Imágenes de páginas

day, like a weary pilgrim...a 106 Pilgrimage-on his golden p.*..v 409

Phyllis-neat-handed P. dresses.j 302
Physic-p. to preserve health...e 309
physic of the field...........t309 | Pill-you gave me bitter pills*.q 310 |
throw physic to the dogs*...d310 Pillage-went agin war an p....c 458
in poison there is physic*...i 310 which p. they with merry*..8 212
he brings his physic*.......k 310 Pillar-pillars of the palm tree..b 148 |
take physic, pomp*.........n 310 pry aloof atween the p's...aa 159
'tis time to give them p,*...o 310 you are a well deserving p.*..1218
gentle p., given in time*....o 195 Pillow-beat under my pillow...r 36
Physician-death is our p.*....e 235 to their deaf pillows will*.....k 75
physicians mend or end us..h 309 he lays for us the pillows....ƒ 252
physician, like a sculler.....k 309 sloth finds the down p. hard* w 361
only a travelling physician... 309 gold-fringed p. lightly prest..b 392
last night of my physician.w 309 Pillowed-on the waveless... ƒ 25
physicians, of all men, are..y 309 the baby sleep is pillowed...r 391
use three physicians........a310 Pilot-if the pilot slumber......q 44
trust not the physician*....p 310 pilot of the Galilean lake.....q 56
a physician who, having....s 310 on board the Lusian p's leap.j364
the divine than the p.*......c359 pilot without eyes..........c 367
Picked-out of two thousand*...r198 O pilot! 'tis a fearful........t312
Pickle-smarting in ling'ring p.*q 649 here's to the pilot...........a 313
Picture-p's suit in frames as...i 63 the best pilots have need....d3:3
pictures when they are shut..s 96 Pimpernel-blossoms of the p.. d 149
dost thou love pictures*....m 314 pimpernel dozed on the lee..i 434
this picture, and on this*...o 314 Pin-to mould a pin, or..........79
for the sake of a sweet p....u 314 shows, on holidays, a sacred p.b 116
faces are but a gallery of p's.h 394 pins extend their shining...w 495
you are p's out of doors*....b 478
at a pin's fee*.
.. 235
little picture, painted well..b 339 cares not a pin what they...m 209
a name, a wretched picture..f114 Pincer-quiver where the p's...z 362
sweet p-frames of bloom....k 131 Pinch-necessity's sharp p.*...k 287
eyes with p's in the fire.....g 123 lifts a pinch of mortal dust..n 405
man who did this p. draw...s313 where the shoe pinches......e319
pictures must not be too....u313 Pindaric-boast Pindaric skill..s319
a picture is a poem.. ......c314 Pine-was cradled in the pine...t 24

let's see your picture*. ..7314 Picturesque-not be too p... ..u 313 Piece-dash themselves to p's* .f408 Piecemeal-on the rock .........g 41

p. they win this acre........t 307 Pierce-the deed might pierce..y 442 pigmy's straw doth p. it*...y 384 p. through pride and fear....l 339 Pierced-the fearful hollow*.....o 28 Piercing-piercing eloquence*... 102 Pierian-taste not the P. spring. w 227 Piety-in art-poetry in art......l 15 plain roofs as piety.. ...........e 58 as, without piety, for peace..r 358 happy but be so through p..n 191 in this vicious world than p. 451 piety, like wisdom, consists m 357 piety, whose soul sincere...k 358 Pigeon-wood-pigeons cooed....e 30 where the wood-pigeons... f30 the nest of a pigeon..........g 30 the pigeon's bill and coo....ƒ374 as pigeons feed their young*.k 306 Pigmy-p's straw doth pierce*. y 384 Pike-the puissant pike*........≈ 11 desire in killing a pike......k 123 when the pike is at home ...k 123 p's, the tyrants of the wat'ry b 124 Pilate-with P., wash your*....r 431 Pilaus-roast-meats and pilaus.c 302 Pilgrim-pilgrim of the sky.....r 26 land of the pilgrim's pride....g 71 do pilgrims find their way..d 365 a rest for weary p's found...p 184 the weary pilgrim oft........l 234 still I am a pilgrim.... .........r 262

have left the shivering pines.n375
p's a noxious shade diffuse..c378
we pine for kindred natures.m 413
pine for what is not........m 262
eastern p's, darts his light*.m 410
palm and southern pine....m 433
ye lofty pines! ye venerable.b 434
pine-tree looks down on his.a 440
shade of desert-loving pine..f440
thy silent sea of pines.......g 440
O solemn pines, now dark..h 440
pines grow gray a little.....i 440
pines uplift their fretted....j 440
p. is the mother of legends..k 440
that Sylvan loves, of pine...7440
grew the rougher rinded p..m 440
ancient p's ye bear no record.n 440
Pined-saw and pined his loss. u 90
Pine-grove-ye p-'s, with your.n 179
Pinewood-white-stemmed p..g 250
Pinion-borne on buoyant p's... 2
a pinion for the deeper sky ..a 10
spread those pinions grey...a 22
pride, nor ample pinions.....ƒ24
waving thy silver p's o'er...c 201
on the p's of the morn......v 420
he nursed the pinion....
...p 356
from his hoary p. shades....l 425
seen but his broad pinions.. 1428
Pink-very pink of courtesy*...e 73
improve it to a garden pink.e 149
p., the emblem o' my dear..ƒ149
she's the p. o' womankind..ƒ149
pink in truth we should not.g 149
pink crown the garden wall.h 149
p. with the faintest rosy..r 150

