Abjuration, oath of, 41, Jews indulged in taking, 42, Affirmation of, 43. Abode of freeholders to be entered on the poll book, 13.—IRELAND, the same, 88.91.
Adjournment, of poll, 12.-IRELAND, 82.
Adjudications, SCOTLAND, give a right to vote, when, 145. n.
Affidavit, IRELAND, of freeholders to be produced at the poll, 80. 88, entry of, not appearing in registry book, 90. 96, as to improper vote, '98, need not be stamped or read aloud in court, where, 132, form of entry of, 133.
Affirmation, of abjuration, 43.-IRELAND, of voters to be produced at the poll, 80.88, entry of, not appearing in registry book, 90. 96. Agents, employed within a certain time not to vote, 124.-IRELAND, candidate may employ how many, 77, payments to, 107.
Aliens, cannot vote unless when, 122.
Allegiance, oath of, 40.-IRELAND, for papists, 104.
Alms, receipt of, where and within what time disqualifies from voting, 127, 128.
Ancient demesne, tenants in, cannot vote, 130.
Annuities, entries of, where to be produced, 8, where to give a right to vote, 130.-IRELAND. See rent charges.
Assurance, SCOTLAND, to be signed, 111, form of, 119.
Attainted persons, cannot vote, 123.
Aylesbury, provisions as to, 5, 44 G.3. c. 60. when read at, 10, ex- ceptions as to, 16, oaths to be taken at, 47. 72, act relating to, 71 to 74.
Bailiff, penalty upon, for returning persons not chosen, 20, form of precept to, to return two members, 27, 2 G. 2. c. 24, to be read by, 33.-IRELAND, shall hold election when and where, 77, may be summoned by returning officer, 79, punishment of, if absent, du- ring poll, 100. See returning officer.
Barrister, IRELAND, may be employed by returning officer, 93, may argue questions, when, 98.
Birth-right, freedom by, 35.-IRELAND, 97.
Booths, erection of, 6, for commissioners to administer oaths, 14.-IRE- LAND, shall be erected or hired by returning officer, 77, by sheriff for election of knights of shires, 78, additional, when and how provided, 79, freemen's distinct from freeholder's, ib. to be closed where not more than twenty have polled, 86, erection of, for Co- leraine, 87, for determining disputes, 93.
Borough, form of precept to, 27, form of notice of election for, 29, 2 G. 2. c. 24. to be read at elections for, 33, form of oath of poll clerk for, 38, form of oath of electors for, where no particular oath pro- vided, 46.-IRELAND, number of agents to be employed at elec-
tions for, 77, inspection of books allowed, ib., clerk of peace shall register names of inhabitants of, 78, commencement and continuance of poll for, 82, no oath provided for poll clerk of, 84, inhabitants registered of, may vote, 141, 142.- SCOTLAND, chief magistrate of, to summon council, 114, interval between council meeting and day of election, ib., common clerk to take oath, 115. 120, sign the commission, and fix the seal of, 115, when presiding, reduced, 116. Bramber, freeholders of, vote for New Shoreham, 59. 139. Bribery, oath against, when taken, 10. 15. 30. 31, act against, when read, 10, act against, 29.-IRELAND, oath against, 87.-SCOTLAND, act against, read, 111. 114. 116, oath against, 111. 114. 116, 120, per- sons convicted of, cannot vote, 123, declaration by committee of persons being guilty of, does not disqualify, ib.
Burgesses, entries of admission of, to be produced, 9. See freemen.
Candidates, nomination of, and at what time, 10, 11, to take oath and when, 10. 11, qualification of, and exceptions, ib., notice of disability of, ib., form of oath of, 37.-IRELAND, number of agents or clerks in boroughs to be employed by, 77, names to be certified on back of writ, 102, payments by, 107. See member. Casting vote, see (commissioner, preses, SCOTLAND) and returning officer. Certificate, form of, of taking oaths and subscribing declarations, before com- missioners, 39.-IRELAND, of having taken the oaths, to be pro- duced, by papists, 85, of registry of freeholds to be referred to, when, 87, where none produced, 88. 90, of registry of inhabitants produced, when, 91, where forged, 97, 98, what to state, 134,
Chambers, right of voting for, though not charged with land tax, 129. Chancellor, lord, shall issue writs, 2, form of order to, for passing two pro- clamations under the Great Seal, 25, form of order to, for issuing writs, ib.-IRELAND, shall issue writs, 76.-SCOTLAND, shall issue writs, 109.
