Imágenes de páginas

2. Who was Pyrrhus-how came he into collision with the Romans -the number of his army-what it consisted of what circumstances led to his return to his own country? when were elephants first seen in Italy-when the next time? What was a Roman legion? Who founded Carthage-its situation? What was the occasion of the first Punic War? What do you know about Regulus? about Fabius Cunctator, and why was he so called? pass the Rhone and on what occasion? What circumstances led to the battle of Zama-and who were the commanders on each side? What was the strength of each army-the result of the battle-number of the slain ?

What do you know
How did Hannibal

3. How did the third Punic war originate-were the Romans successful at first? Who was the Consul that restored discipline to the army—and took and destroyed Carthage-state what you know about the Gracchii and their names-what object had they in view-the result -political state of Rome at the time.

4. What was the social or Marsic war-state what you know of the rise of Marius and Sylla-what dreadful proof did Mithridates give of his hatred to the Romans, the number that perished-where was Sylla at the time? What do you know of the sedition of Cinna-whom did he recall and form a junction with, what was the issue as respected Rome and the Citizens—what was the result of the return of Sylla to Rome?

5. How many Mithridatic wars were there? What do you know about Lucullus-of Pompey? Who defeated Mithridates-what do you know of his death? What were the speculations at Rome respecting the return of Pompey? Who was Cataline-what do you know about his conspiracy-who was Consul? What do you know about the defeat and death of Cataline? Who was then the saviour of Rome? Who formed the great Triumvirate? What led to Cicero's exile-who caused his recal ?

6. What do you know about the Parthian war-how came Crassus by his death? How came the death of Clodius about? Who defended Milo in his cause? What country was Cæsar engaged in war with at this time-state the commencement of the Civil War-to whose cause did the battle of Pharsalia prove fatal? What do you know about the death of Cato-is there any English drama founded upon it-and by whom? Who were the principal conspirators against Cæsar-what were the political consequences of the death? What was the end of Brutus and Cassius? What do you know of Roman literature and authors.

English History.

1. When was Ireland first invaded by England? When was Christianity introduced into Ireland-the manners of the Irish at the time of the English invasion? Who were the Northmen-what was the theory of the Pope in regard to Ireland—did he not therefore authorize the English king to invade the country-what profit did the Pope expect from this-what were the kingdoms into which Ireland was divided-who was Strongbow and what part did he act?

2. State the origin of the House of Commons-in whose reign was it -who summoned the knights and burgesses-what benefits were thus conferred on the people? State the relations between France and England in the reign of Edward III. and any remarkable events or battles connected with them-the death of the Black Prince-and why he was so called?

3. In what reign was the war of the Roses-state its origin, objects and termination and the principal agents- the state of civilization in the reign of Henry VII.-whom did Perkin Warbeck represent himself— was the king a generous and munificent prince? What led to the execution of the Duke of Buckingham in the next reign? What do you know about Wolsey? What is meant by the Reformation-what bearing had Catharine's divorce upon it-who was Queen Elizabeth's mother? What led to the death of Sir Thomas More ?

4. What do you know about learning and learned men in Queen Elizabeth's age-state what you know of the rise and fall of Bacon? What was the state of Ireland and Scotland on the death of James-the state of religion-what was the state of taxation during the reign of Charles? Who was at the head of Church affairs? What made the Scots enter England?

5. What led to the establishment of the Commonwealth-what was the battle that proved fatal to the hopes of Charles? when did the conquest of Jamaica take place? what led to the Restoration?

6. What do you understand by the Cabal in Charles II.'s time? What relations existed between the courts of France and England? How came the marriage of a foreign Prince with the king's niece to have an important bearing on the future destinies of the country? What was the Revolution-its causes- -its consequences? What was the Bill of Rights-when did the House of Brunswick come to the throne? When did the accession of George III. take place-what relation was he to

George I.? What circumstances led to the battle of Plassey-where is Plassey-who was Surajah Dowlah-was the battle fought with the musket and bayonet-who commanded each army-what were the political consequences-how did the East India Company get the Dewannee -what is the Dewannee?


1. Explain the meaning of the terms Equator, Ecliptic, Meridian, Horizon, Latitude, Longitude, Arctic, Antartic, Declination, Antipodes, Altitude and Azimuth.......................



2. Illustrate the Geographical features of the Globe by a sketch, and mention the signification of each of the terms employed......... 10 3. Enumerate the most remarkable features of each Continent... 4. What are the physical features of a country to which great rivers owe their origin?........

5. Explain the phenomena of the tides...........


6. Trace the course of the following rivers from their origin to their termination, specifying the countries through which they pass, the most important places situated upon their banks, and every well-marked peculiarity which is known to characterize each: viz. the Ganges, the Indus, the Amazon, the Mississipi, the Tiber, the Rhine, and the Danube...........