.1341 .v409


..i 91

very pink of perfection.....q 331 pink with cheek of red......p 126 Pinnacle-desert's ice-girt p's...o 69 Pinned-pinned it with a star..a 288 Pioneer-the eyes are the p's..a 110 Pious-bird with scarlet........b 31 that which pious fathers....a 416 Pipe-p's the mounted thrush..q 33 pipe but as the linnets......e 386 a pipe for fortune's finger*..ƒ166 therefore, ye soft pipes.....x 281 pipe to spirit ditties........ 281 to many a row of pipes......k 282 is a p. blown by surmises*..≈ 368 the pipe, with solemn.......a 321 pipes do love long cases....b 321 in a pipe delighteth ..b 321 Piping-mocking winds are p..c 467 Pirate-and corrupts the.. ..j 181 Pit-fill a pit, as well as better*.z460 Pitch-touch p. will be defiled*.q 64 voice of dolorous pitch... pitch, with weary*.. Pitcher-disabled p. of no use. .u 79 Pitiful-you see fair hair be p.m 189 who should be pitiful*. .a 318 'twas wondrous pitiful* ....v499 Pity-me, open the door*.......w 19 challenge double pity .......t 19 to p. distress is but human..g 53 soft-eyed pity once led....... 56 no soul shall pity me* find in myself no pity* now moved with pity........h 41 it was a great pity*....... ...y 73 or sigh with pity ..........a 122 to pity, and perhaps forgive.o 256 p. melts the mind to love...t332 p. that will not forsake us..u332 pity gave ere charity began v 332 I learn to pity them........w 332 that Power that p's me.....w 332 O sleep! in p. thou art made.q 389 pity the sorrows of a poor...x 332 pity warm'd the master's...a 333 now with pity to dispense*.b 333 I pity you*. .......c 333 no p. sitting in the clouds*.d 333 p. hath been balm to heal*..e 333 p. is the virtue of the law*..g 333 pity dwells not in this eye..h 333 spy some pity in thy looks*. i 333 prince what beggar p's not*. i 333 soft pity never leaves.......j 333 pity's akin to love..........k 333 Ip. the man who can travel. 1 333 pity swells the tide of love.m 333 where pity is, for p. makes.,h 230 'tis pity; and pity 'tis*......t 211 goodness, out of holy pity.*.p 182 then pity, then embrace.....e 452 p. and need make all flesh...r412 a tear for pity, and a hand*.y 413 pure-from pity's mine.....k 415 and know what 'tis to pity*.i 178 I pity those I do not know*..l 219 a sense of pity in it.........q 242 lov'd her, that she did pity*.w 248pity and remorse*...........8324 pity is it that we can die....a 329 pity religion has so seldom..h 357

nor pity's eye more dreary..a 397 p. lovers rather more than ..i 473 pity, by sweet sympathy. ..g 475 Maker saw, took pity.... .d 476 pity scarce can wish it less..i 490 showing an outward pity*.bb 384 Place-from lowest place when*.6 89 change the place, but keep...d 95 edifice by mistaking the p*..g 163 have left their p's vacant*...r 246 place that does contain......i 229 I will ask him for my place*.o 214 can fly by change of place... 194 God attributes to place no...o 197 get wealth and place.........o 462 there's place, and means*...r 324 one in all doth hold his p.*..n 403 place and time are subject..g 261 adorn'd the venerable p.....j 317 there is no place like home..e 198 everywhere his place.... ..f490 get place and wealth........o 462 all other things give place..h 474 the vacant place may be.....s 329 Plagiarism-p. of orators is....n 333 Plague-of plagues, of dearths*. 251


of all plagues, geed heaven... 168 the red plague rid you*.....n 237 plague upon such backing*.d 174 come the eleventh plague...v 266 lawful plague of life. v 464 p. of sighing and grief. ..j 397 Plain-plain without pomp.....c48 purple orchis variegate the p.p 374 cowslips deck the plain...... 136 the p's are everlasting as the.k 185 p. living and high thinking.f463 flocks, and p's I may remove. i 244 Plainess-sets off sprightly wit.w 471 Plaints-hear, and see, her p's*.x476 Plan-were one in nature's plan.o 48 the good old plan... .m 52

