Imágenes de páginas

Ancient Miner's Story, The, by Will
Carleton. The emptiness of riches.
Aristarchus Studies Elocution. Hu-

At Last, by John G. Whittier. Spiritual.
Aunt Polly's George Washington.
Negro dialect; humorous.
Banford's Burglar Alarm. Amusing.
Canada. A tribute to her people.
Chase, The. Very dramatic.
Child's Dream of a Star, A. Pathetic.
Chopper's Child, The, by Alice Cary.
A wholesome Thanksgiving lesson.
Ego et Echo, by John G. Saxe. Hu-
morous. Affords vocal opportunities.
Griffith Hammerton. A pathetic and
stimulating Scotch story.

In the Signal Box, by George R. Sims.
A thrilling and pathetic story of a

station master.

Jehoshaphat's Deliverance. A lofty,
poetical, and inspiring description.
Lady Rohesia, The. Amusing.
Little Quaker Sinner, The. The van-
ity of dress.

Lead the Way. Inspiring.
Legend of the Organ Builder. One
of the most popular selections ever

Let the Angels Ring the Bells. A
ringing Christmas poem.

Lord Dundreary in the Country. An amusing extract.

Marit and I. A pleasing love story.
Mary's Night Ride, by George W.
Cable. Dramatic and very popular.
"Marry Me, Darlint, To-night."
Irish; humorous. Encore.
Memorial Day. Patriotic.
Methodist Class Meeting, A. York-
shire dialect.

Mine Shildren. German dialect.
Mother and Poet, by Mrs. Browning.
Dramatic, pathetic, and popular.
New Cure for Rheumatism, A, by R.
J. Burdette. Very amusing.
Old Continentals, The. Patriotic.
Old Man Goes to Town, The. An old
farmer's pathetic story.

Only. A good temperance piece.
Out to Old Aunt Mary's, by James
Whitcomb Riley. Very popular.
Playing School. A child's piece. En-


Public Speech. Instructive.
Regulus to the Carthaginians. Fa-
miliar but always popular.

Song of the American Eagle. Patri


Spring Poet, The. Humorous.
Two Stammerers, The. Very amusing.
Uncle Ben. A spirited child's story.
Very pathetic.

V-a-s-e, The. Very funny.

Yosemite, The. A sublime description.
Zaraff. Heroic and stirring.

Shoemaker's Best Selections-No. 14

Ballad of the Wicked Nephew, by
James T. Fields. Humorous.
Battle of Morgarten, by Mrs. He-
mans. A poem of Swiss heroism.
Be a Woman, by Dr. Edward Brooks,
A. M. On the duty of mothers.
Bill and Joe, by Oliver Wendell
Holmes. Pleasing humor.
Brudder Yerkes's Sermon.



Child is Father to the Man, The. A
touching child's story. Scotch.
Cow and the Bishop, The. Humorous.
Culprit, A. Very amusing.
Daniel Gray, by J. G. Holland. Moral.
Day is Done, The, by Longfellow.
Reflective and very beautiful.
Death of Steerforth, The, by Charles
Dickens. Dramatic.

Drummer Boy of Mission Ridge, The.
Patriotic and stirring.

Finding of the Cross, The. For mis-
sionary meetings.

Going for the Cows. Country sights
and sounds.

Her Laddie's Picture. Touching.
Jimmy Brown's Sister's Wedding.

A very amusing boy's piece.

June, by James Russell Lowell. A fine

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Life Boat, The. Very pathetic.
Miseries of War, The. Oratorical.
Mither's Knee, A. Scotch.

Money Musk. Description of a Negre

Mother's Portrait, A. Very pathetic.
"Nearer Home." Tender, spiritual.
Night Watch, The. Very Dramatic.
Pockets. Good description.
Romance of the Rood-Loft, A. A
musical courtship.