Cheque books, to be kept by inspectors, 13.-IRELAND, to be kept by clerk, 84.
Chester, writ for, how directed, 2, poll booths, 7.
Church. See ecclesiastical preferment.
Churchwarden, IRELAND, registry books of inhabitants to be de- livered to, by clerk of the peace, 78, and returned, when, 103, punishment one month's imprisonment, for each day the same de- tained, ib.
Cinque ports, writ for, how directed, 2, officer of, allowed six days for delivery of precept, 3, writs, how endorsed, 49. n.
Cities. See counties of cities and towns, and boroughs. Clerk of the peace, to attend at elections with entries of annuities and rent charges, and duplicates of land tax, 8, to attend at office and per- mit inspection, and deliver copies of duplicates of land tax, 9.- IRELAND, shall register and permit inspection of names of in- habitants of boroughs, 78, shall deliver books to churchwarden, ib. shall attend at elections and appoint a deputy, 80, shall produce registry books, when, 81, give copies of registry to freeholders, ib., to attend persons administering oaths to papists, and give certifi- cates, 85, oath by him or his deputy, 86, if absent, forfeit compen- sation, 100, give certificate to persons requiring it, 134. Clerk of the crown. See crown.
Clerk, SCOTLAND, election of, for shires, 111, minutes of elections of, to be signed, 112, to return the person elected, 113, clerk of boroughs to sign the commission and fix seal, 115. oath of 120, person acting
wrongfully as, 115, of presiding borough, to take oath, 116. 120, another, when to be appointed, 117, to make returns to sheriff,
Coal and corn meters, may vote, 126.
Commissioners, for administering oaths to be appointed, 14, oaths to be taken by, 38. 40.-IRELAND, for administering oaths to pa- pists, 85. Commissioner,.-SCOTLAND, for shires, 111, to have a casting vote, 112 for boroughs, election of, 114, when and where to meet, 116, votes only of those allowed, 117, to be admitted, who, but not to vote, ib., which of to have casting vote, ib., qualifications of, for boroughs, 147. Constables, voters to be exempt from serving as, 124.-IRELAND, by whom summoned, and their duty, 79, if absent, forfeit compensa- tion, 80. 100.
Copyholders, cannot vote in counties, 130, may vote in Cricklade and Westbury, 131, n. 140.
Corff Castle, who may vote at, 140.
Counties of cities and towns, proclamation of election, 5, place of election for, 6, poll books of, 22, form of proclamation, 29, oath of poll clerks for, 38, of freeholders for, 45, of electors where no other oath is pro- vided, 46, electors of, as freeholders, 129, 130, as freemen or in- habitants, 139, 140, 141.-IRELAND, notice of election for, 76, inspection of books of freemen, 77, booths of election at, 79, dis- tinct poll places for freemen and freeholders, ib., commencement and continuance of poll, 82, appointment of inspector, 84, closing booths when twenty have not polled, 86, questions to be asked of freeholders, 88, of freemen, 90, form of objection to voters, 95. 96, if more members returned than required, 2000l. penalty on return- ing officer, 101, as to registering freeholds for, 131, 132, form of registration, 133. See election, freeholders, returning officer.
Counties. See knights of shires.
Coventry, poll booths for, 7, oaths to be taken at, 65, act relating to, 62 to 68.
Cricklade, when election to be for, 5, act when to be read, 10, ex- ceptions as to, 16, oaths to be taken at, 47. 69, act relating to, 68 to 71.
Crown, clerk of, to make out writs, 2, to enter returns, 24, penalty on, ib.— IRELAND, to attend with copies of registry books, when, 80, 81, transmit returns to England, 101. 103.
Customs, officers of, may not interfere at elections, and cannot vote, 124, 125.
Customary freeholders, right of voting, 130.
Declaration, of fidelity, 41.-IRELAND, against transubstantiation, 85. 104, for papists, 106.
Deputy, to be appointed, 4.-IRELAND, qualification of for knights of shires, 79, oath of, 83, to follow instructions of returning officer, 84, to close books, ib., may be removed, ib., removal to be proclaimed, ib., to admit vote, when, 96, if absent during the poll, 100. See returning officer.
Devises, by will within the act against splitting votes, 138.
Double returns, when they may be made, 22. IRELAND, the same, 101. -SCOTLAND, the same, 118.
Dover, writ for, how directed, 2.
Dower where a person may vote in right of, 138.
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