xiv TOPICAL INDEX, WITH CROSS-REFERENCES. Dissension, 156. War, 635, 750, 794 Language, 339, 720, 775. Words, 664, 753, 796. Coquetry, 114. Deceit, 143, 690, 762. Woman, 654, 752, 795. Corruption, 114, 686. Crime, 123, 687, 760. Government, Simplicity, 555. Crime, 123, 687, 760. Corruption, 114, 686. Sin, 555, 742. Criticism, 124, 761. Books, 63, 679. Cruelty, 126, 761. Revenge, 528, 739, 787. Culinary, 431. Guilt, 290, 710. Politics, 482. Vice, 630, 749. Wickedness, 644, 751. Counsel, 760. Advice, 7, 676, 754. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Proverbs, 493. Cure, 688. Medicine, 439. Mind, 385, 726, 780. Prudence, 511, 735, 785. Countries, 115. America, 115. Egypt, 115. England, 115. Greece, 116. Italy, 116. Travelling, 606. Country Life, 117. Animals, 19. Flowers, 216. Nature, 409, 728, 781. Country, Love of, 117. Courage, 118, 686, 760. Audacity, 755. Bravery, 69, 680, 756. Perseverance, 472. Resolution, 525. Courtesy, 120, 686. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Gentlemen, 271. Manners, 373, 725. Courtiers, 120. Ancestry, 15, 677. Covetousness, 120, 686 Misers, 387. Money, 389, 727, 780. Cowardice-Cowards, 121, 687. Despair, 149, 692. Creation, 122, 760. Chaos, 76. God, 273, 707, 770. Credit, 123. Money, 389, 727, 780. Trust, 619, 792. Credulity, 687, 760. Belief, 38, 679. Faith, 197, 766. Curiosity, 126. Inquisitiveness, 716. Custom, 127, 688, 761. Deeds, 146, 691, 762. Delay, 147, 691. Idleness, 313. Delight, 147. Amusements, 14. Merriment, 383. Paradise, 463. Pleasure, 475, 732, 783. Denial, 762. Content, 109, 685. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Dentistry, 432. Desire, 148, 692. Anticipation, 22. Desolation, 148. Despair, 149, 692. Despair, 149, 692. Affliction, 8, 676. Destiny, 150. Anticipation, 22. Devil, The, 152, 762. Punishment, 512, 736, 785. Disappointment, 154. Sorrow, 568, 743, 789. Discernment, 763. Foresight, 701. Watchfulness, 751. Discontent, 155, 692. Discord, 692. Quarreling, 513. Discretion, 155. Discernment, 763. Judgment, 330, 717, 774. Disease, 156, 693, 763. Cure, 688. Decay, 143. Health, 295, 712. Medicine, 439, 725. Shame, 551, 742, 788. Dissension, 156. Contention, 112, 685. Distrust, 157, 763. Suspicion, 586, 745, 791. Doctrine, 157. Dreams, 159. Belief, 38, 679. Christ, 92. Faith, 197, 766. Religion, 519, 738, 786. Suspicion, 586, 745, 791. Imagination, 314, 714, 773. Visions, 634. Dress, 763. Apparel, 22. Appearance, 25, 755. Fashion, 205. Shoemaking, 452. Tailoring, 454. Drinking, 161. Intemperance, 325, 717. Wine and Spirits, 648, 751, Temperance, 592. 795. Duelling, 163. Contention, 112, 685. Duty, 163,763. Character, 77, 682, 757. Effects, 171. End, The, 764. Electricity, 171. Light, 352, 777. Conversation, 118. Tongues, 606. Emigration, 172. Country, Love of, 117. End, The, 764. Consequences. 