Romance of the Swan's Nest, The, by
Mrs. Browning. Pleasing description.
School-boy on Corns, A. Humorous.
Second Trial, A. A touching story of
a little sister's sympathy and love.
Sister Agatha's Ghost. An interest-
ing Yorkshire story,

Smile and the Sigh, The. Encore.
Sweetest Picture, The, by Alice Cary.
Tender and beautiful.

Tear of Repentance, A. Beautiful

Tender Heart, The. Encore.
Three Leaves from a Boy's Diary.
Amusing. Good boy's piece.
Victor of Marengo, The. Soul-stirring.
What We Did with the Cow. Amus-

Widow Cummiskey, The. Sharp
Irish wit.

Ulysses, by Tennyson. Fine descrip-

Bachelors, The. Amusing.
Bartholdi Statue, The. Eloquent.
Becalmed. A dramatic poem.
Brave Aunt Katy. Religious.
Commerce, by Edward Everett. A
lofty tribute.

Concord Love Song, A. Encore.
David's Lament for Absalom, by N.
P. Willis. Pathetic and popular.
Death of Jezebel, The. Very dramatic.
Der Oak Und der Vine. German dia-

Fading Leaf, The, by Gail Hamilton.

A beautiful description of Nature. Fall in 1860, by George W. Cable. A spirited description.

Flag of the Rainbow. Patriotic.
Grant's Place in History. A high

Gray Champion, The, by Nathaniel
Hawthorne. Historic, interesting.
Guessing Nationalities, by Mark
Twain. Exceedingly clever humor.
In the Children's Hospital, by Tenny-
son. Spiritual and pathetic.
Ireland to be Ruled by Irishmen, by
William E. Gladstone. Eloquent.
Jem's Last Ride. Exciting.
King Arthur and Queen Guinevere,

by Tennyson. A lofty, dramatic, and
pathetic extract.

Kiss Deferred, The. A pleasing and popular poem.

Little Foxes, by R. J. Burdette. An instructive semi-humorous selection. Little Maid with Lover's Twain. A dilemma. Scotch.

Lullaby. For little folks. May be sung or recited.

Manhood, by George K. Morris. Up
lifting and inspiring.

Mr. Beecher and the Waifs. A tender
tribute to the great preacher.
Mrs. Pickett's Missionary Box. For
church or missionary meetings.
Music in Camp; frequently called
Music on the Rappahannock.
incident of the Civil War.

Old Roundsman's Story, An. For

Our First Experience with a Watch-
dog, by Frank R. Stockton. Amusing.
Perfectly, Awfully, Lovely Story, A.
An æsthetic exaggeration.

Price of a Drink, The. Temperance.
She wanted to Hear it Again. Encore.
Song for the Conquered, A. Instruct
ive and helpful.

Three Kings, The, by Longfellow. A
fine Christmas selection.

Tragedy on Past Participles, A.
Amusing. For educational meetings.
Two Runaways, The. Negro dialect.
Very amusing.

Watch Night, by Horatius Bonar. Re-
ligious. New Year's Eve.

Shoemaker's Best Selections-No. 16

Esthetic Craze, The. Humorous.
Back from the War, by T. De Witt
Talmage. Good for G.A.R. occasions.
Battle Hymn, The. Lofty, impressive.
Good for teaching.

Calls. The nature of a ministerial call.

Chariot Race, The, by Lew Wallace.
from "Ben Hur." Exciting, popular.
Christening, The. An amusing mis-
take in the baptism of a child.
Cicely Croak. A pleasing story of
rustic courtship.

Curse to Labor, The, by T. V. Powder-
ly. A strong plea for temperance.
Day of Judgment, The, by Elizabeth

Stuart Phelps. An amusing incident. Decoration Day. A patriotic tribute. Elf Child, The. By James Whitcomb Riley. "The Gobble-uns 'll Git You." Popular.

First View of the Heavens. Lofty description.

From the Shore of Eternity. Reflect-
ive and impressive.

General Grant's English, by Mark
Twain. A stirring vindication.
Ginevra. Dramatic, thrilling.
Jimmy Hoy. One of the very best
of Samuel Lover's laughable Irish

Legend of the Earth, by Jean Rameau.
A lofty description of the creation.

