shires and boroughs. 4 G. 4. c. 55. s. 66. Counties of cities and and perform such things as shall be assigned to them by the returning officer, and to appoint any number of special constables to assist therein; and every constable, bailiff, and peace officer summoned, who shall neglect to attend during such election, or obey the commands of the returning officer, shall forfeit such office, and all salary in summon peace respect thereof. towns. Returning officer may officers. 1 G. 4. c.11. s. 8. Knights of shires. 4 G. 4. c. 55. 8. 44. Counties of cities and towns. Freeholders. Appointment of deputy and assistant de puty. Clerk of the pcace to attend books. The clerk of the peace shall, or in failure thereof, by 1 G. 4. the returning officer, and by 4 G. 4. the sheriffs or other inferior officers, shall appoint by the latter act, a deputy clerk of the peace to attend with the original registry books of all freeholds at the booth for the returning officer, and by both acts a deputy clerk of the peace, and one assistant to such deputy to be present in such place of polling, (of freeholders for counties of cities and towns;) and such deputy shall take with him into such poll place the registry books that shall contain the with registry names of the freeholders to be polled in such place of polling, and the original affidavits or affirmations made by the persons capable of voting in such place, which affidavits or affirmations the clerk of the peace shall have arranged alphabetically in separate parcels, and indorsed with the names of the persons by whom the same were made, and also the number in the original registry book; and such deputy clerk shall receive ten shillings and no more, and the assistant to such deputy five shillings for each day's attendance; and if either of them shall alter, deface, destroy, or lose any affidavit or affirmations, he shall forfeit 107. to any person suing for it; and by This now ex- 37 G. 3. c. 47. s. 6. the clerk of the peace for every book which he shall omit to deliver to the sheriff shall forfeit 5007. tends only to knights of shires. The clerk of the peace shall produce at the Spring assizes in every year a printed copy of all entries in the registry books of each barony or half barony during the preceding year, corrected and certified by him up to the first January, and such copy shall in the presence of the attend with judge be delivered to the clerk of the crown, who shall copies of registry books. sign and date the same, and such copy shall be preserved among the records of such county, and shall be as valid, as the original books at any election, if the same shall not be produced by the clerk of the peace, and the clerk of the crown shall produce the printed copies at any election, if required by the sheriff of the county to which they belong. The clerk of the peace shall deliver to any freeholder, 35 G. 3. c. 29. s. 43.; 4 G. 4, upon request, copies of the registry of all freeholders in c. 55. s. 20. the county within ten days. towns. such Town clerk to such attend the returning officer freemen. The town clerk or other officer having charge of the 4G.4. c. 55. books relating to the granting or electing of or admissions 845 Counties of to freedoms, shall, or in failure thereof the returning cities and officers shall appoint a deputy town clerk, or other officer as shall have charge of such books, and deputy shall attend in the place appointed for the attend- with books of ance of such returning officer, and shall take such books with him, and if the returning officers shall deem it expedient to refer to any of the entries contained in such books, such deputy shall produce the same to such returning officer, and such deputy or other returning So in the act, officer shall be entitled to receive the sum of ten shillings and no more for each day's attendance. s. 46. Counties of cities and Town clerk to The officer having charge of the roll of freemen shall provide a copy thereof for each place of polling freemen, and shall, or in failure thereof the returning officers shall, towns. appoint a deputy for such officer for each place of polling provide a copy freemen, who shall take with him to such place of polling of the roll of a copy thereof, and shall produce and refer to the same as the returning officers or their deputy may direct, and each deputy shall receive ten shilings and no more for each day's attendance. There is no provision for the removal of the military from the place of election in Ireland. By the 4th article of the treaty of union an estate of the same value, except for the college of Dublin, is necessary G freemen. 1 G. 4. c. 11. Knights of as a qualification for an M. P. for Ireland, that is required in England, but there is no oath, that a candidate can be called upon to take, as to the value of his estate. The election is commenced in the same manner that it is in England, vid. p. 10. The poll shall begin on the day when demanded, or the day after, (unless such day shall be a Sunday, Christmas-day, or Good Friday, and then on the day next after,) and shall be proceeded in from day to day (the excepted days excepted) until finished, but no poll shall continue more than fifteen days, and if it shall continue till the fifteenth day, it shall be closed at three o'clock ment. Length on that day. 8. 36. Counties of cities and towns. Poll. Commence 15 days. 1 G. 4. c. 11. 8. 19. Knights of shires and boroughs. The poll shall be kept open for knights of shires and for boroughs, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., and for counties of cities or towns, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. between 15th 4G. 4. c. 55. April and 15th September, and for the former places from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., and for the latter places from 10 a. M. to 4 P. M. between 15th September, and 15th April, towns. Hours except on the morning of the first day, and in the afterand ending the noon of the last day. S. 64. Counties of cities and of commencing poll each day. 35 G. 3. c. 29. 