boroughs. the questions and answers required to be taken, made, or of shires and asked, who shall take the following oath, which the re- 4G. 4. c. 55. turning officer shall administer: s. 43. Counties of cities and towns. Appointment of interpreters. "I, A. B. do swear that I will faithfully interpret such oaths, affirmations, questions and answers, as I shall be directed to interpret by the returning officer or officers, and his or their deputy or deputies, [as the case may be]." Every such person shall receive ten shillings for each day's attendance. Oath. Persons voting in Ireland as Protestants, are by the Irish st. 2 Ann. c. 6. Oaths, vid. s. 15. required to make the declaration against transubstantiation, vid. PP. 41 and 103. p.103.; and the oath of abjuration, vid. p. 41; and as Papists by 33 G. 3. c. 21. s. 7. the oaths and declarations in the Irish acts of the 13 and 14 G. 3. c. 35. s. 1., and the 33 G. 3. c. 21. vid. pp. 104 and 106., which, however, by the 37 G. 3. c. 47. s. 19. and 51 G. 3. c. 77. s. 3., if they take before the election, and procure certificates thereof, they may vote. 51 G. 3. c. 77. s. 4. oaths to The returning officer shall, immediately on the request of a candidate under his hand, nominate two or more At all places. justices of the peace to administer the oaths and decla- Appointment of persons to rations required by the 13 & 14 G. 3. (I) c. 35, & 33 G. 3. administer (I) c. 21., to be taken and subscribed by Papists in some Papists. convenient place so as not to interrupt the poll, and the Form of oaths, vid. p. 104. clerk of the peace, or a deputy by him appointed in Clerk of the writing under his hand, shall attend such persons during peace to give the administration of such oaths and declarations, and give persons apto every person, on taking and subscribing such oaths and plying. declarations, a certificate thereof, and such person so appointed shall take the following oath; (that is to say,) certificate to "I, , do swear, that I will faithfully and impartially Oath by peradminister the oaths and declarations now required to be sons administering the taken and subscribed by Papists or persons professing oaths. the Roman Catholic religion, by an act passed in the thirteenth year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, 'An act to enable his Majesty's subjects, of whatever persuasion, to testify their allegiance to him;' and also another act, passed in the thirty-third year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for the relief of his Oath by the clerk of the peace. i G. 4. c.11. s. 20. Knights of shires and boroughs. 4 G. 4. c. 55. $. 65. Majesty's popish or Roman Catholic subjects in Ireland."" And every clerk of the peace, or his deputy, shall take the following oath; (that is to say,) do swear, that I will, on being thereunto requested, fairly and truly give to every person who shall now take and subscribe the oaths and declarations required by law to be taken by persons professing the Roman Catholic religion, in order to entitle them to vote at any election before the commissioners appointed by the returning officer for that purpose, a certificate thereof as required by law and that I will not give any such certificate to any person before he shall have taken and subscribed such oaths and declarations as shall be mentioned in such certificate, before me and in my presence. Both of which oaths the returning officer shall administer." The returning officer may, on any day after the fourth day of polling, close any booth where not more than twenty persons have polled, or been referred for decision to the returning officer during that day, provided that if it shall appear to the returning officer, upon the evidence of two persons upon oath administered by him, that any persons have been prevented by violence from pollwhere 20 have ing at the same on that day, such officer may keep open not polled.. the booth for another day, and so from day to day on proper evidence. Counties of cities and towns. Closing booths 1 G. 4. c. 11. 8.11. Knights of The deputy shall, if required by a candidate or inspector, in person, at the place where he presides, admishires and bo- nister the following oath to every person separately who roughs. shall offer to poll; and immediately after the production of the certificate or affidavit of registry, when any such person offers to vote by virtue of a freehold : 4 G. 4. c. 55. s. 47. Counties of cities and towns. "I, A. B. do swear, (or, being a Quaker or Moravian, do solemnly affirm,) that I will true answer make to all such questions as the sheriffs or other returning officers' deputy (as the case may be) presiding in this booth shall demand of me; and I do also swear, (or, being one of the people called Quakers or Moravians, do solemnly affirm,) that I have not polled before at this election, and that I am, as I believe, twenty-one years of age." So help me God. The deputy shall, if required by a candidate or an inspector, administer the oath following to any person Knights of before he shall be permitted to poll: 1 G. 4. c. 11. s. 17. shires and boroughs. 