Imágenes de páginas

that it concerns us not at all save as one of the "Curiosities of Literature." [Longmans, Green & Co. $1.00.]

An Old-Field Schoolgirl.

of the two novels is unlike. There is in The down his subject, for he has not, but it is diGolden Dog nothing of the tender and idyllic vested of the technical and ultra-critical atmostouch which made Mr. Parker's tale of adven- phere. He gives us a clear idea of the position ture so subtly interesting. Of the three "lead- of the prophecy viewed in the light of modern ing women," one is hopelessly nebulous and criticism. Though he declares for the dual auWhen Marian Harland writes of life in Vir-unreal, one theatrically evil, the third as wooden thorship and is prepared to accept an advanced ginia she is at her best; her pen lingers lovingly as she is good. The reader dismisses them to position, he is careful and conservative, stating over the scenes and customs, social life, and their several fates with unconcern, far different the case delicately and reverently, and without courtesies of a bygone time. The title of this from the keen anxiety with which he followed the offensive brusqueness not uncommon. [T. story has a curious explanation. An "old-field" the fortunes of Robert Moray's fiery, sweet Y. Crowell & Co. $2.00.] Alixe," and rejoiced when in the end her loyal love was left to blossom into quiet happiness beyond the reach of wars and storms. [L. C. Page & Co. $1.25.]

was a tract of worn-out land left to Nature's

"rest-cure," and when conveniently located to several plantations it was selected for the site


The Secret Rose.

of the neighborhood schoolhouse. To one of
these schools went the heroine, a charming little
girl, whom her family called "Flea" (for Fe-
licia), a noble creature with Bohemian instincts,
but the soul of honor. The master, taking a dis-
like to her, treated her with unheard-cf cruelty.
The story (founded on fact) brings in the mem-
bers of the families of typical Virginians; and
the portraitures, as well as those of Flea's father,
mother, and the loyal brother "Dee" (for David),
are very vivid and lifelike. The father, Mr.
Grigsby, is as fine an example of true manli-
ness, shown in all his relations, as one often
meets in a story. To his discreet and kindly
management Flea owes her rescue in a perilous
crisis and the making of her character. It is a
captivating book despite the diabolic teacher
and the fate of "Miss Emily." The illustra-something there,
tions are reproductions of photographs. [Charles
Scribner's Sons.]

The Fall of the Nibelungs.
This translation, by Margaret Armor, of the
old Nibelungen legend is based on Simlock's
arrangement of the mediæval text. It is di-
vided into thirty-nine "Adventures," beginning
with Kriemhild's dream of the falcon, and end-
ing with her death under the sword of Hilde-
brand after the bloody slaughter of the Hightide.
The illustrations, after the style of antique mo-
saics, are by W. B. Macdougall. The elemental
passions of human nature are the groundwork
of this ancient romance-love, lust, jealousy,
pride, revenge, the warring strife of hot human

hearts before Christ and His civilization had

begun to influence the world. It is a bloody and terrible record, and it is curious in reading it to note the alterations in the story which the art of Wagner has introduced while keeping in the main to the original outlines. The Valkys play no part in the drama; Siegmund and Sieg linde are an ordinary king and queen; Siegfried is not nourished and educated by a mythological dwarf in a cave; he does not snatch his bride from a circle of flames. Only the original elements survive — human passion, human misery, retribution, remorse; on these themes the old song-writer and the modern master of music built differently, but with equal security of result. [The Macmillan Co. $2.50.]

[blocks in formation]

We give a guess that Glimpses of God, a volume of sermons by Rev. B. G. Newton, were "printed by the author" because no publisher

could be found for them. They are of no extraordinary merit.

Dr. George W. Clarke's Harmony of the Acts of the Apostles is an interpretation of that book according to the views and principles of the Baptist denomination. It has some ingenuities of plan and arrangement. The Scripture text is first printed consecutively, with a border at the bottom of each page of citations from every part of the Scriptures; and fully half of the book is occupied with notes upon the text and with the epistles in full. The whole makes a convenient and suggestive handbook of the New Testament, minus the gospels. There are no illustrations, but there is a fairly good colored map of St. Paul's journeys. [Baptist Pub. Society. $1.25.]

