Imágenes de páginas

ness of body, and health often impaired. Very many times he returned from the work so much exhausted, that it quite unfitted him for business for several days; and such was his punctuality, that during the ten years he sustained this important office, he was only known to have been once late, and that arose from the extreme heat of the weather, which always affected his weak body, and having at least two miles to walk. But his efforts were not entirely con

cise, and his stature thereby became very short, that many remarked it as he passed along; but he listened to their remarks with a smile, and passed on. He always possessed a serious turn of mind, though far from gloomy. He was as cheerful as it was prudent, having a meek and humble spirit, thinking more of others than of himself; and if at any time he tendered his advice, he was sure to gain respect from his unassuming manners. He endeavoured to improve every oppor-fined to the spot which had become tunity to cultivate his mind; he had a well-selected and extensive library at his command, and his reading was such as fitted him to be useful in this world, and prepare him for that bright world wherein his happy spirit now dwells.


sacred to him; for early in the year 1847, he published a few observations upon the best manner of using the notes of the Sunday-school Union; which remarks were kindly admitted to the pages of the Sunday-school Teachers' Magazine; and those who saw them, though they knew not their author, remarked that he evidently was a practical teacher.

As a Christian, he adorned the doctrine of Christ his Saviour in all things, walking humbly before God, and living in peace and good-will with all men.

He was the subject of Divine grace before he reached his fifteenth year, as many memoranda prove; but he did not connect himself with the visible church of Christ until he was about nineteen. He took the advice of the town-clerk of Ephesus: "Do nothing rashly." He always took time to deli- But to come to his last illness, which berate; and when he had made up his commenced early in February. His mind, he was firm to his purpose, and medical attendants from the first atunwearied in his perseverance. tack doubted his ultimate recovery; possessed a mind above the common and it was my mournful duty to conorder; and such was the confidence vey to him their fears. He received placed in his opinion by those with the message with calmness, and sat for whom he was daily associated, that in a short time in deep thought. I broke very many disputes on history, gram- silence by observing that his work was mar, and geography, his opinion was done, and he had only to wait his final; but his knowledge was not ob- Master's time. "But," said he, "it is trusive, always willing to communi- a solemn thing to die; and, though I cate, but never noisy in his profession. may not have neglected to prepare for As a teacher, he was devoted to the this great event, yet I have lived in work, untiring in his efforts to benefit the same wicked world, and had to the souls of his charge; though oft- contend with the like sinful hearts. A times perplexed and cast down, yet cold formality has often existed in my onward he went, enduring muck weak-religious duties; but I feel that I am

not left alone, now the last enemy is approaching." There was a calmness in his manner that bespoke inward peace, confidence without transport, joy without exultation; but the great enemy of our souls was permitted to vex his gentle spirit, though not to take away his hope of salvation. This

that he seldom spoke of it without tears; and observed, "How I have deceived myself, when even my lads visit me." But his days were numbered; the sand of his hour-glass was fast running out. The weather that we had fondly hoped would revive him, only depressed him; that sun which I particularly observed on Sunday, 19th put new life and vigour into nature, March. This gave me much anxiety, only served to make him droop and so that I visited him four times during die. It became evident, on the 12th the day, repeating many of the pro- of April, 1848, that his end was ramises of God on these occasions. But pidly approaching. I had again to the last visit repayed for all the anxiety. break the mournful intelligence, and I had no sooner entered his chamber he received the solemn warning with than I saw that faith was triumphant; holy calmness; and after sitting in sia calm but holy joy shone in his count-lence for a short time, he observed: enance. He then requested that we "The work is done-the work is done; would sing that favourite hymn of Dr. Watts's:

"When I can read my title clear," &c.,

in which he took his part, and continued to the end. All gloom was gone. He spoke of heaven as one of its holy inhabitants, and of his sure and certain hope of salvation through Christ his Saviour. He seemed to possess a joy that was unspeakable and full of glory.

but not by me, but by Christ my Saviour. All that I have now to do is to wait my Master's will."