God's plan's like lillies pure.e 349 should be to the larger plan.k 381 Planet-no planets strike*.......i 26 fleeting moon no planets*....j 64 to which the planets roll....v 282 p's in their station list'ning.a 403 all planets of good luck*.....r 251 born under a rhyming*. ......0479 guides the planets on their..s 348 Plank-the yielding planks.....8312 carpenter dresses his plank.u 301 Planned-woman, nobly p.....s 478 Plant-p's in mines, which......a8 aromatic plants bestow no...b4 leaves of plants, pursuing...o 23 confidence is a plant of slow..i 61 most naked plants renew.....s 46 a plant sprung up to.. .n 38 more roses we must plant...e 152 fixed like a plant.. .......a 234 other plants, more rare......c 285 friendship is a plant of slow..i 175 tend plant, herb and flower..ƒ295 plants, herbs, stones, and*..r 183 I would the p. thou graft'st*.q 188 plant divine, of rarest virtue.ƒ 321 while the earth bears a plant.c 388 p's look up to heaven, from*. i 346 careless, unsocial plant...... 441

fame is no plant that grows..j 115 oh, a dainty plant is the ivy. 143 a rare old p. is the ivy green. / 143 look at this vigorous plant..j 136 how sweet a plant have you*.h 280 Planted-to remind us of the...b 139 Planter-born than the poor, p..q 469 Plaster-should bring the p.*. .r 310 Plate-'tis plate of rare device*.j 305 Platform-half the p. just....... 176 Plato-P. thou reasonest well...i 207

Plato's retirement, where...i 439 Platter-cleanly p.on the board. w 197 Plaudit-shouts and p. of the....i 49 Play-cannot play upon me*........d 65 he sleeps, and life's poor p... f83 play and make good cheer....s 57 scene wherein we play in*..r 484 praise of god to play and....ƒ 485 I doubt some foul play*......i412 our whole life is like a play.a 233 is there no play*. .......w 264 saint when most I play*.. ...aa 452 holdeth children from play.m 366 places that the eye of heaven*.ƒ194 play the good husband*.....k 198 have a play extempore*.....r 264 plays are like suppers........ 293 a play there is, my lord*. ..f 294 good play needs no epilogue* .j 294 creatures, sitting at ap.*.....k 294 is there no play, to ease*....n 294 the play's the thing*. the play is done.. ...t 294 a play made for delight.. .....u 294 that heard him play*. ....9 312 breeze at its frolicksome p...h 438 play to you, 'tis death to us. m 493 better at a play... ...c 495

..r 294

..p 294

plays such fantastic tricks*. w 346 Played-you've play'd,and lov'd.c 234 and played familiar with....p 323 Player-the p's well bestowed*.h 294 monstrous, that this player*.m 294 players that I have seen* p's in your housewifery*....b 478 Playing-playing at liberty....m 364 year were playing holidays*.k 197 playing with flowers........n 270 playing celestial symphonies.r 466 tired of all the playing......e 389 Play-mate-young p-m's of the. v 128 Play-place-we love the p-p. of. m 486 Plaything-takes away our p's. u 285 Pleached-steal into the ...n 142 p.*. Plead-who plead for love*... ..1 40 for which I plead*.. ......c 325 Pleasant-'tis p. through .......u 65 through p. and through ....q 230 lies down to P. dreams... .k 360 pleasant too, to think on.... .9 478 Pleasantest-p. things in the...ƒ419 Please-studious to please, yet....18

books cannot always please...137 clouds be what you please....j 59 remember, if you mean to p..m 68 if thou desire to please.......c 73 who p's one against his will..u 75 please thy gods thou didst ..g 488 few can serve, yet all may p.d 380 themselves must always p...s 334

as they please, they limb.... ƒ401 charm, the certainty to p....g 198 live to please, must please...b 493 coy, and hard to please......k 476 please myself with, while.... 326 refuse nothing that p's Thee m 360 p. some men, some women..k 102 him alone 'twas natural to p. 183 Pleased-do what I pleased......7 65 are pleas'd too little.......... 108 who are pleased themselves..$344 pleased to the last