Exactly what Mr. J. B. Yeats's Secret Rose may mean no reader will exactly be able to determine, or, rather, every reader will imagine a meaning for himself, and all the meanings will be different. The book is a collection of short Irish "Pastels" or visionary tales, all weird, uncanny, and subtly framed, many of them having a singular sort of charm, which is half-mystery and half-hint. Mr. Yeats believes that poetry and romance cannot be made by the most conscientious study of famous moments and of the thoughts and feelings of others, but only by looking into that little, infinite, faltering, and eternal flame that one calls one's self. When one looks into the darkness there is always he adds. These little strains in prose are, there-tist Principle in Application to Baptism and the fore, as it were, "looks into the darkness," and the half-seen things which are descried have a formless fascination. They remind one of some of the shorter songs of Franz-a melodious thought, set in a tiny framework of music, ending almost as soon as it begins. As a specimen of these "songs without rhyme" we will instance" The Heart of the Spring," a wild yet simple little "motif" with but two characters in it, which sings itself to the reader's ear as he reads. [Dodd, Mead & Co. $2.00.]

Etc., Etc., Etc.

The Folly of Pen Harrington is a bright, spirited novel by Julian Sturgis, with a very unusual, ventional things, and at the same time exasperspoiled, and audacious heroine who does unconates and fascinates her long-suffering but adoring friends. She plays with fire and comes near being scorched, touches pitch and does not es

A new, revised, and enlarged edition of the Rev. W. C. Wilkinson's Exposition of the Bap

Lord's Supper appears. This book is "Baptist" through and through. For example: Christ was not thinking of all the nations, but of the disciples made out of all the nations when he said 'baptising them.'" Baptists who want to be confirmed in their convictions, and non-Baptists who want to be irritated, will find it worth while to read this keen, incisive, and forcible, if not convincing, polemic essay. [Baptist Pub. Society. $1.25.]

Twenty-seven sermons by the Rev. Louis A. Banks are collected under the general title of The Christ Brotherhood, which indicates a certain unity of thought underlying them all. Dr. Banks is a Methodist, and these sermons are loyal and true to his theology and his position.

ton adds a collection of Select Masterpieces of To his "Modern Reader's Bible," Dr. MoulBiblical Literature, such as the stories of Joseph and his brothers, Samson's Wedding Feast, cerand comes out better than she could have dared and other fragments complete in themselves but through all is lovable | tain great passages from Isaiah, Songs of David, hope. [D. Appleton & Co. 50c.] from the prophets, all printed as ordinary literature is printed. [The Macmillan Co. 50c.]

cape the


Marjory Moore's Lovers, by Adelaide Sargent, concerns a country girl who had a musical career, made a wrong marriage, suffered much for her weak husband, and found her true mate at last. [F. Tennyson Neely. 50c.]


The Hurlbut-Doherty Illustrative Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1898 are made attractive by pictures and sundry typographical devices, and elucidate the Scripture text for the use of teachers in Sunday schools, specifically those of the Methodist Church. [Eaton & Mains.]

Bishop Dowden's Paddock Lectures for 189697, delivered before the students of the General Theological Seminary of New York, on The Theological Literature of the Church of England, are now published, making a useful handbook for the student of the Anglican communion. [S. P. C. K.]

If I Were God is the irreverent title of a reverent little book by Richard Le Gallienne, which discusses the problem of pain in a way that will bring comfort to many a sufferer to whom the ways of the Infinite are past finding out. [T. Y. Crowell & Co. 50c.]

Prof. H. H. Mitchell has produced a study of The Rev. Dr. George W. Shinn, Rector of the first twelve chapters of the prophecy of Grace Church, Newton, who has been quietly Isaiah which possesses several advantages for doing excellent service of late in the promotion the general reader. Not that he has written of good reading in public worship, has in prep

aration a book upon the general subject of pulpit elocution, which will be printed before long for the use of ministers and theological students.


There is a third edition of Popular Readings in Science, by John Gall and David Robertson, the subjects of which are strictly technical, the style of which is somewhat severe, and the whole of which is addressed to the student rather than the average reader. Science moves so fast now, too, that papers of some years standing are in danger of being left behind. [Longmans, Green & Co. $1.50.]

