The Confession of Faith: The Larger and Shorter Catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at Large. Together with the Sum of Saving Knowledge (contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and Held Forth in the Said Confession and Catechisms) and Practical Use Thereof, Covenants, National and Solemn League, Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, Directories, Form of Church Government, & C. Of Publick Authority in the Church of Scotland1763 - 544 páginas |
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Página 1
... CHURCH GOVERNMENT , & ' c . Of Publick Authority in the CHURCH of SCOTLAND . WITH ACTS of Affembly and Parliament , relative to , probative of the fame . and ap- DEUT . vi . 6 , 7. And thefe Words which I command thee this Day , hall be ...
... CHURCH GOVERNMENT , & ' c . Of Publick Authority in the CHURCH of SCOTLAND . WITH ACTS of Affembly and Parliament , relative to , probative of the fame . and ap- DEUT . vi . 6 , 7. And thefe Words which I command thee this Day , hall be ...
Página 8
... Church of Scotland. MR . THOMAS MANTON's Epiftle to the Reader , I CHRISTIAN READER . Cannot fuppofe thee to be fuch a ftranger in England , as to be ig- norant of the general complaint concerning the decay of the power of godliness ...
... Church of Scotland. MR . THOMAS MANTON's Epiftle to the Reader , I CHRISTIAN READER . Cannot fuppofe thee to be fuch a ftranger in England , as to be ig- norant of the general complaint concerning the decay of the power of godliness ...
Página 9
... Church of Scotland. Acts xxi . 5. that the difciples brought Paul on his way with their wives and children ; their children probably are mentioned , to inti- mate , that their parents would , by their own example and affectionate farewel ...
... Church of Scotland. Acts xxi . 5. that the difciples brought Paul on his way with their wives and children ; their children probably are mentioned , to inti- mate , that their parents would , by their own example and affectionate farewel ...
Página 10
... Church of Scotland. them , and what it is to bring up a child for God , and govern a family as a fanctified fociety . O how fweetly and fuccefsfully would the work of God go on , if we would but all join together in our several places to ...
... Church of Scotland. them , and what it is to bring up a child for God , and govern a family as a fanctified fociety . O how fweetly and fuccefsfully would the work of God go on , if we would but all join together in our several places to ...
Página 12
... Church of Scotland. An ordinance of the lords and commons affembled in parliament , for the calling of an affembly of learned and godly divines , and others , to be confulted with by the parliament , for the fettling of the government ...
... Church of Scotland. An ordinance of the lords and commons affembled in parliament , for the calling of an affembly of learned and godly divines , and others , to be confulted with by the parliament , for the fettling of the government ...
Términos y frases comunes
Acts Affembly againſt alfo baptized becauſe behold bleffed blood bread brethren caft caufe Chrift Jefus church CHURCH of SCOTLAND commandment confcience covenant curfe death defire Deut doth earth evil Exod fabbath facrament faid unto faith the Lord falvation fame fanctified Father faved fcripture feal felf felves fent fervant ferve feven fhalt fhew fhould firft flain flesh fome foul fpeak fpirit fuch fuffer fure glory gofpel grace hath heart heaven himſelf holy Ghoft houfe Ifrael iniquity Jews John John iii juftified king kingdom Lord Jefus Chrift Lord thy mercy minifter nefs ordinances pafs perfon Pfal pray prayer prefent promife publick righteoufnefs ſhall Spirit teftament thefe thefe things Theff themfelves ther thereof theſe thine thofe thou shalt viii whatfoever Wherefore wherein whofoever wife word worship wrath ye fhall