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Lily Servoss's Ride, by Judge Tourgee

A thrilling Ku-klux story.

Lost Child, The. An exciting poem.
Message of the Dove, The. An inspir
ing Easter story.

Mourner a la Mode, The, by John G.
Saxe. An amusing satire.

New South, The, by W. H. Grady,
Patriotic, graphic, glowing.

Old Fireplace, The. Pleasing pictures
of childhood.

Old Man and Jim. An Old Sweetheart of Mine. Two of James Whit comb Riley's most popular readings. Portrait, The, by Lord Lytton. Very dramatic and exceedingly popular. Swan Song, The. A very touching and powerful story.

Tell-Tale Heart, The, by Edgar Allen
Poe. Dramatic confession of a mur-

Thanksgiving in Boston Harbor. For
Thanksgiving Day.

Topsy's First Lesson. From "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." Very amusing.
Toussaint L'Ouverture, by Wendell
Phillips. An eloquent tribute.
Two Queens in Westminster. A
strong, historic poem.

Uncle, The. Intensely dramatic.
While We May. Pathetic, tender.
Wisdom Dearly_Purchased, by Ed
mund Burke. Lofty patriotism.

Arny of the Potomac. by Joaquin
Miller. For G. A. R. meetings.
Aunt Melissy on Boys, by J. T.
Trowbridge. A story of intoxicated

Aunt Sylvia's first Lesson in Geo-
graphy. Amusing. Negro dialect.
Boat Race, The. A spirited descrip-
tion. The girls' crew wins.
Courting and Science. For teachers'

Dead on the Field of Honor. Lofty

Easter Morning, by Henry Ward
Beecher. Eastertide selection.
First Thanksgiving, The. A ringing,
musical poem.

Garfield Statue, The, by Grover Cleve-
land. An eloquent tribute.
Heavenly Guest, The, by Celia Thax-
ter. A poem for church occasions,
How We Fought the Fire, by Will
Carleton. Amusing.

Inge, the Boy King.

A dramatic

story of ancient Norway.
Jimmy Brown's Prompt Obedience.
Very funny.

John Burns, of Gettysburg, by Bret
Harte. Patriotic, yet amusing.
Land of Thus-and-So, The, by James
Whitcomb Riley. For little folks.
Legend of Rabbi Ben Levi, The, by
Longfellow. A beautiful legend."

Shoemaker's Best
Absolution, by E. Nesbit. An excep-
tionally strong and popular poem.
Abigail Fisher. Rustic dialect.
Appeal for Temperance, by Henry W.
Grady. An eloquent address.

At the Stage Door. Touching kind-

ness of an actress.

Auctioneer's Gift, The. A short, af-
fecting story.

Bad Boy's Diary, A. He would be a

Blind Man's Testimony, The. A short
Scripture story.

Charity Grinder and the Postmaster-
General. A humorous mistake.
Cowboy's Sermon, The. Some Scrip-
ture truths plainly stated.

Come and be Shone. Humorous ac-
count of a lively bootblack.
Daniel Periton's Ride, by Albion W.
Tourgee. A thrilling incident.
Defence of the Bride, The. A strong
dramatic story.

Death Bridge of the Tay, The, by
Will Carleton. A stirring story.
Famished Heart, A. A story worth

Gets Dhere, by Charles Follen Adams.
Homely truths in German dialect.
How Ben Fargo's Claim was Jumped.
An interesting frontier incident.
Imph-m. A popular bit of Scotch dia-

[blocks in formation]


Squarest Un Among 'Em, The.
touching newsboy's story.
St. Martin and the Beggar, by
Margaret E Sangster. For Sunday

Tastes, by James Whitcomb Riley.
Rustic humor. Encore.

