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nitric acid, to destroy the superficial bacteria and infected tissues is not at all necessary. The ointment, even when applied to the most foul ulcers, clears up everything, and within forty-eight hours granulations always spring up. The effect of fuchsin seems to correspond in some respects to that of scarlet red-viz., rapid epidermization; but besides this there is an antiseptic effect. Fuchsin ointment of greater strength than 5 per cent may irritate the parts. It is of no benefit in hard chancres.-C. H. Kantawala, Lancet, May 23, 1914.

PETROLEUM:-It is difficult to understand how the world managed to exist so many centuries without petroleum.

One of the literally crying needs for petroleum is only now being made clear. A contributor to the London Lancet pronounces this world benefaction to be a panacea for infantile colic. Administered to the most pronounced pessimist of the extreme juvenile type, it acts like a charm. The evident regret that he has ever been born is succeeded by a bland serenity and a new outlook on life which is shared. by the attendants.

Petroleum is recommended for numerous other ailments of humanity, both internal and external. In fact, the more one can be brought into juxtaposition with this great product the better. A farmer who was greatly troubled with chapped hands had a leaky kerosene lantern. To his surprise he discovered that this annoyance had in some way resulted in curing his hands.

Life at its best seems to be one successive round of pleasures with petroleum. Starting with the cradle, it cures colic. It protects the skin from the elements, and the mucous. membranes from irritations. The enlivening odor of gasoline pervades the delight of motoring, as well as the process of removing from fabrics the stains of travel. Therapeutically, mechanically, and socially, petroleum stands in the front as a Rockefeller Foundation of Comfort.-Monthly Cyclopedia and Med. Bulletin.

PESSIMISM IN THREATENED ABORTION:-Many physicians feel that, when there is a show of blood in a threatened abortion or miscarriage, there is no hope of averting the impending event. Not so, for we have known of quite a number of cases in which, after quite a bit of hemorrhage, pregnancy went on to labor at full term.

First of all, don't make a vaginal examination unless absolutely demanded, and it is really seldom necessary. Any such examination simply reduces the chances for staving off trouble. Don't worry about the little blood in the vagina; leave it alone. Unless there is sepsis from criminal interference, the blood can stay where it is without any danger to the woman.

While the morphin hypodermatic is undoubtedly abused, this is one of the conditions where at least one-fourth grain should be given at once; and it may be repeated within two hours.

Normal labor or premature labor usually begins with circular contractions about the os. Gelsemium is a drug which controls such contractions. Give ten-drop doses every hour or two along with the morphin, only not hypodermatically, until the eyes show a definite physiologic response. This drug is seldom dangerous and may be pushed.

Stay with your patient a few hours, push the medication, and keep her quiet and reassured. The reward comes more often than the pessimist would expect.

But don't give any of the atropine or hyoscine group of alkaloids in this condition. At best they are erratic in action and may aggravate the condition in place of helping. Gelsemium and morphin are preferable.-Medical Council.

TREATMENT OF BOILS:-The use of dilute sulphuric acid. in the treatment of boils, carbuncles, and staphylococcic infections generally has been reported by several observers. The acid is given in doses of 20 or 30 minims every four hours, well diluted, and remarkable results have been recorded.-Critic and Guide.

CANCER DEATH RATE IN AMERICAN CITIES:-That there is need of the national movement to check the death rate from cancer which has been inaugurated under the direction of the American Society for the Control of Cancer is indicated by the figures of mortality from this disease in 1913. The statistics of our seven largest cities, recently tabulated, show that in that year the cancer death rate in each case was the highest on record. For New York City the rate was 82 per 100,000 of the population, against an average of 79 for the last five years; for Boston 118, against an average of 110; for Pittsburgh 79, against an average of 70; for Baltimore 105, against an average of 94; for Chicago 86, against an average of 81; for Philadelphia 95, against an average of 88; for St. Louis 95, against an average of 85. The combined cancer death rate for the seven cities was 89 per 100,000 of population for 1913, against a combined average of 83 for the last five years.