4G. 4. c.55. s. 48. Count. of cit. and towns. Oath of not having received a bribe. stated in “I, A. B. do swear, (or, being of the people called Qua- Form of oath kers, do solemnly affirm,) I have not received or had myself, 35 G. 3. c. 29. or any person whatsoever in trust for me, or for my use and s. 60. benefit, or for the use and benefit of any of my family orkindred to my knowledge or belief, directly or indirectly, any sum or sums of money, office, place or employment, gift or reward, or any promise or security for any money, office or employment, in order to give my vote at this election." Every freeholder shall be polled only in the booth appro- 35 G. 3. c. 29. Knights of shires. priated to the barony or half barony in which the freehold, ss. 7. for which he offers to vote, is wholly or in part situate. Freeholders to be polled in booths appropriated to their baronies. Rules are made as to erecting booths for the city and the 40 G.3. c.80. liberties thereof, and the town and liberties of Coleraine Londonderry. and the polling of freeholders in the appropriate booths. a ss. 10. 11. book, and cer tificate of re gistry deemed When any person shall offer to poll by virtue of a 1G.4. c.11. freehold, the returning officer shall in the first place refer 4 G. 4. c. 55. to the entry in the registry book, and write down oppo- ss. 49. 50. Deputy to resite to the same the initial letters of his name, and then fer to registry shall refer to the certificate or affidavit of the registry of the same, if required by a candidate or an inspector of candidate so to do; and if such person shall produce evidence; and certificate of the registry corresponding with the entry in default without any erasure or interlineation duly signed, such original afficertificate shall be deemed conclusive evidence, that such davit. person had registered such freehold, and the deputy shall write down the initials of his name upon the margin of a conclusive thereof the 4 G. 4. c. 55. 8.50. Counties of cities and towns. freehold ap the certificate; and where no certificate shall be pro duced, or such certificate shall not be in the proper form, the returning officer's deputy shall direct the deputy clerk of the peace to produce the original affidavit or affirmation. When the entry of the affidavit or affirmation shall appear in the registry book, and such person shall have produced a proper certificate of registry, or the original When entry of affidavit or registry shall have been produced, and such® pears in regis- person shall have taken the oaths aforesaid, if required so to do, such deputy shall then ask such person for whom he votes, and the vote of such person shall bel entered on the poll book according to his answer, unless be taken, un- such deputy shall be required to put to such person the less objections questions after mentioned, or unless an objection to such try, and the certificate or original affidavit be produced, vote to made. 1 G. 4. c. 11. s. 11. 4G. 4. c. 55. 8. 50. 1 G. 4. c.11. s. 11. vote be made as directed. There is no clause of the 1 G. 4. exactly similar to the above part of this section. Provided that the returning officer's deputy may take the vote of any person offering to poll, whose freehold appears in the registry book, without referring to the certificate or affidavit or affirmation of registry, or in elections for knights of shires without administering any oath, or putting any question to such person, except the question For whom do you vote?' if not required by a candidate, or an inspector of a candidate, so to do. The returning officer's deputy shall, if required by a candidate, [or an inspector, s. 11.] [or an agent, s. 51.] put the following questions, and no others, to any person Questions to offering to poll, without allowing any person to interpret 4 G. 4. c. 55. 8.51. be asked of freeholders. him: 1. What is your name? 2. Where do you reside? 3. Do you swear that you are possessed of a freehold in the county of ? (naming the county or the county of a city or county of a town for which the election is, V (And the held.) 14 Where is such freehold situated? deputy shall then, if required by any candidate, or the inspector of any candidate, refer to the certificate of registry, if one be produced by the person offering to poll, or if none, to the original affidavit of registry, and then shall immediately ask, if required by any candidate, or the inspector of any candidate, without making or allowing any other person to make any observations upon the said certificate or affidavit, the following questions) 5. Is the freehold described in this certificate or affidavit of registry, (as the case may be,) the same freehold which you now swear you are possessed of, or by virtue of which you now offer to vote? (And in case it shall appear to the returning officer's deputy, from the certificate or affidavit of registry, that any person shall offer to poll in respect of a freehold of the value of forty shillings only, the said deputy shall then, if required by any candidate (or by the 1 G. 4. the inspector. of any candidate) so to do, put the following questions:) 6. Do you swear that you have been in the actual occupation of this freehold as described in your certificate or affidavit of registry, (as the case may be,) by tilling it or by grazing it, or by residing upon it during the whole of the last twelve months? 7. Do you swear that this freehold is now of the clear yearly value of forty shillings above all charges payable out of the same? And when such person shall have answered the questions demanded of him as aforesaid, such deputy shall ask for whom he votes, and the vote shall be entered in the poll book according to his answer, unless an objection be made to such vote by an inspector of a candidate ; provided that if it shall appear from the answers which shall be given by any person to the first four questions aforesaid, that his freehold arises from a rectory, vicarage, curacy, or other ecclesiastical preferment, the said deputy shall not put the other questions, but shall forth |