Imágenes de páginas

Sculpture, 452.

Architecture, 425.
Art, 27, 678, 755.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Grief, 287, 710, 771.
Heart, 296, 772.
Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.

Sight, 553.

Discernment, 763.
Eyes, 191, 766.
Foresight, 701.
Observation, 421.
Perception, 471.

Silence, 553, 742, 788.
Peace, 470, 731, 783.
Rest, 526, 739.

Simplicity, 555.

Babyhood, 30.
Childhood, 88, 683, 758.
Credulity, 687, 760.
Innocence, 320, 716, 773.
Youth, 671, 753.

Sin, 555, 742.

Crime, 123, 687, 760.
Evil, 187, 694, 765.

Faults, 207, 698.

Guilt, 290, 710.

Vice, 630, 749.

Wickedness, 644, 751.

Sincerity, 556.

Candor, 71.
Fidelity, 212, 700.
Honesty, 304, 712.
Truth, 621, 747, 793.

Singers, 556.

Ballads, 32.

Music, 404, 728, 780.
Singing, 789.
Song, 568.

Singing, 789.

Ballads, 32.
Song, 568.

Sky, The, 557.

Astronomy, 426.
Aurora, 29.
Clouds, 99.
Heaven, 297, 712.
Moon, The, 397.
Stars, 575.

Storm, 577, 790.
Sunrise, 584.

Sunset, 585.

Twilight, 624.

Slander. 558.

Calumny, 71, 681.
Falsehood, 199.
Gossip, 280.

Rumor, 536, 740.
Scandal, 537.
Tongues, 606.

Slavery, 559, 743.

Freedom, 257, 703, 769.
Independence, 317.
Liberty, 343, 776.
Rights, 529, 740.

Sleep, 560, 743, 789.

Dreams, 159.
Midnight, 384.
Night, 415.
Repose, 523.
Rest, 526, 739.

Smiles, 564.

Happiness. 292, 711, 771.
Joy, 329, 774.

Laughter, 340, 720, 775.
Merriment, 383.

Snow, 564,

Disease, 156, 693, 763.
Health, 295, 712.

December, 396.

February, 390.

January, 390.
March, 391.
November, 395.
Winter, 545.

Society, 565, 789.

Fashion, 205.
World, The, 667, 797.
Solitude, 566, 789.

Desolation, 148.
Fear, 208, 698, 767.
Silence, 553, 742, 788.

Song, 568.

Ballads, 32.

Music, 404, 728. 780.
Poetry, 476, 732.
Poets, 478, 733, 783.
Singers, 556.
Singing, 789.

Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.
Affliction, 8, 676.
Disappointment, 154.
Grief, 287, 710, 771.
Melancholy, 378.
Misery, 387, 780.
Misfortune, 387, 727.
Pain, 463.

Regret 519.
Remorse, 522.

Sadness, 537.

Sighs, 553.

Trials, 619.
Trouble, 747, 792.

Soul, The, 570, 743.
Heart, 296, 772.
Immortality, 315, 714.
Intellect, 325.
Life, 345, 721, 776.
Mind, 385, 726, 780.

Sound, 572.

Echo, 169.
Hearing, 295.

Listening, 353.
Thunder, 598.

Speech, 573, 743, 789.

Conversation, 113.
Eloquence, 171, 698.
Gossip, 280.

Language, 339, 720, 775.

Oratory, 461, 730, 782.
Talk, 588.

Tongues, 606.

Spirits, 574.

Angels, 16.
Apparitions, 24.
Fairies, 196.
Visions, 634.

Spring, 539.

Stage (The), see Acting, 421.

Stars, 575.

Astronomy, 426.
Moon, The, 397.
Night, 415.
Sky, The, 557.
Sunrise, 584.
Sunset, 585.
Twilight, 624.

Statesmanship, 454.

Ability, 2, 754.

Government, 281, 709, 770.
Politics, 482.

Royalty, 533, 740, 787.

Storm, 577. 790.
Navigation, 444.
Ocean, 459.
Rain, 514.
Sea, The 741.

Story-telling, 578.

Romance, 533.

Strategy, 579.

War, 635, 750, 794,


Success, 581, 744, 790.
Destiny, 150.

Fortune, 255, 701, 768.
Luck, 368.

Suffering, 582, 744.

Affliction, 8, 676.
Misery, 387, 780.
Misfortune, 387, 727.
Pain, 463.

Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.
Trials, 619.

Suffrage, 744.

Choice, 91, 759.

Suicide, 582.

Crime, 123, 687, 760.

Death, 131, 689, 761.
Murder, 403.

Summer, 541.

Sun, The, 583.

Astronomy, 426.
Clouds, 99.

Day, 130.

December, 396.

Light, 352, 777.

October, 394.

Sky, The, 557.

Sunrise, 584.

Twilight, 624.

Sunrise, 584.

Astronomy, 426.
Aurora, 29.
Clouds, 99.
Day, 130.

Light, 352, 777.
Morning, 399.
Sky, The, 557.
Sun, The, 583.

Sunset, 585.
Clouds, 99.
Evening, 186.
Night, 415.
Sky, The, 557.
Stars, 575.
Twilight, 624.

Superfluity, 745.

Excess, 696.
Satiety, 741.

Superstition, 586, 745.

Apparitions, 24.
Fairies, 196.

Ignorance, 313, 713, 773.

Suspicion, 586, 745, 791.

Distrust, 157, 763.

Doubt, 158, 763.

Envy, 173, 693, 765.
Jealousy, 327, 774.

Wine and Spirits, 648, 751,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hawthorn, 613.

Unbelief, 626.

Holly, 614.

Larch, 614.

Laurel, 614.

Lilac, 614.
Linden, 615.
Lotus, 615.
Magnolia, 615.
Mahogany, 615.
Maple, 615.
Mulberry, 615.
Oak, 615.
Olive, 616.

Orange, 616.

Palm, 616.

Pear, 617.

Pine, 617.
Poplar, 618.
Sloe, 618.
Spice, 618.

Sycamore, 618.
Thorn, 618.

Tulip-tree, 618.

Willow, 618.

Yew, 618.

Trials, 619.

Affliction, 8, 676.

Experience, 189, 696, 765.
Impossibility, 317, 715.
Misery, 387, 780.
Misfortune, 887, 727.

Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.

Suffering, 582, 744.
Trouble, 747, 792.

Trifles, 619, 747, 792.

Trouble, 747, 792.

Misery, 387, 780.

Misfortune, 387, 727.

Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.
Trials, 619.

Trust, 619, 792.

Anticipation, 22.
Belief, 38, 679.

Confidence, 104, 684.
Credit, 123.

Credulity, 687, 760.

Expectation, 189.

Faith, 197, 766.

Hope, 307, 712, 772.

Trust, Public, 620.

Government, 281, 709, 770.
Politics, 482.
Responsibility, 739.

Truth, 621, 747, 793.

Belief, 38, 679.

Candor, 71.
Constancy, 108.
Fidelity, 212, 700.
Honor, 305, 712, 772.
Sincerity, 556.

Twilight, 624.
Clouds, 99.

Distrust, 157, 763.
Doubt, 158, 763.
Suspicion, 586, 745, 791.

Uncertainty, 748.

Doubt, 158, 763.

Understanding, 793.

Intellect, 325.

Knowledge, 336, 719, 774.
Learning, 341, 720, 775.
Mind, 385, 726, 780.
Wisdom, 650, 752, 795.

Undertakers, 458.

Death, 131, 689, 761.
Grave, The, 284.
Unhappiness, 748.

Disappointment, 154.
Discontent, 155, 692.
Dissatisfaction, 763.
Misery, 387, 780.
Sadness, 537.
Sorrow, 568, 743, 789.

Uniformity, 748.
Bores, 68.
Ennui, 764.

Unity, 626, 749, 793.
Agreement, 676.

Equality, 184, 694, 765.
Matrimony, 374, 725, 779.

Unkindness, 627.

Cruelty, 126, 761.
Deceit, 143, 690, 762.


Valentine's Day, 628.

Holidays, 302.
Post, 448.

Valor, 628.

Bravery, 69, 680, 756.

Courage, 118, 686, 760.

Fortitude, 701.
Heroes, 300, 772.

Vanity, 629, 794.

Apparel, 22.

Conceit, 103.
Dress, 763.

Flattery, 215, 700, 767.
Pride, 490.
Self-love, 547.

Variety, 629, 794.

Change, 74, 681, 757.
Vice, 630, 749.

Corruption, 114, 686.
Crime, 123, 687, 760.
Evil, 187, 694, 765.
Ignorance, 313, 713, 773.
Sin, 555, 742.
Wickedness, 644, 751.

