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be tempted to do so. Thus does God, even in things temporal, illustrate and verify the faithfulness of the promise: "Them that honour me I will honour." The celebrated Wilberforce ascribed his continuance for so long a time under such a pressure of cares and labours, in no small degree to his habitual observance of the sabbath; and remarked, that observation and his own experience had convinced him, that there is a special blessing on the right observance of the sabbath. Sir Samuel Romilly, who would not agree to give up his Sunday consultations, at last lost his reason, and put an end to his existence. Lord Castlereagh, who also devoted the sabbath to public business, did the same. So true is it in this case, that the wages of sin is death. A distinguished merchant, long accustomed to extensive observation and experience, and who had gained an uncommon knowledge of men, said: "When I see one of my apprentices or clerks riding out on a sabbath, on Monday I dismiss him. Such a one cannot be trusted."*

far would it be for both parties that the teacher never undertook the sacred duties of the sabbath class, than that his practice should belie his profession in regard to any of the duties he inculcated on the young. It is our duty, then, to conduct ourselves upon the sabbath with all the serious decorum and circumspection that befit the sacred character and holy purposes of the day. We ought to be diligent and regular in our improvement of the means of grace, and constant and punctual in our attendance at the sabbath-school. All trifling and levity in heart, speech, and conduct, ought also to be avoided; and all unnecessary conversation on secular subjects; all needless sabbath-travelling, and mere walking for amusement. In short, everything that we would check in the conduct of the young, we must carefully guard against, and make conscience of avoiding the very appearance of evil. Children, like worldly men, are eagle-eyed in the detection of anything like inconsistency in the conduct of professing Christians, and particularly of those who assume the duty of admonition and instruction; and we should seek grace, that we may so deport ourselves as to give no occasion to the enemy to speak reproachfully.

It is also a matter of much impor

But, secondly, let us advert to the example which teachers ought to set before the young in reference to the due observance of the sabbath. On this particular your time will not allow me to enlarge; nor does it appear to me necessary that I should. The im-tance that we should enjoy the day of portance of the instructions imparted being followed up by a strictly consistent deportment on the part of the teacher, is obviously incalculable; as the effect upon the minds of the pupils will, in all probability, be determined by the harmony manifest between his own principles and practice. Better

* CHRISTIAN'S PENNY MAGAZINE, vol. ii., page 253.

rest, and that our enjoyment of it should appear unto all. To make the sabbath a day of gloomy and morose austerity, is entirely foreign to the gracious purposes for which it has been instituted, and as contrary to its true design as to spend it in mere recreation. The sabbath is meant to be a day of holy enjoyment in the love and I service of our God, and in holy fellow

ship with one another; and we ought to make it manifest to all, and to the young especially, that the sabbath is, indeed, a day of holy joy and peace to us, and not a weariness, as it is to the mere worldling and false professor. So shall their prejudices against a life of piety be removed, and conviction be wrought in their minds that wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. D. J.

D-, 15th August, 1848.

ILLUSTRATIONS OF TRUTH, Suggested by a few readings in Natural Philosophy.

1. "By communicating its properties, a magnet, instead of diminishing, increases its power." And so as it respects the acquisition of influence by the diffusion of knowledge: in the same proportion as a man becomes the source of knowledge to others, he will augment his own.

2. "In magnetism every magnet has two poles. Poles of the same name repel each other, and the contrary poles attract each other."

So you

may find Christians of different denominations who will converse agreeably enough in company on general subjects, but who, almost as soon as religious topics are introduced, are "wide as the poles asunder."

3. There is as surely a moral as there is a physical attraction, repulsion, or cohesion.

4. A whale requires a sea to sport in; 150,000,000 of animalcula would have sufficient room for their evolutions in a tumbler of water. The whole field of human science seems barely wide enough for the philosopher, while the soul of the untaught rustic finds ample scope within the bounds of his own green fields.

5. The principle that "as you gain in power you lose in time," does not seem to be confined to mechanical science. It holds equally in reference to the generality of prolific writers, the feebleness of whose productions is generally proportionate to the velocity with which they are composed.