Mr. Edward Arnold has cut down the mar

gins, cheapened the paper, and so reduced the size and cost of Slatin Pasha's Fire and Sword in the Soudan, in which form it is likely to enjoy a wider circulation than in the considerably more expensive form in which it was originally published. As readers of last year will remem

ber, this is a spirited and graphic narrative of a soldier's adventures in the heart of Africa, and abounds with exciting situations and thrilling experiences. There are maps and illustra tions, and for all practical purposes this edition is as good as the earlier. [$2.00.]


quaintness, and the spirit of fun anent the bi-
cycle; while one who knows the places will
acknowledge the fidelity of the sketches to
nature. It is the most charming gift-book of
the early season for companions in outings.
[Little, Brown & Co. $2.00.]

The series of American Colonial Tracts, now being issued monthly by that progressive bibliopole, George P. Humphreys, of Rochester, N. Y., belongs to the class of publications which, in the nature of things, is largely a labor of love. The numbers thus far deal with Georgia and the The Young American is the title of an excel- Carolinas, being reprints of original documents, lent little reader for schools by Harry Pratt without editorial note or comment. They shed Judson, Professor of Political Science in the a light on the early history of those colonies University of Chicago. The selections of prose which could come from no other source, and and poetry from well-known writers give varied make accessible to every student of American hisexercise in training of the voice; while the con-tory a fund of information which he ought to tinuity in treatment of the subject of our civil possess. [Monthly. $3.00 per year.]

institutions is far better than the discursive
topics usually presented in readers. The pages
are rendered attractive by the headings of its
paragraphs and by colored plates and maps.
[Maynard, Merrill & Co. 6oc.]

Seventeen addresses by the Bishop of New York, delivered on as many different occasions before as many different gatherings, now speak to a larger audience as The Scholar and the State. They bear the marks of earnestness and high ideals ably set forth in an attractive platform apology for not revising them with an eye to style. In his preface Bishop Potter offers an literary form. We are glad he left them as they are. They have a better polish than the polish of the study-namely, that which comes from contact with men. [The Century Co. $1.50.]

In Physical Drill in the U. S. Army, a mantheir men, Lieut. Edmund L. Butts has included ual designed to guide junior officers in training gymnastic exercises to promote suppleness and vigor, both calisthenic practice and exercises with apparatus, and athletic games and contests, including the scaling of walls. Many and clearly Professor Nathan Sheppard wrote for the executed illustrations are employed to make the verbal instructions more readily understood and Examiner under the pseudonym of "Key Note." followed. There are two "sets of music" given Among his effects were found five lectures, as at the end, intended for use in some of the we should call them, upon Martin Luther, John lighter exercises. [D. Appleton & Co. $1.25.] Wesley, Norman MacLeod, Dr. Phinney, and The Century Co. have reprinted in a tasteful | Latimer. These have been collected and pubThere has been no magazine writing in a quar- booklet of about 200 pages that amusing extrav-lished by his executors in an unusually attractive ter of a century like the essays which were con-aganza by Marion Marville Pope, which, under form. Mr. Sheppard was rather "smart" in tributed by Mr. George William Curtis to Har- the title of Up the Matterhorn in a Boat, has per's Monthly under the general head of "The been entertaining the readers of the Century Easy Chair." For good sense, good taste, good Magazine the last year. It is in the vein of Jules judgment, good spirit, and good English they| Verne and Frank R. Stockton, but has its own have not been surpassed, if equaled, in current individuality, and will be best enjoyed by those editorial writing. Eleven of them have been who have visited Zermatt and looked upon the collected into a little volume under the title of ragged, jagged Monarch of the Alps. The illus-six true Detective Stories compiled by Cleveland Ars Recte Vivendi; their subjects "Extrava-trations are hardly up to the typographical Moffett from the archives of the Pinkerton gance at College,' "Brains and Brawn," "Hazing," ""The Soul of the Gentleman," "Theatre Manners," "Woman's Dress," "Secret Societies," "Tobacco and Health," "Tobacco and Manners," "Duelling," Newspaper Ethics." The book makes a pleasant memorial of the bright and genial gentleman and scholar whose name appears upon its rubricated title page. [Harper & Brothers. $1.25.]

