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can be ascertained, in all departments of human life? Who would risk himself with an ignorant engineer, if he could get a skilled one Who would employ a poor clerk if he could get a good one? The objection made to emulation is that it excites wrong motives However this may be, and however casuists may regard it, it is quite certain that the merit-roll is the strongest stimulant to intellectua exertion which can be presented to young men. Nor can we per ceive, after much observation on its effect, that it has impaired the purely moral motives of action, or excited evil passions, to be re membered in after life. At West Point all the moral actions which are visible and tangible are brought within the scale of the merit roll, and often the fate of a young man is determined far more by his standing in conduct, than in studies.


Having thus sketched the historical progress of the Academy in the path of scientific culture, it remains for us to state what it is; what it has done; and what men have conducted it.

Without entering into minute details, we shall very briefly state the present methods of study and discipline. The leading studies in their order are Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Mechanics, As tronomy, Engineering, Chemistry, French, Tactics, Artillery Prac tice, Mineralogy, Ethics, and History. This course is wholly sci entific, the practical part being adapted strictly to military purposes In the early period of the institution, some attempt was made to introduce the classics, but it was found impracticable, with the lim ited time allowed the cadets. Indeed, it may be doubted whether any institution can have more than one tone. All branches of hu man learning may be embraced in the proper schedule of university instruction; but has any university given equal attention to al branches of education? What are called colleges in our country all aim at fitting young men for the civil professions-Law, Medicine, and Theology. They therefore make the classics the prin cipal branch of study, and are right, since Law, Medicine, and Theology have their foundation deep laid in the classic ages. Litera ture also is a part of professional knowledge, necessary to adorn and illustrate the history and theory of professional science. Hence. in these lines of instruction specially have run the studies of the college, and from these is derived the tone of college education. The object of the Military Academy was totally different. It was not civil, but martial life, for which the young men were fitting. It

the science and materials of nature, which should fit them complicated art of war; to defend and attack cities; to brid ers; to make roads; to provide armaments; to arrange mun to understand the topography of countries; and to foresee a vide all the resources necessary to national defense. This w object of the Military Academy, and to that one end it was a The method of education may be happily stated und heads of Studies, Physical and Moral Discipline, and of M Exercises.


1. The subjects and method of study we have already ment Mathematical, Philosophical, Mechanical, Chemical, Militar French, the military language. These being the chief top study, the students and the time were suitably divided into and hours. There are four classes, occupying four years, as in colleges. There are ten months of study, the intermission in the hot months of July and August, when only military and exercises are pursued. The studies of a day are nece modified, by the introduction of military exercises which co much time. The regular study hours (which include also th tations,) are from 8 A. M. to 1 P. M., and from 2 P. M. to 4 making seven hours of study and recitations. Generally four more are consumed in military exercise and discipline, bein hours before breakfast, and after 4 P. M. Thus eleven hou generally occupied either in study or exercises. The evening after dark, is devoted to study in so far that with occasional excep the cadets are required to be in the rooms. In this division o we find a continual alternation of study and exercise; leavin least possible time for idleness, or mere amusement. Indee problem of education is to find the maximum of development the minimum of idleness. To this should be added, that the opment should be co-relatively, intellectual, physical, and m It is not merely ignorance, but unequal development, which great misfortune of mankind. How many great and glorious lects have been lost, because there were no counter-balances

* We use the word moral, in preference to spiritual, because, in its comprehensiv including the latter; but by no means intimating, that in this Christian country, we make any place of education a mere reproduction of Persian or Greek models. Our Imitation of the Ancients, often makes us forget that we are neither Spartans nor R The man who attempts at this day to revive the institutious of Pagan Greece, is as true Philosophy, as he is to true Christianity.

force which, inclined in only one direction, carried them off into a wilderness of fruitless objects!