6. Is not the Christian, in his journey to heaven, like a ball on an inclined plane, which, unless supported, must fall, and cannot ascend without applied power? If Divine grace be not "underneath and round about him," he slides down, and no power of his own is adequate to move him onwards and upwards. Sheffield, July 3, 1848.

S. C.

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4. Never buy what you do not want, because it is cheap. Many have been ruined by this.

5. Pride costs no more than hunger, thirst, or cold. Banish it your heart! 6. Never have to repent of having eaten too little. Temperance is health.

7. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. If you would lighten labour, love it.

8. How much pain have those evils cost us which never happened! Wait, then, till trials come.

9. Take things always by their smooth handle. Make the most of mercies, and do not exaggerate trials.

10. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred. He that does this will save himself from much sin and many sorrows.

The Fragment Basket.

HOLY ADMIRATION." As I was walking," said the celebrated Jonathan

Edwards, "and looking up on the sky and clouds, there came into my mind

Ɛo sweet a sense of the glorious majesty and grace of God, that I know not how to express. I seemed to see them both in a sweet conjunction, majesty and meekness joined together; it was a sweet, and gentle, and holy majesty: and also a majestic meekness; an awful sweetness; a high, and great, and holy gentleness.

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every morning upon spiritual prayer, and sups every evening upon the same. He has meat to eat which the world knows not of, and his drink is the sincere milk of the word. Thus happy he lives, and happy he dies.

In order to obtain which, pray fervently, believe firmly, wait patiently, work abundantly, live holily, die daily, watch your hearts, guard your senses, redeem your time, love CHRIST, and long for GLORY!

Happy is he who has Gospel-submission in his will, due order in his affec"A sense of Divine things increased tions, sound peace in his conscience, and became more and more lively, sanctifying grace in his soul, real diviand I had more of that inward sweet-nity in his breast, true humility in his ness. There seemed to be, as it were, heart, the Redeemer's yoke on his neck, a calm, sweet cast, or appearance of a vain world under his feet, and a crown Divine glory in almost everything. of glory on his head. Happy is the life God's excellency, his wisdom, his pu- of such a man. rity and love, seemed to appear in everything-in the sun, moon, and stars; in the clouds and blue sky; in the grass, flowers, and trees; in the water and all nature: which used gently to fix my mind. I often used to sit and view the moon for continuance, and in the day spent much time in viewing the clouds and sky, to behold the sweet glory of God in these things; in the meantime singing forth, with a low voice, my contemplations of the Creator and Redeemer! And scarce any thing, among all the works of nature, was so sweet to me as thunder and lightning; for merly nothing had been so terrible to me. I felt God, so to speak, at the first appearance of a thunder storm; and used to take the opportunity, at such times, to fix myself in order to view the clouds and see the lightning's play, and hear the majestic and awful Voice of God's thunder, which oftentimes was exceedingly entertaining, leading me to sweet contemplations of my great and glorious God."

THE HAPPY MAN.—The happy man was born in the city of Regeneration, in the parish of Repentance-unto-Life; was educated at the school of Obedience, and now lives in the plain of Perseverance. He works at the trade of diligence, notwithstanding he has a large estate in the county of Christian Contentment. and many times does jobs of self-denial. He wears the plain garment of hu mility; and has a better suit to put on when he goes to court, called the Robe of Christ's Righteousness. He often walks in the valley of Self Abasement, and sometimes climbs the mountain of

THE TRUE GENTLEMAN is God's servant, the world's master, and his own man. Virtue is his business, Study his recreation, Contentedness his rest, and Happiness his reward. God is his Father, the Church is his mother, the saints his brethren, all that need him his friends; Devotion is his chaplain, Chastity his chamberlain, Sobriety his butler, Temperance his cook; Hospitality his housekeeper, Providence his steward, Charity his treasurer, Piety his mistress of the house, and Discretion his porter to let in and out as most fit. Thus is his whole family made up of virtue, and he is the true master of the house.

He is necessitated to take the world in his way to heaven, but he walks through it as fast as he can; and all his business by the way is to make himself and others happy. Take him in two words, he is a MAN and a CHRISTIAN!

