A NEW AND FULL ME ETHOD OF SETTLING THE CANONICAL AUTHORITY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED A VINDICATION OF THE FORMER PART OF ST. MATTHEW'S GOSPEL, FROM MR. WHISTON'S CHARGE OF DISLOCATIONS. IN THREE VOLUMES. BY THE REV. JEREMIAH JONES, VOL. I. OXFORD: AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. MDCCXCVIII. Cear. Press 16.106 A DISSERTATION CONCERNING THE NECESSITY. OF SETTLING THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. THE defign of the following volumes being to establish the Canonical authority of the books of the New Teftament, I imagined nothing could be a more fuitable introduction to the work, than a differtation concerning the neceffity of it. My defign is not to make any fervile apology for this work's appearance in the world (every man not only having a right, but being also obliged to do all he can for the interests of Christianity); but only, if it may be, to evidence the absolute neceffity of a Chriftian's employing his utmost diligence, in order to be upon good grounds determined in a question of fo great importance as that is, What books are to be received as the word of God? What I defign in this matter fhall be comprised under the following obfervations; viz. |