685. Enemy, 172, 693, 764. Enjoyment, 172, 693. Content, 109, 685. Happiness, 292, 711, 771. Pleasure, 475, 732, 783. Ennui, 764. Equality, 184, 694, 765. Equity, 694. Honesty, 304, 712. Error, 185, 694, 765. Eternity, 185. Death, 131, 689, 761. Immortality, 315, 714. Evening, 186. Events, 694. Life, 345, 721, 776. Evil, 187,694,765. Crime, 123, 687, 760. Evolution, 188. Growth, 289, 710, 771. Experience, 189, 696, 765. Influence, 318, 715. Excess, 696. Satiety, 741. Superfluity, 745. Excitability, 696. Enthusiasm, 173, 764. Excuse, 696. Expectation, 189. Anticipation, 22. Futurity, 267, 705, 769. Experience, 189, 696, 765. Expression, 190. Appearance, 25, 755. Extremes, 191. End, The, 764. Eyes, 191, 766. Blindness, 61. Face, 194. F Beauty, 33, 678, 755. Failure, 196, 696. Decay, 143. Fairies, 196. Apparitions, 24. Spirits, 574. Visions, 634. Faith, 197, 766. Belief, 38, 679. 104, 684. Credulity, 687, 760. Trust, 619, 792. Falsehood, 199. Falsity, 696. Calumny, 71, 681. Fame, 200, 696, 766. Familiarity, 203, 697. Companionship, 100, 684. Fancy, 203. Dreams, 159. Imagination, 314, 714, 773. Farewell, 204. Absence, 2, Parting, 464. Fashion, 205. Apparel, 22. Custom, 127, 688, 761. Vanity, 629, 794. Fate, 205, 697, 766. Chance, 73, 681. Destiny, 150. Fortune, 255, 701, 768. Providence, 509, 735, 785. Faults, 207, 698. Character, 77, 682, 757. Mischief, 386. Vice, 630, 749. Sin, 555, 742. Favor, 698. Gifts, 271, 706, 769. Fear, 208, 698, 767. Cowardice, 121, 687. February, 390. Feeling, 210. Sensibility, 548. Festivities, 210. Amusements, 14. Appetite, 25. Culinary, 431. Eating, 166, 693, 764. Pleasure, 475, 732, 783. Lily-of-the-valley, 234. Love-lies-bleeding, 235. Magnolia-Grandiflora, 235 Marigold, 235. Marsh-marigold, 235. Meadow-rue, 236. Mignonette, 236. Moccasin-flower, 236. Morning-glory, 236. Primrose, Evening, 240. Rhodora, 240. Rose, 240. Rose, Musk, 244. Rose, Sweetbriar, 244. Rose, Wild, 244. Rosemary, 244. Safflower, 245. Sensitive-plant, 245. Shamrock, 245. Thyme, 247. Trillium, Birth-Root, 247. Tuberose, 247. Tulip, 247. Verbena, 247. Violet, 247. Wallflower, 250. Water-lily, 250. Windflower, 250. Woodbine, 250. Folly, 251, 700, 767. Character, 77, 682, 757. Vanity, 629, 794. Foot, 253. Footsteps, 254. Shoemaking, 452. Footsteps, 254. Foot, 253. Foppery, 254. Affectation, 7. Force, 701, 768. Power, 485, 733, 784. Foresight, 701. Discernment, 763. Watchfulness, 751. Forgetfulness, 254, 701. Memory, 379, 725, 779. Forgiveness, 255, 701, 768. Charity, 86. Fortitude, 701. Bravery, 69, 680, 756. Fortune, 255, 701, 768. Fate, 205, 697, 766. Success, 581, 744, 790. Frailty, 257. Weakness, 641, 751, 795. Fraud, 257. Deceit, 143, 690, 762. Freedom, 257, 703, 769. Friends, 259. Affection, 7. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Affection, 7. Consolation, 107. Fidelity, 212, 700. Friends, 259. Love, 354, 722, 777. Sympathy, 587. Frugality, 705. Economy, 169, 693. Fruits, 265. Trees, 609. Futurity, 267, 705, 769. Anticipation, 22. Destiny, 150. Eternity, 185. Expectation, 189. Immortality, 315, 714. Gain, 268, 705. G Money, 389, 727, 780. Prosperity, 493, 735, 785. Gambling, 269, 705. Amusements, 14. Garden, 269. Agriculture. 