Mr. Browning moved to refer the resolution to the committee on Rules; which motion was seconded. And the question being upon the motion to refer to the committee on Rules, it was decided in the affirmative. And so the Convention referred the resolution of Mr. Church to the committee on Rules. Mr. Skinner introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption; which motion was agreed to, and the resolution adopted, viz: Resolved, That when the Convention adjourn, it be to Monday next, at 10 o'clock, Α. Μ. Mr. Bryan presented a petition from John W. Bumgardner, and others, residents of Marion county, in reference to the use of the Bible in public schools; which was referred to the committee on Education. Mr. Rice introduced the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Printing and Binding, viz: Resolved, That the committee on Printing be instructed to inquire into the ex pediency of establishing a State printing office, or of so framing the Constitution as to permit the General Assembly to establish an office to do the public printing for the State. Mr. Snyder introduced the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Counties, viz: Resolved, That in all counties which have a population of twenty thousand or over that number, the Master in Chancery be made elective by the people of said county. The hour for the special order having arrived, On motion of Mr. Anthony, The Convention resolved itself into committee of the Whole to consider the report of the committee on the Executive Department; and after some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Truesdale reported that the committee having, according to order, had under consideration said report, had come to no conclusion thereon, and recommended that leave be granted to sit again on Monday next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. There being no objection, the Convention granted leave to sit again. Mr. Tincher asked for leave of absence for Mr. Eldridge until Tuesday next; which was granted. Mr. Anthony moved that the Secretary procure the printing of 200 additional copies of the report of the committee on the Executive Department; which was seconded, and the motion agreed to. Mr. Abbott asked for leave of absence for Mr. Archer, until Tuesday next; which was granted. On motion of Mr. Goodell, At 12 o'clock and 50 minutes, Convention adjourned. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1870. Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Brown. Journal read and approved. Mr. Parker presented a petition from W. B. Boyce, and others, citizens of Rochelle, Ogle county, Illinois, asking for a law to protect the public against the frauds, combinations and over issues of receipts by warehousemen or private corporations; which was referred to the committee on Miscellaneous Corporations. Mr. Wheaton presented a petition from C. E. Smiley, and others, citizens of Kane county, on the same subject; which was referred to the committee on Miscellaneous Corporations. Mr. Hankins presented a petition of R. P. Ballinger, and others, citizens of Illinois, relating to the formation of new counties; which was referred to the committee on Countics. Mr. Goodell introduced the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Education, viz: Resolved, That this Convention will most cheerfully and cordially excuse any member from speaking upon any and every subject: Provided, said member has nothing to say, and any such member, when he has the floor, shall not be compelled to repeat himself more than six (6) times, in order to fill up his time of ten minutes. Mr. Springer introduced the following resolution; which was read by the Secretary, and referred to the committee on Education: Resolved, That the committee on Education be instructed to report the following as a part of the article on Education, to-wit: -. A Superintendent of Schools shall be elected in each county in the State, whose term of office shall be - years, and whose qualifications, duties and compensation shall be prescribed by law. Mr. Wagner introduced the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Miscellaneous Corporations, viz: Resolved, That the facility with which our markets are manipulated and perverted, by reason of fictitious and spurious receipts issued by storehousemen, all over our State, calls for prompt and radical reform, and unless something be done to prohibit this growing evil, the dignity that has heretofore characterized that department of trade (the commerce of our country) will have sunk to the humiliating level of the professional gambler. It is now a very common transaction for warehousemen to issue receipts representing grain in store, when in fact such receipts have no intrinsic value. Frauds of such magnitude cannot safely be tolerated in the light of our civilization without admitting to much. Therefore let a clause be inserted in our Constitution making it obligatory on the General Assembly to abate the nuisance by appropriate legislation. Mr. Cameron introduced the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the committee on Convention Expenditures be instructed to inquire into the propriety of declaring vacant the office of postmaster of this Convention, and of prohibiting the payment of the present incumbent, except for services actually rendered. Mr. Haines of Cook moved to refer said resolution to the com. mittee on Accounts and Expenditures of the Convention; which was seconded. And the question being upon the motion to refer, And being put, it was decided in the affirmative. And so the resolution of Mr. Cameron was referred by the Convention to the committee on Accounts and Expenditures of the Convention. Mr. Pierce moved to take from the table the report of the committee on the Right of Suffrage, and refer it back to said committee, and that the committee of the Whole be discharged from its further consideration; which motion was seconded. And the question being upon the motion that the committee of the Whole be discharged from the further consideration of said report of the committee on the Right of Suffrage, and that said report be recommitted to that committee, it was decided in the affirmative. And so the Convention recommitted the report of the committee on the Right of Suffrage, and discharged the committee of the Whole from its further consideration. Mr. Fuller asked for leave of absence for