Timothy Horn. His unique courtship
Tobe's Monument. One of the most
pathetic and popular stories ever

Two Christmas Eves, by E. Nesbit,
A dramatic and pathetic poem.
Volunteer Organist, The, by S. W.
Foss. Rustic, pathetic, and popular.
Wanted to See His Old Home. Affect.
ing story of an old negro.
Whistling Regiment, The. An in
cident of the Civil War. Popular.

Address to the Toothache, by Robert
Burns. Humorous Scotch dialect.
Ballad of the Wayfarer, by Robert
Buchanan. Pathetic and pleasing.
Beware, by Longfellow. Encore.
Bridget O'Flanagan. Irish humor.
Cold, Hard Cash. Encore.
Courting in Kentucky. Rustic, hu-
morous, taking.

Divided, by Jean Ingelow. A beautiful and pathetic descriptive poem. Doctor's Story, The. Amusing. Dream of Fair Women, A, by Tennyson. Fine description.

Drop of Water, The. Very dramatic. Dumb Savior, The. A powerful temperance story.

Getting On. An old man's reveries. Glacier Bed, The. A thrilling story of an Alpine guide.

Her Laugh-In Four Fits. Encore. How Uncle Podger Hung a Picture, by Jerome K. Jerome. Very laughable.

Jacqueminot-Rose Sunday. A pleasing hospital incident.

Joe Sieg. A story of an heroic railroad engineer.

Lady of Shalott, The, by Tennyson.
Popular with the best readers.
Lost Lesson, The. A touching school


Shoemaker's Best

All Things Shall Pass Away. An interesting Persian tale.

Aunt Phillis's Guest. Spiritual. Billy. Who wasn't good like his brother Daniel.

Boys Wanted. A good piece for boys. Bridget's Soliloquy. Dialect. Entertaining.

Casualty, A. Touching story of a bootblack.

Condensed Telegram, The. Humor. Coaching the Rising Star. A striking lesson in dramatic elocution. Doctor's Story, The, by Bret Harte.

A touching incident of the Civil War. Early Start, An. A minister's programme not completely carried out. Elopement in '75. A stirring love story of the Revolution. Fortunes of War, The. A sad story of the Civil War.

Following the Advice of a Physician. Very amusing.

Getting Acquainted. Encore.

He Worried About It, by S. W. Foss.
Droll humor.

Hullo. Cheering. Very popular.
I Will Not Leave You Comfortless.
A pathetic tale of mountain life.
Josiar. Country courtship. Encore.
Judy O'Shea Sees Hamlet. She de-
scribes the play in true Irish fashion.
Little Margery. Childhood's faith
and trust.

Lecture by the New Male Star. Efforts of a female reporter. Humorous. Mary Alice Smith, by James Whitcomb Riley. A quaint story. Midnight in London. Vivid description of the great city by gas light. Mother's Mending Basket. A delightful home picture.

Oh, the Golden, Glowing Morning! For Easter day.

Queer Boy, A.


Reuben James. A tribute to the courage of a sailor.

Siege of the Alamo. Patriotic. Summerset Folks, The. Encore. Swipesey's Christmas Dinner. How the newsboys "chipped in." Toboggan Slide, The. An embarrassing situation.

Tola of Mustard Seed, The, by Sir Edwin Arnold. A sad but beautiful lesson.

Tragedy in the Sunshine, A. Dramatic.

Tray. An interesting story of a dog's brave deed.

True Bostonian at Heaven's Gate, A. Encore.

Twilight at Nazareth. Fine description.

War-horn of the Elfings, by William Morris. Beautiful description.

Selections-No. 20 Little Busy Bees. How they gather honey at a church fair.


Me and Jim. Rustic characterization; pathetic, strong.

Millais's "Huguenots." A pathetic love story of the eve of St. Bartholo

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Babies, by Jerome K. Jerome. Humor


Because. Encore.

Benediction, The, by Francois Coppée. A strong poem introducing a chant. Betrothed, The, by Rudyard Kipling. Difficulty of choosing. Humorous. Bridal of Malahide, The. Heroic and pathetic.