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standard of the book. [$1.25.]

The second volume of Ratzel's History of Mankind, translated by Mr. A. J. Butler, is somewhat larger than the first volume, which we noticed in full last fall. It continues with the same fullness of text and lavish illustration the description of the uncultured races of the world. Our Indian tribes in North and South America, with the ancient civilized races who

cans, who are to be accounted negroes, are
treated in this volume. There are ten colored
plates and several hundred illustrations in the
text. It is a great reference and picture-book,
this, of popular ethnology. [The Macmillan Co.

Mr. S. R. Crockett's appreciative "foreword" preceded them; the light stocks of South and to Montaigne and Other Essays Chiefly Biograph-Central Africa; and the South and East Afriical, by Thomas Carlyle, cannot disguise the essential slightness of the matter which a London publisher's over-enterprise has put together in a handsome volume. When a young man Carlyle wrote these sixteen short papers for Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopædia, on Montaigne, Montesquieu, Nelson, Pitt, and other notable Among recently imported books notice should persons, and on the Netherlands, Newfoundland, be taken of a volume of essays in the "Famous and three English shires. There is nothing in Scots Series," by Sir George Douglas, entitled them that deserves reprinting for its own sake. The Blackwood' Group, which sets forth the But those who would have Carlyle "complete," lives and works of Wilson, Galt, Moir, Miss even to the pot-boilers of his early days, can Ferrier, Michael Scott, and Hamilton-five aunow be gratified. [J. B. Lippincott Co. $3.00.] thors whose interests centered about the early Romance and Reality of the Puritan Coast is a days of the publishing house of Blackwood. charming, leisurely, loving bit of reminiscent Some knowledge of the Scotch writers of this talk about the shore from Nahant to Annisquam. period, who were feeling the English romantic Edmund H. Garrett writes with the observant movement, and doing their best to forward it, in eye and tender fancy of Bolles or Burroughs, the literature of their own country, is desirable weaving traditional lore into descriptions of the for every student of literature. The present volpresent picturesqueness of the coast. ume is suitable to be used as supplementary to the merous illustrations made from pen-and-ink works upon the corresponding epoch in England. drawings by the author are full of delicacy, | [Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. 75c.]

The nu

his style, and had a somewhat striking way of saying things of which we should get tired either in a book or on the platform as a steady diet. [American Baptist Publication Society. $1.00.]

We advise lovers of criminal literature to turn from fiction to such fact as is presented in the

Agency. The crimes to which these six stories relate are all robberies, and the story of their commission and of the detection of the criminals furnish highly interesting reading for those who are fond of such adventure. Previously printed in McClure's Magazine, they are now collected in a volume. [Doubleday & McClure.]


- Professor Cheyne of Oxford, who is also Canon of Rochester, and is now in this country lecturing on the "History of Religion," will issue a volume on Religious Life and Thought Among the Ancient Hebrews in Post-Exilic Days through G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

- Mr. Hamilton W. Mabie and Mr. George W. Edwards are coöperating on a new book of Old English Love Songs, which will be one of the early publications of the Macmillan Co. The same house have in press for early publication a volume of Essays by Professor Sidgwick of Cambridge University, Eng. ; also a book called The Making of Abbotsford, by Mrs. Maxwell Scott, a grand-daughter of the great Sir Walter.

[blocks in formation]

-The first edition of Mr. Lloyd Mifflin's late book of poems, At the Gates of Song, is nearly exhausted, and the second edition is in progress by the publishers, Estes & Lauriat, for Decem

ber 1.

son, D.D. Fleming H. Revell Co.

Crooker. Western Unitarian Sunday School Society. 5oc.
Edward Arnold.

