O, rank is good, and gold is.p 250 r. is but the guinea stamp..a 350 Ransom-sufficient r. for*....... 397 Rapid-r., exhaustless, deep...p 312 Rapine-while avarice and r...q 450 Rapture-r's swell the note.....a 27 sing hymns of rapture....... 33 dear as the rapture thrill....54 rapture warms the mind.....q 76 whose raptures fire me......b 70 rapture of repose that's there./80 r.; but not such true joy.... died of a sweet rapture.....v 216 smile with r., delicious.....k 271 O, what r. can compare.....a 272 love leads to present r......k 242 rapture on the lonely shore. t 322 Rare-is thought rare which... 116 Rarest-pearls are the r. things.p 217 she is the r. of all women*.. 477 Rarity-alas for the rarity.... .....20 52 Rascal-the r. naked through*.. 349 Rash-let no r. hand invade. ...d 177 too rash, too unadvis'd*.... 191 I tell thee be not rash.. ..1355 Rashness-r. attends youth.. J 486 Rat-I smell a rat..... two rats for her team.......a 296 Rate-the article at highest r. is. & 4 Rather-rather than be less..... 55 rather be a Pagan.... • • • • • • • • • . g 56 Rational-to be r. is so glorious. 354 Rattle-pleas'd with the rattle.. ƒ 55
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