There's Alderman Toad and his lady, 'Twas they gave the Clart and the Poort, I warnt that the aiting will stop, Or chop, And the butcher may shut up his shop. Yes, the grooms and the ushers are goin, And Corry, the bould Connellan, And the servants are packing their boxes, - Without you? O Meery, with oi's of the blue! MR. MOLONY'S ACCOUNT OF THE BALL GIVEN TO THE NEPAULESE AMBASSADOR BY THE PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL COMPANY. O WILL ye choose to hear the news, Bedad, I cannot pass it o'er: I'll tell you all about the Ball These men of sinse dispoised expinse, To fête these black Achilleses. "We'll show the blacks," says they, "Almack's, And take the rooms at Willis's." With flags and shawls, for these Nepauls, They hung the rooms of Willis up, And decked the walls, and stairs, and halls, And Jullien's band it tuck its stand, So sweetly in the middle there, And soft bassoons played heavenly chunes, And when the Coort was tired of spoort, Where lashins of good dhrink there was! At ten before the ball-room door, His moighty Excellency was, He smoiled and bowed to all the crowd, The noble Chair* stud at the stair, And bade the dthrums to thump; and he The welcome of his Company. * James Matheson, Esq., to whom, and the Board of Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, I, Timotheus Malony, late stoker on board the Iberia, the Lady Mary Wood, the Tagus, and the Oriental steamships, humbly dedicate this production of my grateful muse. O fair the girls, and rich the curls, And bright the oys, you saw there, was; And fixed each oye, ye there could spoi, On Gineral Jung Bahawther was! This Gineral great then tuck his sate, All round about his royal chair, The squeezin and the pushin was. O Pat, such girls, such Jukes, and Earls, Such fashion and nobilitee! Just think of Tim, and fancy him Amidst the hoigh gentility! There was Lord De L'Huys, and the Portygeese Ministher and his lady there, And I reckonized, with much surprise, Our messmate, Bob O'Grady, there; There was Baroness Brunow, that looked like Juno, And Baroness Rehausen there, 15 And Countess Roullier, that looked peculiar There was Lord Fingall and his ladies all, And Paddy Fife, with his fat wife; I wondther how he could stuff her in. And the Marchioness of Sligo there. Yes, Jukes, and Earls, and diamonds, and pearls, O, there's one I know, bedad, would show And I'd like to hear the pipers blow, And shake a fut with Fanny there! |