70 101 118 259 311 621 YOUNG, EDWARD, poet.... ENGLAND, 1684-1765 2 6 8 14 15 16 24 25 38 39 53 60 62 63 68 69 85 91 92 93 97 112 114 126 130 131 142 147 150 155 173 186 198 200 203 210 253 254 263 265 273 276 287 290 294 297 304 309 313 317 320 330 340 341 342 343 351 352 354 373 378 386 388 401 403 404 413 417 418 426 429 430 414 460 463 465 466 471 476 478 486 487 490 492 493 514 517 518 522 527 528 535 536 537 538 547 548 553 564 567 570 577 579 592 598 604 605 606 619 624 634 643 652 654 661 669 673 YRIARTE, See IRIARTE. Z. ZSCHOKKE, JOHANN HEINRICH DANIEL, author... ..GERMANY, 1771-1848 MISCELLANEOUS AUTHORITIES CITED. A HEALTH TO THE GENTLEMANLY PRO FESSION OF SERVING-MEN.... 494 507 AN OFFERING TO LANCASHIRE. 102 A PROPER NEW BALLAD IN PRAISE OF MY LADY MARQUES. 497 A VETERAN OF SMOKEDOM. 456 CUPID'S WHIRLIGIG... 655 GESTA ROMANORUM. A collection of one hundred and eighty-one stories, first printed about 1473. The first English version appeared in 1824, translated by the Rev. C. Swan (Bohn's Standard Library). 44 HARLEIAN LIBRARY OR MISCELLANY A collection of rare pamphlets from the Library of Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford, and now in the British Museum. 120 211 JOHAN THE HUSBANDE, TYB HIS WYFE, AND SYR JHAN THE PRIEST. 499 JOLLY ROBYN ROUGHHEAD (author unknown). 107 KORAN (AL KORAN; ARABIC). The sacred book of the Mohammedans. It was composed chiefly, if not wholly, by Mohammed, though claimed by believers to have been revealed by the Angel Gabriel. 80 275 294 649 LAW MAXIMS. 675 676 679 682 687 688 692 694 696 698 701 708 712 713 715 716 717 720 728 MERIE TALES OF THE MADMEN OF GOTTAM. 494 NEW ENGLAND PRIMER. The oldest known copy extant is 1737. The second impression was advertised in press by Benj. Harris, of Boston, as early as 1691. 126 133 349 464 488 556 591 ABANDON. ACCOUNT. CONCORDANCE TO QUOTATIONS. NOTE. In this concordance are included quotations from English authors and the English translations of quotations from foreign languages. The italic letter refers to the place on the page where the quotation may be found. The eight authors quoted most frequently are indicated in the concordance by signs: Shakespeare *; Milton **; Wordsworth ; Byron ; Tennyson †; Lowell ++; Popè ‡; Longfellow §. A. PAGE .... PAGE 626 g .468 k .808 y Abandon-all hope a., ye who.307 p Abashed-a. the Devil stood** 354 1 364 Abatement-falls into a.*. Abatements-and hath a. and* 76 d Abbots-slumber a. purplet...293 t 1 b Abdallah-say "A.'s dead Abdicate-to see her a. this.. Abdicated-a. his crown than. 1 a Abhor-a. me now I speak the* 1 l I utterly a., yea from my*.330m 1 d self-same thing they will a. than to abhor himself*. we abhor pusillanimity Abhorred-a, further than*.. a. in my imagination it is*. more a. than spotted livers* shunn'd my a. society* to the ensuing age a. Abhorr'dst-a.in us our human Abhorrent-a. eye roll back... he would abhorrent turn I spurn abhorrent... Abhorring-become an a. even no a. in my appetite.. water-flies blow me into a.*104 Abhorr'st-justly thou a.**. Abhors-nature a. the old... whom my very soul abhors* 10 Abide-a. in the desert with.. 48 o .897 l and nowhere did abide. .831 i in him we cannot abide. men must needs abide*....207 k ...529 f there he would abide.. Abides-there abides in thee¶.227 r where he abides think**...311 p Abidest-there thou abidest... 13's Abilities-scope of his a. 1 j 470m 1 i 1 k 1m .565 q 1 p 19 1g 1 r thy absence more§. 1 e 1 h 1f walk in a. of the sun* must tempt the dark abyss.337 w swallowed in night's abyss. 