521 193 district, DeKalb and Boone counties..... Address of ....... Masters in Chancery 945 .209. 210. McCoy, James, a delegate from the 48th dis Resolutions by. .184, 215 ..184. 234, 939, 375 Articles offered by... 996 .175, 690 Reports and communications presented by [76, 89, 246, 408, 424, 427, 894 Resolutions by.. 88, 178, 533 Memorials from: Citizens of Olney.. Illinois Press Association. 193 Taxing lauds sold by the... Impartial suffrage. Indebtedness of the city of Mattoon...... Invitation to the Convention to assist at a ses- 405 75 .872, 989 986 Members of the bar of Chicago.. 49 Merriam, Jonathan, a delegate from the 37th .179, 195, 421, 4119 Monopolies. 194 Moore, Clifton H. a delegate from the 38 Appointed member of a committee Judicial circuits, division of the State into.... 601 K King. Robert A., a delegate from the 22d dis- 9-71 917 To make an insex for the debates. Origin of the prairies, essay on the. 374, 392 Of the Conven ion..............488, 530, 589 Of the journal set apa t for deceased 810 12, 46, 48, 234 [191, 364, 155, 458, 528, 573, 575, 579, 580 .191, 320, 601 PAC Registration of voters, cost of. prof ssion to be free 41. Report of committee on accounts and ex- See also, "Debates," Reporters. See "Official" Reporting of the debates of the Convention Reports of standing committee....17, 16 [3.2, 134, 44. Reports of er mmmittee to be disposed of is Revenue Richmond disaster. Right of eminent domain. See "Eminent Rules of the Convention.. 125, 46 Secretory of State.. 371 Planting trees.. Poem on the boulder. 579 Articles adopted in Convention Senato al districts.. Sheridan, Lieut. Gen. U. S. Army. Suippers of grain Special committee appointed. legislation 645 3:8.89 State board of equalization to be dispensed of Illinois never to be defendant in 5:3 72, 213, 32 with...... 213, 491 The journal of the Convention by E. L .49, 529 See "Penitentiary." Of the former Constitution.. .28, 39 Stat onery drawn by the Convention,231,531. $1 The proceedings of the Convention in the Street reloads.. Ge man language.... 215, 223 Prisone:'s counsel to close the argument... 320 Private prop. rty.... 48, 86, 97, 185, 193. 229. [319, 364, 475 Property not to be sold for debt.. 421 Superintendent of Public Instruction Superinter dent of schools to be elected in [193, 220, 521, 639, 641 Prosecuting attorneys to be elected... 211 each county.. 413 Public administrator to be elected by the Supreme court... 537 library 446 Public parks dedicated to public use never Taxation: 944 Public highways.. 180 To be uniform... 196 laws to be made public..... 213, 227 General assessment to provide for.. 434 Railroad corporations....40, 91, 97, 192, 214, 46 not to provide for,593, 793 [3:0, 623, 687, 838 Taxes, payment of Railroad lards, can be condemned 392 Terms of the Supreme Court, to be be 3 at the State capital. Real estate taken for public roads.. 193 Redemption on tax sales. 41, 477, 485 Thanks of the Convention tendered to Ion. 416 |