8.2. Knights of shires. 35 G. 3. c. 29. 8. 9. Knights of shires and boroughs. Oath of returning officer. The sheriff shall not adjourn to any other town or place, nor without the consent of the candidates, longer than from day to day, except from Saturday to Monday. The returning officer shall, before the commencement of polling, take and subscribe in open court the oath following, which a justice of the peace shall administer: 4G. 4. c. 55. s. 37. Counties of cities and towns. "I, A. B. do swear that I will honestly, impartially, and without favour to any candidate, take the poll at this election, and that I have not directly or indirectly received, nor will I hereafter directly or indirectly receive any money, gift, reward, promise, contract, or security for money or other reward for or in respect of the conduct, which I shall observe during the ensuing poll, or the return which I shall make at the close thereof, except the expences of erecting booths, hiring buildings, keeping them in repair, and the payment of clerks and deputies and counsel for my assistance, and that I will return such person or persons, as shall appear to the best of my judgment at the close of the poll, to have the majority of legal votes." And every deputy shall, before he proceeds to take the poll, take and subscribe in open court the oath following, which the returning officer shall administer : "I, A. B. do swear that I will honestly, impartially, Oath of deand without favour to any candidate, take the poll at this puty. election, and that I have not directly or indirectly received, nor will I hereafter directly or indirectly receive any money, gift, reward, promise, contract, or security for money or other reward for or in respect of the conduct I shall observe during the ensuing poll, and that I will make a fair and true return of all such persons as shall tender their votes before me, to be by me taken to the returning officer or officers by whom I am appointed, whenever and as often as I shall be thereunto required by him or them." And a memorandum of the said oaths being taken, Memorandum shall be entered on the poll book. to be entered on the poll 1 G.4. c. 11. Knights of 6.38. The clerks for taking the poll of freeholders shall, book. before beginning to take the poll, take the oath following: s. 41. "I, A. B. do swear that I will at this election, of a member (or members, as the case may be) to serve in 4 G.4. c.55. Parliament, for the county, county of the city or county Counties of of the town, (as the case may be) of indifferently take the poll, and set down the opposite to the name of each freeholder in the book his name and the place of his abode, and the freeholders. situation and the value of his freehold, and for whom he towns. truly and cities and number Poll clerks' Which oath the returning officer shall administer. oath for taking registry the votes of The clerks for taking the poll of freemen shall, before 4G. 4. c.55. beginning to take such poll, take the oath following: s. 39. Counties of cities and "I, A. B. do swear that I will at this election of a towns. Poll clerks' oath for taking member (or members, as the case may be) to serve in Parliament for the county of the city or the county of the votes of freemen. 4 G. 4. c. 55. s. 41. Counties of cities and towns. the town, (as the case may be) of truly and indifferently take the poll, and set down the name and the place of abode of each freeman, and for whom he shall poll." Which oath the returning officer shall administer. No oath for the poll clerks of voters in town or boroughs is provided by any act. The deputies appointed by the returning officers shall appoint in each place of polling a person nominated by each candidate to be an inspector of the poll clerk, and the agent of such candidate, and another person for and of inspectors to be nominated by such candidate, to be a clerk for and cheque keeping a cheque book of the poll book. Appointment book clerks. 1 G. 4. c. 11. 8. 13. Knights of shires and boroughs. 4G.4.c.55. 8.61. Counties of cities and towns. Instructions to deputies. 35 G. 3. c. 29. There is no express provision for appointing inspectors or clerks for keeping a cheque book in elections for knights of shires or for boroughs, though the use of them is implied in several clauses of the 1 G. 4. *1 The returning officer shall give such instructions in writing to his deputies, as may be necessary to point out what is required of them, in respect of the objections to votes, and of the manner of transmitting them to such officer, (and by 4 G. 4. in respect of their duties as such deputies,) and they shall obey the instructions so (or by 1 G. 4. in any other manner) given by such officer. Every deputy shall, upon notice, close and deliver his 8.10. Knights poll book each day to the returning officer, who shall sum of shires and up and read aloud the number of votes polled on each boroughs. 4G.4. c.55. day, and if any deputy shall refuse to deliver his poll 8.62. Counties book when required, or continue to take the poll when retowns. Depu- quired to stop, and before being directed to proceed, he shall forfeit 501., and the votes shall be void. of cities and ties to close poll books. 35 G.3. c. 29. 88.7.11. Knights of shires and boroughs. 4G. 4. c. 55. The returning officer may remove any deputy, and appoint another in his room, or may change any deputy from one booth to another, but such removal or new appointment, or change of a deputy from one booth to 8.42. Counties another, shall be proclaimed in the place where such de of cities and towns. De- puty shall take the poll. puties may be removed. Removal proclaimed. 1 G. 4. c.11. The officers on demand in writing of any candidate, s. 9. Knights may appoint interpreters of the oaths, affirmations, and |