Books are delightful when prosperity happily smiles; when adversity threatens, they are inseparable comforters. They give strength to human compacts, nor are grave opinions brought forward without books. Arts and sciences, the benefits of which no mind can calculate, depend upon books. j. RICHARD AUNGERVYLE (Richard De Bury)-Philobiblon. You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the temple, the arms of the clerical militia with which the missiles of the most wicked are destroyed; fruitful olives, vines of Engaddi, fig-trees knowing no sterility; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand. k. RICHARD AUNGERVYLE (Richard De Bury)-Philobiblon. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 1. BACON-Essay. Of Studies. The images of men's wits and knowledges remain in books, exempted from the wrong of time, and capable of perpetual renovation. m. BACON Advancement of Learning. Bk. I. Advantages of Learning. They are true friends, that will neither flatter nor dissemble: be you but true to yourself, applying that which they teach unto the party grieved, and you shall need no other comfort nor counsel. Books, books, books! Books. I found the secret of a garret-room Among the giant fossils of my past, Like some small nimble mouse between the ribs Of a mastadon, I nibbled here and there At last, because the time was ripe, r. E. B. BROWNING-Aurora Leigh. By being ungenerous, even to a book, Impassioned for its beauty, and salt of truth |