Victory, 630, 794.

Conquest, 104, 684, 759.

Glory, 272, 706, 770.
Success, 581, 744, 790.

Villainy, 631.

Crime, 123, 687, 760.
Guilt, 290, 710.
Knavery, 336, 719.
Sin, 555, 742.
Vice, 630, 749.
Wickedness, 644, 751.
Virtue, 631, 749, 794.
Chastity, 87.

Goodness, 279, 708, 770.
Holiness, 303.

Innocence, 320, 716, 773.
Truth, 621, 747, 793.

Visions, 634.

Angels, 16.

Apparitions, 24.

Fairies, 196.

Fancy, 203.

Imagination, 314, 714, 773.

Spirits, 574.

Voice, 634.

Ballads, 82.

Conscience, 805, 685, 759.

Conversation, 113.

Language, 339, 720, 775.

Music, 404, 728, 780.

Singers, 556.

Song, 568.

Sound, 572.

Speech, 573, 743, 789.

Talk, 588.

Tongues, 606.

Words, 664, 753, 796.

Want, 750.


Loss, 354, 722.

Poverty, 484, 733, 784.
War, 635, 750, 794.

Conquest, 104, 684, 759.
Contention, 112, 685.
Dissension, 156.
Military, 442.
Victory, 630, 794.

Watchfulness, 751.

Foresight, 701.
Observation, 421.

Prudence, 511, 735, 785.
Sight, 553.

Water, 640.

Brooks, 70.

Cleanliness, 99.

Dew, 153.

Drinking, 161.

Navigation, 444.
Ocean, 459.

Rivers, 529, 740, 787.
Ships, 551.

Shipwreck, 552.

Tides, 98.

Weakness, 641, 751, 795.

Cowardice, 121, 687.
Fear, 208, 698, 767.
Frailty, 257.

Wealth, 642.

Fortune, 255, 701, 768
Gold, 278, 708.
Mammon, 369.
Money, 389, 727, 780.
Riches, 739, 787.

Weeds, 643.

Garden, 269.
Herbage, 300.

Trees and plants, 609,

Welcome, 643.

Guests, 289.
Hospitality, 309.

Wickedness, 644, 751.

Corruption, 114, 686.

Crime, 123, 687, 760.

[blocks in formation]

Drinking, 161.

Intemperance, 325, 717.

Temperance, 592.
Water, 640.

Winter, 545.

Wisdom, 650, 752, 795.

Discretion, 155.
Education, 170.
Folly, 251, 700, 767.
Instruction, 324, 716.
Knowledge, 336, 719, 774.
Learning, 341, 720, 775.

Wishes, 652, 795.

Desire, 148, 692.

Wit, 652, 795.

Humor, 310.

Jesting, 328, 717, 774.
Satire, 537, 741.

Woman, 654, 752, 795.

Babyhood, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Wooing, 661.

Superstition, 586, 745.

Kisses, 333.

Love, 354, 722, 777.

Matrimony, 374, 725, 779.
Woman, 654, 72, 795.

Words, 664, 753, 796.

Conversation, 113.
Eloquence, 171, 693.
Gossip, 280.

Language, 339, 720, 775.
Linguists, 353.
Oratory, 461, 730, 782.
Speech, 573, 743, 789.
Talk, 588.
Tongues, 606.

Work, 666, 797.
Action, 3, 675.
Business, 680.
Deeds, 146, 691, 762.
Labor, 388, 719, 775.
Occupations, 421,
Trade, 792.

World, The, 667, 797.
Creation, 122, 760.
Life, 345, 721, 776.
Nature, 409, 728, 781.
Society, 565, 789.
Solitude, 566, 789.

Worship, 669.

Churches, 95, 759.

Faith, 197, 766.
God, 273, 707, 770.
Gods, The, 276, 707.
Praise, 486, 734, 784.
Prayer, 487, 734, 784.
Preaching, 449.

Religion, 519, 738, 786.
Reverence, 528.

Worth, 670, 797.

Merit, 383, 726, 780.
Nobility, 418, 729, 781.

Wounds, 671.

Affliction, 8, 676.
Cruelty, 126, 761.
Pain, 463.

Suffering, 582, 744.

Writing, 753.

Authorship, 426.
Journalism, 435.
Pen, The, 471.

Wrongs, 671.

Injury, 715.
Insult, 716.

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