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sisters, she timidly proposed that her mother should begin. Though an excellent woman, she could not. But she asked the girl to do it. They all sat.down with their Bibles and read. Then they knelt, and this girl began to pray. She was overcome. She could pray only in sobs and broken words. One heart after another was broken, till they all prayed in succession, and more than once. It was morning before they could retire. The whole house, I believe, was thus brought to life and peace.

I was often struck with the deep feeling expressed in conversation, and the brief and pregnant utterances artlessly given, struck off like sparks from heated iron. Two of my Wynd girls, in deep concern, came to me. Said one, My first step away from Christ was to the dancing club. You warned me, but I thought as there was no danger to my morals, for we were a few friends, there could be none to my spirit; I have found out that a touch will tarnish the beauty of grace. We two went to the Green the other night to pray. But God, we thought, was not hearing us. O, we said, if we had one with us He would hear! Last night I almost thought I might pray in Christ's name again. O



I'll go mad if I don't get peace! I would wait for years if I had one blink of Christ to begin with.

Sometimes I was awakened at two or four in the morning to see some poor soul in distress. A man came once for me, and he had to walk about a mile and-a-half. I asked why he took so much trouble. I am only a neighbour, he said, and I've to be at my work at six; but I know what it is to be in this kind of distress, and I would do more than this to save a soul.

Many came to complain that they had no feeling, when they were evidently feeling deeply. They seemed to think they had no warrant for faith, except in some peculiarly deep distress. The following note from one of this class, that I have since reckoned among the finest jewels I have seen, was handed me:

"Please pray for one that is a sinner, and at ease in Zion. Pray that I may be awakened soon, lest I be tempted to give up; for He called, and I did not answer. Now, when I call, He hides His face. O that the Spirit would convince me of sin and of righteousness."

A week later I had the following from the same hand:

"May I ask you to bear the burden of my case to the throne of grace? I have been for years wishing that I was awakened, and feel that if not now it will be never. You described what I feel on Friday last as paralyzed. Nay, it is worse. I have not the slightest pulsation (unless it be this desire). I cannot pray. In the eyes of others I am all right, professing to follow Christ, and teaching in His name. I have not a knocker hung out by which you can raise an alarm; but have the door well fastened and terribly secure. I seem to myself a strange contradiction. I wish to eat of the bread of life. It is in my hand. I delight not in it, and yet I feel I need it. I very earnestly request your prayers. I have often thought of doing this before, and of speaking to you personally; but you named my reasons in your prayer last night. One is, I would like to be saved by coming myself to Him at His word. I try to do this, but there is something that hinders. Pray that the Lord would show me what that is. I desire to have such a sight of self and sin as He knows I am able to bear, and such a sight of Christ as Lydia had. I think, cannot I tell Him these things as I tell you. Well, I have

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tried, but I deceive myself; for if I were seeking rightly I would find.

"Accept the accompanying £1 for that young sister you spoke of last night, if needed, and if not for some other in like circumstances. Grace only keeping me from temptation, makes me to differ. I do this in obedience to the command in Isaiah lviii. 6-11. I have already part of the blessing in bodily health, and am bound to use it as a blessing. Pray that I may be able. I have been kept back from many a thing by the thought: The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. My heart is so hard that I am not touched by the most terrible texts. This is surely a terrible state to be in. Is it possible to bring me to repentance? May the Spirit wield His own sword. Be kind enough to take no notice of this gift. I therefore do not give my name, but wish to be a daughter of God. All well I shall be present to-night, after nine o'clock, and will watch for a word suitable to my case. I am ashamed to say I have a class of seven, in a very neglected district of the town. We all agreed on Sabbath night to pray during this week for new hearts."

I was just reading this note when another was

handed in, asking if I could do anything to help a poor girl back to her friends. I gave ten shillings from the £1, hoping that it was the beginning of further blessing to the unknown donor. Two nights after, I had the following:

"I feel I have laid unnecessary restraint on you by my anonymous letter. My only reason for concealing my name, and asking you to take no notice of it, was that I wanted to hear as a complete stranger. I have been hitherto close-handed and deep in debt to the Lord, for I have received much. I would be grateful to know if my small gift came in time of need. I went yesterday to see you, but could not summon courage to go in May I still ask you to bear my burden? And that you may know something of me, I may say that I have been hedged round with godly parents and privileges of every kind, but, as in the case of the vineyard, (Isaiah v.) when fruit was expected, it failed. All my energies were put out on work, rising early and sitting late, neglecting entirely the mind, so that the heart was gradually trodden down, to the hardened state it is now in. I don't remember ever being particularly awakened. I feel that I have never been born again. Any

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