- The complete edition of the poetical works
of Joaquin Miller will be ready December 1,
under the imprint of the Whitaker & Ray Co.,
San Francisco, and George Routledge & Co.,
London. It will contain five portraits of the
-D. Appleton & Co. make the additional poet taken at different periods, and there will
announcements of Marriage Customs of All be a special autograph edition, sold by sub-
Countries, by the Rev. H. N. Hutchinson; a scription only. After his return from the
treatise on English Literature, by Mr. Gosse; Klondike country Mr. Miller is going to take F. Tennyson Neely.
new editions of Chapman's Bird-Life, of Conk- | the platform.

ling's City Government in the United States, -The Fleming H. Revell Co. have in press
and of Mr. Gilbert Parker's novels complete for immediate publication The Investment of In-
and uniform; a new work, Sweethearts and fluence, by Newell Dwight Hillis; Studies in
Friends, by Maxwell Gray, and The Freedom of Home and Child Life, by Mrs. S. M. J. Henry;
Henry Meredyth, by Mr. Hamilton.
and Whether Black or White, a Man, by Eva
Munson Smith, an argument in story form for
the fair treatment of the negro.

-The advance sheets of Fords, Howard & Hulbert's new illustrated edition of In Memoriam give promise of a very handsome book.

- G. E. X., the initials of the author of The Chatelaine, a new book just published by the Peter Paul Book Co., are understood to be those of a prominent "society lady" of Cleveland, O. Lamson, Wolffe & Co. issue at once the Threads of Life, by Clara Sherwood Rollins, a "human sketch" on a "philosophical background," and Don Luis' Wife, a West Indian romance, by Lillian Hinman Shuey.

-D. C. Heath & Co. have in press Day Dreams of a Schoolmaster, No. 33 in the "Ped" and La Triade Française, agogical Library; an addition to the "Modern Language Series made up of selections from De Musset, Lamartine, and Victor Hugo.

-The Macmillan Co. have in preparation The Story of Mr. Gladstone's Life, by Mr. Justin McCarthy; and The Social Mind and Education, by George E. Vincent.

-The Fleming H. Revell Co. have just closed their twenty-fifth year as publishers of literature emphasizing "evangelical" principles, designed to promote by every legitimate means the evangelization of all lands. Their aims have met with a good measure of success and approval. Their catalogue has grown from small beginnings to an extended and comprehensive list.

- Roberts Brothers announce for immediate

publication Andronike, the heroine of the Greek

Revolution, by Stephanos Theodoros Xenos;
Antichrist, by Ernest Renan; The Quest of
Happiness, a posthumous work by Philip Gilbert
Hamerton; and Volume VI. of Molière's Dra-
matic Works, translated by Katharine Prescott

[ocr errors]

-T. Y. Crowell & Co. have in press for publication this month In Tune with the Infinite, by Ralph Waldo Trine, whose What all the World's a-Seeking is already in its fifth edition. - Mr. Thomas B. Mosher's List of Books, MDCCCXCVIJ, Portland, Me., is as tasteful and attractive a publisher's announcement as one often sees, and has points of exceptional beauty. -The Baker & Taylor Co. announce for the holidays Oriental Days, by Mrs. Lucia A. Palmer, among the topics of which are an American woman on her travels, Old and New Cairo, the Citadel and the Mamelukes, the English in Egypt, Copts and Mohammedans, the Desert, the Pyramids and Sphynx, the Going Out of Pilgrims, etc., etc. The illustrations are half-tones delineating the monuments and life of the East; the press work is by De Vinne; the paper and binding adapting the work for holiday use.


Eliza Orne White. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. $1.25
AN ARMY WIFE. By Capt. Charles King. Illustrated.
trated. Edward Arnold.
Abbott. J. B. Lippincott Co.
DEAD SELVES. By Julia Magruder. J. B. Lippincott
THE TORRENTS OF SPRING. By Ivan Turgenev. Trans-

lated by Constance Garnett. The Macmillan Co. $1.25
Wells Smith. Illustrated. Roberts Brothers.

Putnam's Sons.
WHAT MAISIE KNEW. By Henry James. Herbert S.
Stone & Co.

EAT NOT THY HEART. By Julien Gordon. S. Stone & Co.



PRATT PORTRAITS. By Anna Fuller. Illustrated. G. P. Putnam's Sons.