On the 14th, it became evident that his hours were numbered, and he said but little. In the evening he was visited by three of his fellow-teachers, with whom he took a long farewell. As the night wore on he evidently appeared to be sinking. About eleven o'clock he inquired for the writer, who was immediately at his side. He raised his enfeebled hand, and repeated the word "Faith!" several times. I re

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But he was often refreshed by the visits of his fellow-Christians, which were often repeated. One day he ob-peated: "Faith is the substance of served: "I thought I had passed among things hoped for, the evidence of things the crowd unobserved; I thought no not seen." I said, Have you this one knew little John Griffin" (his sta- hope?" He replied, with much firmture not reaching five feet). But he ness, "Yes-yes-yes! but my hope loved the visits of his fellow-teachers is a very humble one." I said, “You more than all; they were always wel- are now entering the dark valley, can come; and they frequently cheered his you see any light?" After a short sick chamber, and raised his drooping time he said, "I see a light, and that spirita. But, perhaps, no one visit made light is Christ; he is my guide." I such an impression upon his mind as said, "You are now stepping into that of his class. This mark of their Jordan's stream, but it flows gently; attachment so won upon his feelings, do you feel the bottom ?" He replied,

in the same emphatic manner, "Yesyes yes! I stand upon a rock, and that rock is Christ!" I repeated that beautiful hymn

"How firm a foundation," &c., and, as I concluded, he lifted his dying hand, and repeated, "No, never! no, never!" I then repeated another:

"Begone, unbelief," &c., dwelling upon the last part:

"Though painful at present,

'T will cease before long; And then, Oh! how pleasant

The conqueror's song!"

The look of joy that beamed in his eye will not soon be forgotten. He then engaged in prayer; at the close of which I repeated that other hymn:

"Rock of Ages."

He appeared at once raised to the very gates of heaven; far, far above this world he saw his Saviour, and a glory shone in his countenance that this world cannot give. He now bid his weeping friend a last farewell, reserving to the writer the last token of his

love. He firmly shook my hand, pronounced my name, and implored a blessing; and then, as if to assure me of his safety, with uplifted hands, and glory in his eye, he repeated, "ChristChrist-Christ !" He again commenced praying. I retired to the foot of the bed; but I soon perceived his words to falter, and his features to change. I bowed my head to catch the last sound that fell from his dying lips; and he faintly uttered, as his happy spirit was quitting its clay tenement, "For Jesus Christ's sake. Amen;" and, with a gentle sigh, he breathed his last. Thus, at the age of thirty-one, he finished his work, and entered upon his eternal rest. Much more might be said respecting this devoted teacher, as he has left many memoranda that testify of his zeal in the work, and his qualifications for it; but his name needs not to be engraven in brass-it is written in the hearts of all who knew him. J. G.


The Counsel Chamber.


YOUNG DISCIPLE. MY DEAR YOUng Friends,-Are you children of God by faith in Jesus Christ? Have you seen yourselves to be sinners, and felt that you are depraved? Do you now love God, and strive to keep his commandments? Do you love all who love him? Do you call him father? Do you converse with him as your parent? If you can answer all these questions in the affirmative, then you are children of the Most High; and I have to say a few things to you about the glorious privilege of

prayer? Are you giving yourselves to prayer? In what manner, and with what temper of mind, do you draw near to God? Do you pray with intelligence, understanding the nature, and feeling the unequalled importance, of the duty in which you are engaged? Do you pray with reverence, sensible of

your own meanness, and recognising with profound awe, the majesty and holiness of the Most High God? Do you pray with contrition, humbly confessing and heartily bewailing your sins? Do you pray with filial confidence, rejoicing in God as reconciled

to you by the death of Christ, and ever ready to receive you graciously? In short, do you pray with fervency of spirit, hungering and thirsting after righteousness? If you can honestly answer these questions in the affirmative, then happy are ye-the spirit of glory and of God resteth on you! The eyes of the Lord are over you, and his ears are open to your cry! All the treasures of Divine mercy, all the privileges and pleasures of piety, and all the glories of heaven are within your reach. Ask and ye shall receive.

blood, has been erected in the heavenly sanctuary; the Holy Spirit has been promised to assist us in framing our petitions; and Jesus Christ, the Righteous, has been appointed to act as our Intercessor. Animated by these considerations, pour out your hearts to your Father who is in heaven; and, looking up, expect an answer of peace! You will soon find by your own experience, that prayer is a profitable service. It is a soothing exercise to the troubled heart: "Be careful for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ." It is a purifying exercise, securing the sacred influences of the sanctifying Spirit. It is an ennobling exercise, imparting to the soul a moral dignity which can only be acquired at the court of heaven? It is an enrich