7. Mention the form of government, commercial characteristics, foreign possessions, and most remarkable features of interest connected with Great Britain and her inhabitants..........

8. Give the rule for finding the antoci of a place, with as many examples as you may remember......









1 What is the area of a circle, whose diameter is 10.3 feet ?

2. Find the amount at Simple and Compound Interest of Rs. 9,872 for 11 years, at 9 per cent.

3. How many times does 1 day 5 hours 27 minutes and 9 seconds contain 5 minutes and 19 seconds?


If a seven anna share of a Talook be worth Co.'s Rs. 9,403, what is the worth of g of the Talook?

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6. Cut a given line so that the square on one part shall be equal to the rectangle under the remainder and over the given line.

7. The angle at the centre of a circle is always double of the angle at the circumference.

8. Describe a rectangle equal to a given triangle upon a given straight line.

9. How many and what postulates are used in the 1st book of Euclid?


To be translated into the Vernacular.

One day while Sooltan Ghyasood Deen was amusing himself in the practice of archery, one of his arrows by chance wounded a boy, the son of a widow. The woman immediately repaired to the tribunal of the Cazy, Surajood Deen, and demanded justice. The judge was confounded and said to himself, “If I summon the king to my Court I shall run the risk of being disobeyed, and if I pass over his transgressions, I shall be one day summoned before the Court of God, to answer for my neglect of duty." After much reflection he ordered one of the officers to go and summon the king to answer the complaint of the woman. The officer, dreading to enter abruptly the palace with such an order, considered on some means to get introduced into the presence of the king. At length he ascended the minaret of the Mosque, adjoining the palace, and at an improper hour called the people to prayers. The king hearing his voice, ordered some of his guards to bring before him the man who thus made a mockery of religion.

When the officer was introduced into the royal presence, he briefly related the circumstance, and concluded by summoning His Majesty to the Cazy's tribunal.

To be Translated into English.

বিচার না করিয়া হটাৎকারে কোন কৰ্ম্ম কখন করিবে না এই কথা সংস্কৃত ভাষাতে রচিয়া এক পণ্ডিত ব্রাহ্মণ অনেক ধনবান লোকের নিকট যান কহেন আমার স্থানে এক কথা আছে আমাকে যে লক্ষ টাকা দিবেক আমি তাহাকে সে কথা দিব ব্রাহ্মণের এই বাক্য কেহ আদর করে না পরে এক মহাজন সেই কথা লক্ষ টাকা দিয়া লইয়া আপন শয়নগৃহে যে স্থানে সৰ্ব্বদা দেখিতে পায় এমন স্থানে রাখিয়া বাণিজ্য করিতে বিদেশে গেল যখন মহাজন বাটীহইতে গেল তখন তাহার স্ত্রীর গর্ভ হইয়াছিল তাহা সে জানে না পরে অনেক দিবসের পর ঐ মহাজন আপন গ্রামে রাত্রিকালে আসিয়া আপন স্ত্রী কিরূপ ব্যবহারে আছে এই জানিবার নিমিত্তে গুপ্তরূপে আপনি একাকী আপন বাটীতে আইল দেখে যে আপনার স্ত্রী যে গৃহে শয়ন করিয়া আছে সে গৃহে এক যুবা পুরুষ শয়ন করিয়া আছে ইহা দেখিয়া ঐ মহাজন অত্যন্ত ক্রুদ্ধ হইয়া ঐ স্ত্রী পুরুষকে কাটিতে উদ্যত হইয়াছে ইত্যবসরে ঐ কথাতে দৃষ্টি পড়িল তাহাতে খড়গ রাখিয়া বসিয়া মনেং বিচার করিতেছে এই কালে ঐ পুরুষের নিদ্রা ভঙ্গ হইল অপরিচিত পুরুষ দেখিয়া আপন মাতাকে উঠাইতে মাতা মাতা বলিয়া ডাকিতে লাগিল তাহা শুনিয়া ঐ মহাজন চমৎকৃত হইয়া আপন স্ত্রীর হাত ধরিয়া উঠাইয়া জিজ্ঞাসিল এ পুরুষ কে ? ঐ স্ত্রী কহিল তোমার পুত্র মহাজন কহিল কি রূপে হইল ঐ স্ত্রী কহিল তুমি যখন বাটীহইতে গেলা তখন আমার গন্তু হইয়াছিল তুমি জান না সেই গর্ভে এই সন্তান হইয়াছে মহাজন স্ত্রীর এই বাক্যেতে ও আরং অনেক প্রমাণেতে ঐ পুরুষকে আপন পুত্র বলিয়া নিশ্চয় করিয়া স্ত্রী পুত্র লইয়া পরম সুখে থাকিল ৷

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