423, 676. Generosity, 705. Benevolence, 41, 679. Genius, 270, 706, 769. Ability, 2, 754. Capacity, 681. Talents, 588, 745, 791. Gentlemen, 271. Gentleness, 271, 706. Kindness, 333, 718. Gifts, 271, 706, 769. Goodness, 279, 708, 770. Glory, 272, 706, 770. God, 273, 707, 770. Churches, 95, 759. Gods, The, 276, 707. Gold, 278, 708. Mammon, 369. Money, 389, 727, 780. Goodness, 279, 708, 770. Benevolence, 41, 679. Gifts, 271, 706, 769. Gossip, 280. Calumny, 71, 681. Scandal, 537. Conversation, 113. Slander, 558. Talk, 588. Tongues, 606, Words, 664, 753, 796. Government, 281, 709, 770. Law, 436, 720, 775. Royalty, 533, 740, 787. Grace, 283. Manners, 373, 725. Gratitude, 283, 709, 770. Grave, The, 284. Death, 131, 689, 761. Eternity, 185. Futurity, 267, 705, 769. Greatness, 286, 709, 771. Grief, 287, 710, 771. Affliction, 8, 676. Sorrow, 568, 743, 789. Growth, 289, 710, 771. Bliss, 61. Cheerfulness, 88, 683. Enjoyment, 172, 693. Joy, 329, 774. Luck, 368. Merriment, 383. Pleasure, 475, 732, 783. Harvest, 294. Agriculture, 423, 676. Autumn, 543. Thankfulness, 594. Thanksgiving Day, 594. Haste, 294, 771. Impatience, 317. Hatred, 294, 711, 771. Abhorrence, 1. Hatters, 432. Fashion, 205. Disease, 156, 693, 763. Hearing, 295. Listening, 353. Heart, 296, 772. Content, 109, 685. Heaven, 297, 712. Help, 299. Friendship, 263, 704, 769. Kindness, 333, 718. Herbage, 300. Garden, 269. Trees and Plants, 609. Heroes, 300, 772. Bravery, 69, 680, 756. History, 301, 712, 772. Books, 63, 679. Government, 281, 709, 770. Reading, 515, 786. Royalty, 533, 740, 787. Christmas, 94. Easter, 164. Festivities, 210. Thanksgiving Day, 594. Valentine's Day, 628. Holiness, 303. Faith, 197, 766. Happiness, 292, 711, 771. Home, 303, 712. Absence, 2. Happiness, 292, 711, 771. Honesty, 304, 712. Candor, 71. Honor, 305, 712, 772. Hope, 307, 712, 772. Faith, 197, 766. Trust, 619, 792. Hospitality, 309. Eating, 166, 693, 764. Friendship, 268, 704, 769. Humanity, 309. Affliction, 8, 676. Feeling, 210. Goodness, 279, 708, 770. Humility, 310, 713. Innocence, 320, 716, 773. Modesty, 389, 727. Humor, 310. Fancy, 203. Jesting, 328, 717, 774. Hunger, 311, 713. Eating, 166, 693, 764. Husband, 311. Love, 354, 722, 777. Hypocrisy, 312. Deceit, 143, 690, 762. Change, 74, 681, 757. Freedom, 257, 703, 769. Indifference, 318. Forgetfulness, 254, 701. Indolence, 715, 773. Forgetfulness, 254, 701. Injury, 715. Hatred, 294, 711, 771. Injustice, 320, 716, 773. Inn-keeping, 433. Drinking, 161. Eating, 166, 693, 764. Innocence, 320, 716, 773. Blushes, 62, 756. Character, 77, 682, 757. Childhood, 88, 683, 758. Purity, 785. Virtue, 681, 749, 794. Inquisitiveness, 716. Curiosity, 126. Insanity, 320, 716. Insects, 321. Ant, 321. Insolence, 773. Cruelty, 126, 761. Instinct, 324, 773. Discernment, 763. Education, 170. Ignorance, 313, 713, 773. Intellect, 325. |