In the course of studies pursued at West Point, the main fea ture is the method of study. We can give an idea of this in a few words. The very first thing done at West Point is to recognize the fact, that intellects are unequal; in other words, that of a given number of young men, commencing a severe and elaborate course of studies, there will be some who can not endure it, and can not get through; and others, who while they will come up to the requisites for graduation, can not equal a third class, who are capable and ambitious of receiving the highest style of education. This recog nition is effected thus: a class enters the Academy, we will say eighty in number. This class enters on the 1st of September; and on the 1st of January there is a semi-annual examination. This four months of study by that class is regarded as a period of pro bation, which will furnish some test of the abilities of its severa members. When the January examination is held, some are found deficient, and they are at once discarded. Then the remaining class are numbered, according to what is then their apparent merit, and they are divided into sections of from fifteen to twenty each; those highest on the roll being placed in the first section; those next in the second, &c. Usually there are four of these sections. The professor usually teaches the first section; his assistant the second and so on. It is obviously a decided advantage to be in the first section, and there is usually a struggle to get there. But, a cadet may change his position in his class, at any time, by his own efforts This he can only do, however, by more strenuous efforts. Then, if he be in the second section, he may at the end of the year be found to have a higher aggregate of good marks in study and conduct than some of those in the first section. In that case he will be transferred. Thus the ambition of the student has always placed before it the possibility of higher class rank, and if his talents and industry are capable of it, he will attain it.

The method of study at West Point, which in all institutions is the important point, is the rigidly demonstrative, in those studies which admit of it, and the positively practical in those which do not. The course of studies requires this, if the subjects of study are to be thoroughly understood. There is little of the purely metaphysical or transcendental known or pursued at West Point. No abstract speculations or merely theoretical inquiries occupy their

was first introduced into this country by Professor Crozet, a Point. How largely this is used in all institutions of ed now, our readers well know. It has proved one of the m cient means of instruction at West Point. The student mathematical section, for example, begins with a text-book gebra, in his hand; but, it is on the blackboard where the ings of his mind are chiefly exhibited. He learns what he ca the book, but, on the blackboard the professor makes him t what he has done, not merely by telling what he knows, b he don't know; detects his weak place, and forces his mind as such force is possible,) to think, and think rightly on the before him. This thinking, we need not tell experienced to is the great thing which education is to teach. If a stud not, or will not think studiously and industriously, he will remain at West Point. There is not, as in civil colleges, th fallow field of poetry, history, and metaphysics, in which show his classical professor that he has acquired rich although ignorant of mathematics. It will not do to say has wandered with Greeks and Romans around the ruins o or by the waters of Babel. There is no such compensating ple in the system at West Point. The cadet must study set before him; must study it hard; must think upon it, an pline his mind to systematic modes of thought.

2. This leads us to the Specific Discipline of the A This is partially included in what we have already said. T lectual discipline is mainly maintained by the method of stu there is a grand and perfect system of discipline, which briefly describe. The term DISCIPLINE is derived from d discipulus, and means originally teaching of knowledge; bu not all, nor entirely its modern sense. Discipline is tra knowledge and virtue, in order and diligence, in good cond good habits. To do this requires a control of the body as mind; of food and raiment; of time and exercise; as we imparting of facts and ideas. It was in the former sense rat of the latter, that the word EDUCATION, (to lead forth,) was stood among the ancients, and so far as they went they we It was this discipline in virtue, temperance, courage, fortitu self-denial, which was taught in the days of Persian Cy Greek Leonidas. It was adopted among the early Christia Cowper well said:

[blocks in formation]

Nothing can be more certain than the decline of "discipline" in modern civil institutions. (6 Colleges and Halls" advertise a much enlarged course of studies; they call to their aid the most learned professors; and they proclaim "all the modern improvement," and yet it is quite certain, that a pupil can walk for years their learned halls, and at last receive the honors of graduation with a very small share of either learning, diligence, or virtue. Civil institutions may be most excellent for all, who either by early care or natural inclination are willing to use their opportunities for their intellectual or moral advancement. Nay, more, all open irregularities will be corrected, and all possible means afforded for spiritual improvement. But there are two things impossible to overcome-the popular and almost universal license allowed youth, (under the name of freedom) and the total want of any ultimate power to restrain it. These stand directly in the way of thorough discipline. At a Government Military Institution, this is directly reversed. The very first thing taught is positive obedience. The cadet can not be a week at West Point without knowing that he can not govern himself, but must be governed by others. If he is either not fit or not willing, the faculty meet the case in short and decisive language: "If

you are

either unable or unwilling to pursue the course of study and discipline, we direct you must instantly go. There are plenty more worthy to fill your place." There is, then, no alternative for the cadet but to go forward, and exert himself to the utmost, or not to go at all. There can be no loitering by the way, to slumber in idleness, or waste in dissipation, or pursue the pleasures of literature. There is no doubt that this stern and constant discipline is the great merit of West Point. It acts on the whole conduct and character. We have already said, that the class-standing determined by the merit-roll, determined their position relatively, and their rank in the army, and by consequence, great distinctions and differences in after life.

Let us see how this merit-roll is made up. The first thing done

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