.r 53

.#55 .≈ 55


..m 334 p. am I to be displeased. ..9 361 Pleasing-most when most.....a 101 fiction rises pleasing to......443 Pleasure-of the fleeting year*....h 2 pleasures fade away.. doubling his pleasures.. pleasure to the frame.. well-spring of pleasure.... vertue and pleasure both. pleasure and revenge............ long years of pleasure.............£ 79 first our pleasures die........ 85 we'll have our pleasure o'er..I 96 object of delicious pleasures..p 37 pleasure and glory of my life.g $8 pleasure to delight in harm.. 17 business, some to p. take.....50 p. own your errors past......z 76 sport, that owes its p's.......g 77 attended with the pleasures*.e 79 refined and delicate p's.....ƒ102 when pleasure, like the......e 106 we will know your p's*...... 119 if you knew the pensive p...g 260 p., and thy golden sleep*... ....J 260 good, pleasure, ease, content.A 191 the little p. of the game.....m 201 you have an immense p. to..t 206 in their pleasure takes joy.. 190 it was pleasure to live.......k 271 p's newly found are sweet...i 135 my heart with pleasure fills. 137 with pleasure forward led...j 433 with pleasure dignified......j 436 may give a thrill of pleasure.u 461 leans for all pleasure........b 462 the love of pleasure.........b 327 woman's p., woman's pain..e 462 a man of pleasure is a man*.s 325 his pleasure praise.. youth and pleasure meet....v 302 sunken p's to make room....c389 idleness and take fool's p.... ...q 430 there is a pleasure sure......n 211 when our p's are past.......8 220 sooth'd his soul to p's....... 332 doubtless the p. is as great..{333 pleasures are like poppies. p. in the pathless woods.... ......a 334 pleasure admitted in undue..b 334 sweet the pleasure after pain.d 334 pleasure never is at home...e 334 I fly from pleasure because..g 334 pleasure the servant, virtue.h 334 pleasure that is born of pain. i 334 joyous time, when p's......k 334 roses of pleasure seldom.....7 334 new p's dost thou bring.....r 372 an impression of pleasure...u 222


those call it pleasure........ 227 with all the p's prove.......j 243 every season hath its p......i 376 unreprov'd pleasures free.. h 264 fair p's smiling train........v 265 the choicest p's of life.......c 268 flowers are like the p's*.... j 130 p's are ever in our hands....n 334 when our old pleasures die.. o 334 their present pleasure*......p 334 painful pleasure turnes .....q334 pleasure howe'er disguis'd.. t 334 death treads in pleasures..u 334 when p. treads the paths...u 334 and take the 231 I live in p. when I 231 fresh revolving p's flow....m 451 is by far the longest p....aa 191 there is unspeakable p.....m 405 they take such pleasure....k 270 whisper'd promised p ......8 200 reason's whole pleasure.....0 354 p's, harmlessly pursued...........i 357 all his pleasure praise... .......c 358 where youth and p. sport...t 358 our p's and our discontents.m 188 p's lie thickest where...... 190 pleasure at the helm........t 486 p., and its nonsense all .....2484 youth is full of pleasance*..o 487 Pleasure-house-lordly p-h.....r 334 Pledge-kiss, and solemn pledge.i 259 they slight the pledges......t 244 pledge of a deathless name..i 420 p. of peace and sunshine....r 352 Pleiades-night I saw the P....u 403 Plenteous-joys, wanton in*. *.... 216 Flentiful- a p. lack of wit*....i 472 Plenty-with her flowing horn.g 375

with simple p. crowned....a 122 with smiling p., and fair*...e 176 plenty o'er a smiling land...r 492 plenty makes us poor.......g 341 showering p. her feet adown.i 438 plenty made him pore......d 342 fields with p. crowned......a 483 Pleurisy-growing to a p*.. ....o 182 Pliant-clay is p. to command. v 316 Plied-quick and strong. .1315 Plight-plight me the full.....m 258 Plighted-we p. our troth .....b 242 Plod-plougman homeward p's.v 105 Plodder-have continual p's*..p 406 Plodding-universal p. prisons*p483 Plot-we first survey the plot*..d 44 plot, the manners, passions.ƒ 300 souls that cringe and plot .aa 493 Ploughboy-the p's whistle.*..c 379 Ploughed-with pains thy.....a 295 p. for, sow'd and scatter'd*. .j 355 Ploughman-homeward........v 105 Ploughshare-o'er creation.....v 368 the spade, the ploughshare aa 300 Plow-of the laborious plow...c 485 following the p. along the...e 338 the sacred plow employed...t 295 seized the plough............t 295 Pluck-there's a man of pluck..v 71 do I my judgment pluck*...≈ 251 pluck the daisy, peeping. ... 138 appetite to pluck and eat..g 295