It is held by many that the recorded cancer death rate does not mean an actual increase of the disease to the extent indicated. According to this view improvements in the diagnosis of hitherto obscure diseases has caused cancer to be much more frequently recognized and recorded. Yet these figures of 1913 as compared with the average for the last five years, when we have presumably been enjoying the results of this greatly improved medical technique must be considered most significant, and it is hard to believe that the increase is due solely to greater accuracy of diagnosis. -So. Cal. Practitioner.

MIDDLE EAR, DANGER SIGNALS IN SUPPURATION OF:-The danger signals indicating operative interference in acute suppuration are: (1) Temperature over 101° F. (2) Non-subsidence of pain and tenderness and temperature after the performance of paracentesis or natural rupture of the tympanic membrane. (3) Facial paralysis. (4) Vomiting, giddiness, and tenderness. (5) Early optic neuritis.

The danger signals in chronic suupuration of the middle ear are: (1) Diminution of discharge with attacks of pain; (2) non-diminution of discharge after careful treatment; (3) fetor of discharge; (4) headache; (5) deep tenderness over the mastoid; (6) deep pain in the ear; (7) sudden increase in deafness; (8) diminution of bone-conduction; (9) vertigo and tinnitus; (10) early optic neuritis.

Occasionally in chronic suppuration one finds an early optic neuritis or slight vascular engorgement without necessarily severe intracranial disease being present. It is probably due to serous meningitis, and is an indication for immediate interference.

Such signs as high temperature, rigors, and severe vomiting, which are often given as indications for performing the mastoid operation, are not danger signals, because when they appear one has passed the signals and is actually in collision with a serious disease. When they have occurred serious measures have to be undertaken, such as opening the lateral sinus, and draining cerebral abscesses or the meninges.-H. A. Kisch, Clinical Journal, May 20, 1914.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER:-Twelve per cent of human sickness today arises from diseases growing out of the social evil. Fully eighty per cent of the young men who sow wild oats become physically tainted and carriers of loathsome infection. Wives and children reap a ghastly share of the wild-oat harvest. Thirty-three per cent of the deaths of children under six months; eighty per cent of the blindness of new-born infants; twenty-five per cent of all blindness; eighty per cent of the diseases peculiar to women; seventy-five per cent of all surgical operations performed on women; over sixty per cent of the work done. by specialists in diseases of women; all these are the result of hideous infections thus most innocently contracted.

It is the solemn duty of all parents to advise their adolescent sons of such facts as these; of all physicians to do the like with all the young men they can influence; of all

teachers in personal touch with students who look to them for guidance; of all clergymen able to impress the potent influence of religion upon the consciences of the youths in their congregations. If such influences as these succeed, none others will be needed.-Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette.

SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF PYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS:-Barrett and Smith, of Philadelphia, have found an ameba in the mouth-lesions of persons suffering from pyorrhea, and apparently have proven that this is the cause of the disease. They used emetine (the most powerful amebicide known) as a local application and found it curative.

Bass and Johns, of Tulane University, have verified the results. They found the entameba buccalis in 85 out of 87 cases examined, and in all stages of the disease. They have found that emetine hydrochloride, injected into the arm or elsewhere, hypodermically, will cure pyorrhea. They advise hypodermic injections of 11⁄2 grain daily for three successive days; then a 11⁄2 grain injection of the alkaloid every fourth to seventh day until the gums have entirely healed and the teeth have tightened. Complete cure may result in a few days or be delayed for some months, according to the extent of the lesions. The drug should also be used locally in a 1 per cent solution, to be injected into the gingival sacs.-Critic and Guide.

DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER:-Marked diminution of the area of cardiac dullness in the recumbent posture, as determined by percussion, was found by Gordon in 87 per cent of 111 cancerous cases and only 16 per cent of 107 noncancerous cases. This sign may be present in cancerous cases that show no wasting. When the sign is present, diagnosis of carcinoma should be rejected only after careful consideration. In some cases the sign has appeared early enough to enable successful resection to be carried out.-Critic and Guide.

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