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INDISPUTABLE AUTHORITATIVE EVIDENCE:-Hayden's Viburnum Compound is compounded from remedies of acknowledged therapeutic value, and so acclaimed by the leading therapeutists of this country. The therapeutic action of the principal ingredients is attested to and so stated in recognized textbooks upon Materia Medica and Phar macology.

A recent brochure, "The Reason Why," just issued by the New York Pharmaceutical Company, Bedford Springs. Bedford, Mass., presents not only those conditions in which Hayden's Viburnum Compound has proven to be of particular service, but also an abstract from leading authorities attesting to the therapeutic activity of its principal component parts A card addressed to the above named firm will bring you this booklet.

GLYCO-THYMOLINE IN TONSILITIS:-A local remedy must fill two requirements-it must be a detergent antiseptic and produce a degree of permanency of effect. Glyco-Thymoline as a gargle, or used with an atomizer, produces excellent results. It rapidly relieves the dry, congested condition of the mucous membrane by its exosmotic action, and its anodyne effect is immediate and lasting.

Glyco-Thymoline is harmless, and if any is swallowed will produce a beneficial effect by breaking up any mucous plugs that may have gained access to the stomach.

AFTER AN ALCOHOLIC DEBAUCH:-As a sedative in relieving the extreme nervous irritability and hypercerebration following excessive use of alcoholic drinks, Bromidia (Battle) gives a striking demonstration of its therapeutic powers. A few moderate sized doses and relief is at hand.

The constituents of Bromidia, which are chosen with an eye toward purity, are carefully compounded, and thus the evil effects of hastily prepared mixtures are avoided.

TONGALINE & LITHIA TABLETS are particularly indicated for certain diseases which are caused by deposits of urates in the joints and kidneys, and can be used with much benefit for many people who indulge in generous or intemperate habits of living.

After the acute forms of malarial fever are checked by quinine, a slow form of fever sometimes persists not amenable to the quinine. In such cases Tongaline & Quinine Tablets will prove very efficacious.

PIL. CASCARA COMP. (Robins) :-Normalize peristaltic action instead of inhibiting it, as so many evacuants and cathartics do. They stimulate a flow of secretions, thus encouraging a normal physiological evacuation. A trial the most convincing argument. Send for samples and literature to A. H. Robins Co., Richmond, Va.

IODINIZED EMULSION (Scott):-An ideal intestinal antiseptic. Indicated in Typhoid and other slow fevers, dysentery, chronic diarrhea and gastro-intestinal troubles. Write to The Dawson Pharmacal Co., Dawson Springs, Ky., for samples and literature.


EARLY RECOGNITION OF CANCER:-I. Levin, of New York, insists on thorough examination in every case which might be cancer. Among the diffeernt varieties he offers these diagnostic points:

Carcinoma of the Larynx.-Hoarseness occurring in a middle-aged person and not accompanied with coughing, is a constant symptom of a beginning malignancy, and appears very early in the disease. A laryngoscopic examination will easily differentiate carcinoma from tuberculosis, syphilis, or other pathological conditions, which may cause hoarseness, and operation at the early stage of the disease gives nearly a 100 per cent of cure. On the other hand, a very slight delay may render the case inoperable.

Carcinoma of the Stomach.-When a person at middle age, whose stomach and bowels usually acted normally, suddenly begins to complain of loss of appetite, pressure and light pain in the gastric region, nausea accompanied with constipation interchanging with diarrhea, headache and general fatigue, the possibility of a beginning malignancy should be immediately considered, and a complete diagnostic analysis of the whole organism should be undertaken. It is not the place here to consider the comparative value of the chemical or radiographic analysis or an exploratory laparotomy. Everything should be undertaken

in doubtful cases. It must be borne in mind that an abdominal incision gives no mortality, that carcinoma of the stomach gives a high percentage of radical surgical cures, and that, on the other hand, when a tumor of the stomach can be felt and cachexia is present then the case is hopeless.

Many a case of carcinoma of the stomach is being treated with laxatives and gastric tonics for weeks before an attempt at diagnosis is made.

Carcinoma of the Rectum.-The feeling of pain and pressure in the rectum on the movement of the bowels and bleeding upon the passage of hard feces may be due to hemorrhoids as well as to a beginning carcinoma of the rectum, but to prescribe for and treat such symptoms without inspecting the anus and inserting the finger in the rectum should verge very near on criminal negligence. None the less, hardly a patient with a carcinoma of the rectum comes to the specialist without having been treated for a longer or shorter period of time by a general practitioner for hemorrhoids without an attempt at a rectal examination. Here again a timely operation gives a fair chance of complete recovery, while the usual delay caused more frequently by the family physician than the patient himself, reduces the number of radically cured cases of carcinoma of the rectum to a very small percentage.

Carcinoma of the Uterus.-Irregular metrorrhagia accompanied by an offensive watery vaginal discharge, occurring in middle-aged women whose menstruation either ceased or became already atypical, bleeding which occurs upon exertion or a coitus, are indications of malignancy. An early diagnosis is easly obtained at this stage and an early operation gives a very high proportion of complete recovery.

Carcinoma of the Breast.-Any growth in the breast in a woman of middle age is best considered and treated as a malignant condition. The investigations of Bloodgood, of Halsted's Clinic, have shown that, when tumors of the breast were operated upon at the early stage, when the

Abortive Treatment of Acute Rhinitis

In most cases of coryza, cystogen in full dozes (gr. X-XV, 4 times daily for an adult) acts promptly and effectively if treatment is given at the inception of the attack. The irritation is relieved, the watery secretion is checked, and the stuffiness" and headache disappear.

Where the "cold" is well established, this treatment will materially shorten the infection, reduce the quantity of purulent secretion and lessen the danger of complications such as sinusitis, otitis media, and bronchitis.

Cystogen-Aperient and Cystogen-Lithia

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are suggested as specially convenient forms in which to administer this drug.

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The Opium" Habit" Disease.

Every physician engaged in general practice has patients addicted to the use of morphine or opium in some form, apply to him for relief, and with the aid of Manine these cases can be treated successfully right at home. It will only be necessary for the patient to call and see the physician once or twice each week while under treatment, and most any case of morphinism or drug addiction should be completely cured in sixty or ninety days at most.

Morphinism, or the opium "habit" disease is one of the easiest of all afflictions to cure, when Manine is used and the Manine method is closely followed. A cure can be brought about without making the patient sick, without suffering, and without its being necessary for the patient to quit work even for a day.

In morphinism there is a disease to treat, not a mere habit or simple vice to palliate. The drug diseased victim is a sick person and in order to cure this affliction it must be treated along the same lines that any other disease would be treated; the cause must be removed. Manine replaces the wasted tissues with new material, nurses the diseased nerves back to health and brings about a cure by removing the cause which makes the use of the drug a necessity.

Manine does not contain one particle of morphine, opium, cocaine, chloral, or any heart depressant or habit-forming drug; it is an absolutely safe remedy, can be given to anyone, and no possible harm can come from its use.

Manine is now being used by almost two thousand physicians in the treatment of morphinism, in nervous troubles, and in cases where a general tonic, nerve and tissue builder is required.

Full information regarding the Manine method of treatment sent physicians on request.


612 Princess Bldg.


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