we p. this flower, safety*....7 498 pluck from the memory*....d 310 hand may p. them every day.r 152 pluck up drowned honour*.q 199 pluck bright honour*.......d 200 I did p. allegiance from*....n 431 Plucked-I p. a honeysuckle.... 142 the violet is plucked........c 160 Plumage-his snowy plumage..k 33 glossy p., dark and sleek.....b 23 smit with her varying p.....u 24 Plume-of painted p's that.....c 25 in snowy plumes was drest...j 30 jets under his advanced p's*.u 64 their glossy plumes expanded e 35 birds of gayest plume..... ......g 24 mocking in our plumes*.. ......y 87 rowan waves his scarlet p....1432 with the nodding plume of..j 322 she plumes her feathers.... o 469 tossing plumes of glowing.. i 141 lilac waves her plumes......r 131 hoar p's of the golden rod...o 133 fan the air with scented p's.n 375 Plumelet-rosy p's tuft the......q 33 Plummet-did ever p. sound*...h 40 cast forth thy plummet.....h 399 Plump-he looked p. and fair..j 205 see how plump my bags are i 462 Plunge-plunge, soul forward...8 36 then p. to depths profound..r 176 a p., a bubble, and a.......w 408 Plural-cut off my tail, and p..a 124 Pluto-of Pluto to have quite..n 282 Po-Scheld, or wandering Po...b 365 Poacher-and ah! ye poachers.h 375 Pocket-put it in his pocket*..w 418 Poem-p's read without a name.d 77 no heroic poem in the world c 335 true poem is the poet's mind t 335 every word was once a poemr 338 a p. round, and perfect as a. .j 340 argument that makes a p....8 338 heroic poem of its sort......l 231 if I publish this p. for you..j 318 and pay for poems.... ..8 319 Poesy-was ever thought.......i 338 the more we feel of poesie...j 338 shower of light is poesy.....i 339 p, appear so full of heaven...l 339 poesy, drawing within its..p 339 golden cadence of poesy*.. ...g 340 is in poesy a decent pride...q 340 Poet-p's fancy when they. ......n 18

poets live upon the..........k 27 like the soul of the poet......e 33 I chanced upon the p's.......r 36 good poets are bad critics.....176 fann'd the poet's fire........r 76 sour ferryman which poets*..o 84 poet's vision of eternal...... ..ƒ 97 society the poet seeks........c 42 poor rose and poet too......f 151 p. in a golden clime was....u 337 poets lose half the praise....v 337 Homer who inspired the p..w 337 p's who on earth have made.c 338 consecration and the poet's.g 338 He made his prophets poets.j 338 their poet, a sad trimmer...y 340 a great p's hidden ecstacy...b 339

like hidden p's lie the hazy.n 376 maintain a poet's dignity...n 167 there lies the p's native land u 213 poets find gods to help them $ 180 here a wandering poet sings.i 365 better to have the p's heart.a 193 be so sublime a poet..

..m 319

.0 293 ...o 274

..f 341

poets are the cooks. poets like vintners.. can poets soothe you.... sages said, all poets sung...p 474 poets heap virtues..........k 488 a p. not in love is out at sea. w 334 poets are all who love....... 334 the beautiful, these p's were.y 334 O brave poets, keep back....a 335 p's who have never penn'd..h 335 p's, accustom'd by their.....e 335 p's by death are conquer'd..f335 spare the p. for his subjects.g 335 which only poets know.....h 335 best can judge a p's worth...i 335 p's which did never dream..j 335 those made not poets, but...j 335 poets, the first instructors..k 335 three p's in three distant....n 335 all men are poets at heart...p 335 properly belongs to the p...q 335 poets should be law-givers..r 335 the dying earth's last poet..v 335 in his own verse the poet... 335 call those p's who are first..a 336 where go the poets lines.....b 336 was ever p. so trusted before.c 336 best in the great p's of all....g 336 next to being a great poet is.k 336 dead poets, who are living...l 336 poets alone are sure of........ 336 true poet is a public good...p 336 p's utter great and wise..... .9 336

poets like painters........ ..w 336 when the poet dies mute....e 337 pensive p's painful vigils...b 337 never durst p. touch a pen*.ƒ 337 poet's eye, in a fine frenzy*.h 337 poets only deliver a golden..k 337 I learnt life from the poets.m 337 p. in his art must imitate...o 337 unjustly poets we asperse..q 337 no such thing as a dumb p..s 337 p's leaves are gathered one..t 337 Poetic-fields encompass me...v 334 is a pleasure in p. pains.....h 335 poetic mind all things are..m 336 p. itch has seiz'd the court. a 340 finest perfection of p. genius./ 293 scans with poetic gaze......g 287 seat in some poetic nook....1330 Poetical-hath made thee p.*...e 340 Poetry-live without poetry.....l 99

angling is somewhat like p...y 11 piety in art, poetry in art.... 15 language is fossil poetry.....1 226 stars are all the poetry......a 406 philosophy becomes poetry j 177 romance is the p. of literature k 366 p. in the eighteenth century.d 238 without p., music and art...i 302 poetry the thing signified...v 492 heaven of p. and romance...r 493 the poetry of speech.........d 396