My dear young friends, I am desirous to think favourably of you, yet I cannot entertain the pleasing persuasion that all of you, or even a majority of you, have been in the habit of praying to God in the manner now described. Have you not been often cold and careless in your devotional acts? and are you not compelled to acknowledge, that your prayers in many instances, although offered up with apparent seriousness, have been mere lip-ing exercise. The poorest child that service, utterly heartless, and devoid prays is wealthier than the richest alike of unction and urgency? If worldling. A cup of water and a crust conscience decide against you, begin a of bread, with God's blessing, are better new course at once, and let this be than hoards of gold, stamped with a your first petition-"Lord, teach us curse! Prayer hath the promise of to pray!" Be deeply humbled, but food convenient, and of grace suffinot unduly disheartened, by the pain- cient. It knocks at the door of mercy, ful reflection, that you have often and obtains immediate access to all prayed in an unsuitable manner. God, spiritual blessings, in heavenly places, your Father, waiteth to be gracious. in Christ Jesus. The grace you want is ready to be bestowed. Ask it, and you shall have it. Consider, too, the character of Him with whom you have to do-his ability is boundless, and his mercy endureth for ever! Consider the wonderful arrangements which have been made for hearing prayera throne of grace, a mercy-seat, sprinkled with atoning

Pray, then, my dear young friends, pray without ceasing; and that God, who bestowed his choicest favours upon youthful Samuel, David, Daniel, and Timothy, will not be unmindful of you.

Thus saith eternal Wisdom: "I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.” D. T.

Stonehaven, June 2, 1848.

The Fragment Basket.

THE FORM OF THE GRANTS OF AB-) SOLUTION OPENLY SOLD THROUGHOUT GERMANY IN 1516.-" Our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon thee, and, by the merits of his holy passion, absolve thee! And I, by his authority, and that of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and our most holy father the Pope, granted and, in this respect, committed to me, do thee absolve-first, from all ecclesiastical censures by thee in whatsoever way incurred; and moreover, from all sins, crimes, and excesses by thee hitherto committed, how enormous soever, even such as are reserved

ness than in all the summaries of vices published in the world.' Pope Innocent VIII. was either author or enlarger of these rules."


"Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."— Several years ago the late Rev. Dr. Chalmers being in the south of Scotland, paid a visit to the Laird of E, whose guest he remained for a few days. During his stay a friend of the family arrived, the late Mr. Bof R- -, being on his way to Rto the apostolic see, so far as the keys fair, which was to be held in the viciof the holy mother church extend; in nity on the following day; and, as was remitting to thee, by a plenary indul- usual with him, he took up his abode with the family for the night. It so gence, all punishment in purgatory due happened that Dr. Chalmers and Mr. from thee for the aforesaid offences; B had once been well acquainted, and I restore thee to the holy sacraments of the church and the unity of for they had been school-mates in their the faithful, and to the innocence and boyhood. As they had not met for purity of thy baptism: so that, when many years, they sat together after thou departest, the doors of punish-family-worship till a late hour, recallment shall to thee be shut, and the gates of the paradise of delights open; and if thou die not (soon), this indulgence shall be valid at whatsoever other time thou shalt be in the article of death. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Signed)



ing to memory the scenes and companionship of early days, and dwelling upon them with all the zest which the recollection of youthful times in such circumstances never fails to occasion. retired to rest. Before the family were At length they separated, and each stirring in the morning Mr. Brung his bell violently; and when his room was entered, he was found alarmSub-Commissary.” But the most dreadful exhibition of ingly ill, and shortly afterwards exthe depravity of the papal court is in pired. Dr. Chalmers hastened to the the "Taxa Camera Apostolica" (Rate-bedside, but only reached it in time to Book of the Apostolical Chamber), printed at Paris, 1500; Cologne, 1523; Lyons, 1549; and Venice, 1584. scale of prices of absolution for parricide and other murders, incest and the most horrid crimes, is stated, running on an average at from two shillings to five shillings English money. Bishop Jeremy Taylor, whose fidelity none will dispute, says of this book, that it KNOWING HOW TO LIVE.-Oxenis "publicly printed and exposed to stein, grand chancellor of Sweden, and common sale; of which their own Es- prime minister to Gustavus Adolphus, pencæus (in Ep. ad Tit. cap. i.) gives was, upon the death of that monarch, this account, That it is a book in who fell in the battle of Lutzen, 1632. which a man may learn more wicked-placed at the head of affairs, and acted


see his friend breathe his last. When the doctor always expressed deep rementioning the occurrence afterwards, gret that the conversation the previous evening had not been of a different character, and more suited to the cir cumstances of a person on the point of passing into the eternal world.


D. J.

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