SINGING OF PRAISE.-" I cannot," says the holy Ambrose Searle, "but shake my head, when I hear an officer of the church calling upon the people to sing to the praise and glory of God; and immediately half a dozen merrymen, in a high place, shall take up the matter, and most loudly chant it away to the praise and glory of


The tune, perhaps, shall

be too difficult for the greater part of the congregation, who have no leisure for crotchets and quavers; and so the most delightful of all public worship shall be wrested from them, and the

praise of God taken out of their mouths. It is no matter whence this custom arose; in itself it is neither holy, decent, nor useful; and therefore ought to be banished entirely from the churches of God."



CERTAIN Hindoos, having met with some religious tracts in their own language, travelled far to hear more of Jesus from the lips of the Christian Missionary; and as soon as they heard him pronounce the name, they interrupted him, exclaiming, in the ecstasy of delight, "Ah! that's the Name!"

"AH! that's the Name!" the admiring Hindoos cried,
"Your shasters taught us how he loved and died!"

As ancient sages guided by his star,

Lured by the wondrous tale, they came from far;

Their caste, their sacred rites, their idol fane,

Deserted for the Saviour's milder reign.

"Ah! that's the Name!" the Christian lip responds,

"Whose charm dispell'd my fears, and loos'd my bonds."

More precious than the finest gold its worth,
Sweeter than fragrant perfume poured forth;

A balm to make the wounded spirit whole,

A sound to wake the music of the soul.

"Ah! that's the Name!" a world renew'd shall cry,

"No Name so glorious in the earth or sky!"

From shore to shore adoring nations bend;
From world to world let loud'ning praise ascend;
Great be that Name, confess'd by every tongue,
The burden of the universal song!

PRAY thou for all who living tread

Upon this earth of graves;
For all whose weary pathways lead
Among the winds and waves;
For him who madly takes delight
In pomp of silken mantle bright,
Or swiftness of a horse;

For those who, labouring, suffer still;

Ely's Posthumous Works.

Coming or going, doing ill,

Or on their heavenward course.
Pray thou for him who nightly sins,
Until the day dawns bright;
Who at eve's hour of prayer begins

His dance and banquet light;
Whose impious orgies wildly ring
Whilst pious hearts are offering

Their prayers at twilight dim;
And who, those vespers all forgot,

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Give me the heart that fain would hide, Would fain another's fault efface; How can it pleasure human pride

To prove humanity but base? No! let us reach a higher mood, A nobler estimate of man;

Be earnest in the search for good,

And speak of all the best we can.

Then speak no ill, but lenient be
To others' failings as your own;
If you're the first a fault to see,

Be not the first to make it known; For life is but a passing day,

No lip may tell how brief its span; Then, Oh! the little time we stay, Let's speak of all the best we can. J. B.

The Children's Gallery.

ON THE DEATH OF A SABBATH. happy, and to flee to him to be saved


MANY of you, I presume, that read this little book from month to month are sabbath-school children. You have kind teachers whom you love, and for whom you would be very glad to do anything in your power. Now, these kind teachers cannot live for ever; some day they will leave you, to go, I trust, to heaven, and receive the crown of life promised to all who love God, both old and young. A few months ago I knew a teacher, who, though very young, yet loved to teach little children, and to point them the way to glory; and they, in return, loved him. He told them to prepare to meet God, for they might soon die; he told them to love Jesus, because he loves little children-because he wishes them to be

from the wrath to come.

One Sunday morning this dear teacher went to school very poorly; he taught his class-but, alas! for the last time. After school, being too ill to attend the service in the chapel, he came to talk with me, and showed me a letter he had received from his mother (for he was a long way from home, more than 200 miles). His mother said, that his father was very ill, and that she wished him to come home and see him before he died. After endeavouring for some time to comfort him, I proposed that I should read to him, "Very well," he replied. I took a book, and read of heaven-what a happy place it was! How peaceful were the saints, and what misery they escaped! He began to weep: I wept, and we paused. We were soon to part,

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