p. was first experienced.....s 335 not P., but prose run mad...v 336 cradled into p. by wrong....i 337 where his poetry is not p....j 337 p, is itself a thing of God....j 338 poetry, above all............1338 poetry is the blossom and...n 338 poetry is older than prose...o 338 poetry is unfallen speech...p 338 that is p. which cleanses....t 338 poetry their garments gave..c 339 poetry is the key to.........d 339 poetry begotten of passion..ƒ339 p. is the breath of beauty...g 339 essence of p. is invention...h 339 p. of earth is never dead.....) 339 p. of earth is ceasing never..j 339 I do loves p., sir, 'specially..m 339 speak as one who fed on p.. n 339 the merit of poetry.. .o 339 poetry, like the world.......q 339 the world is full of poetry...r 339 poetry very subordinate....h 340 sovereign art and poetry....k 340 one merit of poetry.......... 340 p. is the music of the soul..m 340 old-fashioned poetry........n 340 Poignard-she speaks p's, and*.p 477 Point-to press your p. with...m 68 the thorny point of bare*.....f73 from the entire point*.......l 247 points to the misty main....e 352 Pointing-still, in cleansing*...a 255 Poise-equal p. of hope and fear.v 49

then p. not thus 'twixt earth.r 132 Poised-poised on the curb....v 461 Poison-let me have a dram of p..k91 power to poison sleep....... 119 p. hath residence, and*.....g 134 worse poison to men's souls* n 181 sell thee p., thou hast sold*.n 181 p's spring where'er thou....d 366 poison.draught for ours-..... 313 what's one man's poison....m 489 Poisoned-transports his p.shot*n387 but poison'd flattery*. ....h 125 poisoned by their wives*...w 367 till it has p. the parent......j 215 Pole-wide asunder as the p's...h 48 dancing round the pole.....i 276 to reach the pole.... ..j 266 icing the pole, or in.........a 323 tropics or chill'd at the pole.s 475 needle trembles to the pole..ƒ 380 true as the needle to the pole.r 122 the soldier's pole is fallen* ..e 460 Policy-policy sits above*......b 333 honesty is the best policy...u 198 policy of civil society... ......w 218 of being no policy at all....w 218 tyrants from policy when...v447 Polished-by an intercourse....1335

polish'd by the hand divine.k 415 society is now one p. horde.u 339 Polite-mentions hell to ears p.a 195 modern ladies call polite....y 414 in a polite age almost......m 353 Politic-mistaken zeal in p's...d 488 Politician-like a scurvy p.*....e 65 politicians chew on wisdom.u 340 makes the politician wise...v 417

wine had warm'd the p.....w 309
Polity-their polity shall long..h 213
Pollen-the blossom, nay, the p.k 445
Pollute-whate'er it touches....r 342
Polluted-and is not polluted...o 64
Polyanthus-of unnumbered...p 131
Pomegranate-red p. falls......ƒ 434
Pomona-to thy citron groves.p 433
Pomp-plain without pomp.....c 48
what is pomp, rule, reign*...l 85
grinning at his pomp*......m 85
give lettered pomp to teeth.a 338
tongue lick absurd pomp*...e 125
why, what is pomp*.........$ 267
all the pomp to flight. ...r 244
to have his pomp and all*...g 179
sweet than that of painted p.*.e 433
Pompey-pass the streets of*...c 107
Pond-over the pond are sailing.c 33
Ponder-p. well your subject...c 298
Pool-close by the meadow pool.f32
the slimy pool, to build......b 33
the swan in the pool is.......d 33
nod by the drowsy pool.....n 141
petals, fallen in the pool....p 150
stream, and not a stagnant p. 190
shaking on the dimpled pool.j 352
flag flaunts from the pools...g 371
Poop-the p. was beaten gold*.q 381
Poor-poor in abundance.......k 94
love their country, and be p.b 71
drove the poor away......... 16
art, most rich, being poor*.....n 51
and makes me poor indeed*.r 387
so poor to do him reverence*.u 118
can make us poor............ 144
steward for the poor........h 252
God's suffering poor.......aa 255
poor make no new friends..w 168
those troops of poor.........p 341
I'm poor enough to be a wit.g 471
apt the p. are to be proud*..b 347
it may be poor...
.w 487
how poor, how rich.. ...... 8255
pity the sorrows of a poor.. 332
closed to the wayworn p....s 126
a poor little violet..... ...b 160
p. too often turn away......p 287
should the p. be flatter'd*...o 125
poor, but honest............u 247
plenty makes no poor......g 341
found'st me poor at first....h 341
simple annals of the poor....j 341
the Sabbath loves the poor..k 341
I am as poor as Job* ........1341
he's p., and that's revenge*. w 341
p., and content, is rich*... 341
not so well that I am poor*..v 341
whose plenty made him p..d 342
by showing himself poor...e 342
if thou art rich, thou art p*.u 462
great man helped the poor..o 449
rich gifts wax poor when* ..a 450
how p. are they that have*....
..q 328
the poor man's wealth.......t 391
Poorest-may be had by the p...j 60
poorest man may in his
.....t 228
Pop-pop that will not foam...a 198
Poplar-trees their shadows.... w 69
rock your poplars high....
....e 288
quivering p. to the roving..d 432


