Imágenes de páginas
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Ludendi etiam est quidam modus retinendus, ut ne nimis omnia profundamus, elatique voluptate in aliquam turpitudinem delabamur.

In our amusements a certain limit is to be placed that we may not devote ourselves to a life of pleasure and thence fall into immorality.

a. CICERO-De Officiis. I. 29.

Voluptas mentis (ut ita dicam) præstringit oculos, nec habet ullum cum virtute commercium.

Pleasure blinds (so to speak) the eyes of the mind, and has no fellowship with virtue. b. CICERO-De Senectute. XII.

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Museo contigens cuncta lepore.
Gently touching with the charm of poetry.
LUCRETIUS-De Rerum Natura,
IV. 9.
Verba toga sequeris, junctura callidus acri,
Ore teres modico, pallentes radere mores
Doctus, et ingenuo culpam defigere ludo.
Confined to common life thy numbers flow,
And neither soar too high nor sink too low;
There strength and ease in graceful union

Though polished, subtle, and though poignant, sweet;

Yet powerful to abash the front of crime And crimson error's cheek with sportive rhyme.

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