We are indebted to several publishers for advance sheets of a number of forthcoming pubPLAIN LIVING AND HIGH THINKING. By Theo. T. lications for the holidays or otherwise. The Munger. Wilber B. Ketcham. 50c. Century Co. send us Mr. James Bryce's Impres- AMERICA'S CONTRIBUTIONS ΤΟ CIVILIZATION AND sions of South Africa, a solid volume of about OTHER ESSAYS. By Charles Wm. Eliot. The Century Co. STYLE. By Walter Raleigh. Edward Arnold. $1.50. 500 pages, with maps, index, and a large mass of THE OCCASIONAL ADDRESS. By Lorenzo Sears. G. P. carefully collected and well digested political Putnam's Sons. $1.25 and economical information.


By Geo. Harris. Hough



[blocks in formation]

Fords, Howard & Hulbert send us an early
unbound copy of their very beautifully illustrated ger Bros.
and printed edition of Tennyson's In Memo-
riam, with illustrations by Harry Fenn, and a
preface by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, a book which
is sure to fill a conspicuous place upon the

Christmas counter.

From G. P. Putnam's Sons we have a foretaste of Marian Harland's Colonial Homesteads and Their Stories; Huntington's Note Book in Northern Spain; Bereson's Venetian Painters of the Renaissance, in a third edition of a large and elegantly illustrated book; also Cleary's The Cid Campeador, Page's Ambroise Pere and His Times, the Cruikshank Fairy Book of four famous historic tales, with illustrations; The Habitant, a collection of Canadian poems, by W. H. Drummond; and Shoemaker's Islands of the Southern Seas, all illustrated, and of somewhat

less imposing dimensions than the three first


All of these books will receive adequate notice in due time.


All Books received by the LITERARY WORLD are

entered under the above heading. Further notice of any
publication is dependent upon its importance,

HERE THEY ARE. By James F. Sullivan. Illustrated.
Longmans, Green & Co.

CICELY'S LITTLE MINUTE. By Harvey Gobel. Thomas
Edmund H. Garrett. Illustrated by the Author. Little,
Brown & Co.

Fleming H.
Damrell &
Series. Arranged by Francis T. Palgrave. The Mac-
millan Co.
Lee &

lated by William Marchant. Henry Holt & Co.
Revell Co.

RHYMES. By Edith Leverett Dalton.


HAPPINESS AS FOUND IN FORETHOUGHT MINUS FEARTHOUGHT. By Horace Fletcher. Herbert S. Stone & Co. $1.00 HISTORY OF DOGMA. lated by Neil Buchanan. By Dr. Adolph Harnack. TransRoberts Brothers. $2.50 THE CID CAMPEADOR AND THE WANING OF THE CRESPutnam's Sons. CENT WEST. By H. Butler Clarke. Illustrated. G. P.

ROME. By Mary Ford. Thomas Whittaker. OLD TALES FROM GREECE. By Alice Zimmern. Whittaker.



Thos. 75c.

TEN LITTLE COMEDIES. By Gertrude Smith. Little, Brown & Co. $1.25 HISTORIC ORNAMENT. By James Ward. Illus. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. $3.00 UNDER THE RED CRESCENT. By Charles S. Ryan and John Sandes. Illus. Imported by Charles Scribner's $3.00 THE SPECTATOR. Vol. I. Edited and Annotated by Introductory Essay by Austin Dobson. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50 THE MAIDEN AND MARRIED LIFE OF MARY POWELL, AND THE SEQUEL THERETO, DEBORAH'S DIARY. Introduction by the Rev. W. H. Hutton. Illus. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. $2.25

G. G. Smith.

FIRST FACTS AND SENTENCES IN FRENCH. By Victor Bétis and Howard Swan. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. 65c. SLEEP. By Marie de Manacéïne. Illus. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.25 WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND HIS SONS. By Mrs. Oliphant. Two vols. Imp. by Chas. Scribner's Sons. $10.50 CORLEONE. By F. Marion Crawford. Two vols. The Macmillan Co. $2.00 SONGS YSAME. By Annie Fellows Johnston and Albion Fellows Bacon. L. C. Page & Co. $1.25 THE MADONNA IN ART. By Estell M. Hurll. Illus. L. C. Page & Co. $2.00 IMPRESSIONS OF SOUTH AFRICA. By James Bryce. The Century Co.