the poplar never dry........j 433 p's, in long order due.......433 trees, that like the poplar...p 440 Poppy-red poppies grown with.r 35 poppies hung dew-dabbled.. 149 through the dancing p's.... find me next a poppy posy..n 149 the poppy's bonfire spread.. 149 flame from the poppy's leaf..s 149 striped the balls which the p. 149 p's show their scarlet coats. p's cheek's among the corn. 149 pleasures are like poppies.. 333 not p., nor mandragora*....c 391 the poppy hangs in sleep...c 226 p's nod upon their stems...p 125 bide thou when the poppy.p 161 I sing the poppy............i 149 we are slumberous poppies.k 149 Popular-word of p. applause..y 340 Popularity-he that seeks p....d 314


popularity is as a blaze.....a 341 p. is always suspicious.....b 341 Populous-and the powerful........ƒīg they have made so populous. d 443 because the world is p.*.....j 347 Porcelain-the p. clay of.......7 202 the tower of porcelain...... 316 Porcelained-have p. their*....k 294 Porch-round the porch........ 142 across the p. thick jasmines & 143 before the porch itself.......e 195 passing in porch and niche.g 446 Porcupine-upon the fretful p.*j 121 Port-wafts us towards the p....9 44 life hath but this p. of rest...v 65 bound unto the same port....170 draws into port the old.....q 234 to a wise man ports and*...ƒ 194 port after stormie seas......₺ 362 liquor for boys; p. for men. A 468 p's of slumber open wide* ..d 391 pride in their port..........r 346 Portal-whose p's we call........a 82 p's of our earthly destinies...i92 at the portal thou dost......aa 54 friendship is a wide portal..A 173 arching portals of the grove g 269 lovely are the portals of the..I 446 Portance-thence, and p.*....u 430 Portend-success in love........ƒ 28 portends strange things.....ƒ¥ Portentious-phrase, "I........ 847 Portico-across its antique p...w 69

through the long porticoes.. 430 Portion-best p. of a good......l 220 Portrait-death's portrait true..s 86 the glowing portrait's...... 313 Portraiture-very p. of death...{389 Positive-one single p. weighs ƒ 496 Possess-friendship that p's ther173

if ought possess thee from*. w 195 Possessed-possesses or p'd a...g 90 p. with thought too swift...e 421 Possession-chosen p. of men...b 37 at ease in his possessions.....t 79 virtue, that possession*..... 108 no possession can surpass...b 230 fie on possession............k 453 past joys are a possession...k 188 we cease from its p.........j 425

where it gets possession*....i 387 Possible-the glories of the p...h 176 holds it possible to turn....b 296 Post-maintain your post.......o 98 post of honor shall be mine..ƒ199 p. is the grand connecting..u 316 the department of the post..t 316 the post of honour is........y 198 tell him there's a p. come*.. 306 twopenny post 's in despair.h 450 Posterity-to p. as a pattern... 106

style alone by which p......b 407 retail'd to all posterity*.....p 445 Postern-thread the postern of* 1208 Posthumous-the p. papers....f 450 Postman-daily packet of the p.q 315 Postscript-here is yet a p.*.... 316 Posy-thousand fragrant p's...w 152 posie, while the day ran by..e 424 offers her dew-spangled p's..g 150 a thousand fragrant posies*.s 154 home with her maiden posy.f 139 Pot-from an earthen pot......k 317 Potency-their changeful p.*... v 166

with wondrous potency*....i 189 Potent-by p. circumstances*.w 102 p. thus beam not so fierce...a 375 is as potent as a lord's*. ..8 347 Potion-soon as the p. works...i 214 Pottage-marigold, for p. meet .j 147 Potter-centre of the potter's...d 59

a potter near his modest....w316 easy to the potter's hand....v 316 like a potter's wheel* 420 Pouch-by his side a p. he wore.ƒ 309 Pound-p's will take care of.... ...g 101 may claim a pound of flesh*.p 219 six hundred pounds a year..e 463 two hundred pounds a year.ƒ317 a pound of man's flesh*.. ..y 496 three hundred p's a year...a 463 Poverty-poverty is in want of..g 17 penny in the urn of poverty. i 53 men rich in greatest poverty.j 67 content with poverty........w 65 rich in poverty, and enjoys..a 66 even poverty is joy..........m 66 all poverty was scorn'd*.....n 89 poverty is the mother of.....u 74 oh poverty is disconsolate..h 377 poverty or chains...... ..dd 251 poverty, hunger and dirt....7341 slow rises worth by poverty.m 341 poverty is the only load.. ....7 341 an age of poverty*. .u 341 poverty, but not my will*...y 341 steep'd me in poverty to*...a 342 that manner one robs p.....e 342 sharp-edged rock of poverty.r 455 oppressive grasp of poverty.g 468 shadows poverty.. heart she scorns our p.*.....e 347 Powder-crows is p. flung away.ƒ 23 keep your powder dry.....aa 442 Power-of letters loves power too..i 8 what amends is in my power..k 1 had I power, I should*.. .i 47 ..w 48 ..8 52

