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Them sanguinary Prodestants, which I abore and hate,

Assembled in the preaching-shop by the Flaminian gate;

And they took counsel with their selves to deal a deadly blow

Against our gentle Father, the Holy POPE PIO.

Exhibiting a wickedness which I never heerd or read of;

What do you think them Prodestants wished? to cut the good Pope's head off !

And to the kind POPE'S Air-dresser the Prodestant

Clark did go,

And proposed him to decapitate the innocent Ριο.

"What hever can be easier," said this Clerk-this

Man of Sin,

"When you are called to hoperate on His Holiness's chin,

Than just to give the razier a little slip-just so?And there's an end, dear barber, of innocent PIO!"

This wicked conversation it chanced was overerd By an Italian lady; she heard it every word: Which by birth she was a Marchioness, in service

forced to go

With the parson of the preaching-shop at the gate of Popolo.

When the lady heard the news, as duty did obleege, As fast as her legs could carry her she ran to the


"O Polegia," says she (for they pronounts it so), They're going for to massyker our Holy POPE

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"The ebomminable Englishmen, the Parsing and his Clark,

His Holiness's Air-dresser devised it in the dark! And I would recommend you in prison for to


These villians would esassinate the Holy POPE PIO!

"And for saving of His Holiness and his trebble crownd

I humbly hope your Worships will give me a few pound;

Because I was a Marchioness many years ago, Before I came to service at the gate of Popolo."

That sackreligious Air-dresser, the Parson and his man,

Wouldn't though ask'd continyally, own their wicked plan

And so the kind Authoraties let those villians go That was plotting of the murder of the good Pio


Now isn't this safishnt proof, ye gentlemen at home,

How wicked is them Prodestants, and how good our Pope at Rome;

So let us drink confusion to LORD JOHN and LORD MINTO,

And a health unto His Eminence, and good Poi ΝΟΝΟ.


COME all ye Christian people, and listen to my tail,

It is all about a doctor was travelling by the rail, By the Heastern Counties' Railway (vich the

shares I don't desire),

From Ixworth town in Suffolk, vich his name did not transpire.

A travelling from Bury this Doctor was employed With a gentleman, a friend of his, vich his name

was Captain Loyd,

And on reaching Marks Tey Station, that is next beyond Colchest

er, a lady entered in to them most elegantly dressed.

She entered into the Carriage all with a tottering

step, And a pooty little Bayby upon her bussum slep; The gentlemen received her with kindness and


Pitying this lady for her illness and debillaty.

She had a fust-class ticket, this lovely lady said; Because it was so lonesome she took a secknd


Better to travel by secknd class, than sit alone in the fust,

And the pooty little Baby upon her breast she


A seein of her cryin, and shiverin and pail,
To her spoke this surging, the Ero of my tail ;

Saysee you look unwell, Ma'am, I'll elp you if I


And you may tell your case to me, for I'm a meddicle man.

"Thank you, Sir," the lady said, "I only look so pale,

Because I ain't accustom'd to travelling on the Rale;

I shall be better presnly, when I've ad some rest :"

And that pooty little Baby she squeeged it to her breast.

So in conwersation the journey they beguiled, Capting Loyd and the meddicle man, and the lady

and the child,

Till the warious stations along the line was passed, For even the Heastern Counties' trains must come

in at last.

When at Shoreditch tumminus at lenth stopped

the train, This kind meddicle gentleman proposed his aid again.

"Thank you, Sir," the lady said, "for your kyindness dear; My carridge and my osses is probibbly come here.

"Will you old this baby, please, vilst I step and


The Doctor was a famly man: "That I will,"

says he.

Then the little child she kist, kist it very gently, Vich was sucking his little fist, sleeping innocently.

With a sigh from her art, as though she would have bust it,

Then she gave the Doctor the child-wery kind he nust it:

Hup then the lady jumped hoff the bench she sat from, Tumbled down the carridge steps and ran along the platform.

Vile hall the other passengers vent upon their

vays, The Capting and the Doctor sat there in a maze; Some vent in a Homminibus, some vent in a Cabby,

The Capting and the Doctor vaited vith the babby.

There they sat looking queer, for an hour or


But their feller passinger neather on 'em sore :
Never, never back again did that lady come
To that pooty sleeping Hinfnt a suckin of his
Thum !

What could this pore Doctor do, bein treated thus, When the darling Baby woke, cryin for its nuss? Off he drove to a female friend, vich she was

both kind and mild,

And igsplained to her the circumstance of this year little child.

That kind lady took the child instantly in her lap, And made it very comfortable by giving it some


And when she took its close off, what d'you think she found?

A couple of ten pun notes sewn up, in its little gownd!

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