[blocks in formation]

TALES FROM MCCLURE'S. The West. Doubleday & McClure Co. 25c. PRINCE UNO. Illus. by W. D. Stevens. Do., Do. $1.25 BIRD NEIGHBORS. By Neltje Blanchan. Intro. by John Barrows. 50 colored plates. Do., Do. $2.00 LITTLE MASTERPIECES. Edited by Bliss Perry. Edgar Allen Poe. Washington Irving. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Do., Do. Each, 30c. THE IAN MAClaren Year-Book. Dodd, Mead & Co.

TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES. By Cleveland Moffett. Doubleday & McClure Co.

A ROMANCE IN TRANSIT. By Francis Lynde. Charles Scribner's Sons. 75C.

THE POETRY OF TENNYSON. By Henry Van Dyke. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.25

SONG BIRDS AND WATER FOWL. By H. E. Parkhurst. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.50 POPULAR READINGS IN SCIENCE. By John Gall and David Robertson. $1.25 Longmans, Green & Co. $1.50 THE DISTRICT SCHOOL AS IT WAS. Edited by Clifton Johnson. Lee & Shepard. $1.25 THE MYSTERY OF CHOICE. By Robert W. Chambers. $1.25 D. Appleton & Co. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EDUCATION. By Will S. Monroe. D. Appleton & Co.

THE CHARM AND OTHER DRAWING-ROOM PLAYS. By Walter Besant and Walter Pollock. Illus. F. A. Stokes $1.25 SHEILAH MCLEOD. By Guy Boothby. F. A. Stokes



LAWRENCE CLAVERING. By A. E. W. Mason. Mead & Co.


Dodd, $1.25

THE GOD YUTZO OF B.C. 763. By Lord Gilhooley. F.

A. Stokes Co.


LYING PROPHETS. By Eden Phillpotts. F. A. Stokes $1.25 MAKE-BELIEVE MEN AND WOMEN. By Maud Hum$1.25 phrey and Elizabeth S. Tucker. F. A. Stokes Co. THE IAN MACLAREN CALENDAR. Decorative Designs. By W. S. Hadaway. Dodd, Mead & Co. $1.00 GOD'S FOUNDLING. By A. J. Dawson. D. Appleton & Co. 5oc. THE BLACKBERRIES. By E. W. Kemble. R. H. Russell. AN ALPHABET. By William Nicholson. R. H. Russell. THE FACTS And the FAITH. By Beverley E. Warner. Thomas Whittaker. $125 THE MAN WHO WAS GOOD. By Leonard Merrick. R. F. Fenno & Co. $1.25 IN GOD'S COUNTRY. By D. Hibbee. Am. Pub. Corporation. $1.00


Edited by Frederick B. Kenyon. Two vols. The Mac:

millan Co.

[blocks in formation]

CHILDREN'S WAYS. By James Sully. D. Appleton & Co. $1.25 A HISTORY OF FRENCH LITERATURE. By Edward Dowden. Do. $1.50 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A MONKEY. By H. Mayer. Verses by Albert B. Paine. R. H. Russell. By G. B. $1.25 Am. Bap.


HEROIC STATURE. By Nathan Shepard. Publication Society.


Robert Herrick. Charles Scribner's Sons.



THE KING OF THE BRONCHOS. By Charles F. Lummis. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.75 THE HOLY LAND IN GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. By Townsend MacCoun. Two vols. Townsend MacCoun. $2.00 Scribner's Sons. CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS. By A. V. G. Allen. Charles $2.50 LITTLE HEARTS. By Florence K. Upton. George Routledge & Sons.

The VeracitY OF THE HEXATEUCH. By S. C. Bartlett. F. H. Revell Co. $1.50 SINGING VERSES FOR CHILDREN. By Lydia A. Coonley. The Macmillan Co. $2.00 LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF FAMOUS WOMEN. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.75 AMERICAN IDEALS AND OTHER ESSAYS. By Theodore Roosevelt. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50

THE INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL COMMENTARY. Epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians. By T. K. Abbott. Charles Scribner's Sons.

Edger M. Bacon. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Chronicles of TARRYTOWN AND SLEEPY HOLLOW. By $1.25 NIPPUR. By John P. Peters. Vol. II. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $2.50 YOUNG DENYS. By Eleanor C. Price. E. P. Dutton & Co. $1.50

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