Mr. Cary until next Monday; which was granted. Mr. Ross asked for leave of absence for Mr. Neece, Fox and Cummings until next Wednesday; which was granted. Mr. Benjamin asked for leave of absence for Mr. Vandeventer; which was granted. Mr. Pierce introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption; which motion was agreed to, and the resolution adopted, viz: Resolved, That the Auditor of State be and he is requested to furnish to this Convention a list of the counties that have adopted township organization, together with the organized townships in each county, as appears from the records in his office. The hour for the special order having arrived, On notion of Mr. Anthony, The Convention resolved itself into committee of the Whole, and resumed the consideration of the report of the committee on the Executive Department; and after some time spent therein, the Presi dent resumed the chair, and Mr. Truesdale reported that the committee of the Whole having, according to order, had under consideration said report, had come to no definite conclusion thereon, and recommended that leave be granted to sit again. There being no objection, leave to sit again was given. At 12 o'clock and 40 minutes, Convention adjourned. TWO O'CLOCK, P. M. Convention met, pursuant to adjournment, And resolved itself into committee of the Whole, to further consider the report of the committee on the Executive Department; and after some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Truesdale reported that the committee having, according to order, had under consideration said report, had made further progress therein, and recommended that leave be granted to sit again to-morrow at 10 o'clock, A. M. There being no objection, the Convention granted leave to sit again. On motion of Mr. Sharp, At 5 o'clock and 35 minutes, the Convention adjourned. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 22, 1870. Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Reading of the journal dispensed with. Mr. Wendling introduced the following preamble and resolution, viz: WHEREAS, on this the 22d day of February, the anniversary of the birth of the Father of our Country, it is meet and proper for the American people to pay homage to his memory, and testify their appreciation of his wise counsel and admonition; therefore, Resolved, That the Convention do now adjourn to meet again at 2 o'clock this afternoon, to listen to the reading of Washington's Farewell Address, by some person to be selected by the President, and that no other business be transacted this day. Mr. Haines of Lake moved that the consideration of the said resolution be postponed until 2 o'clock, P. M.; which was seconded, and the motion agreed to. Mr. Wagner presented a petition from residents of Carroll county, in relation to frauds and over issues of receipts by warehousemen and private corporations; which was referred to the committee on Miscellaneous Corporations. Mr. Wheaton introduced the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, viz: Resolved, That the committee on Miscellaneous Subjects be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting to the Convention a provision of the Constitution similar to the following: The word "office," wherever it occurs in this Constitution, shall be construed to mean any position or place of trust or responsibility to which any person may be elected or appointed; and the word "officer," wherever it occurs in this Constitution, shall be construed to mean any person who may be elected or appointed to any such place or position of trust or responsibility. Mr. Poage asked for leave of absence for Mr. Whiting, for an indefinite time; which was granted. Mr. McCoy asked for leave of absence for Mr. Moore, until Thursday next; which was granted. Mr. Haines of Lake introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption; which motion was agreed to, and the resolution adopted, Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to arrange for having the Supreme Court Library kept open, and properly warmed, for the use and convenience of the members of this Convention, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock in the evening of each day, Sundays excepted, during the session. On motion of Mr. Anthony, The Convention resolved itself into committee of the Whole and resumed the consideration of the report of the committee on the Executive Department; and after some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Wells reported that the committee having, according to order, had under consideration, said report had made further progress therein, and recommended that leave be granted to sit again, at 2 o'clock, P. M. There being no objection, leave to sit again was given. At 12 o'clock and 40 minutes, the Convention adjourned. TWO O'CLOCK, р. м. Convention met, pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Anthony moved that the Convention resolve itself into commit tee of the Whole on the report of the committee on the Executive Department. Pending which, On motion of Mr. Atkins, A call of the Convention was ordered. The Secretary was proceeding with the call, when Mr. Tincher moved that further proceedings of the call be dispensed with; which motion was not agreed to. The roll being called, the following members failed to answer to their names, viz: Messrs. Allen of Crawford, Archer, Billings, Bromwell, Buxton, Cary, Cummings, Dement, Emmerson, Fox, Hanna, Harwood, Hay, Hays, Henry, Kirkpatrick, Medill, Moore, Rice, Robinson, Sedgwick, Snyder, Washburn, Whiting, Wilson. Pending the call, Mr Turner asked that Mr. Dement be excused; which was granted. A quorum having appeared, On motion of Mr. Anthony, All further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. Mr. Wendling moved to take from the table the resolution introduced by himself during the morning session; which was seconded, and being put, the motion was agreed to. And so the Convention took from the table the said resolution. Thereupon, Mr. Wendling introduced the following substitute, and moved its adoption; which was seconded, viz: Resolved, That in evidence of our respect for the memory of Washington, the Father of our Country, the Secretary of this Convention be instructed to read to the Convention Washington's Farewell Address, and that this Convention adjourn until to-morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. |