Imágenes de páginas
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In this world,-'tis the best you get at all.
e. E. B. BROWNING-Aurora Leigh.
Bk. III. L. 164.
Let no one till his death
Be called unhappy. Measure not the work
Until the day's out and the labour done.
f. E. B. BROWNING-Aurora Leigh.
Bk. V. L. 78.

And still be doing, never done.
g. BUTLER-Hudibras. Pt. I. Canto I.
L. 204.
All work, even cotton-spinning, is noble;
work is alone noble.

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Each natural agent works but to this end,To render that it works on like itself.


Act III. Sc. 1.

Nowher so besy a man as he ther was,
And yet he semed bisier than he was.
1. CHAUCER-Canterbury Tales. Prologue.
L. 321.

All Nature seems at work, slugs leave their lair

The bees are stirring-birds are on the wing-
And Winter, slumbering in the open air,
Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring!
And I the while, the sole unbusy thing,
Nor honey make, nor pair, nor build, nor

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COLERIDGE-Work without Hope. St. 1.

Too busy with the crowded hour to fear to live or die.

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The fiction pleased; our generous train complies,

Nor fraud mistrusts in virtue's fair disguise. The work she plyed, but, studious of delay, Each following night reversed the toils of day. HOMER-Odyssey. Bk. XXIV.

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L. 164. Pope's trans. For men must work and women must weep, And the sooner it's over the sooner to sleep, And good-bye to the bar and its moaning. CHAS. KINGSLEY-Three Fishers.



Who first invented work, and bound the free
And holyday-rejoicing spirit down *
To that dry drudgery at the desk's dead
wood? #

Sabbathless Satan!


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Why, universal plodding poisons up
The nimble spirits in the arteries,
As motion and long-during action tires
The sinewy vigour of the traveller.

Love's Labour's Lost. Act IV. Sc. 3.
L. 305.

How many a rustic Milton has passed by,
Stifling the speechless longings of his heart,
In unremitting drudgery and care!
How many a vulgar Cato has compelled
His energies, no longer tameless then,
To mould a pin, or fabricate a nail!

1. SHELLEY Queen Mab. Pt. V. St. 9.

In books, or work, or healthful play. m. ISAAC WATTS-Divine Songs. XX.

Earth took her shining station as a star, In Heaven's dark hall, high up the crowd of worlds.


BAILEY-Festus. Sc. The Centre.

I take the world to be but as a stage,

Where net-maskt men doo play their person



DU BARTAS-Divine Weekes and Workes.
Dialogue Between Heraclitus and

He sees that this great roundabout,
The world, with all its motley rout,
Church, army, physic, law,

Its customs and its businesses,
Is no concern at all of his,
And says-what says he?-Caw.
Cowper's trans.


In this bad, twisted, topsy-turvy world,
Where all the heaviest wrongs get uppermost.
ዝ. E. B. BROWNING-Aurora Leigh.
Bk. V. L. 981.

The wide world is all before us-
But a world without a friend.
BURNS-Strathallan's Lament.


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