Imágenes de páginas

acres of land on which they hold an option, at the price of $5.00 per acre, making a total of $37,227.50.


Sec. 3. The Board of Commissioners of State Institu- Authority to purchase. tions are hereby authorized to purchase all contiguous pieces or parcels of land within the boundary lines of the lands purchased for a State Prison Farm.


Sec. 4. The Board of Commissioners of State Institu- Authority to tions are hereby authorized to sell, to the best possible advantage, any or all detached pieces or parcels of land belonging to the body of land purchased for a State Prison Farm.

Sec. 5. The Board of Commissioners of State Institu- Building mations are hereby authorized to purchase building material terial, etc. and other necessary equipage, and to erect buildings and barracks and supply the needed equipage for the permanent establishment of said State Prison Farm.

Sec. 6. The title to the lands shall be examined and passed upon as satisfactory to the said board before the full payment shall be made.

Sec. 7. This Act shall go into effect immediately after its passage and approval by the Governor.

Approved June 3, 1911.

CHAPTER 6135-(No. 16).

AN ACT Making an Appropriation for the Purchase of a Silver Service for the Battleship Florida.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:

Section 1. That the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) be, and the same is hereby appropriated from any moneys in the Treasury of the State, not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of aiding in the purchase of a silver service to be presented to the Battleship Florida.

Sec. 2. That the said sum of money, or so much thereof as may be required in addition to the amount donated by


private parties to the committee heretofore appointed by the Goveruor to raise a fund for the purchase of such sil ver service, shall be paid by the Comptroller by his warrant on the Treasurer, to the order of the person, firm or corporation furnishing such service, on the written request of the Chairman of said committee countersigned by its Secretary.

Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved June 2, 1911.

CHAPTER 6136-(No. 17).

AN ACT to Authorize the Governor to Complete the Historical Archives of the State of Florida, to Collate and Catalogue Historical Records, and Making Appropriation Therefor.

Whereas, The State of Florida is rich in history, dating from Spanish times through several changes of flags to the present; and,

Whereas, A knowledge of history and an appreciation of the deeds of our forefathers is a basis of good citizenship and patriotism; and,

Whereas, There are in the archives of the various departments of the National Government and of the State of Florida, executive documents, legislative reports and other historical data concerning Florida, and her people, and embracing records of land claims, treaties with Spain, England, other nations and the Seminole Indians, reports on the Everglades prior to 1850, reports on claims for depredations by United States and other troops, records of members of Congress from Florida prior to the Civil War, records of distinguished service by Florida soldiers in the Civil War, records of Florida members of the Confederate Congress, and the names

and records of Florida citizens in the great work of winning the State from Republican misrule during the dark days of Reconstruction, all of which should be placed on the roll of honor in our history; now therefore,

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:



Section 1. That the Governor of Florida be, and is Governor to hereby, directed to employ for a period not exceeding employ comthree years, some competent person skilled in the work of son; his research, to gather together and collate all the historical data in the documents referred to and to make two copies thereof, when necessary, one of which shall be deposited in the custody of the Florida Historical Society and the other in the custody of the Secretary of the State of Florida; and it shall also be the duty of the person whose employment is authorized by this Act, to collate in chronological order the names of the Governors of Florida, and date of service; the names of the various cabinet officers of the State of Florida, with date of service; the names of all the Supreme Court Justices and Circuit Court Judges of the State of Florida, with date of service; the names of all members and officers of the Legislatures of the State of Florida, with date of service; the names of all the members and officers of the Constitutional Conventions of the State of Florida, with date of service; the names of all delegates or members of Congress, with date of service; and the word "State" in this Section shall mean "Territory" when any historical data of the character named in this Section shall be of that period prior to the admission of Florida into the Union of the United States.

Sec. 2. It shall also be the duty of the person whose Additional employment is authorized by this Act, to make a catalogue duties, of all the historical documents now in the Library of the State of Florida, and to arrange such library in such manner that the historical documents shall occupy a separate section and separate shelves; and said catalogue shall set up the subject of the data which each document may contain.

Sec. 3. And the sum of six thousand dollars is hereby Appropriaappropriated out of any money in the Treasury not other- tion. wise appropriated to carry into effect the provisions of


this Act; said money to be payable by the State Treasurer, on monthly installments, upon the order of the Governor, after he shall have satisfied himself that the work hereby authorized is being industriously prosecuted.

Approved June 2, 1911.

CHAPTER 6137-(No. 18).

AN ACT to Make an Appropriation to Aid in the Endowment of the Florida Room of the Confederate Museum, and to Provide for the Payment of Such Appropriation.

Whereas, The Confederate Memorial Literary Society, under its Charter from the State of Virginia, holds and occupies the Mansion formerly occupied by the Honorable Jefferson Davis, when President of the Confederate States of America, as a Confederate Museum for the preservation of books and other literary productions pertaining to the War Between the States, and to those engaged therein; of works of art and science relating to same; of battle flags, relics and other emblems of that great struggle; and,

Whereas, A room in this historic building has been assigned to, and named for each of the Confederate States, and those in each State who are interested being expected to maintain the room assigned to that State; and,

Whereas, The zeal and energy of the Florida Regent of the Confederate Memorial Society, Mrs. Francis P. Fleming, and the co-operation and contributions of the Florida Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, have accumulated in the Florida Room a most valuable collection of historical papers, battle flags, uniforms, and many other relics of the gallant part taken by Florida in the War Between the States, for the

preservation and care of which collection annual contributions have been and are made, by the Florida Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; and, Whereas, In consideration of the imperative importance of making a permanent provision for the care of this collection, so priceless to Southern and American history; so sacred to all who cherish the memory of Florida's heroic men and women of the sixties; and realizing that the time to make such provision is now, the Florida Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy is seeking to accumulate an Endowment Fund of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for this Florida Room in the Confederate Museum; therefore,

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


Section 1. That the sum of one hundred dollars Appropria($100.00) annually, toward the endowment of this said tion. Florida Room, in the Confederate Museum in Richmond, Virginia, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated; to continue until the accumulated sum of such annual appropriation, combined with the sum which has been, or shall hereafter be raised by the Florida Division United Daughters of the Confederacy, from its members or others who are interested, together with interest accruing on said sums from time to time, shall reach the sum total of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).

Sec. 2. That the amount of the annual appropriation shall be paid each year, upon the requisition of the Governor of Florida, to the Florida Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, through their official representative; to be transmitted by her at once to the Florida Regent of Confederate Memorial Literary Society, for investment in the Endowment Fund of the Florida Room in the Confederate Museum in Richmond, Virginia. Approved June 2, 1911.

Annual appropriation; how paid.

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