.i 470

a soul of power.... power in excess caused.. blessed power deliver*.......a 88 is the power to fulfill another.p 98

.b 10 .m 15

no p. yet upon thy beauty*..a 84 how power could condescend.p 29 a little power....... art is power....... upon the past has power....q 117 power and skill to stem the.g 474 no grief can thy soft power..c 428 a power ethereal.. ..m 428 our power to love or hate....g 118 will and the p. are diverse...j 118 all enjoy that power which..d 103 power confronted power*...p 104 against the p. that bred it*..n 142 who stands supreme in p....e 143 ocean hath no tone of power. b 145 p. that brought me there....p 150 unmanly loosens every p...aa 121 the ensigns of their power..k 124 or deems that he hath p's...h 379 is loss of vital power........b 385 the p. is felt of melancholy..e 375 peace the offspring is of p...g 331 whose p's shed round him... 210 power exercised with........i 448 patience which is almost p..s 327 we love and live in power....g 342 p's deny us for our good*.. ...m 345 it receives from human p....s 296 now is past my power.......k 139 Hymen's gentle powers.....m 256 that Power that pities me..w 332 knowledge is power...... v 222 an addition to human p.....a 224 p. to charm down insanity. ..0 211 a power behind the eye....... 211 whose odours were of p.....0 155 'tis the supreme of power...i 339 I found no power to vie.. .g 287 power of concentration.. .0 420 emblems of the sovereign p..p 368 the literature of power......g 238 effort of his pow'r.......... 454 tempt the frailty of our p's*.k 418 rough p. have uncheck'd*..a 419 art ever present, p. supreme. l 180 power that dwelt within....e 364 p,that brought on this union.q 243. never lacks power*..........i 235 force of temporal power*....j 263 earthly p. doth then show*. .j 263 doth exercise a power.......k 312 death's pow'r were mean.... 315 the thirst of power..........t 493 candor in power............$ 500 thy power, O rain............................. 351 whose power will close*. .p 359 have power to raise him*...q 445 I have power to shame him*.q 445 chief p. of honest men.....aa 445 hath no power that hath.....ƒ 342 God-like to have power......h 342 gray flits the shade of power. i 342 exercise of a new power.....j 342 to know the pains of power.k 342 p's by deepest calms are fed.1342 power, in its quality........n 342 patience and gentleness is p.o 342 contracts your powers......p 342 the devil hath power to*.. .q 342 power, like a desolating.....r 342 should take who have the p..s 342

f78 ..d 47 .ƒ 328

the birth a power ethereal...t 342 only, is the power to save....k 357 valor consists in the power..p 450 clothes itself with sudden p..s 360 Powerful-populous and the p... powerful was a lump.. patience is powerful.. Practice-better than the p's....i 48 reduce it to practice... .p 112 thou know'st the practice...t 244 bold in the practice of......u 309 Practise-p. what he preached..h 63 dost loudly vaunt, not p....n 204 Prairie-wanderers of the p....c 148 Praise-named thee but to p.....w3 of envy and of praise... .p6 praise they that will............ i61 great in itself not praises .q 71 praise the evening clouds....s 59 to their right praise*.. .........n 28 justly praise or justly blame.d 77 do deeds worth praise*. .......c 89 I e'er took delight in thy p's.e 114 conjunction with praise ..b 115 envy is a kind of praise.. .....n 103 in chants of love and p.........h 144 red roses, used to p's long...j 151 live upon their praises......b 132 praise of which I nothing...i 135 thy beauty passeth praise...i 136 brown bees, humming p's...b 138 uplift in praise their little..k 138 burning words and praises..u 126 poets lose half the praise....v 337 his worthy p., and vertues..c 208 deserves high praise........y 228 too short to speak thy p.....d 181 our praises are our wages*..m 182 pay not thy p. to lofty things.k 185 own praise reward enough...j 405 season her praise in*........a 417 p. is, that I am your friend..j 171 mean to profit, learn to P....176 they p. my rustling show...n 369 honesty for vulgar praise...n 198 life is cause for praise... ....... 231 praise and blame. i 243 grasp at praise sublime......$ 236 neither the p. nor the blame.d 491 a seller's praise belongs*....ƒf 311 praise them most.. .p 313 breathing thanks and p.....d 317 pudding against empty 495 swells with the praises........k 298 is p. enough of literature....j 353 all his pleasure praise.......c 358 bear reproof, who merit p...r 359 p. the sea, but keep on land.h 323 praise me not too much.....u 342 thousand voices, p's God....v 342 three kinds of praise........w 342 praise enough to fill......... 342 praise is only p. when well..y 342 in your notes his praise.....a 343 damn with faint praise......b 343 p. undeserved is scandal.....c 343 urg'd thro' sacred lust of p..d 343 delightful praise............................ our praises are our wages*...i 343 good men will yield thee p..m 343 the love of praise.... ...........n 343

.e 343

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