61 7 Acacia-A. waves her yellow..611 e Acacia would not shaket...611 f a great a., with its slender..611 a Acacias-a. having drunk the..609 a light-leaved a. by the door.611 d lost itself among the a......611 b pluck the a.'s golden balls..611 c Academe-olive grove of a**...616 3 a Academus-gr'n retreats of A.341 2p Academy-Fr'nchman in thea.520 r .467 c Accent-accent is the soul of .775 c .646 a .448 o accent very lowt.... the accent of Christians*...423 the accent of one's country.775 with accent stern yet mild.. 91 b with an a. tuned in self*. with a swaggering accent*.419 n Accents-a. yet unknown*....60% k its resistless accents flow..820 h .487 m the a. of despair.. their a. firm and loud in...120 g Accept-a. a better in his.....114 f accept a favor is to sell....698 n .269 f accept this arduous... ...375 tolerable woman will a. Accepting-charms by a., by‡.645 k Accident-accident of an a.... 8 f winter hath my a. been*. 2 t your a. of mind we have. Absences-husband's a. grow]. 2m Absent-a. ones, I supplicate.. 69 8 Achilles a. was Achillest.... 20 to be absent from the body. 28 2 q ever a., ever near; still I... .701 he hurts the absent.. letters from absent friends.448 € .743 u speak ill of the absent.. 272 d Absents-endear Absents.. .145 v 281 n Absolute-Be a. for death*. 2 g I would be absolute... suited to your abilities.....753 h Absolution-Pedrillo for an a. 552 d the limits of our abilities.. 2f Absolved-absolved him with* 280 r Ability-a. to do without it.. 264 f Abstain-abstain from beans.. 494 f a. that we may enjoy......764 e ....782 1 ability without education..718 7 thou shalt abstain... an ability to improve.. .....454 c find ability in the good.... 754 a Abstains-he that a. and he..598 c ..593 e ground to presume ability. 2 a Abstinence-a. is as easy to...593 g a. is whereby a man... .156 i how to hide one's ability...759 e defensive vertue, a. reserve an a. that they* Abject-doubting in his a.tt..622 n Abstract-abstract and brief*.423 c how abject, how august....373 i Abstractionists-they are a...579 t Abjure-a. the mortal made..317 n Absurd-proving a.all written.570 y Able-they are a. because..... 734 Absurdity-dominion of a....314 d ....580 u Abundance-abundance of*...589 s to live with able men.. fair abundance thund'ring.545 i Abler-turn to writers of an a.515 w 86 midst abundance died......387 j .155 ບ g Abode-from their dread a.... poor in abundance.... .294 j some sacred safe abode....107 p 267 i pours abundance o'er... .593 what abode they go..... riotous with her a** .257 d Abodes-at the bless'd abodes‡491 a that have abundance*. .....279 gods and their tranquil a..708 b 280 spirit comes from abodes..743 n Abundant-more a. grow.. more abundant grows**. the a. of happy millions. Abuse-bore without abuset 271 r 215 o Abolished-may be a. by law..560 e do abuse the king that*... Abolition-than the a. of the.. 565 g know whom they abuse.....126 a Abou-A. Ben Adhem (may..634 when you abuse another...681 c Abound-where they most a.1665 e Above-I hate to go a. you....367 i Abused-a. among the worst.. 65 364 u 54 c .119 r 38 .494 y 30 an accident not a property.200m a happy accident.... many a happy accident.. the wind of a, will collect..754 d unthoughton a. is guilty*.. 78 u what happy a. is it that we. 8 l under the sun is accidental.754 c Accidental-thy sin's not a*...556m with God can be accidental§ 3 n 76 d are hands are accidents*... 3 j Accidents-all other accidents.209 f chapter of accidents. chapter of a. is the longest. 8 r moving a. by flood and subject to certain a. wanton a. take root and.... Accommodate-t' a. the fair...430 r Accompanied-if it is not a... 84 e Accomplish-attempt not, or a.802 r never attempt or else a....798 overcautious will a. little...757 Accomplishment-a. of your..675 d .,478 c the a. of verse¶ Accord-Christian-like a. in*.. 93 s look made all of sweet a....634 ƒ Accords-deep mysterious a..517 a Account-a. for their conduct.620 n 3 q 69 e 3m |