Clive, by Robert Browning. Very dramatic and exceedingly popular. Contentment. Reflections of a lazy


Crossing the Bar, by Tennyson. One of his latest and most beautiful poems. Cry in the Darkness, The-The Sentinel's Alarm. A story of Indian treachery.

Deacon's Downfall, The. How he was converted by a sweet soprano. Dreamin' o' Home. Pathetic. Emergency, An. A kind heart often found under a coarse coat. Flag at Shenandoah, The, by Joaquin Miller. Faithful unto death. H'anthem, The. Encore. Herod. Highly dramatic. Her Perfect Lover. Encore. Italian's Views of the Labor Question. Dialect. Humorous. Lydia's Ride. An incident of the British occupation of Philadelphia. Men at Gloucester. Dramatic rescue of men at sea.

Shoemaker's Best Ah Yet's Christmas. A pathetic story of a little Chinese boy.

Big Enough Family, A. A little boy's opinion of babies."

By the Alma. A story of Scotch hero


Deacon's Week, The. Good for missionary occasions.

Easter with Parepa, An. A powerfully pathetic Easter story. Fall In For G. A. R. occasions. Fate of Sir John Franklin, The. A pathetic poem of Arctic adventure. Gowk's Errant and What Cam' O't, A. A very amusing story done in Scotch. Hagar. A dramatic picture of the departure of Hagar from Abraham'stent. Hilda. A strong story of the power of a woman's love.

Hilda's Little Hood, by Hjalmer Hjorth Boyeson. A pleasing poem.

His Sister. Encore.

Hunt, The. A spirited description. Joan of Arc's Farewell. Lofty and pathetic.

Jock Johnston, the Tinkler. A story of love and chivalry. Leap-year Mishaps. As told by an old maid.

Little Black Phil. A touching incident of the Civil War.

Lost Puppy, The. A humorous poem.

Napoleon's Advice to an Actor. A hint to readers and actors.

Old Canteen, The. A mother's story of her two sons who took opposite sides in the war.

Old Vote for "Young Marster," An. A good story. Negro dialect. Overboard. Pathetic description of a man washed overboard at sea. Papa Was Stumped. He couldn't do fractions. Puzzle, A.


Revenge, The, by Tennyson. An he roic sea fight.

Seaweed. A beautiful fanciful poem. Sir Hugo's Choice. A strong story of love and duty. Sisterly Scheme, A. How a young girl supplanted her older sister. Very popular.

St. Patrick's Day. Irish dialect. Stranded Bugle, The. A pleasing, fanciful poem.

Thar Was Jim. Pathetic.

That Sugar-Plum Tree. For children. Two Gentlemen of Kentucky. Fine negro characterization.

Uncertain Pledge, An. Encore. Unregistered Record, An. A negro jockey's story of a mad race,

What Else Could He Do? Encore. Winnie's Welcome. A jolly Irish piece. Woman's Career. Clever humor. Worse Than Marriage. Encore.

Selections-No. 22

Marguerite. For Decoration Day. Pathetic and tender.

Mr. Kris Kringle, by Dr. S. Weir Mit chell. A touching Christmas story. Mr. Potts' Story, by Max Adeler. Mrs. Potts curbs her husband's tendency to exaggeration.

My Double and How He Undid Me, by Edward Everett Hale. Humorous. Mysterious Portrait, The. Amusing. My Vesper Song. Parts to be sung. Not Ashamed of Ridicule. An excellent boys' story.

Old Wife, The. Pathetic. On the Other Train. Very patheti and popular.

Rural Infelicity. Amusing, Scallywag. Teaches a good lesson. Soul of the Violin. A strong, pathetic story of an old musician.

Teacher's Diadem, The. Appropriate for Sabbath schools.

Teaching a Sunday-school Class. A young lawyer's first experience. Hu


Them Oxen. Great grandmother's story of how the oxen drew two hearts together.

Wind and the Moon, The, by George MacDonald. For children.

Work, Work Away. Instructive and stimulating.

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