FIFTH READING BOOK. BY CUNNINGHAM GEIKIE, D.D. "Knowledge is Power."-Lord Bacon. LONDON: W. TEGG AND CO., 12, PANCRAS LANE, PREFACE. No effort has been spared to make this Reading Book worthy of the same wide commendation as has been kindly bestowed on those which have preceded it. NOTHING has been LEFT UNEXPLAINED, that the intelligence of the scholar may be quickened, and his mind stored with really useful knowledge. NOTES have been appended to each lesson. EXPLANATIONS of WORDS have been copiously given. DICTATION LESSONS, in which the knowledge of the scholar is really tested, are supplied at more than usual length. SCIENCE LESSONS, by the most eminent men of the day, are The BRITISH EMPIRE, in its various dependencies, is suc- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of the various authors are given, A great part of this Reading Book has been SPECIALLY WRITTEN FOR IT, and is therefore COPYRIGHT. The Selections will be found thoroughly fresh, both in Prose and Poetry. A large number of pieces SPECIALLY SUITED for RECITATION are given. The ILLUSTRATIONS will be found REALLY ELUCIDATORY OF THE TEXT, and, as will at once be seen, are simply the very best that art can produce. These various characteristics will, it is hoped, meet the same warm approval as has rewarded the compiler in his past work. |