The Tabernacle, The Priesthood, and The OfferingsSolid Christian Books, 2014 M03 3 - 508 páginas His teaching was remarkable, not only for its clearness and depth, but also for its close adherence to Scripture, thus proving how much he lived in communion with God. The great central truths of Salvation through the cross of Christ, and of the Second Coming of the Lord, were ever present to his mind, and pervaded all his teaching. Fearless in his denunciation of what he believed to be error; intensely solemn in his warnings of the power and the consequences of sin; an unflinching standard-bearer of the gospel of God's grace, and yet most tender in ministering the truth of God to stricken ones—he was the means of strengthening the hands of many a feeble one, and of preserving from the snares of the adversary many of God's people. |
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... heart he was wretched. In the beginning of the year 1837 tidings reached him of the illness of his mother, and he prepared to go to Plymouth to see her. Whilst packing his portmanteau he felt convinced that he should only arrive home to ...
... heart, and the woman felt she had a claim above all others upon His compassion, for she knew herself most guilty. Conscious of her unfitness for His presence, and yet assured that her very unfitness had brought Him down from heaven ...
... heart, and your own eyes." Ignorance of God is the fruitful source of disobedience. The sabbath-breaker (who was but a specimen of the whole nation) had sinned because he had forgotten God and the great redemption out of Egypt, in which ...
... heart, which, by nature alienated from God, only despised His judgments, and found an additional zest in sinning presumptuously against His word. It might be, that some intimation of His grace, kept constantly under the Israelite's eye ...
... heart first, and the eye next, can only be kept from lusting after the things of the world and of the flesh, by being fixed on heavenly things. The touch of faith drew out cleansing virtue from the border of His garment, who was truly ...
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The Tabernacle, the Priesthood, and the Offerings: The Priesthood and the ... Henry William Soltau Vista previa limitada - 1880 |